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Are KOS kiddies cowardly and stoopid?

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I think they did pretty well, hence we still talk about them today and their culture lives on.

Yeah, they did have a nice little empire at one point but I was actually referring more to the fact that a lot of the samurai ideals and teachings live on in modern Janapese culture. :)

Anyway, now that the mod team have derailed the thread completely - I think we should get back on topic... xD

I think the KoS play style could be considered cowardly TBH because it is pretty much the easiest and safest way to play the game, to call it stupid seems a little harsh though as the only real aim in DayZ is to survive and it's a pretty good way to guarantee your survival.

Edited by mZLY

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Agreed. I don't like KOS as a style of gameplay, it's probably the easiest and most boring way to play Dayz but it's still a legitimate tactic for survival and that's all I really have to say on the matter TBH.

Edited by Fraggle

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I think giving people something else to do would help a bit...and that's all that's needed, just a little bit of a difference.

It's not a big problem, I don't think. It's a pretty small problem. I remember in one of the STALKER games there were missions where you could hunt mutants/monsters or whatever. I think having some sort of more advanced zombies way out in the middle of nowhere (which would also give people a reason to go somewhere other than NWAF late-game) might be kind of cool. Maybe. I dunno.

Also, it's one of those things...people shoot on sight because other people shoot on sight. I'm trying to do my part by not shooting on sight even if it means risking being shot, but if I have something I really want, and somebody pops out of a corner, one of us is dead. This is because I know that 99% of the time, the other guy is thinking the same, and often you don't really have time to look at them and see if they have a weapon, if they're a threat, etc. usually though I have enough stuff stashed in a tent that I'll say friendly on direct comm and let him shoot first if he's going to. But if I shot first, I'll always bandage/morphine them if they don't die first.

I think if enough people do their part to NOT shoot on sight, eventually other people won't have to. I try. But again, if I really have something worth fighting for, I don't take the risk.

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agreed, even the right to be cowardly and stupid is sacred

Absolutely, I have never said KOS kiddies should stop playing or even that they should change......

...only that they are stupid and cowardly

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you forgot option 5.

"Attempt to hold them up, get sniped by their friend."

"Attempt to help them, get sniped by friend."

"Attempt to join up with them, get betrayed."

Regardless of whether its stupid to KOS people its even more stupid to judge the people who play the game "their way".

Why should I talk to you? pfft. You may not have anything fancy on you, I'd rather just kill you, take anything useful you may have and be on my way. If I get shot while doing so, well I fired first and that's Karma, it was my mistake for not being more cautious blah blah blah. If I don't, hey I just scored.

I don't shoot un-armed players cause... well... honestly... the bullet I fire at them is worth more to me than they are.

You think people who KOS are dumb.. alright..

I think people who complain on forums about KOS are cry-baby carebears who should go play "hello kitty online".

I also think people who complain on forums about the way other people choose to play a "sandbox" game are stupid beyond belief and shouldn't be allowed to breed.

Personally, I hate these people who scream "friendly friendly" at me all the time cause it makes me feel a twinge of guilt.. but then I shoot the person and don't feel guilty anymore.

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Absolutely, I have never said KOS kiddies should stop playing or even that they should change......

...only that they are stupid and cowardly

How about instead of attacking people you try and explain why you disagree with their playstyle in a polite manner. This doesn't mean changing "they are stupid and cowardly" to "their playstyle is stupid and cowardly" either.

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I think people who complain on forums about KOS are cry-baby carebears who should go play "hello kitty online".

What is wrong with Hello Kitty?

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How about instead of attacking people you try and explain why you disagree with their playstyle in a polite manner. This doesn't mean changing "they are stupid and cowardly" to "their playstyle is stupid and cowardly" either.

ok, that post (which got removed twice) was an answer to accustions that i am somehow saying that KOS players shouldn't play dayz, I don't think that and I am just stating that fact, the reason i kept altering the wording was because the post kept getting removed without explaination, i was trying to guess what had upset you so much, no easy task...my problem with kos kiddies is explained in depth throughout this thread, from the original post through to my last post.

edit - and for the record - I have been the target of insulting and personal attacks throughout this thread, I didn't complain or report anyone, one of you guys stepped in and the worst bits were edited out, if you can show me where I have crossed the line then I'll happily make changes to my language.

Edited by Rastamaus

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stupid and cowardly > dead

right? right.

This is the point I was trying to make.

While I don't KoS, it's pretty obvious why people do and you can't blame them...

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What is wrong with Hello Kitty?

Nothing O.o.

Its just very friendly.. I suppose I shouldn't state things for games I've never played.

stupid and cowardly > dead

right? right.

Here are my beans.. take them..

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I believe that KOS players are indeed cowardly and may indeed be more stupid than the average player. I see it as the easy option. Yes, it's a legitimate playstyle and I'd never want it removed but it is the option players that lack imagination choose IMO.

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I've only been playing DayZ and using this forum for a couple of months so I imagine topics like this are a bit groundhog day for our dear old mods.

We're all soooo precious in't we eh? :rolleyes:

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I believe that KOS players are indeed cowardly and may indeed be more stupid than the average player. I see it as the easy option. Yes, it's a legitimate playstyle and I'd never want it removed but it is the option players that lack imagination choose IMO.


How did it get to 5 pages? xD

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ok, that post (which got removed twice) was an answer to accustions that i am somehow saying that KOS players shouldn't play dayz, I don't think that and I am just stating that fact, the reason i kept altering the wording was because the post kept getting removed without explaination, i was trying to guess what had upset you so much, no easy task...my problem with kos kiddies is explained in depth throughout this thread, from the original post through to my last post.

edit - and for the record - I have been the target of insulting and personal attacks throughout this thread, I didn't complain or report anyone, one of you guys stepped in and the worst bits were edited out, if you can show me where I have crossed the line then I'll happily make changes to my language.

I happen to agree with you.

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How did it get to 5 pages? xD

I have no idea =) my guess is there are a lot of folks on both sides of the argument that feel strongly about this topic, So far imho the discussion has managed to remain mostly adult in nature and compared to some threads pretty clean.

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As far as I'm concerned as a shoot on sight player, the game's players are divided into three groups.

People I shoot, me, people not worth the bullet (fresh spawns).

That's my choice, I tried to be a hero. Didn't like it.

I choose to be self reliant, if I am heavily injured like breaking my leg, that's my fault. I have a pact with 1 friend who chooses to play the same way to come help me, I too will help him but once that's done, I leave or he does. If we kill each other (and we have), nothing personal.

I'd be very careful about making assumptions about if someone is a coward or less intelligent than any other player however. When playing this way you build a certain level of infamy which makes it that much harder, people wont help you, you need to be creative to how you tackle situations like groups, you need to scavenge faster because people with cars will raid shops faster than you, will reach hot spots faster, they will find crash sites faster.

As far as I'm concerned, people who are overly nice to each other or group up to survive are taking the easy and cowardly route. Safety in numbers after all.

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As far as I'm concerned, people who are overly nice to each other or group up to survive are taking the easy and cowardly route. Safety in numbers after all.

Interesting point of view but you lost it a little calling folk cowards, as that doesn't really make any sense. Common sense isn't cowardice.

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I think that a lot of people are getting their panties in a twist here over nothing.

As far as i see it this thread is not about players that kill other players for gear, it is not about players who kill other players in self defence, it is not a pro bambi thread or pro hero thread it's not even an anti bandit thread.

It is about that small minority that settle down in front of thier pc and boot the game up with the sole intention of just killing as many players as possible regardless of whether they pose a threat, have decent desirable gear or any other reason related to a survival simulator, for whatever sad reasons they just want to spoil other folks fun.

Killing is a huge part of the game and everyone who plays dayz knows and accepts that fact, no one likes to die (unless they spawned at kamenka) and to a large extent if you die in dayz you did something wrong. However if you are playing the game for the love of it and you come across players who are playing not to enjoy the game but solely because they want to spoil everyone elses game then isn't it ok to feel disappointed about that?

For me this thread is basically about spiteful trolls, hands up if you like spiteful trolls?

Edited by wabbit
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This thread has made me realize the flaws in my ways. Rather than KoS I will now stalk my prey and see if they lead me to their base or a vehicle. I will wait until they feel completely safe and then execute them. This is whats fun to me.

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ok, that post (which got removed twice) was an answer to accustions that i am somehow saying that KOS players shouldn't play dayz, I don't think that and I am just stating that fact, the reason i kept altering the wording was because the post kept getting removed without explaination, i was trying to guess what had upset you so much, no easy task...my problem with kos kiddies is explained in depth throughout this thread, from the original post through to my last post.

edit - and for the record - I have been the target of insulting and personal attacks throughout this thread, I didn't complain or report anyone, one of you guys stepped in and the worst bits were edited out, if you can show me where I have crossed the line then I'll happily make changes to my language.

I don't find your comments particularly offensive but opening a thread by calling everyone who plays a certain way stupid cowards isn't exactly conducive to the discussion, personally I think player interaction is the most enjoyable aspect of the game but if others get their enjoyment from firefights then killing on sight isn't stupid at all, if it wasn't for these players the game would also be incredibly boring IMO.

Edited by smasht_AU
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I think that a lot of people are getting their panties in a twist here over nothing.

As far as i see it this thread is not about players that kill other players for gear, it is not about players who kill other players in self defence, it is not a pro bambi thread or pro hero thread it's not even an anti bandit thread.

It is about that small minority that settle down in front of thier pc and boot the game up with the sole intention of just killing as many players as possible regardless of whether they pose a threat, have decent desirable gear or any other reason related to a survival simulator, for whatever sad reasons they just want to spoil other folks fun.

Killing is a huge part of the game and everyone who plays dayz knows and accepts that fact, no one likes to die (unless they spawned at kamenka) and to a large extent if you die in dayz you did something wrong. However if you are playing the game for the love of it and you come across players who are playing not to enjoy the game but solely because they want to spoil everyone elses game then isn't it ok to feel disappointed about that?

For me this thread is basically about spiteful trolls, hands up if you like spiteful trolls?

Yep, not anti killing, not anti bandit just anti idiotic gameplay style

This thread has made me realize the flaws in my ways. Rather than KoS I will now stalk my prey and see if they lead me to their base or a vehicle. I will wait until they feel completely safe and then execute them. This is whats fun to me.

best post on the thread, if a player allows you to tail him across the map without detecting your presence you earned the right to kill him and take his stuff. Even if you are the only player that alters his approach and gets more out of the game as a result then i consider my work here as done.

Edited by Rastamaus

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Have been a Bamby screaming friendly but i always got shot. Lost my "faith in humanity" =>(Nerd? But that's DayZ for me. It's the only game that made me feel "real" emotions in comparison with other games that just get you excited) and i made a personal rule that said; KOS when in town. The previous reaction led me down the path of the retarded-mindless process; Laying in a tree and sniping everyone in town just for the lol's.

Some weeks ago i started "heroing" with Bloodbags and Hunting bandits, avoiding unnecessary contact with survivors just because i did not want to trigger confict, don't fire until i'm fired uppon and teaming up with most of the "friendlys saying guys" knowing that i might get killed.

You know what? Looking back to all the behaviors and playstyles i had, I had more lol's and joy doing the hero staff,teaming up with strangers and stalking survivors :rolleyes: than i ever had with the bandit attitude. I prefer the game this way than a coldblooded, open world survival COD that the DayZ is turning.

Don't get me wrong. Without the bandits the game will be dull and boring. I respect "mature bandits" or "tactical firefighters" in many ways. Thats how i play the game with my team-clan but we are doing it north away from the shore. North were everyone most of the times have the chance to fight back. But I can do without the mindless-spineless sniper who is sitting above cherno or elektro shooting bambys.

Excuse my Poor English and the possible fucked up spelling but English is not my native language. I hope you understand what the heck i'm saying. :P

Edited by Meik0
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Absolutely, I have never said KOS kiddies should stop playing or even that they should change......

...only that they are stupid and cowardly

Respond to my posts and stop repeating your title. I'm repeating myself because you did respond to some my points for a second, then apparently had nothing left to counter and started with the insults again. Every can go see that for themselves

If stoopid is not wanting to take everything someone has or at least all their best stuff, I HIGHLY DISAGREE. Who here would rather have ALL their best stuff taken and not just what they have equipped? Be honest now . . . I'm having a little compassion and am adding to an aspect of the game that ALL HERE, INCLUDING MODS, would agree is a necessary part of the game and I get insulted for it. REALLY? damn people . . . If this is about the ones that just fire off the cuff and are as easily killed as an unarmed, then why a thread insulting them? Not even worth voicing in my opinion and would point strongly to powerful butt hurt somewhere.

I only KOS when I have the tac adv. If I don't, I stalk till I do not caring AT ALL if they happen to have an AS50 or NV stashed somewhere. I say let them go gear up fast and come back ready to rumble. I'll give them a chance for a quick revenge if they have a stash. Yes, I do play this game solely to kill other players. THERE IS NOTHING LEFT TO DO in a game I bought and payed for and LOVE. My public guy, last I seen had a humanity of over 50K. I've done the hero thing and got tired of getting killed trying help players. If the SA makes gearing up extremely hard and zombies a REAL challenge then that might change--till I master it once again. :murder:

The 'cowardly' aspect is just butt hurt from being killed, I suspect. Anyone who's been shot at first enough times is going to respond in kind. Shoot first and live is survival. I know it is mentioned somewhere in the game description. :rolleyes: Whine at the first KOSer that started the ball rolling. Continuing with the 'cowardly' thing is fail and just makes the butt hurt that much more obvious. The sto^opid angle is the only thing worth discussing and the only worth while point for it is the "hold 'em up drop the weapons" thing which I respect a hell of a lot more than the impotent insults. Only true butt hurt starts off by insulting, in my experience. Now that we have nearly every mod in here, I believe it will stop. ;)

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