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Jerry cans, used for water. Standalone idea.

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If you have a base or are going to be holed up in a town for a while, i think this might be a good idea.

If you approach a water source, you could be able to rick-click on your 'Jerry can' and "fill with water", then, drop the 'Jerry can' on the floor, once done, you can fill your water bottle 20 times and it cannot be picked up until it is has either some or no water inside it. And once filled with water, the Jerry can would double or triple its slot size.

Edited by Dave_

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would make the water taste funny.

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Isn't that exactly what wasteland has? the blue barrel you take it back to your base and you can get 20 drinks out of it before it disappears.

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an easier idea would be to introduce larger sizes of bottles ingame. such as a gallon jug, or even a water barrel to setup at camp which could just auto-fill via some imaginary rain-capture technique.

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I don't think drinking out the Jerry Can would be a good idea. It's not safe to drink out of something that was originally full of fuel that had been sitting in that jerry can for quite some time.. Even if you do sanitize it, the chemicals would still remain inside and you can't exactly scrub the inside of it. Those jerry cans are full of cancerous substances.

I have to disagree with this man, sorry.

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All jerry cans currently in game come with in them, which makes them non viable for any kind of safe drinking. I agree with others that there should either be 'clean' containers to put water in (maybe a 'brand new' empty jerry can can be used for water, or gas but once its used for gas cant use it for water). Or maybe adding differnt type of tanker trucks (here they use large tankers of water at construction sites to keep dirt out of the air) so for example you could Take a V3S with a large tank on it (either one you found or one you converted into a tanker somehow via crafting) to a lake or dam, pump water into it and drive back to base to purify it (if they add that as a factor to standalone). I like the idea of rain water catchment system or possibly even being able to dig wells for bases (with the need to purify the water/reinforce the well)

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I think they should allow us to do this. At the same time you can inhale deeply from the canister and get really, really high.

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