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Pro Tips Please

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So I have done really well for a newbie. I was hording stuff like a packrat. Well after getting my bearings...and doing realy well...a hacker killed everyone in the server. I guess the admin rolled it back and we all spawned in with what we died with. Well I did better, but then got overrun. I got reduced to nothing to the point that I asked for a pick up because it didn't matter if they were going to kill me and I had nothing to steal (well except the precious...a hand grenade lol).

Anyway. I got a whole bunch of stuff (mainly a gift from the Samaritan). I stashed it all, UAZ with an M249, medical supplies, handguns, chem lighs, road flares, food, drink, water bottle, jerry can, etc. Well after a little bit i found and stole a URAL (bandit) and drove it off and hid it as well. I stashed it in a different location.

So after getting yet another hacker trash killing everyone...I restarted and decided to set up tent I found. Got a bunch of loot hid in special location that I can get to off respawn. So all of that is long winded, but I need a couple pro tips. Am I doing it right by stashing loot that I find? Or should I just carry it and use it all up? My rational is to hide the 249 and carry another gun when I am roaming. Then when I go to check a place out I carry in only what I need to kill bandits or zombies. Then if it is worth it I bring a car up. Sound like a good idea?

Also. I need help with gun battles. I got wasted by someone 3 times while looting cherno/electro one of those I don't recall which. The first time I could have demolished him...but of course he was screaming friendly running through zombies that I had already started to shoot. When he got inside I stopped shooting at him...and he shot me dead. Then of course I got 2 lucky spawns close by...but I couldn't kill him because all I had was a handgun to his winchester...plus 1000 zombies to boot.

How do you win gun battles? Is it all about outgunning them?

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How do you win gun battles? Is it all about outgunning them?

#1 Do not put yourself in a vulernable position (looting cherno/elektro OMG WHY I GET SHOT ?!)

#2 Trust No One !!!

#3 Having backup gear is nice, but you should always carry your best gear. (camp/cars will just be raided and you'll never get to use the stuff)

These aren't pro-tips...

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What the guy above said, also, don't listen to the "Pay a ton of attention when crossing fields" guys. In my 700 hours of playtime, I have never been taken by surprise on a field. But really, be careful in towns. Really, really careful.

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How do you win gun battles? Is it all about outgunning them?

Seriously, play ArmA 2 campaigns and Wasteland, you'll get a lot more opportunities for fighting and will get a lot better at it as a result.

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I tend to sneak around fights recently, I keep a revolver and nothing else. Keep room for food instead of ammo and keep my bag empty for everything.

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Next time you are killed, run around cherno or elektro in COD shoot-em-up mode. Just look to mix it up with some folks and don't care about anything. This will help you get a feel for how to put yourself in a better shooting position on people. Find their location and either rush them or ambush them. Perhaps try it on a private hive you don't intend to continue playing on, so you don't ruin your humanity level and stay permabandit. You could also try the single player arma missions, but the AI isnt going to play like a real life DayZ player.

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Get an axe and try to find and sneak up on players unawares. This is the best tip i can give for making you act carefully around the big cities.

Not aggroing zombies is a big factor as well. The moment you have a zombie on your tail you can be sure another player is coming to investigate.

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1. Don't shoot anything unless necessary.

2. Don't trust anyone unless you're on Skype or Teamspeak with them or you know them IRL.

3. Conserve ammunition and supplies.

4. The first best place to look for decent entry-level gear is a barn or farm. Progress onto cities and towns, and eventually the airfields and castles. Also Balota Airfield is a good place to start too.

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If you fire shots in a town it's safe to say anyone around you that hears it will go into shoot on site mode. Also if you fire at someone DO NOT STOP until they are either unconscious or dead even if they start shouting friendly.

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With gear, I always carry my best stuff on me. Everything else, I leave in a tent. But never get attached to your gear. Doesn't matter how good of a hiding place you might have for your camp, it'll probably get raided soon enough. That's why I carry my best stuff and leave the rest at camp.

With firefights, just becareful. When you go to highly populated places (i.e. Cherno, Elektro, NWAF etc.) you should always be ready to shoot. Always make sure that you have ammo in your gun and that it's ready to fire. Make sure you have the right fire mode on as well. I've gone to shoot a bandit, but instead thrown a chemlight at him by accident one too many times because I wasn't paying attention to what my fire setting was on.

Shoot from places where you have cover. If you walk out into the middle of a road or a field, you're a sitting duck, especially if you're against more than one enemy. Use buildings, cars, trees as cover.

If you have a weaker gun, try to go for a headshot as best as you can, rather than using all of your ammo on body shots.

Also, treat your gun as a last resort when dealing with zombies. It's common sense, but so many players (both new and experienced) still shoot zombies straight away. For one thing, you're aggroing all the zombies in the area by doing that, which in itself draws attention to you. And secondly, like someone else said, you're alerting everyone else in the area to your presence. And a lot of people, bandits in particular, like to move towards the sound of the gunshots. So firing a gun in a town or city when you don't need to is basically asking for trouble.

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I agree with everyones' advice and I'll add/repeat.

- If you hear shots or think someone is shooting at you, keep on moving but never in a straight line. Move unpredictably, get walls, trees, rocks, vehicles (whatever is available) in between you and where you think the shots are coming from. Duck in and out of places, make yourself hard to focus on.

- Like Doomsday says, only shoot your gun when you are out of other options. You will draw attention and tell everyone where you are.

- Never run across fields unless:

1) you are the only one on the server

2) the only other person on the server is your mum, or

3 you want to die.

- If you don't personally know someone do not let them stand anywhere close to you because they can easily steal from your backpack. So keep anything precious, like morphine, on your person, not in the backpack.

- Don't worry too much about primary weapons. If you have to, you can kill with an axe in most close range situations. If the other person is a sniper then you've little chance of survival anyway. Well, unless it's some 12 year old aiming like a monkey with an explosive banana.

Edit: Oh and trust no one except me. I really am entirely trustworthy. :thumbsup: :beans:

Edited by Sula

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If you've ever played Mount & Blade, you'll know how to dodge a bullet XD

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