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How the heck do you split ammo?

I've got a Double-Barrel Shotgun and some "15Rnd. 1866 Slugs". But I can't use the rifle, neither seems right-clicking on the ammo seem to do anything. I'm pretty new to the mod (but playing Arma 2 for more than a year now), so maybe I'm missing on something.

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Greaaaaaaaat.... Now prone will be like having a stealth generator again.

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Greaaaaaaaat.... Now prone will be like having a stealth generator again.

Oh please god nooooooeeeessss!!!! Don't take the easy way out...Leave it the way it is now...I'll never get the grass stains out again - MUWHAHAHA!!

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* [NEW] Tweaked audibility and visibility values for kneel walking

* [REVERT] Secret nerf of prone (you noticed)

* [NEW] Can select gender for each new character

There is a distinct chance my wife may want to have your babies, be good to have some male DNA with brains in the family.

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* [REVERT] Secret nerf of prone (you noticed)

* [NEW] Can select gender for each new character

What prone nerf? I can pass zombies 15 metres in front in crouch run mode without being noticed and basically go through the village in that mode without a single zombie getting on my ass or if they do, I just make a circle around the house and they are confused on where I went, that's nice. :P

Also yay for gender selection, finally male again! (:

Oh wait, I have to die now....

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How the heck do you split ammo?

I've got a Double-Barrel Shotgun and some "15Rnd. 1866 Slugs". But I can't use the rifle' date=' neither seems right-clicking on the ammo seem to do anything. I'm pretty new to the mod (but playing Arma 2 for more than a year now), so maybe I'm missing on something.


The one you have is for winchester only because of bullet type. You need 10Rnd. M1014 slugs/pellets to split ammo.

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[REVERT] Secret nerf of prone (you noticed)

*sniff* So this means I will keep my pants longer than 10 minutes again :-(

After playing a bit I thought I would be clever to actually have an excuse to not wear pants at all.

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what happened with

"This is not fucking WOW, character reflects you" etc

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what happened with

"This is not fucking WOW' date=' character reflects you" etc


Im pretty sure that your character's gender reflects you...

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what happened with

"This is not fucking WOW' date=' character reflects you" etc


Im pretty sure that your character's gender reflects you...

It's bugged. Those who selected female reverted back to male. Until this is fixed, everyone can select their gender. Fixed in a future update.

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* [FIXED] Area not checked for existing infected before spawning new ones ("blind faith" that it had not made a mistake didn't work)

Seriouse just make the game more realistic and higher the respawn time even more.

Its like we kill them and after 2 mins(before 1711) they are all back out of nowhere. Higher the respawn time so it looks like the zombies came from a near town and walked there. Also you should consider to put in walking hordes that wander throght the woods.

And when a groupe wipe out a place and stay there no zombies should spawn near 100m radius. So people can start getting there enclaves.

But we had fun situations in the update like: "Oh here is a deerhunter post... hm it seems a police patrole and a whole army died here and turned into zombies. Like near every deerhunter post on the whole island!" And then we got the Army behinde oure back and than we logget out because we run out of ammo.

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The world didn't end? Damn...and all those people were so scurred...hmmm.


thanks Rocket + Team

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what happened with

"This is not fucking WOW' date=' character reflects you" etc


Im pretty sure that your character's gender reflects you...

It's bugged. Those who selected female reverted back to male. Until this is fixed, everyone can select their gender. Fixed in a future update.

Any word on spawning issues perhaps? I keep respawning every time I switch server, not saving my stuff/progression.

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NO FPS HOTFIX?!?! buuuhuu im dooomed :( just lost m4a1 silenced, gps, ghullie suit, my car, everything due to lag :(

I know its alpha, i know there is bugs. Im not whining on rocket. i just want a hotfix :D

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Just played again, different server. Spawned near krutoy cap and made my way to Kamyshovo. All kinds of ammo, but ZERO pistols in any enterable buildings. This has to be fixed eventually. Spawning with no gun is hard enough, but with no guns spawning as loot it's impossible.

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Just thought i'd try night time - seems zombies can see just aswell in the dark - i couldn't see the friggin doorway to exit a tent but zed could not only find me it navigated around 2 medical tents, found the entrance without any problem and went directly to me as if it were a snifferdog with nightvision.

I'm so glad they haven't got a virus and been turned into subhuman minimal thinking incapable zombies as this "survive against a horde of superhumans" game/mod would be ruined.....

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How the heck do you split ammo?

I've got a Double-Barrel Shotgun and some "15Rnd. 1866 Slugs". But I can't use the rifle' date=' neither seems right-clicking on the ammo seem to do anything. I'm pretty new to the mod (but playing Arma 2 for more than a year now), so maybe I'm missing on something.


The one you have is for winchester only because of bullet type. You need 10Rnd. M1014 slugs/pellets to split ammo.

Ah crap. Well starting with no weapon what-so-ever is really overdoing it. I ready for a challenge, but having no means to defend yourself whatsoever for so long is a bit too much. I suggested the ammo I picked up was for the gun because it was lying right next to it. Who would keep a gun and than put the ammo of a totally different gun next to it.

I hope meele stuff will soon be introduced. While I was sneaking around the village, the axt stuck in the piece of wood was literally teasing me and laughing at my ammo problem.

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Just played again' date=' different server. Spawned near krutoy cap and made my way to Kamyshovo. All kinds of ammo, but ZERO pistols in any enterable buildings. This has to be fixed eventually. Spawning with no gun is hard enough, but with no guns spawning as loot it's impossible.


He allready wrote that makarov spawn rate was increased in the hot-fix. :)

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Guys, I don't think the secret prone nerf was to prone visibility but rather something else. Someone already suggested something. I'm sure prone movement in grass will remain at one bar of visibility. He wouldn't go back to invisibility mode, would he?

I'm glad he decided to drop crouch visibility though. I think the original nerf was a bit overkill with two additional bars of visibility added.

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Rocket please gives us our guns back.

Just give us a gun with 1 clip of ammo or something.

Its needed and its basically unplayable without them at this point.

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* [FIXED] Toolboxes aren't spawning (classname error in loot table)

* [NEW] Small tweaks to AI zombie routines to improve performance

* [REVERT] New spawn timer mechanism (back to the old one for now)

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