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Bases (and new barricades), spawning, friend spawns, NPCs (merchants)

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I would love to see this but I want to hear your feedback on what some problems might be. For balancing I was thinking maybe you need a specific tool (1 use total) to mark a position on where you want to respawn. And the ability to spawn next to a friend with their permission. And bases, if you find a place good for fortifying maybe some new barricades. The wire is good but it's very glitchy in certain areas, sandbags work properly but are god awful barricades to be honest. Boarding due to game physics is clearly out of the question. Walls (like with metal spikes and barbed wire.), trip wires, barbed wire fences. You know all that stuff. Doesn't have to be barricades. Maybe decorations like zombie heads on pikes, run down old couches, storage for supplies and things you don't want to lose. Basic things like that I would love to see in the standalone version. Maybe even a type of currency and trading system. I want your feedback on this and let me know if you see any issues in this topic.

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Just, no to NPCs at all other than zombies and animals. Choosing where you spawn? Uhh...don't think that would be a good idea, or it would be too easily exploited. Just carry the tool with you, get attacked, run for a building and set the spawn marker down, go Rambo on your attacker/victim and die, wait a minuet and respawn, stealth, grab your stuff and get a 2nd chance at killing the person who killed you.

As for barricades, long as they make sense, and there should be a way to exactly place barricades (never did play with ARMA's 'build' mechanic outside of the bootcamp thing but maybe something like that).

Rocket has pretty much already said he doesn't want a 'trading system' other than what players already do, you drop your item here, i drop my item here, we trade places and pick up our trades, and hopefully walk away without getting shot.

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Selecting a respawn point- I don't agree with, it takes away from the lost survival aspect of the game.

Bases- Deconstruction is way to fast! It should be harder to take down someones cat wire and sandbags. I also would like to see them being able to be planted on/in buildings. That way I can fortify a building and not get picked off by snipers while guarding it.

Traps- Would like to see them add IED type booby traps for buildings. Also beartraps disappear after server restart. To make IED's less OP they would be hard to make with multiple items needed to create one. I know if this event was realistic, it's easy to make bombs out of household items. Hell you can make a booby trap that is set off by a shadow with a simple blueray player.

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1. Stockpile tactical insertions

2. Sneak into enemy camp

3. Place tactical insertion

4. Go Rambo

5. Die

6. Respawn at enemy camp.

7. Repeat steps 3-6

8. ???

9. Profit

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GayTee. Did I say anything about using the f'cking search bar before posting? Bases are coming with SA, though in a much more balanced way than what you must be thinking.

Just stop posting before you can do it without braking rules.

If I was an admin, you wouldve got banhammered so many times :/

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True. Appreciate the feedback guys. Think a lot of you could have been more polite about it though. it was a simple idea that I wanted feedback on. No need to get so hostile over it after all it is a game. @p4nnus you need to grow up. @Clumzy thank you for being mature and direct about this. @CreepySalad thanks for the feedback but I'm not going to go away because I just wanted a simple opinion on it. @Sappa thank you for the polite input, I really appreciate it. @BigMike I did use the construction in scenarios so with luck hopefully they can use some stuff from there. But it definitely has to come with a cost or else the whole map will just turn into a bunch of military forts.

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your ideas of bases NO

rockets ideas of bases YES


Currency GOD NO!

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the more i think of bases...the more i doubt this idea as it brings so many uncleared issues up.

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We all ready have in game currency ... bullets, blood and beans

Choosing where i spawn? only ONLY if i can choose to spawn next to anyone who lobbies for easy buttons. :)

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@Clumzy thank you for being mature and direct about this.

When the same idea gets posted again and again, always being shot down, you can't keep taking them seriously.

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If you're thinking about it in terms of "respawning" you are not getting the main point of DayZ :|

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