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Diz (DayZ)

Who Else Thinks Pushes Annoyance and Survival Too Far?

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Posted on my phone earlier, it didnt take.

This game is moving towards being more annoying than rewarding. The latest patch kind of pushed things past the point where I'm enjoying myself. I'll run through the problems I have with the current experience as it stands with the DayZ mod.

Vehicles: These things are incredibly rare and require a great deal to get and keep in working order. In a game where you have permadeath and are required to travel long distances, transportation should be more abundant in order to shorten downtime. They should also be far less fragile. Should you be lucky enough to locate a vehicle and repair it, that sense of accomplishment will quickly fade as you realize how much trouble and attention they require in order for you to enjoy that luxury. Personally, I'm avoiding using them altogether.

Zeds: Since the current patch there is little to no hope of having an encounter swing in one's favor. The way the spawn system works and how they swarm now makes it so there is no reason to shoot them. By the time you've killed and dealt with one wave, another has taken its place, has been aggroed and is already at your location before you have a chance to aquire whatever it is you're there to get in the first place. The fact they can knock you out should also be removed. The key to a good game is giving someone a fighting chance, not making them suffer because of some random bullshit. Zombies are already buggy, have the ability to attack/walk/aggro through objects. Implementing the ability for them to swarm was premature and obtuse. If a player is spending more resources than he is receiving in order to deal with any and every encounter, this is problematic.

Survival and maintenance: Things are starting to get to be too complicated with respect to achieving an end result. One example of this is the vehicles. They require too much to get working. Simplifying the repair system would allow players to enjoy the rewards of having a vehicle rather than have to spend half of its lifecycle scavenging for parts to maintain it. Another example is the recent process added to having clean water. Does it make sense? Sure. Is it adding to the player's enjoyment? That depends on the player. Personally I don't mind having to do certain things in order to accomplish an end goal but if things become more and more complicated and I'm spending the majority of my time primarily doing chores, this takes the fun out of my experience.

As it stands, this game has lost its apeal for me for the reasons I mentioned.

I think you may be missing the point. I don't think rocket at any point wanted to make any aspect of the game easier. Everything I've heard from his interviews and comments has been geared towards a difficult, unforgiving sandbox in which players make the game theirs by their actions. At no point has the game held your hand to make anything easier, you just learn how to survive. Cars shouldn't be easy to get and maintain. Imagine how it would ruin the immersion to see fleets of cars cruising everywhere. Easier is not better.

That being said, I feel the standalone has room for mods which would give players such as yourself the opportunity to change things so you can have an easier experience. Or less annoying, however you want to look at it. Or just play wasteland, has plenty of cars you dont need to repair, plenty of guns and ammo, no zombies etc.

Edited by floogy

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This reminds me of the update that removed the starter Makarov. The QQ was strong then, too.

Haven't tried it yetm but it sounds as though the Z is back in DayZ, and that's good enough for me. Tired of seeing vids of people shrugging off the zombie threat like it's not there.

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I still dont get the point. So what is it all about? some cod player cry about Zeds interfering their pvp or what? Someone give me a short version pls

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I think this is how hard DayZ should be. Haven't had that much adrenaline going on when zombies chased me. It felt like a endless horde but I just managed to get rid of them.

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i'm not too keen on random elements myself, like theres a random chance to get infected, its ok i guess, but too much random becomes stupid, just battling the rng then.

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You can't log out for anything. It takes forever. I wasn't even in combat and I was in Elektro and I couldn't log out even though I wasn't in combat. I like the aspect of this game where I can collect things I want/need, kill others, and the zombies are basically mosquitoes. Now they've turned the zombies into Africanized bees that can drag you out of a vehicle. If I need to leave, I have to get out of town or away from zombies for minutes to get out of the game. Right now, I'm a bandit and I've got a vest, long sleeve shirt, pants, boots, and a head covering rag. In the time it's taken to post this, my temperature is purple and almost halfway down. Most blood that would have been drawn and put into legitimate blood bags would be clean.

What I like about this patch- Debug monitor,food, and the way the icons for food etc. go down.

I' came home from work and after playing last night, I didn't even want to play today. I logged in then came here to post.

What I'd like to see fixed more than zombies, getting sick, and zombies being able to do crazy feats- Fix of desync and walking down stairs/walking in general.

Edited by ASpicyMeatabol

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Like, i dunno other people, but I like my games to be hard. Lets say im playing any old RPG, if its easy, it gets boring quickly. Surely thats pretty normal?

Dayz is a survival game. Surely then, survival should be hard? The reason why people are getting bored of Dayz (and presumably a few then ending up getting their script on) is that surviving is easy. Have you ever actually died from hunger/thirst? lol I dont even know what happens if youre food bar goes too far down, and ive been playing since May last year lol

Zombies are then the second layer of survival, and for far too long now, theyve been absoloutely ignorable. Theyre an occasional nusance when youre refilling a chopper or something lol Its been ridiculous for so long how little zombies can hear gun fire. We as players can hear gunshots from miles away (obviously not literally...love that you have to point that out in this game :D ) and zombies have just for some reason completely ignored them. Finally, we have a zombie game with some actual dangerous zombie mechanics! You shoot that player in Cherno, you better be fucking quick looting the body!

So yeah, every single step taken to make this game more challenging (up to a point of literally making it impossible to survive) makes it more of a game, more of what it actually is, and more fun!

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Have you people even played since the new patch?

The zombies can see you crawling from over 150 meters away, in high grass, in the rain.

This does throw planning and stealth out the window. No amount of "being careful" now matters, because the Zeds can see, (or hear) from incredible distances, even when you are crawling.

This needs addressed, and right away.

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The only thing I don't like about the patch is as the person above me said, no amount of planning and stealth can get you through a town or city. But it's bearable to find a hatchet, hunting knife, water bottle (I've noticed more spawn than before) and antibiotics and head to the woods. As long as you have a means of getting food and water and treating infection, everything else comes second. It makes you focus on basic survival first, rather than head to Cherno and get decked out with a sniper, big backpack and all of the food drink and med supplies you could need in the first 15min.

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Have you people even played since the new patch?

The zombies can see you crawling from over 150 meters away, in high grass, in the rain.

This does throw planning and stealth out the window. No amount of "being careful" now matters, because the Zeds can see, (or hear) from incredible distances, even when you are crawling.

This needs addressed, and right away.

Somehow you and I played different games. I have my complaints about the recent changes, but I literally just proned all the way through Berezino, I even took out the hospital windows, and no zombie so much as blinked at me. It's still very much possible. A minute later my pal misfired (alt+tab) his rifle from outside town, see like 60 zombies chasing past me (still ignoring me). I'd say the aggro hasn't changed much, but when one does aggro, you get the full horde.

I do like that it adds a little bit of the old challenge that was lost a bit recently, where experienced players just ran to where they know good stuff is, get geared in under 30 mins and then are left with little else other than either hoarding more loot, helping others or hunting others.

Edited by Elvaron

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I'm loving this new patch. Kind of reminds me of the first couple of months after the mod was first released.

You have to team up, watch your ammo count, don't fire unless you really really have too,watch your corners, don't run, etc, etc.

The only thing that has pissed me off are script kiddies can stil get in.

Again, love it!!!!!

. precisely sir

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Everyone That I knew who played DayZ quit because its just Like COD with annoying zombies. I mean getting 1000 zombie kills is piss easy. should be making zombies the main threat not other players. otherwise its just like COD. I mean when was the last time you were killed by a zombie

I 110% DISAGREE. Zombies should definitely, be a much bigger threat, but being a bigger threat than players? Never.

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I 110% DISAGREE. Zombies should definitely, be a much bigger threat, but being a bigger threat than players? Never.

200% disagree. zombies should be the biggest threat. if we lived in a world where other people were the biggest threat, then we would be killing each other. in a few months the human population would be nearly extinct. then if your the only 1 left how would you fix a car, repair a weapon, build a house, give yourself medical treatment, weld, repair a power plant, or do anything that requires a skill, who would watch you while you sleep. if you were a loan wolf surviving a real life event like this then you would not last long at all against people who band together. you get a scratch and walk through a creed and get a staff infection. how will you get medical treatment so you dont diet from a scratch if you have killed everyone.

Zombie Apocalypse not a human Apocalypse with annoying Zombies

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200% disagree. zombies should be the biggest threat. if we lived in a world where other people were the biggest threat, then we would be killing each other. in a few months the human population would be nearly extinct. then if your the only 1 left how would you fix a car, repair a weapon, build a house, give yourself medical treatment, weld, repair a power plant, or do anything that requires a skill, who would watch you while you sleep. if you were a loan wolf surviving a real life event like this then you would not last long at all against people who band together. you get a scratch and walk through a creed and get a staff infection. how will you get medical treatment so you dont diet from a scratch if you have killed everyone.

Zombie Apocalypse not a human Apocalypse with annoying Zombies

That would completely remove the tension of meeting another player, which a fundamental part of DayZ. INFINITE x INFINITE DISAGREE! OWNED! (Sorry I couldn't resist)

Also, your example isn't very good. Right now, the biggest threat to me a human killing me, yet there's no rioting in the streets.

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the biggest threat to you is a human killing you? sounds like COD or battlefield or any PVP shooter.

again zombies should be the biggest threat. tension of meeting other players is still there. if you played early last year you would understand. its people like you that turned it in to a death match game. My example isn't a real good one? put yourself in a real life situation. if you killed everyone in your town where would you sleep and who would watch you sleep. who would give you the right medication for an infection?. who would repair your car? you can not survive alone you would die within just a few days. If everyone thought like you the the human race would not exist and there would only be zombies, great work. and who would you have sex with which would suck more. I would be with a group of friends getting a community together building defences killing people like you with a hot girlfriend, gym, food, medical, TV, X box, computer, security, choppers, tanks. and yes I would have them because most of the people I know are army as I have just left the army.

Edited by spawn

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Zombies hitting you through vehicles should be removed for now. it is WAY too buggy to be kept in at the moment.

when it gets to the point where zombies walk through the entire back of a SUV and hit me, it's ridiculous.

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Zombies hitting you through vehicles should be removed for now. it is WAY too buggy to be kept in at the moment.

when it gets to the point where zombies walk through the entire back of a SUV and hit me, it's ridiculous.

agree. also heard that they can pull you out. zombies are not smart and dont use door handles and unclip seat belts.

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You can't log out for anything. It takes forever. I wasn't even in combat and I was in Elektro and I couldn't log out even though I wasn't in combat. I like the aspect of this game where I can collect things I want/need, kill others, and the zombies are basically mosquitoes. Now they've turned the zombies into Africanized bees that can drag you out of a vehicle. If I need to leave, I have to get out of town or away from zombies for minutes to get out of the game. Right now, I'm a bandit and I've got a vest, long sleeve shirt, pants, boots, and a head covering rag. In the time it's taken to post this, my temperature is purple and almost halfway down. Most blood that would have been drawn and put into legitimate blood bags would be clean.

What I like about this patch- Debug monitor,food, and the way the icons for food etc. go down.

I' came home from work and after playing last night, I didn't even want to play today. I logged in then came here to post.

What I'd like to see fixed more than zombies and getting sick and zombies being able to do crazy feats- Fix of desync and walking down stairs/walking in general.

You sum it up why I love this patch.

About that "byaah zombies killing me through the vehicles, they are not smart enough to hit me through the glass/door", clear the zombies first and don't drive like a maniac in towns. What if these zombies are smarter than "normal" zombies and they can open the doors, smash your windows etc. What I've heard these are infected so you can let some imagination flow and not getting restricted to basic zombies.

Edited by St. Jimmy

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I did a run at a grocery store last night. Tried 2 ways:

*Stealth: No go. Zombies come charging even if you're crawling and it quickly becomes a nightmare.

*Run straight in with a Hatchet on, then hack out the followers inside a building: Works like a charm.

I definitely think people are going to have to recognize the hatchet as the "town zombie weapon".

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People adress all this reality stuff... But it's a ZOMBIE APOCOLYPSE SURVIVAL GAME. Nothing is realistic about zombies, you don't see their flesh rotting and their muscles deterriorating. They wouldn't be able to run after you very long, their brains would rot, they would lack all intelligence. Zombies would end up as sacks of bone and skin and not be able to move at all.

Realists--0 points on the board.

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And loot would not magically reappear every 10 minutes. I agree, Day Z is not a reality simulator. It's a roguelike multiplayer sandbox that happens to involve zombeis and compels player action via a basic survival system.

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Seriously, people need to stop complaining when a survival simulator/zombie simulator has survival/zombie aspects added to it that make it harder to survive the zombies in a zombie survival simulator.

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If it were a reality simulator, we wouldn't even spawn alive. Zombies have risen and the ENTIRE population has turned? How did the survivors survive thus far if they only have a bandage and a flashlight?

It's an escapist fantasy, what would happen if you were teleported into a zombie world out of the blue, with nothing but your zombie movie experience to overcome the first shock of seeing them, and how would you go about meeting your daily needs such as food, drinks, shelter and the occassional medicine. It's an abstraction where e.g. a box of painkillers represents a whole range of medical supplies required to stay mentally fit, or a pack of morphine representing all the tools needed to treat a blunt trauma/injury, omitting realism to speed up the process and actually experience a full day's worth of action in a real-life situation in an hour of gaming.

That being said, making a consistent abstraction from reality to videogame sets the atmosphere of the simulation. So while we break with reality in every single aspect of the game, taking a reality check is important to make sure each of those breaks have the same sorta distance between fact and fiction.

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If it were a reality simulator, we wouldn't even spawn alive. Zombies have risen and the ENTIRE population has turned? How did the survivors survive thus far if they only have a bandage and a flashlight?

It's an escapist fantasy, what would happen if you were teleported into a zombie world out of the blue, with nothing but your zombie movie experience to overcome the first shock of seeing them, and how would you go about meeting your daily needs such as food, drinks, shelter and the occassional medicine. It's an abstraction where e.g. a box of painkillers represents a whole range of medical supplies required to stay mentally fit, or a pack of morphine representing all the tools needed to treat a blunt trauma/injury, omitting realism to speed up the process and actually experience a full day's worth of action in a real-life situation in an hour of gaming.

That being said, making a consistent abstraction from reality to videogame sets the atmosphere of the simulation. So while we break with reality in every single aspect of the game, taking a reality check is important to make sure each of those breaks have the same sorta distance between fact and fiction.

You had to do this, didn't you.

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