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About stonewall1350

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  1. stonewall1350

    Skilled Vs Unskilled bandits

    So you actually believe in camping an airfield just sniping Bambi's in the dark? I mean if YOU can't take and sneak up on someone with no nvgs in the dark that is terrible. I've done it. Holding people up is like the greatest bandit stalking feat. If you can't do it ok...snipe Bambi's in the dark. I'm sure it is real fun to shoot people who have no chance, and you must be real unafraid of dying so you choose to stalk them within 400 m and snipe lol. I don't mind being sniped. I really don't. Daylight sniping is awesome. Honestly KOS daylight doesn't bother me. It rarely happens to me...mainly out of luck...but partly because I try to be slow and steady. The guys who are terrible bandits are the ones who pull out nvgs and KOS night time Bambi's. You know this. Play or fun for you...but I'm telling you....you stalk a Bambi to point blank and hold him up and you will have way more fun than a quickie airfield snipe with your dmr and nvgs. I knew I would come off as being against bandits. I play as a bandit. I also don't hate dying. It makes it fun. What I detest is people acting like it is talented/difficult/skilled to night snipe a Bambi/fresh spawn.
  2. stonewall1350

    Skilled Vs Unskilled bandits

    No no no. Does kill people. Doesn't just camp an airfield in the dark and snipe Bambi's. that is not skill. There are really good bandits out there. Then there are those weak guys who are afraid of a little close quarters stalking.
  3. stonewall1350

    Skilled Vs Unskilled bandits

    So you aren't good enough to hold someone up and then execute them before they try anything? Especially in a night time server? Come on man. Wasting people who can't see it coming? You want to talk about not being able to handle dying? Talk to those bandits who risk nothing by sniping flashlight wielding newbies. Lol. Can't handle dying? If I had a problem dying I would be a cowardly sniper bandit. Instead I hold people up. I try to keep servers fun for the Bambi's do they get full and I can shoot them later.
  4. stonewall1350

    Skilled Vs Unskilled bandits

    I very much agree. Shooters who can use anything are awesome. I can't shoot AKs well but I'm getting better. I actually love using the Enfield. Great weapon. I also love executing people with pistols.
  5. stonewall1350

    Tushus Bandits Needed

    There is a server called Tushus in DayZ Chernerus. It needs bandits. There are a few here or there, but for the most part there are a few guys who run the server and are friendly to everyone. It is fine to collect gear...but it doesn't do well for the whole "survivor" theme. Bandits are desired. Please join...please hold people up. Loot. And kill.
  6. I have been playing Day Z for quite a bit now. I have gotten really good too. I have started banditing quite a bit and I have gotten quite good. I decided to start playing Origins and I am sad to report that there are far too many unskilled bandits out there. What is an unskilled bandit you say? Shouldn't bandits just shoot on site? I say no. In daylight sure. But during the night time? Not at all. It is a lame tactic and it really is simply the sign of a poor player. Anyone...I mean ANYONE can grab a sniper rifle and sit in the dark and shoot someone who turns on a flashlight. But what fun is that? That means that pretty much nobody can play in the dark when they are a newbie. Too much risk. I stopped playing at night when I am in a new server because of the nightvision DMR campers. So. What is a skilled bandit? Well. I was killed twice today and once was skilled and the other was not. If you are in US002 origins...I was kiled on the NE airfield by the DMR nightvision camper. He is up past the hangars and I have seen him there more than once. Kill him if you can lol. He was sitting in the rocks waiting and I looted all the hangars and was leaving the airfield. I stopped to check my position 1 time on my map and was shot dead in pitch black. That...is an unskilled bandit. I didn't know he was there. I was on the airfield and no chance of fighting back. No chance to surrender. Nothing. There is a special place in Day Z hell for those losers. Now. The bandits that have TRUE skill are the ones who just did me in. I was in some town I had looted it and gotten an AK and plenty of gear and a nice pack. I moved from town to town. I was doing well. I drove up about 500m to a town (a little closer than normal...but this place didnt allow it). I moved in and looted it. As I came back to the truck...out of nowhere someone tells me not to move. THAT is a skilled bandit. Using the dark as cover...waiting at my vehicle...and NOT shooting on site. He tells me to drop my weapon and pack. I comply. I dropped my side arm too. He took EVERYTHING useful I had...even though he had it all already. I was on the verge of no food and no water. He then proceeded to give me a morphine and shot me in the leg. THAT is what a skilled bandit is. Doesn't just waste a player. He takes EVERYTHING the player has...and forces him to play from where he is. Doesn/'t give him a chance to respawn. My hat is off to that guy. Great bandit. Yes the game needs bandits. And yes shooting on site is sometimes the only option. But when you have the drop on a player...dont be a wimp. Try and hold them up. I am sick of the scaredy cat bambi bandits. I LOVE being held up and I love HOLDING people up, Heck sometimes I do a reverse bandit and give people gear if they are fresh spawns so that they can grow and I can bandit them later. There aren't enough hold ups...there are too many wimp bandits out tthere. So I urge you guys...PLEASE PLEASE hold people up. Nothing quite as heart pounding as a hold up for the non bandit and the bandit.
  7. stonewall1350

    New Hack Type

    Got the nuke script kiddie. Then he teleported...no name on him. Then he global erased all our stuff. THEN when I tried to quit screen went grey "no quitting"
  8. stonewall1350

    Hatchets and Hackers and Camo

    So I think a heavy modded game should be imortant. I think that if someone's IP is found hacking they should be permabanned and if they are ever found in game again...banned again. The hacking in this game is ridiculous. I just got hosed by hackers yet again. So some form of very heavy handed and very heavily modded server is important. I won't play this game again for a while. I just got basically run out of 3 servers by hackers. I am sure I am not alone. OK. On to the new Game. I think 1 ability is being able to wield the hatchet NOT as a primary, It would make it a lot easier to be quiet. Plus it gives the option of stealth killing other people too. I think that would be a nice feature. Stealth kill players. especially snipers. Another feature that I would love is camo netting. To be able to set it up over vehicles so they are harder to spot from the air or from around them. Would add an interesting dynamic. Walkie Talkies. It would be nice to be able to pick up walkie talkies. Like a 20 channel handheld so you can talk to people within like 600m or so. Would be cool.
  9. stonewall1350

    Neuse Server

    It is happening right now. It got really big...then people started doing teleporting. I was protecting a location and had my leg broken...I was able to revive and shoot 1 person. then I was shot out of nowhere. I can't provide screenshots. But I can give the server name. At least 2 there now.
  10. stonewall1350

    Pro Tips Please

    So I have done really well for a newbie. I was hording stuff like a packrat. Well after getting my bearings...and doing realy well...a hacker killed everyone in the server. I guess the admin rolled it back and we all spawned in with what we died with. Well I did better, but then got overrun. I got reduced to nothing to the point that I asked for a pick up because it didn't matter if they were going to kill me and I had nothing to steal (well except the precious...a hand grenade lol). Anyway. I got a whole bunch of stuff (mainly a gift from the Samaritan). I stashed it all, UAZ with an M249, medical supplies, handguns, chem lighs, road flares, food, drink, water bottle, jerry can, etc. Well after a little bit i found and stole a URAL (bandit) and drove it off and hid it as well. I stashed it in a different location. So after getting yet another hacker trash killing everyone...I restarted and decided to set up tent I found. Got a bunch of loot hid in special location that I can get to off respawn. So all of that is long winded, but I need a couple pro tips. Am I doing it right by stashing loot that I find? Or should I just carry it and use it all up? My rational is to hide the 249 and carry another gun when I am roaming. Then when I go to check a place out I carry in only what I need to kill bandits or zombies. Then if it is worth it I bring a car up. Sound like a good idea? Also. I need help with gun battles. I got wasted by someone 3 times while looting cherno/electro one of those I don't recall which. The first time I could have demolished him...but of course he was screaming friendly running through zombies that I had already started to shoot. When he got inside I stopped shooting at him...and he shot me dead. Then of course I got 2 lucky spawns close by...but I couldn't kill him because all I had was a handgun to his winchester...plus 1000 zombies to boot. How do you win gun battles? Is it all about outgunning them?
  11. stonewall1350

    Version 1.62.100296 needed

    Ok. I will try that. I am pretty sure I did what it said on the page though. I updated it all through DayZ commander. It even shows that 1.62.100296 but when i updated it only showed the 1.62 in the menu.
  12. stonewall1350

    Version 1.62.100296 needed

    Well. I downloaded off of amazon. Does that say anything? I then used the arma 2 patch off the website.