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Suggedtion: leave as50 and m107 alone!

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i would say that we remove the AS50 and M107. but we will not remove .50 cal's

instead ad the KVSK. a russian .50 cal sniper that is not as accurate. so if you have a gun that large. it should mostly be for killing cars/choppers

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Agreed the LawsOfFire, maybe make them less accurate, and less range. Or as you say add some russian ones instead.

Cause i do see how the 1600 meter range of the AS50 is maybe a bit too much for DayZ. But in real life, there has been confirmed kills at 2500 meters with .50 cals. So its not unrealistic.

I use .50 cals for vehichles my self.

Personally i prefer the M24 for players (not in vehicles).

Edited by Toft

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I'm sorry, but the M107 and AS50 are not 'realistic'.

No sniper rifle, no matter what it's firing, will kill you outright if it hits you in the hand.

Sure, we need an anti-material sniper rifle. But it should not be the ultimate close-range weapon, long range weapon, vehicle killer, helicopter killer, etc etc etc. It's simply stupidly overpowered.

Sniping in DayZ is for trolls and cowards. There's no skill to it. No finesse. It's just 'get an AS50, click this range button, click the mouse button. Target is dead.' Rinse and repeat.

At least if I got one-shot killed by a DMR I wouldn't have a problem with it. That's skill. That range estimation. The AS50 and M107 hold your hand through the process of sniping and make it ridiculously easy. After having the weapon for five minutes at any firing range, you can be EASILY dropping targets out to 1000 metres. And when said rifle reduces you to -30,000 blood when it scrapes past your pinkie? Just no.

If people want an anti-material rifle in this game, it should be a civilian .50. One of the slow-ass reload sniper rifles that require you to remove the stock entirely to load a new round. THEN it would be at least a modicum of fair.

But when Tom, Dick, Harry, Hewie. Lewie, Dewie, Clark, Kent, Bruce, Wayne, and all of their DOGS are running around with AS50's, it just breaks the game.

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Xianu, If as50 round hit your hand, you would be missing it. Therefore you would bleed out.

Edit: also, there isn't more than three people with as50's per server depending on population

Edited by gloopsgf

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For me the real question is the following:

What is the place of those rifles in the world of DayZ. Do they even have one or are they there for being some kind of "top tier" call of duty-esque rifle?

If we do not get the loot system to take in account how many weapons of a given type are currently in circulation, it's pointless to make "super duper rare" guns because all you need is time and a lot of loot cycling to eventually get what you want. If there is an ounce of competition in a gear based game, nobody settle for "second best rifle".

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@Lady Kyrah

as for DayZ mmorpg-ish style there are two kind of players:

a) rich players that have tons of back up tents with phat loot in there (multiple as50's included), they roam the map in choppers or cars and collect tons of military tier stuff from heli crash sites, they have basically infinite items and can die and re-arm themselves as much as they want


b ) poor as sh*t bambies that struggle to grab can of beans from Cherno or Electro supermarket to not die from hunger

For first group of players there is too easy and too much weapons in game around but bambies for exemple never even saw heli crash site with as50 on the ground.

Edited by Frosti

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@Lady Kyrah

as for DayZ mmorpg-ish style there are two kind of players:

a) rich players that have tons of back up tents with phat loot in there (multiple as50's included), they roam the map in choppers or cars and collect tons of military tier stuff from heli crash sites, they have basically infinite items and can die and re-arm themselves as much as they want


b ) poor as sh*t bambies that struggle to grab can of beans from Cherno or Electro supermarket to not die from hunger

For first group of players there is too easy and too much weapons in game around but bambies for exemple never even saw heli crash site with as50 on the ground.

Yeah, to me using loot probabilities without weighting it with the total usage rate of each weapon is pointless if you can force loot to cycle.

if AS50 is ment to spawn X% of the time, the game should try to enforce that the percentage of AS50 doesn't go over X% of all the weapons stashed by players.

Even if it means stopping to spawn AS50 ammo for several weeks.

(this is not specific to the AS50 which i'm using as an example but all loot in general)

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Xianu, If as50 round hit your hand, you would be missing it. Therefore you would bleed out.

Edit: also, there isn't more than three people with as50's per server depending on population

If someone shot you in the chest with a handgun, you would bleed to death. You don't in DayZ, because there's bandages that stop you from bleeding, no matter how big the wound is. And I like that, because it's still a game.

Edited by Sutinen

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If someone shot you in the chest with a handgun, you would bleed to death. You don't in DayZ, because there's bandages that stop you from bleeding, no matter how big the wound is. And I like that, because it's still a game.

You like a handgun taking 15 bullets to the torso to kill? I'm sorry, but the hitpoints in DayZ need to be reduced, and if possible, a bullet to the heart should be a one-shot kill with any gun.

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You like a handgun taking 15 bullets to the torso to kill? I'm sorry, but the hitpoints in DayZ need to be reduced, and if possible, a bullet to the heart should be a one-shot kill with any gun.

I think I'm gonna stop posting here.. I SAID A BANDAGE WOULD STOP THE BLEEDING. Obviously the handguns need a buff.

I wasn't talking about the heart either, if you got shot in the chest (Anywhere in the chest) in real life and there would be no medical help for you, you would bleed to death. I don't think I would enjoy that in DayZ.

Edited by Sutinen

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I can understand why people like the ability to survive improbable injuries, but to me it goes against the authenticity that most of DayZ manages to capture quite well.

Kryah made probably the most important point, but it kinda faded into the background. <_<

We've had discussions along those lines before, and from what I can see, the only way to allow the game to calculate weapon rarity per-server would be to lock characters into 1 "home" server.

Otherwise, no-matter what you try and balance it with, server-migration will fuck up loot-balance.

Personally, I'd welcome the idea.

Players are going to have to settle down at some point if the end-game is "vehicles and bases".

No harm in seeing if it works before the full end-game is implemented.

It's pretty much like this when you play unique private hives, and IMO, as well as allowing some control over loot-cycle%, it would be better for familiarity and player reputations. (good OR bad)

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i would say that we remove the AS50 and M107. but we will not remove .50 cal's

instead ad the KVSK. a russian .50 cal sniper that is not as accurate. so if you have a gun that large. it should mostly be for killing cars/choppers

And what caliber would you think those three rifles have....?? A gun is accurate as it's user, you can't just just make generalizations that every russian rifle is inaccurate, the guys overseas would say otherwise. Of course the AK is less accurate than the Armalite but it's a good rifle for it's purpose and designated role.

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they should change them to random chance of squirting water or a bunch of flowers popping from the end of the barrel whilst making a clowns car horn noise revealing the snipers position, even if it was a 1 in 50 chance :P

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I think I'm gonna stop posting here.. I SAID A BANDAGE WOULD STOP THE BLEEDING. Obviously the handguns need a buff.

I wasn't talking about the heart either, if you got shot in the chest (Anywhere in the chest) in real life and there would be no medical help for you, you would bleed to death. I don't think I would enjoy that in DayZ.

Every gun needs a buff (Aside from the obvious ones that don't). And I meant you would definitely die from a shot to the heart, not just without medical attention.

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No! The AS50 is ridiculously, unrealistically powerful. It does more damage than a 25mm high explosive cannon round.

So reduce the damage to the same level as the M107.

Then you can leave them alone.

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If the game could include a more thorough localised damage system (more differentiation than just "headshot" or "not headshot"), 1 hit to the toe would not necessarily be fatal.

The medical system is totally overhauled anyway. It'd make sense for the damage/injury system to get a revamp too.

At least, we can hope for that.

Guns are supposed to hurt. They're designed to kill people, but people can survive some crazy shit.

That's how things should be represented in DayZ.

No nerfing.

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