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Grumpy (DayZ)

Please don't put defecating in the standalone

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It's really weird to be typing this out, but I honestly think that putting pooping in the full standalone is pretty much one of the worst ideas I have ever heard. I wasn't going to type this out, but one of the animators mentioned that the devs were mocaping defecating, so now I'm worried.

Don't get me wrong- I really like the idea of transmitting diseases, getting a severe disease and having it impair you seriously, worrying about contaminated gear and water- that's all really cool. Cholera would also be a serious problem in a post-apocalyptic situation (and has proven to be so when society breaks down), but this is one of those times when a little leeway from pure realism might be taken.

I think replacing the defecating with having to vomit or something when you're sick would be a much better mechanic, from a lot of perspectives.

First of all, what are we going to have? A poop meter? Could your character die from constipation if you don't go visit the bushes often enough? Will your character involuntarily poop if the meter gets full? Are we going to have to worry about alerting a bunch of zombies because you crapped your pants?

Plus, I don't think player bases will handle this well. It could easily be that DayZ becomes known as "The game where you can poop on people." I don't think it would be productive to get that kind of attention- especially if some media group decides to run with it.

Anyway, I just think it's a horrible idea. That was officially the weirdest forum post I've ever written.

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So your one argument against pooping is..."I dont like it, so dont put it in"? to paraphrase you.

I really dont see the problem with this mechanic. Grow up.

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I'm sorry. it's a game. we don't see people taking craps in movies, in games it would be equally as retarded.

it's really not needed on any level. next people will be asking for virtual boners with virtual sperm and women who can get pregnant.

sorry but pooping is going to be an epic joke. clown shoes style.

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I now can't get the mental image of some terrified bambi doing the bombay boogie through elektro with a pack of enraged zombies in hot pursuit out of my head. I'm audibly giggling to myself.

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OP has several good points.

Following posts do not address any of said points and in fact are worded so as to imply that there were no points made in OP.

For the record, for the stated reasons in OP and in Blindingsun's post, I agree that defecation should not be a feature of DayZ SA.

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I'm sorry. it's a game. we don't see people taking craps in movies, in games it would be equally as retarded.

it's really not needed on any level. next people will be asking for virtual boners with virtual sperm and women who can get pregnant.

sorry but pooping is going to be an epic joke. clown shoes style.

It's a mechanic for spreading disease.

It will influence people who form groups, as they will have to come up with a system for keeping infection out of their camp. It can also be used as a sort of weapon by contaminating resources to deny others their use.

If you can get over the fact that it involves your bottom (*giggle*) it's actually not that 'retarded'.

I like it.

Edited by Max Planck
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OP has several good points.

Following posts do not address any of said points and in fact are worded so as to imply that there were no points made in OP.

Most people aren't going to take poo-poo seriously.

Krkaskjhdakjshsj I can't hold it in...


I don't care about the poop stuff, I don't think it needs to be in the Standalone but as long as it isn't stupid I... well, I'll just wait and see. Or wait and crap.

Edited by Gews
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In all seriousness, though - walking like John Wayne aside, I'm not all that keen on the idea either. I see what it's trying to do, but I'm sure there must be better ways of working those elements into the game without attracting the kind of negative attention something like this is going to inevitably get.

Already on the forums there can be posts found where people are advocating looting tents and filling them with poop, or pooping in campsites etc - unfortunately, as a breed, us gamers can be warped, twisted and creatively malicious at times, and you can be sure that it won't take long for people to do some pretty unpleasant stuff with poop.

It's not that it's a bad idea, just maybe one that hasn't accounted for the way people will react to something like this.

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I think that it would be a revolutionary innovation - albeit it's going to take a lot of maturity on the player's end to stop it turning into another stupid griefing tool.

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Already on the forums there can be posts found where people are advocating looting tents and filling them with poop, or pooping in campsites etc - unfortunately, as a breed, us gamers can be warped, twisted and creatively malicious at times, and you can be sure that it won't take long for people to do some pretty unpleasant stuff with poop.

I don't see why this is a problem. Internet pixel poop does not transfer to real life, there will be no need to wash your hands.

Why would filling someone's tent with shit be worse than, you know, shooting them?

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Throwing up is sooooo much cooler than shitting... :P

From what I gather from TV shows like Generation Kill deciding when and where to have a dump is actually something thats is taken quite seriously by soldiers. Shit and shitting features alot (as well as combat-jacks...).

But for the most part I think people think of scenes like this when they think of shit being a feature:

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I don't see why this is a problem. Internet pixel poop does not transfer to real life, there will be no need to wash your hands.

Why would filling someone's tent with shit be worse than, you know, shooting them?

It's no worse than that from a technical standpoint, but it's the implication that's the issue. It's not going to take long for the hysterical watchdog groups and mass-media imbeciles to jump on something like that, and that's not the kind of attention DayZ (or gaming in general) wants or needs. You know it's just light banter/trolling/griefing, I know it's that, but that's not how it's going to be portrayed to the eyes of the world. Imbeciles who've never played a game in their lives will be on Fox news as 'experts' on the 'defecation and murder simulator' DayZ.

I don't think defecation is a bad idea technically, I just don't think that we, as gamers, are ready for it yet, and that the mechanics it's designed to implement (disease control etc) can be simulated just as well in other, less potentially damaging ways.

Edited by Target Practice
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It's no worse than that from a technical standpoint, but it's the implication that's the issue. It's not going to take long for the hysterical watchdog groups and mass-media imbeciles to jump on something like that, and that's not the kind of attention DayZ (or gaming in general) wants or needs. You know it's just light banter/trolling/griefing, I know it's that, but that's not how it's going to be portrayed to the eyes of the world. Imbeciles who've never played a game in their lives will be on Fox news as 'experts' on the 'defecation and murder simulator' DayZ.

I don't think defecation is a bad idea technically, I just don't think that we, as gamers, are ready for it yet, and that the mechanics it's designed to implement (disease control etc) can be simulated just as well in other, less potentially damaging ways.

This is how much I think anybody outside the gaming community will care about defecation being in DayZ:


Edited by Max Planck
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You could say that teh OP thinks it's a "shit" idea.....

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I think that it would be a revolutionary innovation - albeit it's going to take a lot of maturity on the player's end to stop it turning into another stupid griefing tool.

It will be abused I can guarantee you that.

Think about it, you find a decent stuff, but you can't carry it .. just take a dump and rest assured, that no one else is taking this stuff any time soon, because there is a high chance of you getting an infection.

Cherno/ every major loot spawn area will be covered in poo, because of all the trolls.

Booby traps are the only thing where poo would make sence in a games perspective. Digging a pit and place spikes, that are covered in shit, at the bottom. Defecation is a decent poison, which was used be the Vietcong btw.

Edited by UmBe
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I really don't think it's a big deal.

Even good ol' Dean Hall?

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Am I right in thinking that Rocket (or someone on the dev team) uses something called the 'penis factor' as a measuring stick for player 'abuse'? I seem to remember reading that on here somewhere.

Anyway the gist of the idea is, "how long will it be before someone decides to use this mechanic/object/item/whatever to make a penis of some sort?" It's essentially stating that at some point, someone's going to find a way of using something for things that it wasn't intended to do, usually to a negative effect.

I can't see how it never occurred that this is going to be pure troll fodder. As UmBe points out, the first thing you'll see is every significant area of player activity being covered in excrement, and it'll be from two differing groups: A) the hyperactive kiddies who think poop is hilarious and that spreading it over everything and throwing it isn't something that should be left to chimpanzees and B) the dedicated troll/griefer player, who will proceed to get himself infected with everything from the common cold to galloping knob-rot and then proceed to crap/vomit/ooze all over highly-populated areas in order to deliberately infect as many others as possible.

Edited by Target Practice
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the dedicated troll/griefer player, who will proceed to get himself infected with everything from the common cold to galloping knob-rot and then proceed to crap/vomit/ooze all over highly-populated areas in order to deliberately infect as many others as possible.

the dedicated troll/griefer player, who will proceed to get himself any and every weapon available and then proceed to blow the heads off any player that moves all over highly-populated areas in order to deliberately murder and kill as many others as possible.

Because mindless horrific violence is so much more acceptable than bodily functions .

I think if it is relevant to your survival in extreme conditions , then it should be a consideration as part of this game , which is all about survival of extreme conditions .

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the dedicated troll/griefer player, who will proceed to get himself any and every weapon available and then proceed to blow the heads off any player that moves all over highly-populated areas in order to deliberately murder and kill as many others as possible.

Because mindless horrific violence is so much more acceptable than bodily functions .

I think if it is relevant to your survival in extreme conditions , then it should be a consideration as part of this game , which is all about survival of extreme conditions .

In the Z Apocalypse I can't guarantee I wouldn't shoot people who also have guns on sight. I can't even guarantee I wouldn't deliberately raid small establishments by survivors. What I can guarantee is that I would not intentionally contract several communicable diseases and then crap on their pillows and rub their blankets on my junk.

There is no clear 'line' at which simulation must end and video game begins, but I would say that, no matter how blurry, it falls somewhere in between "throwing poop" and "presenting a direct threat with weapons".

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