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Why banditing?

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The most funny part in this thread became the people that still think that this is some kind of a mimimi-thread or that people want the bandits to go away. I were just very interested in why people play DayZ only to kill other players when there are Games like CoD, BF3 or maybe even Arma2 (I don't really know anything about Arma2).

I am still enjoying to read more answers, even though most are the same. The most interesting things are the posts that tell about a specific event that made them decide to become a bandit like blueblood.

I think this thread is even a good opportunity to show other players that the majority of bandits isn't even some kind of asshole that only want to ruin another players day. Keep posting!

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Why use non-silenced weapons against zeds if you can acquire silenced ones? M14s are loud as fuck and just shitty zed poppers for that reason.

Frankly, if you don't play this game as majority bandit, you're 12 or retarded. DayZ isn't one of the more social MMOs, it is a sandbox where the only true entertainment is derived from getting sweet guns and killing other players with them. If you get your rocks off by helping other players in a video game, you should stop playing and volunteer for an actual cause.

Who made you the authority on what is fun to do in a video game? In fact you sound like you are 12 or more likely a teenager that thinks he is all grown up. Well, you reek of immaturity.

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That maturity level is one of the primary reasons I fight against even having sniper rifles in the game. I have yet to see an adult yelling umad over side chat when they kill someone. Its also usually some little kid being a douche in chat when he snipers a fresh spawn on the coast. With reduced heli crash sites due to a lot of servers doing frequent restarts I've seen the crying levels skyrocket among these same people since the last patch. Its not that killing or being a douche was ever the problem but rather how easy the mod seemed to make it for any preteen to do.

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I keep saying why, and no one responds with anything meaningful.

Once you get your full kit, there's two things you can do with your time. You can get a vehicle and ferry bambies around, where they will get geared up and be in the same boat as you or they'll kill you and take your stuff OR you can go look for trouble. I always look for trouble, because I always get killed by some backstabber when I try to help.

So now that I'm looking for trouble, I run off in the direction that side chat is talking, by which I mean the people who tell me where they are by not shutting up in side chat. This usually lands me kills that I find justified and then they'll complain in side and hopefully other people like me will show up to fight. Usually they don't. So the only thing I have left to do is run around that same area and kill anyone who shows up. I play on private hives with boosted vehicle spawns so that helps in getting people to come to me, but sooner or later, the only people I KNOW I can find are the people on the coast.

The coast isn't just where bambis go. Lots of skilled players hang out there and the sniper camps help add to the danger. However, if I go down this road I have no choice but to kill everyone. After all, I don't know who's talking/working for who. I don't know who's going to take the ammo in the firetower or grab a gun and come after me.

So the answer is simple: kill everyone all the time unless they are given a CLEAR opportunity to kill me and they don't take it, because the only people I would trust are the ones who would hold up a bandit, not kill him, nor take his things, and trust him to let them go.

And PS: sniping's a part of the game, learn how to sidestep while looting and not stand in the open.

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I've considered it a lot. Just yesterday, I was playing and these 2 guys needed blood and I had 6 blood bags so I went to help. I met up with them, the only interesting thing I had was my AK with a few mags. So, we met up, we got into some trouble, we killed atleast 100+ zed and one of the people I met up with was killed during the process. So it was me and this guy with his silenced M4, NVGs, and lot of good stuff. I wanted to shoot him and take his stuff, but I thought, why? I couldve gotten so much stuff.

In most cases, Im sure people in my spot wouldve shot him.

So, the answer to you question is that it is TEMPTING.

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i know when i get used to the game ill be a bandit purely because you lose everything when you die its the thrill of gain or loss

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Some Game that is about fighting other players.

Half of DayZ is about killing other players. ._.

Once you get zombies and survivalism down (ex. Avoid zombie aggro, Obtaining general supplies), then you'd start hunting players, as it provides a different experience every time. There's a reason there are barely any Non-Pvp servers out there. Without the PvP element, it's just a zombie shooter.

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Some people like the feeling of "power" they get from killing other players and feel they have a free hand to do whatever the fuck they want. A lot of the kill on sight CoD kiddies on DayZ would likely resort to cowering in their basements should an actual apocalypse overrun us.

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I keep saying why, and no one responds with anything meaningful.

That is because you are the one responding to my question. I never intended to talk anyone out of it.

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That is because you are the one responding to my question. I never intended to talk anyone out of it.

I get tired of people making extreme generalizations about banditing and then not backing up their reasons with anything solid.

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I get tired of people making extreme generalizations about banditing and then not backing up their reasons with anything solid.

I hope you are not talking about me, because I never did that.

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I hope you are not talking about me, because I never did that.

Take a quick look through this thread, you'll see who I mean.

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No it was a massive migration of Console players who know nothing but CoD. They heard of dayz when zombies were (and still are) a really big pop culture fad. So now the mod is filled with total fagdouches who KoS for no reason.

Not....really. At all. I don't actually know anyone who plays this game as non-bandit, and none of the people I know who play this game are console gamers. I think you have confused console gamers with players who make intelligent choices. You seem to think that your e-honor style of play is fun. Cool, enjoy it. However, it isn't a logical approach to DayZ at all, and so you should hardly be surprised when the rest of us take advantage of your idiocy.

(I call you an idiot for not understanding that there is always a reason to KOS.)

Edited by Smith Comma John

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Who made you the authority on what is fun to do in a video game? In fact you sound like you are 12 or more likely a teenager that thinks he is all grown up. Well, you reek of immaturity.

Nobody. I've been playing MMOs for the last decade and a half, the archtypes that are playing out in this thread are nothing new, despite what you all seem to think. Most people tend to play MMOs with a 'if its red (ie not implicitly friendly) its dead' attitude, and then there is the very vocal forum minority who whine and scream about how everyone kills them. This is a game. Dying is part of this game. I derive satisfaction from being hard to kill and good at killing, if you get it from teaming up with or helping strangers, you've missed your path in life. Go out into the real world and help people there. Nobody cares about how you administered a blood bag to a stranger or decided not to shoot a bambi, however, you make a youtube video about killing or robbing other players and you'll get hits. We don't play violent video games to be nice, if you do, you are weird. Trying to convince the rest of us that your bizarre way of playing the game is the only RIGHTEOUS AND HONORABLE way to play is just silly. Go lose 4 hours of work to a bambi with a makarov and a mic who can say the word 'friendly' long enough to keep you guessing. I hope he enjoys your stuff.

Another thing I would like to note: You choose to get angry about dying in a video game. I just spawned 10 minutes ago with nothing on the coast, when I logged out last, I had a DMR/Mk.48/M9SD along with every other thing I could want. I didn't die, the game just decided to reset everything regarding me (my bandit hood! :( ), but ya know what? I get to enjoy gearing up again. If I die its the same thing. If getting killed bothers you, this really isn't your game. (Don't give me any shit about it not bothering you either, if it didn't, you wouldn't have moral qualms with killing other players on sight, as you would understand that it doesn't matter to reasonable people.) This game is about patience. If you don't have it, get the fuck out. Twelve-year-old. Or don't, I like having a deeper understanding of the games I play than my opposition. Maybe I just like winning.

Edited by Smith Comma John

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At first, I was friendly just trying to survive, I was betrayed time after time, killed for a soda or some beans or sniped from far out in Cherno as a fresh spawn.. a new player was born.

A ruthless one, now if it moves and isn't on Skype with me its dead that's my play style, I am a Bandit and I'm damn proud of it, you see it's always better to be the pitcher than the catcher.

I don't just kill Bambi's, I shoot them and drag them into a pile of Zombies.. killing them is too easy, feeding them to Zombies is far more Entertaining, I have no problem watching over North West Airfield in a Ghille with an M107.

I love the PvP in this game, it gets my heart rate going faster than any other game I've ever played because so much time spent, is on the line in every fire fight, Sure I can go play BlackOps and respawn and kill 30 people in a short amount of time, but that's no where near as realistic.

The tactical game play is realistic too, you have to use proven methods of fighting and learn to use new tactics such as flanking in a sniper fight or learning how to draw players out while you have a sniper waiting, setting up distractions or laying down cover fire.. the list goes on and on, if your having such a hard time with the PvP I highly suggest you find a wolf pack to run with.

And if you can't handle the PvP.. I heard Hello Kitty Adventure Island is recruiting bro.

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I've been picking off mostly new spawns in Taviana around the Byelov area. Mind you, this is also very active with moderately armed players as well. But I do not hesitate to shoot a new player (all are armed with pistol in this server) unless he is far ahead of me or I do not want to alert anyone of my M14.

Of course, nearly every kill makes the player whine. "Enjoy my bandages!" "You must be bored!" "Why kill me????" "I was friendly!" (as this last guy spied on me in a military camp and could have announced that at any point prior to me finding and shooting him.)

After 13 kills, I finally died. And it was to a new player who pistoled me. I was laying down typing in chat (which I never normally do, as it is too distracting and I am not a tard that tells everyone where I am like most.) I was annoyed, but the guy killed me fair and square .Unfortunately for him....my buddy killed him and I spawned nearby and got my stuff back quickly.

The whining is so annoying though. There is no such thing as a justified or fair kill in this game to most players.....unless they are the ones doing it.

Edited by SteveLord

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On some maps and servers it is extremely easy to run in to other players, and killing players is fun because they may have spent an hour or two (sometimes more) gearing up, and when u strip all that away from them by force and make them restart it makes you feel like you are better than them.

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There is no risk to death in games like CoD. You lose points. In DayZ, you lose EVERYTHING. Some people like that high octane rush.

I dunno if this is really true.

If I am killed it takes me at most 1 hour to be fully geared again.

Either my friends loot my stuff and gives it back afterwards.

Or I go to one of the tents / stashes that me and my friends have set up and gear up there.

Or I get picked up on the beach and we drive back to my corpse where I can loot it.

So when do you actually lose *everything* ?

Only when you are lone wolfing.

The whole "DayZ is like Diablo 3 Hardcore mode for FPS games" is entirely untrue. If you die in Diablo then you truly lose everything. There is no way for you to run back and recover what you just lost.

That is not how DayZ works. Now, if your corpse automatically was despawned the second you died in DayZ then sure, it would be true... and then there would be this so-called high-octane rush.

But it's not true... it's an illusion people have created in their minds because they are so used to lonewolfing when they started the game.

As long as you play with friends, you never lose everything. You rarely even lose anything.

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I've been picking off mostly new spawns in Taviana around the Byelov area. Mind you, this is also very active with moderately armed players as well. But I do not hesitate to shoot a new player (all are armed with pistol in this server) unless he is far ahead of me or I do not want to alert anyone of my M14.

Of course, nearly every kill makes the player whine. "Enjoy my bandages!" "You must be bored!" "Why kill me????" "I was friendly!" (as this last guy spied on me in a military camp and could have announced that at any point prior to me finding and shooting him.)

After 13 kills, I finally died. And it was to a new player who pistoled me. I was laying down typing in chat (which I never normally do, as it is too distracting and I am not a tard that tells everyone where I am like most.) I was annoyed, but the guy killed me fair and square .Unfortunately for him....my buddy killed him and I spawned nearby and got my stuff back quickly.

The whining is so annoying though. There is no such thing as a justified or fair kill in this game to most players.....unless they are the ones doing it.

So you get enjoyment from killing new spawns who have basically no chance in fighting back? Basically you play the game to troll people. You might as well be a hacker since you both play the game for the same reasons and get enjoyment from the same thing.

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I dunno if this is really true.

If I am killed it takes me at most 1 hour to be fully geared again.

Case in point. One hour of your time (easily more), gone, because of the actions of another player. In CoD, you spawn with your gear (Minus your killstreak) instantly. It's entirely different.

Either my friends loot my stuff and gives it back afterwards.

Or I go to one of the tents / stashes that me and my friends have set up and gear up there.

Or I get picked up on the beach and we drive back to my corpse where I can loot it.

This is entirely dependent on you being able to find your body before someone loots it, or that nobody finds your tent/stash, or even that your friend is online at all.

So when do you actually lose *everything* ?

Only when you are lone wolfing.

The whole "DayZ is like Diablo 3 Hardcore mode for FPS games" is entirely untrue. If you die in Diablo then you truly lose everything. There is no way for you to run back and recover what you just lost.

That is not how DayZ works. Now, if your corpse automatically was despawned the second you died in DayZ then sure, it would be true... and then there would be this so-called high-octane rush.

But it's not true... it's an illusion people have created in their minds because they are so used to lonewolfing when they started the game.

As long as you play with friends, you never lose everything. You rarely even lose anything.

What happens when you and your friend die? Or are you planning on only ever playing when you have a full-on squad with you? If so, you're missing out on most of the survival aspect of the game.

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Only when you are lone wolfing.

I was shot down in Berezino yesterday, no zombies were spawned, so I started creeping in when someone shot me in the back several times. Never stood a chance, lost all my stuff.

I almost always lone wolf so I almost always lose everything. Fun times.

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Nobody. I've been playing MMOs for the last decade and a half, the archtypes that are playing out in this thread are nothing new, despite what you all seem to think. Most people tend to play MMOs with a 'if its red (ie not implicitly friendly) its dead' attitude, and then there is the very vocal forum minority who whine and scream about how everyone kills them. This is a game. Dying is part of this game. I derive satisfaction from being hard to kill and good at killing, if you get it from teaming up with or helping strangers, you've missed your path in life. Go out into the real world and help people there. Nobody cares about how you administered a blood bag to a stranger or decided not to shoot a bambi, however, you make a youtube video about killing or robbing other players and you'll get hits. We don't play violent video games to be nice, if you do, you are weird. Trying to convince the rest of us that your bizarre way of playing the game is the only RIGHTEOUS AND HONORABLE way to play is just silly. Go lose 4 hours of work to a bambi with a makarov and a mic who can say the word 'friendly' long enough to keep you guessing. I hope he enjoys your stuff.

Another thing I would like to note: You choose to get angry about dying in a video game. I just spawned 10 minutes ago with nothing on the coast, when I logged out last, I had a DMR/Mk.48/M9SD along with every other thing I could want. I didn't die, the game just decided to reset everything regarding me (my bandit hood! :( ), but ya know what? I get to enjoy gearing up again. If I die its the same thing. If getting killed bothers you, this really isn't your game. (Don't give me any shit about it not bothering you either, if it didn't, you wouldn't have moral qualms with killing other players on sight, as you would understand that it doesn't matter to reasonable people.) This game is about patience. If you don't have it, get the fuck out. Twelve-year-old. Or don't, I like having a deeper understanding of the games I play than my opposition. Maybe I just like winning.

Show me where the I complained about dying. I think you are being a bit moronic here and taking other people's words and putting them in my mouth. Brother, I'm a straight up bandit and at no time did I complain about dying. I'm the one that does that killing.

So how about you do me a favour and get your facts straight before spreading verbal diarrhea all over my monitor screen.

What I don't like is self righteous idiots that think their way is the ONLY way to play a game. If people want to be nice, that's their choice. If people want to say "friendly" yet shoot you in the back, that is also their choice. I won't take those choices away from them, even if I don't agree with them.

"Maybe I just like winning"... Mate, I doubt you have ever won... anything!

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