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DayZ Mod Update

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everything is cool, but i have fps problems now. Downgraded the pach and game is running like a boss. :(

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so if zombies are now spawning when you drive by with a vehicle you can also let spawn the loot if you are entering with a vehicle...

it was ok when the zeds AND the loot wasnt spawning... but now its a bit let me say DUMB? ^^

Moreover. I was on foot in many palces and same problems. ZOmbies spawning or not. But lot not spawned. I don't know - should I crouch from village to village - I'm too fast or what?? :D Last night I was in Stary Sobor, over 30 min no lot (I was alt+tab, so I can wait inside building). Finally, game spawned items in military camp, but not in supermarket. Bolox :P

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everything is cool, but i have fps problems now. Downgraded the pach and game is running like a boss. :(

This is server problem. On some servers I have nice fps, on some not. Maybe it's lag connected, dunno. I found better server and fps is nice - back.

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Boiling water is glitched for me. I never get that option when at a campfire, with water available on my person.

I'm starting to think that the distance a Zed can spot you whilst crawling, specifically, is bugged or glitched. It is at the very least 200 meters. Cover is irrelevant. I've had this happen through pine trees and in high grass at such distances I can barely see the Zed. When I use the post sight on my mp5, the post entirely hides the Zed...that is the distance we are talking about, yet, they spot me from a huge distance away, and the indicator does not show any high threat level.

I am all for making survival tougher, but this extreme hearing/vision when the player is moving in a stealthy manner, combined with them calling in every Zed in the region makes any sort of trip into town impossible to succeed at...unless you are apparently very lucky. I have yet to meet anyone who has succeeded getting morphine at a hospital since the patch. Has anyone actually snuck through a town since the patch? I cannot, making survival quite impossible.

This needs looking at. I can see a Zed within 20 meters spotting a crawling player in front of him. But 200 through cover?????????

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Dear Razor49,

I don't usually sign up on forums etc but I felt the need to write this down so I made this account specially for it.

I want to congradulate you and your team, but you in person for the way that you respond to and handle the torrent of "abuse" and issues about one of the best (if not THE best) addon that has graced the industry in the last 10 years.

A games engine that I would like to add was not originally intended for the mod, even through it's limitations (as the original ARMA 2 engine never intended to have to worry about an undead infected AI trying to hit you through a wall...) it has been adapted and changed to make use of what you had available in a truely outstanding way!

Yet even with that in mind, many of the users (OF THE MOD!) address yourself and the Dayz team as if it was a stand alone version which they have paid for... completely forgetting that you are a real person with real day to day living and family matters to take care of.

So I depart in saying these final words,

Thank you!

Much Love Ketzal.

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props to r4zor49 for taking the time to respectfully respond to these 'issues'

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[NEW] - New Load screens added.

Did i missed that?

[uPDATED] - STR_ITEMWATERBOTTLEBOILED_CODE_DESC - German (Eine Flasche mit abgekochten Wasser)

It's "abgekochtem" and not "abgekochten" but not a big deal. :)

When i click "escape" an abort-counter starts from 30 -> 0.

Is this part of the update or is this server-sided?

And 1 sec. is 3 secs. in realtime. 90 secs. for logging out?

Is the update only for the default Chernarus map? Because the zombie spawn on Traviana is ugly. The beach was so heavy overcrowded. Nice horryfying feeling :) Some of them were even inside buildings.

If it is part of the new spawn type: Good job guys. Good job!!!

Edited by Cpt.Undead

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Dear Razor49,

I don't usually sign up on forums etc but I felt the need to write this down so I made this account specially for it.

I want to congradulate you and your team, but you in person for the way that you respond to and handle the torrent of "abuse" and issues about one of the best (if not THE best) addon that has graced the industry in the last 10 years.

A games engine that I would like to add was not originally intended for the mod, even through it's limitations (as the original ARMA 2 engine never intended to have to worry about an undead infected AI trying to hit you through a wall...) it has been adapted and changed to make use of what you had available in a truely outstanding way!

Yet even with that in mind, many of the users (OF THE MOD!) address yourself and the Dayz team as if it was a stand alone version which they have paid for... completely forgetting that you are a real person with real day to day living and family matters to take care of.

So I depart in saying these final words,

Thank you!

Much Love Ketzal.

Thank You.

props to r4zor49 for taking the time to respectfully respond to these 'issues'

Thank You

[NEW] - New Load screens added.

Did i missed that?

[uPDATED] - STR_ITEMWATERBOTTLEBOILED_CODE_DESC - German (Eine Flasche mit abgekochten Wasser)

It's "abgekochtem" and not "abgekochten" but not a big deal. :)

When i click "escape" an abort-counter starts from 30 -> 0.

Is this part of the update or is this server-sided?

And 1 sec. is 3 secs. in realtime. 90 secs. for logging out?

Is the update only for the default Chernarus map? Because the zombie spawn on Traviana is ugly. The beach was so heavy overcrowded. Nice horryfying feeling :) Some of them were even inside buildings.

If it is part of the new spawn type: Good job guys. Good job!!!

And 1 sec. is 3 secs. in realtime. 90 secs. for logging out? << this is a bug its been fixed already :-) just waiting on new beta and any more issues

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I have run across some weird Zombie behavior, especially seems to concern in their spawning. I first noticed this on a private server while in Elektros at the building site on the Eastern edge of the city. A massive group of Zeds all mobbed together, stuck in place:


Today, I was on a Public Hive Server (Bad Wolves) and was at Castle Rog. I first came across a Zed, dead at the small tower near the stair platform. Made me think there might be a survivor near by, but there wasnt. Except for 3 4 Zed that I spotted, I came across Zed spawned in buildings and in most cases, stuck that it seemed to limit their aggressiveness.

Zed 1


Zed 1 attacked me and actually hit me.

Zed 2


Completely passive.

Zed 3&4


Zed #3 walked to the platform and stayed there. Both were passive.

Zed 5


A semi passive zed, he turned and I killed him.

Zed 6


This Zed turned to attack.

Zed 7


Zed 7 turned when I climbed over the wall to attack him. The Zed on the floor is the dead one I found when I arrived.

I think he spawned where zed 11 did and fell off.

Zed 8


Aggressive like Zed #1 laying there on the ground, but missed.

Zed 9


Passive zed.

Zed 10



Zed 11


This is where I think the Zed on the ground spawned and fell off before I got a visual.

After a bit of running around, I could here the Zed in the tall tower so took a video. This time, one of the Zed was

quite aggresive which made it fun and scary. but the rest were what I was typically coming up against.

The Zeds I have met in the upen are aggressize when I get noticed

Edited by Wailwulf
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Hmm...strange. I was on 2 different servers today. Latest patch. And i always had to wait 90 secs. One was Traviana and the other Chernarus.

But that was really not a big deal.

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Looking into this issue.

Hmm...strange. I was on 2 different servers today. Latest patch. And i always had to wait 90 secs. One was Traviana and the other Chernarus.

But that was really not a big deal.

This has been fixed.

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Everything is good, except these things:

* [NEW] - Zeds spawn while in vehicles.

-Yes, this is good, but when the loot doesn't spawn, and the zombies do, it's completely stupid.

* [NEW] - Bloodbags can now give an infection.

I'm not sure about this. It's good for balancing, but since everyone always says "realism is everything" in this mod, it wouldn't be very realistic that there would be infected blood in a sealed blood bag. Also, no one would use one that's opened.

* [NEW] - Added moving combat roll (KK's Volt).

-There's nothing wrong with this, ut it's just that you're adding features instead of fixing things like Zeds walking through walls. I know that's not part of the Arma engine like the zigzagging is.

* [NEW] - After you have eatern a canned product you now get an empty tincan back.

The can shouldn't be put back in your inventory, it should be dropped on the ground under you. That way, if you want to boil water, you just pick the can back up, so it doesn't get annoying if you don't want cans. Just a minor thing

* [uPDATED] - Combat Mode is now affected by everything you do and everything done to you

There was nothing wrong with the combat timer before. Now all I hear is people not being able to log out because it's so long and unneccessary now.

* [uPDATED] - Zeds will talk to other zeds within 80 meter.

80m seems like a lot. Maybe 50? Some guy on here had a great idea. That they communicate and it diminishes after each one. Like a zombie talks to another one at 80m, and that one talks to another one at 40m, and so on. 80m just seems excessive.

* [uPDATED] - Backpacks updated.

There was nothing wrong with the backpacks before. And then to add insult to injury, the new weapon slots don't even work. There was just no reason for the change. The best thing to do would be to decrease the spawn chance of an ALICE pack.

* [FIXED] - Temperature icon color now ranges from iceblue (cold) to red (hot)

It's good that the temperature works now, but it's stupid to have it red. Well, not stupid, but it conflicts with everything that's red when it's dangerously low, and confuses a lot of people. Solution would probably just making it green (normal) to blue (cold).

Everything else is well done, and I applaud you for not giving up on the mod.

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Masterfocker raises a good point about blood bags.

Perhaps you should include a new model/item for sealed and unsealed bags, sealed giving the full blood and no infection but being a lot rarer. Unsealed bags giving 1000-6000 and have infection chance.

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My boiling water issue was indeed my bad about understanding the need for a tin can. Thanks for the help.

Now, if I can figure out that I have some sort of red flashing train-signal perched on my head alerting Zed's of my presence whilst crawling, from 200 meters out, all my problems will be solved!

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Yeah, loving the mod update except for one thing. The zombies are turned up to eleven but still dodge like mad, can walk on water to hit you when swimming and can see you squat in a bush from 200 meters away. Any chance they will be sorted?

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The " Super Zombies" need to be fixed. How are we supposed to get away from zombies? Not safe in a car, Not safe in a building, their keen sense of hearing and visibility makes it virtually impossible to do anything. Cant check gear, cant bandage, cant preform blood transfusions.

Please fix ASAP. :(

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What is this infection stuff???

Bloodbags can give infection...

Uncooked meat can give infection...

Unboiled water can give infection...

What kind of infection???

Do I become a zed?

Do I become sick (ie need antibiotics)?

What will happen to meeee???

Also... will Box of Matches be more available (read: less rare)?

Right now the number issue I have in the game is finding a box of matches... I find hunting knives all over, hatches all over, tin cans all over... I find everything I need, but never matches to actually make a fire.

Will there be optional ways to create fires ? Sticks and thread? Short circuitting electrical cables? Using a magnifying glass? What about a simple Lighter instead of matches?

Need more fire!

Just to let you know, Infection doesn't mean you'll turn into a zombie, it's more of a bodily infection (coughing, weakness, etc..) like Salmonella. This can be cured using antibiotics and avoided by keeping up your body temperature. Now, though, you're going to have to boil your water before drinking it, and bloodbags have a risk with the reward.

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Masterfocker raises a good point about blood bags.

Perhaps you should include a new model/item for sealed and unsealed bags, sealed giving the full blood and no infection but being a lot rarer. Unsealed bags giving 1000-6000 and have infection chance.

Maybe the infection has nothing to do with the actual blood but the fact that you are using unsterilised needles / not swabbing skin etc. It makes perfect sense imo.

Edited by smasht_AU
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Maybe the infection has nothing to do with the actual blood but the fact that you are using unsterilised needles / swabbing skin. It makes perfect sense imo.

That is a good point. It's not like you can go shopping for clean needles in a zombie apocalypse...

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Maybe the infection has nothing to do with the actual blood but the fact that you are using unsterilised needles / not swabbing skin etc. It makes perfect sense imo.

I think you would find... if we are talking realistic, after about a day with the power off using a blood bag would be a gamble... several days suicide(if it hadnt totally congealed) Its living cells... organic, it would rot... and pouring rot into your veins, would kill yah liver and kidney, give you septicemia, and kill you rather quickly... its not like freeze dried noodles in a bag eh.. So nothing wrong with the infection chance IMHO.

edit in... its still not "realistic", but its a game, there is no way in hell you could use blood bags that have been sitting at room temp for any amount o time, period. I like the infection chance thing, just cause it makes antibiotics more valuable... we take em for granted... but just a sore throat without em will give yah scarlet fever, a jaw abscess is potentially fatal... i like how these changes bring antibiotics more to the fore.

Edited by KingOchaos
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*about stealthing around zombies

You make that call isn't that the part of survival should you shouldn't you. the LOS checks are done from the direction of the zeds from the body i think it is so spot the zed let him turn around and go in. If done correct you can get to within a few meters of the zeds.

Thanks to this update I have found out the usefulness of empty whisky bottles!! For example, your trying to exit a house but there is a zed walking towards you (in the near distance), if your unlucky he will spot you. Throw the bottle past the zed, he turns around and you make your escape - I litterally never used a empty whisky bottle up to this point!

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