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Devblog update: Where is the Standalone?

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Q: How do we get to be one of the testers?

A: Those who are testing will get the game for free, and never have to pay for future versions. Their job will be tough. We're starting by rewarding the forum moderators, reddit moderators, dayz mod development and community support team, etc...

So what you are saying is, we must join the borg and be assimilated. Yes. YES. I see the truth now!!!

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The new character models don't look as detailed as the ones in Dayz when you have the DLC installed, I still hope they do all the facial expressions and animate as nicely.

Though I hope we finally get a jump and not just that stupid V thing which always seems to break your legs if you try to vault over anything wide.

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If you were in the closed test, you would've been pinged from the mods.

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I have to admit I thought the initial release was going to be the mod made into a game with some new security to stop the hackers (scripts not acceptable from clients anymore) but you guys have already achieved quite a bit more.

This is on top of the major architecture change, and the (hopeful) ability to have many many more zombies and players in game at once.

Pants officially peed!

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If you were in the closed test, you would've been pinged from the mods.

Well, rocket DID say 500-1000 testers, so I doubt they've pinged everyone so far, unless they've been pinging them for a while.

Don't bash my dreams bro.


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What will be done to prevent programs from using ReadProcessMemory on the game? All of your effort will be for nothing if hackers are still able to detect everything the client program has in memory.

Edited by gummy52

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I'm worried about the inventory thing simply because the one in Dayz takes time to loot which adds risk. If they make the new one quick then suddenly the risk from looting is gone.

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I have one question rocket! what does it run like in comparison to the mod? i know its obviously early days but you must be able to make comment ?

ps cant fookin wait , well done all

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Someone seems to have glued a hatchet to the wall.. what a prick

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Well, rocket DID say 500-1000 testers, so I doubt they've pinged everyone so far, unless they've been pinging them for a while.

Don't bash my dreams bro.


Sorry to bash them dreams bro, but they've got most of them. It's been happening for awhile.

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I'm worried about the inventory thing simply because the one in Dayz takes time to loot which adds risk. If they make the new one quick then suddenly the risk from looting is gone.

There will still be risk for looting, it means you'll only have a short time frame to kill them rather than having ages to line up on a stationary target which is far too long to begin with.

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Someone seems to have glued a hatchet to the wall.. what a prick

*Runs in to grab a hatchet and see its glued*

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Lovely update. Just make sure you fix all major bugs before releasing the full version. Let the testers test until it's polished enough, even if that means we have to wait longer. Even if there is not going to be lots of features in the first release, I think it would be a major drawback for the project if those features that actually are in the game are not very polished.

But again - you don't owe any of us anything. Release it whenever you will! We've got nothing on you except a quiet suspense.

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Another tease for the forums...


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Is that the ruins of a hotel? with what appears to be a hammer and sickle poking out as well as a plane?

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What is that, Hotel?

Edited by smasht_AU

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Another tease for the forums...


Come on Rocket, you just can't keep posting stuff like that, it's just cruel.

Do you have a date when the game testing will commence or is it more based on targets/goals rather than a schedule?

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