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Why do you use 3rd person?


243 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you like 3rd person removed?

    • Yes
    • No
  2. 2. Why do you use 3rd person?

    • To see my surroundings better.
    • To see my character.
    • To see other players/zeds while in cover.
    • I'm not used to First Person.
    • First Person is poorly done.
    • I don't.
  3. 3. Would you stop playing if 3rd person is removed?

    • Yes
    • No

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Is this not similar to the above 1st vs 3rd thread above?

Why should I not lock/merge, please?


Completely biased poll/discussion. Go ahead.

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This 3rd person issue have been brought up so many times with the "In Real Life" you wounldn't be able to see around corners, over walls ect... But infact if i wanted to peek over a wall or around a corner "In Real Life" i could, even climb the wall if necessary? .. So i fail to see how some people can compare 3rd person not being realistic and having an advantage over other players (Thats just a weak term used to fight the issue with 1st/3rd person) when every player has the use of it on that server..

Nothing like this should ever be forced on the players, because not all players look at DayZ as a "First Person Shooter".

I play both 1st/3rd but to be honest i perfer to have the option and it comes down to a a simple term each to their own...

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This 3rd person issue have been brought up so many times with the "In Real Life" you wounldn't be able to see around corners, over walls ect... But infact if i wanted to peek over a wall or around a corner "In Real Life" i could, even climb the wall if necessary? .. So i fail to see how some people can compare 3rd person not being realistic and having an advantage over other players (Thats just a weak term used to fight the issue with 1st/3rd person) when every player has the use of it on that server..

Nothing like this should ever be forced on the players, because not all players look at DayZ as a "First Person Shooter".

I play both 1st/3rd but to be honest i perfer to have the option and it comes down to a a simple term each to their own...

But then, you would be seen when peeking ; while 3rd person view allows you to see over a wall, without getting you in trouble.

Edited by Fenrod

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I like 3rd person so I can see how my character looks... (this will be especially important with the different clothes in the standalone.)

Also running long distances... while not particularly enjoyable in either view is a lot nicer in 3rd person.

I personally cannot use 3rd person to aim... I'm too used to fps.

How about your locked from 3rd person at the same time your stopped from aborting? Or simply when you draw your weapon?

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Arguement: 1st person makes me dizzy and motion-sick.

-I agree with this in the mod since 1st person is very shaky and limited but I have a question for you: Do you feel dizzy and motion-sick too if you played Battlefield or Cod for hours? I don't, and if you do, you're probably a casual gamer and I don't think DayZ will be catering for you. Everybody should be able to play it no matter if you're a casual gamer but you need to adapt with the mechanics of the game like everybody else. Just because it's hard for you to get used to, doesn't mean we have to put an easy button for you.


-Firefights will last longer. Since it will be harder to see the player who shot you, firefights will be a lot more immersive and challenging just like it is in real life.


Don't let the players choose the features they should experience so that the game will be easier for them. Make them experience the apocalypse like everybody else, nobody gets to see their backs because that's not possible in real life unless you look at it on the mirror.

First off, CoD and Battlefield are for casual gamers. I think the people that get dizzy in CoD and BF are called "facebook gamers" or something worse.

There are enough first person shooters on the market and even if the view was why they were popular, which is not the case in my opinion, it wouldn't matter because the scale of this game is much larger than the garden variety pew pew arena respawn deathmatch garbage found cluttering the market. And it's kind of late in the game to chance one of the most recognizable features of dayz, in my opinion.

I guess Third Person is the new whipping boy now that a lot of the hacking has been reduced thanks to whitelisted servers. So now everyone wants to blame their deaths on the "exploitation" of the third person camera and not on their poor tactics or their poor choice of routes into locations.

TP takes some getting used to and since there really isn't a campaign for DayZ, I strongly recommend everyone fire up Arma2 and play some missions or even the campaign until third person becomes second nature. Once you learn to use it effectively you can imagine how others are using it. It's more than just peaking around corners or going prone on top of some sniper nest in Cherno. You have to anticipate where players are likely to hide to get the best view of wherever you're trying to move to. Then you have to find a route to your destination while minimizing your exposure. That's harder than strafing side to side in first person or sprinting past a doorway with ALT held down until you think the coast is clear.

I honestly don't see why you guys think the game is any easier when an opponent can spot you from just about anywhere. It's easier for them to spot you if you run around without thinking but not easier for them to approach you. If you're taking your time and not just running through Elektro trying to gear up as fast as you can then you'll likely have plenty of opportunities to spot any player trying to get the drop on you, short of sniper hill. Knowing other players are using third person also adds more tension as you never do know if you're being watched.

but you need to adapt with the mechanics of the game like everybody else. Just because it's hard for you to get used to, doesn't mean we have to put an easy button for you.

Yes. Adapt. Forcing everyone into first person will make the game easier for the third person haters, and they know it.

Reasons why FP view is awful:

Framerates - if you're pushing 20 fps, cities and forests look like ass in FP. Third Person mitigates the noticeable stuttering and the game becomes playable. Arma/DayZ eats computers for lunch so only the best rigs, or random freaks of nature, are pulling smooth framerates in the cities and forests.

Field of View - it's boinked. Sure, this could be improved quite a bit but I don't think the devs are too focused on this though.

The design of some interiors - It's hard enough to squeeze through some doors in TP and I've been playing for months. I can't imagine there was a lot of reason to run around inside some of the buildings in Arma as much as we do in DayZ. They don't seem to be designed for the kind of use they're seeing.

It won't solve the "cheap" deaths people experience - It'll make it worse as more people will find its easier to doorway camp.

Vehicles - Some do not appear to be designed with FP view in mind. Try driving that V3S in FP or ride in the back of any of the cars. Not being able to see out the window I'm sitting next to is immersion breaking for me.

Climbing ladders - This made me want to puke at 50 fps

Reasons why FP view is awesome:

Immersion - Despite it's flaws, it really does beef up the immersion and makes looting and navigating harder.

Driving - It's fun to be the driver, even if you can't see.

Zombies become a threat again (this one could easily be overcome with experience)

Plays differently across the board.

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But then, you would be seen while peeking, while 3rd person view allows you to see over a wall, without getting you in trouble.

yes true, but the mechanics are not implemented into the game for the player to do every day actions. Hence why 3rd person makes up for the lack of awareness you can't have in 1st person...

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Just adjust third person, everyone's happy.

3rd person adjustment would do it for everyone. I never use 1st person.

It's about a trillion times easier to say that than actually do it and not screw it all up.

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For me, it's the way the movement is in first person. Walking around in first person, going into buildings, just doing everything, is bobbing, disorenting, like I'm drunk, I can't move with any real orientation. I am a big FPS fan. I rarely like third person games, but this game needs to be played in third person for most tasks in my opinion.

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I mostly use first person, but it's nice to see my character and not be locked to first person all the time.

People who say they will quit playing if 3rd person gets removed are lying. Not gonna happen.

And I have set my FOV to 90-100 manually, so that's why I like playing in first person. FOV slider would help though.

I am not lying about quitting if 3rd person is remover it screws with my eyes gives me a headache that could lead to a migraine

NO game is worth that

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I think Dallas and sausage said it best but I would just add you are trying to force your playstyle on others since it has lost terribly in the marketplace of ideas. You are mad that first person only servers are empty and your solution is to insult and force other players to play just like you despite the fact they don't want to play that way.

Then again I am probably just some casual newb who only takes the easy way out and the only reason I ever win a firefight is due to exploits and being cheap. It is like you see into my soul.

Edited by Zombie Jesus

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I actually removed my "zoom" and third person keybinds. It breaks the immersion, makes it too easy, and I feel like I'm cheating

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yes true, but the mechanics are not implemented into the game for the player to do every day actions. Hence why 3rd person makes up for the lack of awareness you can't have in 1st person...

My issue is that 3rd person totally overcompensates for the lack of mechanics implemented in the game. Like if you wanted to look over a wall, exposing your head only, you can't. Instead you use third person view to simply watch over walls, no matter how tall they are without a millimeter of your body sticking out.

Reasons why FP view is awful:

Honestly, none of those seem like a big deal aside from vehicles. There are already mods for ARMA that deal with clumisness of guns in interiors and stuff. I wouldn't be surprised if something similar has already been implemented in DayZ SA with the controls being more streamlined. FOV is already adjustable and frame rate is pretty much the same in both views. Whatever you gain by a more zoomed out view, you lose it by more stuff to your sides having to be rendered. For vehicles, ideally we would have an option to see out of the window. As a temporary solution, enabling 3rd person in vehicles would work fine.

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Just for the mod, I find the First Person experience to be rather poorly done. As some may really like the game, I don't feel its done as well as it should be even with head bobbing off. You get stuck easier and long distance runs aren't very comfortable in first person. I'd continue to play the game if they forced third person off, but then they have to make up for it with a better first person experience. Maybe its FOV, maybe its animations, I can't put my finger on it exactly.

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everyone use it " To see other players/zeds while in cover." all other guys are liar

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If you don't think it will make a difference, look at the population and popularity difference between 1st person and 3rd person servers. I think it will be a mistake to naturally assume, that people are simply going migrate and occupy 1st person servers, if you remove 3rd person or make 3rd person less desirable.

1st person servers are already a perfect example of what will happen if 3rd person isn't allowed.

So I agree removing 3rd person servers, not gonna happen. :)

That is because 3rd person servers still exist.. If the Standalone didn't have 3rd person, you would still buy the game instantly. You're not fooling anyone, same goes with the migraine guy.

And if anyone comes up with some kind of reply again, I'm not against 3rd person servers, just saying that you will play the standalone even if it didn't have 3rd person, yes you will.

Edited by Sutinen

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I use it due to the limitations of the engine and because I do not have trackIR. Often it is a necessity inside buildings.

It needs to stay. Atleast until there is plenty of development time to work on the many issues not using it involves.

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Op said 3rd person is gonan be removed?

Vast majority of players prefer 3rd person play.

Why are so many the 1st person players so adamant that the rest of us must play their way?

tbh i wouldnt buy standalone if wasnt 3rd person option, and i dont think many would either, would be a major error for rocket to take it out, i dont mind if server side option

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99.8% of the time I play in first person and I've never bothered trying to adjust FOV settings. I'd probably break something. Crosshairs are off on our server and first person is the only way I can shoot even remotely straight. If I'm making a video, which rarely happens, I like to use third 'cause it looks better. If I get stuck as gunner in a heli first person view brings on awful motion sickness. Running to the toilet kind of awful. Luckily my team knows this and we avoid that situation as much as possible.

I like having the choice of either...I'm not particularly bothered if it were to go away...I don't view it as some kind of moral/ethical DayZ game play conundrum. Why not leave it as a server option? Folks can make the choice of how they want to play if it's that important to them.

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I heard they implemented third person because it gave a 180 degree field of view instead of the 90 degree field of view granted with first person. I've always found first person immersive but it just isn't the same view as you'd get in real life, and I'm not even sure you could make it like that.

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Aren't you an OFP/ARMA veteran Dallas? It's kinda strange that you're implying it has been this way since day one with this game. It hasn't. Even DayZ at the beggining had plenty of full 1st person servers because unlike now 3rd person wasn't enabled on practically every server.

Third person is popular because it is easier and allows people to peek around corners and over the walls without being seen. Just like 24/7 daylight or 1000 vehicles 100 choppers servers are getting more and more popular. If we were to go with what's most popular, DayZ standalone would be basically ARMA with some zombies thrown in. You're looking at it the wrong way around by saying the problem lies with empty 1st person servers IMO. DayZ mod would have gotten just as big even if there never was a 3rd person option. It's only now that everyone is used to it that removing it would be a problem.

Initially Rocket approached tight knit ArmA communities and it was through them DayZ spread like circles in water. Just because the initial batch of servers favored Expert setting, doesn't mean that DayZ sold out of ArmA's complexity or core principles.

Real Virtuality always offered a wide range of difficulty settings, which server hosts could enforce as they preferred. ArmA isn't hardcore realism, if you want a flight sim, you're going to be severely disappointed, if you're looking for a mainstreat twitch shooter, you're not going to get one, if you want perfect AI, you're better off with a tunnel shooter, where the AI are placed like domino pieces, waiting your you to tip them over and save the story telling for cut scenes, voiceovers and quicktime events. ArmA places you in a real world, a big and beautiful world and it give your a player model to use to interact with the world.The games also allows you to enjoy watching as your character and vehicle moves around in this world. 3rd person is wildly popular, not only by the players, but also by the great audience that drives recruitment and promotion of DayZ on youtube and twitch. Again DayZ broadened the appear of ArmA, but it did not compromise ArmA, 3rd person view has always been a part of OFP/ArmA and has been part of DayZ for ten months and counting.

I'm not sure why Rocket wants to separate 1st person and 3rd person into separate hives. How exactly does gearing up on a 3rd person server, give your an advantage on 1st person servers? On a full 3rd person server you will as easily lose, what you easily come by. If there's plenty of well geared corpses in Elektro, there's also plenty of well geared killers.

Why add obstacles to 3rd person servers, by limiting views to a control menu option, rather than a keystroke. I mean either 3rd person is a part of Real Virtuality's core design or not. I think it's a huge logical mistake to break a widely popular feature, because a vocal minority can't fill their own servers.

Breaking 3rd person view wont fix empty 1st person servers.

That is because 3rd person servers still exist.. If the Standalone didn't have 3rd person, you would still buy the game instantly. You're not fooling anyone, same goes with the migraine guy.

And if anyone comes up with some kind of reply again, I'm not against 3rd person servers, just saying that you will play the standalone even if it didn't have 3rd person, yes you will.

The question is not whether I'll buy the standalone, but rather how quickly I'll lose interest in it.

I'll buy the standalone simply as a compensation for all the free hours I got from the mod. But it's a major mistake to assume that everybody who currently prefer 3rd person server will cheer and automatically fill up your dead 1st person servers.

Edited by Dallas
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ceehrist when will people stop telling other people how to play..

fine u dont like 3RD person..go play on servers with it off..


theres lots of things in dayZ i dont like, you dont see my standing on a soapbox trying to have it removed.. i simply dont play on those servers..

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Why add obstacles to 3rd person servers, by limiting views to a control menu option, rather than a keystroke. I mean either 3rd person is a part of Real Virtuality's core design or not. I think it's a huge logical mistake to break a widely popular feature, because a vocal minority can't fill their own servers.

It's not just about the vocal minority filling their servers though. Perhaps rocket is doing it for gameplay reasons? Perhaps he understands what effect the cheap tactics made possible by third person exploits have on firefights. It feels like a completely different game when both you and the guy shooting at you can't cheat by peeking around or over obstacles while in cover. Suppressive fire becomes actually possible.

Third person view has indeed been part of the game since OFP but you've always had a healthy mix of both 1st person and 3rd person enabled servers. It has never been a core feature in sense that 99.9% servers had it enabled.

Rocket wanting to separate different modes into separate hives is news to me and I agree it wouldn't accomplish anything. His idea of making 3rd person view a menu option is interesting, as long as you're not simply able to aim down sights by RMB.

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-First person only servers will be so low populated I don't think any more than 5 people will be playing at it.

The '1st person only' server I play on currently has 48 people online.

I'm fairly sure the supply of servers will adjust itself according to the demand.

I only enjoy playing on '1st person only' servers myself, so that's what I do. Good for me, good for you, good for everybody.

There's no harm in other people playing in a different way on different servers.

Anyway, the SA wil likely change the whole thing up. It will be interesting to see what happens. I, for one, am worried.

Edited by Max Planck
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Rocket wanting to separate different modes into separate hives is news to me and I agree it wouldn't accomplish anything. His idea of making 3rd person view a menu option is interesting, as long as you're not simply able to aim down sights by RMB.

Well he talked about separating the hives, not sure anything is confirmed.

Do you mean 1st person view or iron sights by "aiming down the sights?"

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