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Community Food and Drink Textures!

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Doesn't look too weird :P

Basically what I had imagined in my head, but better!

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Doesn't look too weird :P

Basically what I had imagined in my head, but better!

Well the lighting's screwed is all! :D

Any ideas for the chocolate bar?

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Шоколад эрекция бары /// Chocolate Chubby Bars

Сделано с чистого какао! /// Made with pure cocoa!

maybe this kids face


The name is good, although I'm not sure I'm going to be able to get that face onto a chocolate bar wrapper. We'll see!

On another note, I think I've located another model, this time a beer bottle. Let me have a look see.

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I've gotta go to work for an hour or so. I'll try to think of some good beer names :)

Thanks for letting me contribute thus far. Wish I could do more.

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I've gotta go to work for an hour or so. I'll try to think of some good beer names :)

Thanks for letting me contribute thus far. Wish I could do more.

Yeah, can't find it so it's not happening. Will get on with the chocolate soon!

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Chocolate chubby bars! Look a bit odd but the smdi should sort the material if I could figure out how to apply it. :huh:



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I'm amazed how quickly you can pull this stuff off.

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I'm amazed how quickly you can pull this stuff off.

If I'm honest sometimes I feel as if I'm rushing. I plan to revisit them, I guess it's just me, I'm a generally impatient person.

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I've been into the ArmA 2 .pbos and have found the designs for all the billboards. I'll get to work on some evac messages and adverts, think 28 Days Later style. I'm not sure how they would be coded in as you'd have to bypass some ArmA code but I'm sure it's doable, I'll upload a sample of the work later on.

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I've been into the ArmA 2 .pbos and have found the designs for all the billboards. I'll get to work on some evac messages and adverts, think 28 Days Later style. I'm not sure how they would be coded in as you'd have to bypass some ArmA code but I'm sure it's doable, I'll upload a sample of the work later on.

I haven't looked at them, but it's likely you'll need a new config which overwrites the current info and points to your texture. PM me if you get stuck. :)

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I haven't looked at them, but it's likely you'll need a new config which overwrites the current info and points to your texture. PM me if you get stuck. :)

Thanks man. I'll look into doing configs and see what I can do, although seeing as it'll be my first experience 'coding' per se I have a feeling I'm going to find it reasonably difficult.

I'm thinking that as you said I'll try to direct it to my texture rather than the current one.

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Okay, I'll bite :) - what's the pbo you're looking at for the signs? Opening up signs_e.pbo only finds OA stuff.

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I found the signs in misc.pbo in ArmA 2 AddOns folder. I haven't touched the .p3ds but I've taken the nohq, smdi, rvmat and assorted textures to play around with from 'data'.

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Just had a quick look through, wow there's some relics from OFP and Arma 1 in there!

As far as I can see, there isn't a config for these models, which is a shame. A lot of the models in Chernarus don't have proper classes (like trees and clutter) so there is no way to change any of their properties without getting hold of the .pew file from BIS that governs object placement in the world.

The only other thing I can think of would be to hex edit the path to the texture in the models p3d file, but it's naughty to do without permission, and also would mess up the default installation of Arma.

Maybe I'm missing something here as a lot of the OA billboards/signs can have setObjectTexture applied to them, but I can't see any way to do this for the older (Arma 2) files.

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Just checked the billboard just North of Krutoy Cap.

You can find it's id, which is:

978679: bilboard_cibulka.p3d

And you can use some scripting commands on it, like:

(getPos player nearestobject 978679) setDammage 1;


hint format ["%1", getpos (getpos player nearestobject 978679)];

But there is no way to hide it with hideObject or deleteCollection, plus setObjectTexture doesn't work on it.

Edited by Horde

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Just checked the billboard just North of Krutoy Cap.

You can find it's id, which is:

978679: bilboard_cibulka.p3d

And you can use some scripting commands on it, like:

(getPos player nearestobject 978679) setDammage 1;


hint format ["%1", getpos (getpos player nearestobject 978679)];

But there is no way to hide it with hideObject or deleteCollection, plus setObjectTexture doesn't work on it.

Perhaps Rocket as a part of BIS would be able to help with this? I'm thinking aloud here. :lol:

I'll do a few retextures anyway, just in case seeing as it's a way to burn time.

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Perhaps Rocket as a part of BIS would be able to help with this? I'm thinking aloud here. :lol:

I'll do a few retextures anyway, just in case seeing as it's a way to burn time.

I think he's most likely a little busy. But it's worth peeking/asking on the BI forums.

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I think he's most likely a little busy. But it's worth peeking/asking on the BI forums.

Yeah, good point, although I was just thinking as part of this mod. Maybe it's worth asking R4Z0R/Community mod devs.

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Prob a better idea, but those chaps are also very busy too :)

My first port of call would to be search/post on the BI forums. But feel free to try you luck. They don't bite......much....

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I've had a look through the forums and it doesn't seem that anyone's tried to actually change textures on already placed objects, and as Horde has pointed out we can't set object texture. I'm considering putting a few more together and making a pull/issue on the GitHub, and seeing what R4Z0R thinks about it.

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this kind of thread is the kind i visit the forum for.

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