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About Gyallarhorn

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  1. Gyallarhorn

    Why banditing?

    I hope you are not talking about me, because I never did that.
  2. Gyallarhorn

    Why banditing?

    That is because you are the one responding to my question. I never intended to talk anyone out of it.
  3. Gyallarhorn

    Why banditing?

    The most funny part in this thread became the people that still think that this is some kind of a mimimi-thread or that people want the bandits to go away. I were just very interested in why people play DayZ only to kill other players when there are Games like CoD, BF3 or maybe even Arma2 (I don't really know anything about Arma2). I am still enjoying to read more answers, even though most are the same. The most interesting things are the posts that tell about a specific event that made them decide to become a bandit like blueblood. I think this thread is even a good opportunity to show other players that the majority of bandits isn't even some kind of asshole that only want to ruin another players day. Keep posting!
  4. Gyallarhorn

    Why banditing?

    That was just about "pranks"... Edit: To avoid further misunderstanding: I do not play pranks on people I don't know.
  5. Gyallarhorn

    Why banditing?

    You are wrong about me. The only thing is that I do not involve People I don't know in my fun for I don't know how they would respond. What I do with friends and family is a completely different matter. I am hardly a hardass.
  6. Gyallarhorn

    Why banditing?

    So you actually throw snowballs at people you never met? I wouldn't call people that do that "murderers-in-training", but I definetly call them insolent assholes. You don't have to be a killer to be sociopathic. A sociopath is someone who can't understand the feelings of others and therefore doesn't care about them. Or maybe he does care, is fascinated and likes to lure these feelings out again and again because of that. Anyway. What I really mean by calling someone a sociopath is normally a person that does not seem to follow any morality (and lack good manners). Since Sociopaths aren't able to do that, I use this term. I rather tell people to be incapable of beeing a good person then just call them an asshole. And yes, someone that makes it his goal to make other people feel bad (anger, sadness, frustration, no matter how exactly) without a reason is definetly just an asshole. But don't assume that I think bandits are assholes. They are not. The assholes are the ones that are killing freshly spawned survivors just to piss the player off.
  7. Gyallarhorn

    Why banditing?

    I think there is an important difference in using your gear to fight other geared players and shooting newspawns with no reason or challenge. If you just want to get yourself in a fight to actually compete with other players, nobody will call you a psychopath, but doing stuff just to piss people off is kind of sociopathic.
  8. Gyallarhorn

    Why banditing?

    First: I didn't get me DayZ because I want to kill zombies. I actually like PvP. As I mentioned before there was this fight between me and a bandit with only pistols. I enjoyed it very much.If this was EVE-Online or if the side chat would've been active on that server I would have told him "gf" (good fight) after that (getting sniped is still fucking boring, though). So don't think I'm just angry that I got killed by a bandit. I just expected to encounter more players that are more concerned about the zombies and willing to create some kind of save haven instead of just killing other players. I didn't know how easy it is to avoid the zombies when I bought it. I expected them to be far more deadly. You have my beans on the BF thing too (if it really is like that. I never played it) and I don't want banditing to be forbidden. I was just curious about why people play DayZ when they are only out to kill other players. Sadly none of their reasons seems to really have to do with the Undead hordes. Most of them are just bored or want to piss off people if not doing it just to prevent getting killed. About the hypothetical "Apocalypse" People aren't even very murderous when it comes to surviving. They surely kill to survive, but that's it. It takes a lot to make someone to kill someone else. Greed is rarely a motive. Beeing desperate is a motive. When people kill for money it's most because they really need it, not to get more money. Of course there are seldom cases in which people actually kill to satisfy their greed, but those people mostly have a mental disorder before that. You wouldn't kill someone so easy. Even if it is a complete stranger. So let's get through all of your points. Get fed: A group with two hunters or scouts is more likely to spot food. Feel comfortable: If the other person does not give you good reason to distrust them you propably feel more comfortable with other people around. Feel Safe: Again there is the thing about distrust, but everyone would know that four eyes are better than two. Therefore you'd be much saver. Protect your family: Why not protect a whole clan with a whole more men like they did in the early years of mankind. All the Families would be save from outside threats if there are more warriors to defend them. Establish a hierarchy: This point is your best one because it is very individual. Even the most anarchistic guys will listen to a trained survival specialist if their life depends on it. Otherwise they are just dumb or mislead about their own capabilities. Or maybe they aren't and can handle themselves pretty well. We live in a society with not much authority left, but people would accept authority if confronted with a lethal threat. There are reasons that we always had leaders. And most weren't just "the strongest" because people tend to listen to those they think are capable of the right decisions. Thus men were following their Elders and Shamans for a long time. Tell me: Wouldn't you listen to a trained soldier that can fire a gun, know about camouflage and navigation (is that term even used when not talking about Navy stuff) and is capable of keeping himself and propably others alive in the wilderness for days? As you can see there are very good reasons for not shooting each other as well as for fighting each other. The first humans even traded with each others when they encountered each other instead of killing everyone on sight. The best example for surviving are Soldiers I guess. In the Bundeswehr (german army) Soldiers get teached to trust each other and be trustworthy from the beginning. Soldiers operate almost never alone. In the Bundeswehr you can optionally make a test to become a "Einzelkämpfer" which means something like a solo fighter. This is completely optional and not considered to be of any importance to a soldier. All that counts is operating as a team. A team can keep you alive if something goes wrong. Of course this doesn't work in DayZ. Zombies aren't much of a threat teammates have to save you from. But the human instinct ist to run in a pack, not beeing a lone wolf.
  9. Gyallarhorn

    Why banditing?

    That is partly the point. There is no other Game like DayZ and some people turn it into a regular deathmatch shooter. And by doing that they force others to do this aswell. I think this is kind of killing the game aswell as the absence of alternatives to banditing once you have geared up does.
  10. Gyallarhorn

    Agressive wildlife [Official wildlife topic]

    Well... I don't think a Bear would now the difference between a Zombe and a Man. Giving that Zombies frequently attack wildlife they could've learned to either avoid Zombies or seeing them as hostile and attack them. But still, they shouldn't be as aggressive as zombies.
  11. Gyallarhorn

    Zombie migration, no respawn inside map

    You could even make them spawn everywhere on the borders of the map with maybe some destroyed Ships or Airplanes at the costs to explain zombies coming from there. The possibility to defend Citys from Zombies would be great. And a constantly increasing number of zombies would make Zombie hunting not this useless. But I think it would only end in Cherno and Elektro beeing still overrun by Bandits but without beeing bothered by Zombies.
  12. Gyallarhorn

    Random Zombie Mutation

    Clumzy said it. There don't have to be Spitters, Boomers and X-Factor watchers. (jk) But it would be great if there were bigger and stronger Zombies that you'd actually fear to see you because they would be deadly in melee. Maybe an increased chance of breaking bones. Or more Slender zombies that run faster. Maybe fat zombies that endure more damage. Maybe a mix of all of them that really are dangerous when they spot a player because you can't outrun them and they'll cost you a lot of ammo and deal a lot of damage. Maybe screaming zombies that would attract other players like a Gunshot does, but that would be hard to explain because every Zombie could be something like that.
  13. Gyallarhorn

    Why banditing?

    Do you talk about the game or do you talk about the hypothetical possibility of a zombie apocalypse? If first: Because it isn't what they got themselves DayZ for. This is only a possibility. I do NOT say this applies to every DayZ player. If last: Because people know that there is strength in numbers plus it usually takes the need to kill someone. After they killed one time it might get easier, but it is not the natural behavior of men to kill without pondering other possibilities. This,of course, can't apply to a Game because we aren't really killing and we know it. That's why all this bullshit about how gaming turns someone into a mass murderer is just insane. And as mentioned before: There is strength in Numbers. Humans aren't a race of lone wolves. Having others with you greatly increases your survivability. The only animals that aren't running in a pack are those that are already so strong others would only mean lack of food for them. Most of us can't take Isolation forever. You are propably enjoying to be around people somehow yourself. That's why you don't play a single player game. You want to interact and compete with other players. Beeing alone would be boring.
  14. Gyallarhorn

    Why banditing?

    So some players go bandit because there is no need to be friendly due to the easy to avoid zombies. Some People just do it (like papasmurf) because he enjoys to ruin other peoples day. (Who would play a game like this when he can't take being killed and start all over again? So propably you don't even do that plus many people have that tents to rearm after death) A lot of people do it because of the lack of other things to do. And most of the people do it because they fear getting killed themselves. Most Bandits don't even care about the loot. Maybe I am strange, but to me it is no fun killing an enemy with a Sniper Rifle without a fight. I once got in a fight with a bandit. Both of us just with pistols. (sadly for me I only got a shitty makarov) and that fight was thrilling and fun. Of course I lost, but it was awesome that way. Sniping Survivors that are busy enough to avoid the zombies and cannot see you on top of that building isn't even harder than sniping zeds. Mostly it is even easier because they actually stand still to wait for a zombie to pass before they cross the street. But my question is answered. It isn't about the game, it is just about the fun in killing other players. I guess I'll just have to get better in avoiding you guys. I think it would be an interesting feature if it would be possible to clean Citys from the Zombies so they won't spawn there anymore. Of course this should need a lot of players and even more ammunition and it would be a reason for not killing each other... but it would propably be very easy once you got a helicopter. Well, I'm getting off topic myself now. Once again, I am not pissed off by bandits killing me. I just didn't get why someone would play DayZ just to kill other players. Have a good time and break a leg... literally!
  15. Gyallarhorn

    Why banditing?

    It does...