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What about scope/lens reflection?

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To see that it becomes balanced within the game, it wouldn't be too common. It would ofcourse have to be decided on where the player is standing, the angle of the light, where the shadows are settled, the weather, the time of day, etc.

I know that Battlefield 3 has this in the game, but I noticed that it's a very often thing that isn't really balanced well. For DayZ on the other hand, it could be implemented from the variables that I had mentioned before. It could possibly also work with binoculars, but to a certain extent less than a scope.

Not really 5 start material, but tell me your opinions on it.

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Can anyone with experience verify whether military scopes even have noticeable reflections?

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Hello there

If it were really properly and correctly modelled, then it would add another aspect to sniping/scopes/shrouds/positioning etc.

The BF3 torch effect is dreadful though.



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Can anyone with experience verify whether military scopes even have noticeable reflections?

they have reflection, but usually they have something like this


attached to them and that prevents shiny things from happening.

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Can anyone with experience verify whether military scopes even have noticeable reflections?

I didn't think about that lol.

Supporting this idea though.

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that's why i suggested shattered pieces of glass and/or mirrors... for those of you who intentionally want to give signal to other players or distract zombies. imagine you see someone hopelessly besieged in a building by zeds. you take your mirror (hopefully it's sunny) and try to distract the mob, away from the poor fella.

Edited by joe_mcentire
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You can get scope covers for Rifle Scopes, most civilian brands are designed merely to keep the scope clean when your moving about until your ready to set up.


Military or specialist brands are slightly different

These for example opt for a non-reflective lens that is simply placed over your scope. However I've heard mixed reviews about these types. They're suspectible to "fogging" and can also can blur the bounderies at long range targets.


Some more Military style sight covers used by the Military often also include the use of anti-glare covers which incorporate a tiny hole or slit. While this doesn't have the negatives of scopping fogging or blur, it does often limit your field of view even further when looking down a scope. You can also make an improvised scope glare covers with a slit by using duct tape, however it is simply a temporary solution.


Their found on Night Vision Scopes as well


Edited by Draco122
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Hello there

Anything with a reflective surface can give ones position away if sunlight "glints" off it.

The scope/binocs glint mechanic/idea is simply a field leveller against lazy sniping and would mainly give the feel of having to establish a proper sniper position making one feel like a leet sniper dude in game.

Also remember most home plinking scopes often don't have any appreciable shrouding etc.



edit: I like the gaffer tape covered scopes.

Edited by orlok
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As long as it is not the stupid battlefield way.

The glint effect of the scope would be cool and it would rarely effect battles. I think the main benefit of having a glint effect would be for intentional signalling.

Even the most tactic cool Special forces carry simple signalling mirrors in case technology fails. I would love to learn how to silently signal my buddies with mirrors in game.

It would be enormously helpful for helicopter pilots. A man on the ground could signal the pilot with the mirror without giving away his position with flares or smoke.

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As long as it is not the stupid battlefield way.

This and what orlok said is exactly what I'm getting at.

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Rudimentary sniper scopes do in fact have a noticeable glint at certain angles. The SV98 is a prime example. Veterans I've talked to have said that's often the only thing one notices before they take the shot. This is not always noticeable when the shooter is surrounded by brightly lit objects, or when the scope's end is covered. However, untrained snipers will have the very end of the scope exposed to sunlight when shooting out of windows. Which immediately draws attention, as it shines bright in contrast the comparatively dark room.

Also Battlefield 3 took scope glint to an unrealistic/annoying extent, for the sake of whiny babies who aren't satisfied unless their targets are brightly outlined for them. Seriously, when I first noticed the glint I thought it was a flashlight mounted to the rifle.

Edited by Djmack2011

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Rudimentary sniper scopes do in fact have a noticeable glint at certain angles. The SV98 is a prime example. Veterans I've talked to have said that's often the only thing one notices before they take the shot.

Simo Hayha preferred iron sights over optics partially because he was able to spot the light reflecting from Soviet snipers' scopes. What veterans did you talk to that used SV-98s though?

I don't want to see any reflection off lenses in DayZ. When you have a scope you want it to collect all the light it can, it gives a bright and better picture. Almost every telescopic scope (and binoculars, etc) these days will have some sort of coating. They might reflect some light but any in-game attempt at modelling that would definitely overdo it... otherwise it would be almost unnoticeable in 99% of cases.

They'd almost be better off modelling reflection from buttons on your character's clothing or backpack. <_<

Edited by Gews

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A lot of military based weapons have scopes that prevent glint glare. I think it should only happen to certain scopes and how you'd maintain them

BF3's glint is quite bad. Such as it happens at night, inside buildings and such. :P

Edited by TIC321

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