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DayZ Bug List

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1. Crazy screen tearing and weirdness around placed barbed wire. It seems to be noticeable for two hundred meters or so.

This bug has been in the game for many months.

On my server we've basically abandoned barbwire as it causes lots of graphic glitches.

Here is a picture of a barn with 3 barbwire items placed in a row and the player is approaching the barn from about 200M


2. Tents maintain items after server restart. Place M107 in tent, wait for restart, take M107 out of tent, wait for restart, take M107 out of tent, wait for restart, take M107 out of tent, get the picture? Also, for those who aren't getting my sarcasm. It works with every item. I've got four tents "duping" my full character loadout on my server. The good news is I no longer fear death. HAHA. The bad news is, the game is broken.

Not noticed this on my Server.

If the server is restarted in the usual "Let's just kill the MYSQL/ARMA2OA process" then hardly surprising data isn't saved.

I use the official mysql shutdown command to close my SQL server.

mysql\bin\mysqladmin" -u <user> -p<passw> --port=3306 shutdown

But first I close the ARM2OA process by using a AutoHotkey script I wrote to mimic the user clicking on the Close icon in the top right of the process window first.

Some server admins are still using the taskkill command via a batch script and so any unsaved data from ARMA2OA is not saved to the MYSQL process. It is probably this that causes the bug perhaps?

Edited by quatermass

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*exiting chopper spawns you inside chopper (was a hind in my case), then you move and die - work around for this is to hold W whilst exiting chopper

*after dying from above I found myself dangling above the sea like I was on a bungee going from dipping my toes in water to 12ft above water repeatedly (somebody on server suggested this could be a hero skin bug and could be unrelated to chopper death)

server in my sig

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1.7.6- has some bugs that are very frustrating.

1. The tents are completely broken, I'm going to remove them for now. Once they are properly fixed, I can put everyone's tents back.

2. People are being tp'd either to the coast, or over the ocean. (anytime humanity changes enough to warrant a skin change)

3. Any of the docks (cherno,elektro,berez) have the potential to launch someone 40' +/- into the air, they fall to their death.

4. Mi-17 can kill you when attempting to exit, it leaves you in the belly of the chopper. When you try to move it breaks your legs.

I know alot of other people have reported these bugs, I just wanted to confirm that they do exist. I watch as people fall victim to them all day/night long. It cannot be blamed on my server being "custom". I removed all modifications for 24 hours, everything completely VANILLA (standard mission.pbo/server.pbo).

The bugs exisst no matter how my server is configured.......vanilla......custom, it makes no difference.

Thanks for taking time to listen to my bug report, if any questions, please let me know.

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repairing vehicles is broken.. Keeps eating the parts.

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Vehicle repair issues. Seems to be at random. I know the code isn't perfect but people on my server report fixing and fuelling not working at random times. I remember trying to repair a tire and it ate 3 of them.

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There is a bug with the russian Mi-17 helicopter, sometimes (most of the time) when you exit the aircraft it will spawn you inside of it, afterwords any movement will result in a broken leg and usually instant death. I have confirmed that this occurs to anyone on the server and is not an isolated incident. It has killed me and my team mates many times.

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Players on my Server reporting :

  • 40ft in the Air on Spawning.
  • Vehicles not repairing. Parts just disappear.
  • Items disappear if dropped inside buildings upstairs.
  • Zombies keep appearing and then instantly disappearing right in front of players (seen this countless times myself). How about simply getting the script to check *before* the Zombie appears that the player is right there only 2m away!

I know you guys are doing voluntary bug fixing on Dayz. But can we see these major bugs fixed, rather than adding extra features, tempting though it may seem to you? :)

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Vehicle repair issues. Seems to be at random. I know the code isn't perfect but people on my server report fixing and fuelling not working at random times. I remember trying to repair a tire and it ate 3 of them.

it might seem random but i can assure you it is not random at all.

Edited by Killzone_Kid
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Mi-17 when getting out, you get put in back and die.

Spawning with hero/bandit skin teleports you off map

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Zombies are aggroed even if you go in proning... No use in being tactical. Also fueling vehicles atleast the little bird seems to be bugged. Was fueling it with a friend 5 jerry cans at a time and after 10-15 minutes we didnt even get 1 third of the tank full. Both happened on a private server, but atleast the zombies getting aggroed happens on all servers ive played.

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1.7.6- has some bugs that are very frustrating.

1. The tents are completely broken, I'm going to remove them for now. Once they are properly fixed, I can put everyone's tents back.

2. People are being tp'd either to the coast, or over the ocean. (anytime humanity changes enough to warrant a skin change)

3. Any of the docks (cherno,elektro,berez) have the potential to launch someone 40' +/- into the air, they fall to their death.

4. Mi-17 can kill you when attempting to exit, it leaves you in the belly of the chopper. When you try to move it breaks your legs.

I know alot of other people have reported these bugs, I just wanted to confirm that they do exist. I watch as people fall victim to them all day/night long. It cannot be blamed on my server being "custom". I removed all modifications for 24 hours, everything completely VANILLA (standard mission.pbo/server.pbo).

The bugs exisst no matter how my server is configured.......vanilla......custom, it makes no difference.

Thanks for taking time to listen to my bug report, if any questions, please let me know.

1 - We need info on this. We can not recreate this issue the system runs when your within 10 meters of a tent.

2 - its a humanity issue we know about and waiting to release a fix.

3 - We don't edit the map at all Looking into this one again info is needed.

4 - We have all flown the mi17 with no issues like this going to try find more info about it.

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3 - We don't edit the map at all Looking into this one again info is needed.

I've died at least four or five times to this. It's happened to one of my friends on a few occasions, and just the other day, I watched somebody get launched by the docks... So, yeah.

This seems to happen almost invariably when you're hugging the inner edges of the dock (the edges closest to the water), and you turn a corner. Doesn't always happen, but it's happened enough to make me scared to go near those corners now.


____________________________________ x <== Dead

~~w~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |

~~~a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |

~~~~t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |

~~~~~e~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |

~~~~~~r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |

____________________________________ x <== Dead


^ It's basically like this. ^

I'd take a screenshot, but I haven't been anywhere near there, recently, and I don't have time to get on right now.

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I've died at least four or five times to this. It's happened to one of my friends on a few occasions, and just the other day, I watched somebody get launched by the docks... So, yeah.

This seems to happen almost invariably when you're hugging the inner edges of the dock (the edges closest to the water), and you turn a corner. Doesn't always happen, but it's happened enough to make me scared to go near those corners now.

^ It's basically like this. ^

I'd take a screenshot, but I haven't been anywhere near there, recently, and I don't have time to get on right now.

Ok thanks ill take a look but as i say we don't edit the map its self at all so im not 100% sure what could be happening here.

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Bug list updated.

Any chance you could place a URL to the bug list when you say this?

Makes it much easier for us to keep up-to-date with what's current. :)



It seems the current bug list isn't the first page of this topic as it doesn't include any of the bugs I and others have reported.

Inventory bug - Adding a wheel or any large item to the front pouches doesn't show up or drop items if there isn't enough space free. But it is picked up.

Only shows up if you then remove items from the front to the backpack.

Had 6 raw beef steaks and 4 raw mutton steaks in backpack. When I transferred them all to a vehicle, they all turned into 10 mutton steaks!

Zombies popping up in front of you and then disappearing when the code detects you are too close. This is just careless programming surely?

And looks very amateur. :)

If you want to add a feature (it's all work, no fun otherwise) - how about a 1:200 chance every 5secs of an infection when you stand over a dead zombie. A 1:100 chance of infection when you stand over dead soldiers or black body bags. Then 1:50 chance when standing close to mass open graves?

Edited by quatermass

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oh also, the humanity thing where after death you spawn bouncing up and down above the ocean is also resolved by holding W whilst spawning in.

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Added issue 11. Login issue - Spawn into seagull before Failed disconnect child 103

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2. Tents maintain items after server restart. Place M107 in tent, wait for restart, take M107 out of tent, wait for restart, take M107 out of tent, wait for restart, take M107 out of tent, get the picture? Also, for those who aren't getting my sarcasm. It works with every item. I've got four tents "duping" my full character loadout on my server. The good news is I no longer fear death. HAHA. The bad news is, the game is broken.

I had this problem with any pre-1.7.6 tents automatically restoring on restart, ended up just deleting them from the database

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Had the same issue with the Mi-17 as others, character would appear stood inside the rear of the heli when trying to exit,

But it seems to have stopped happening after i disabled the anti-teleport script to stop people spawning in the sky.

Using Dayz ControlCenter server package

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Had the same issue with the Mi-17 as others, character would appear stood inside the rear of the heli when trying to exit,

But it seems to have stopped happening after i disabled the anti-teleport script to stop people spawning in the sky.

Using Dayz ControlCenter server package

Sadly I got hit by this same stupid bug myself only yesterday.

Getting in was no problem, selecting the get out option put me in the middle of the helly and as soon as I tried to move. I was crushed bones and unconscious. Dead in a few secs.

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If you do get stuck in the back of the heli just get out as quick as possible, theres a few seconds delay before you can take damage from it.

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