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Most things throwable

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So, why not make most things throwable? I mean the kind of stuff that you would expect to be able to throw, so maybe not a LMG or a car battery.

Water bottles, mags, stones, weapons etc should be throwable. This would provide authenticity and also interesting strategies like throwing rocks into some bushes to lure your enemies or forcing some people to throw their weapons away from them while robbing them. The throwable items could also be in different weigh classes and behave accordingly, so small stones are easier to throw than rifles, the lighter item traveling further and requiring less energy than the heavier.

Ofc, it would be pretty cool if you could throw things directly at people, supplies for your friends and bricks at your enemies.

What do you think?


This idea may seem simple but here is some interesting gameplay it could produce:

- Trading, throwing supplies down from possible rooftop "store".

- Robbing, commanding someone to throw over their weapons/supplies.

- As weapon, dropping/throwing heavy/sharp things on enemies.

- Distraction, producing sounds to lure away the attention of enemies.

- Deny, throwing away valuables when trapped to deny loot.

Probably a lot more thing that I have not thought about.

Edited by HKilf
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Like the Deus Ex throwing system where you press middle mouse button to toss the item in your hand? Definitely +1 For this

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Well, I haven't played Deus Ex but the way you describe it sounds like a good idea. Also holding down the button longer would make you throw with more force. An idea would be making "dropping" things just a weak throw.

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It'd be nice if there was a quick way to drop your weapon.

Better yet, an animation which causes the player to drop the item in hand and raise his hands above his head. :P

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It'd be nice if there was a quick way to drop your weapon.

Better yet, an animation which causes the player to drop the item in hand and raise his hands above his head. :P

There is actually, sort of, but I forget the key. Look under the controls, it's called surrender.

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Well, I haven't played Deus Ex but the way you describe it sounds like a good idea. Also holding down the button longer would make you throw with more force. An idea would be making "dropping" things just a weak throw.

Get it!

It is amazing! (Apart from the graphics but you get used to that)

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Sounds good, but I'm a bugger with my mouse buttons as it is, I'd probably drop all my important stuff and not realise it until i need to use it.

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As long as you haven't forgotten that you can throw tin cans, bottles and such junk. You can even break legs when throwing at someone.

What else is there to throw really? You want to be able to pick up a rock from anywhere to be thrown? What meaningful purpose would that serve?

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Good idea. I'd like if catching stuff would be implemented with this. Imagine when someone throws a grenade at you and you catch it and throw it back. The grenade explodes in mid air, giving you time to act. You get a bit closer to the attacker and try to throw your knife at him, but accidentally throw your map. Boom. You are dead. Definitely +1 for this idea.

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I see no reason you couldn't pick up rocks off the ground. I say why not?

Maybe you could throw bolts too, STALKER style just for kicks :thumbsup:

Edited by Vindicator

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You would probably do more damage with a makarov body shot if you threw it.

I brought this up in one of apache's (notorious) threads.

It would come in handy in a LOT of situations. Especially if carry weight affected movement speed.

Shit hits the fan, throw your empty rifle at zeds, leg it.

Passing gear back and forth, causing distractions, potentially causing damage. This would be very useful.

The throwing mechanics and animations are in dire need of an overhaul.

The MoCap studio would be good craic that day! Getting paid to throw things.



@OP I'm with shrimpy, you should definitely try Deus Ex. One of my favourites.

Edited by Chabowski
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Good. I can finally throw my gun at people.

"F*ck i am outta ammo....*TOSS*"

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Good idea. I'd like if catching stuff would be implemented with this. Imagine when someone throws a grenade at you and you catch it and throw it back. The grenade explodes in mid air, giving you time to act. You get a bit closer to the attacker and try to throw your knife at him, but accidentally throw your map. Boom. You are dead. Definitely +1 for this idea.

So now you can catch bullets in mid-air and then throwing back at the attacker?

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So now you can catch bullets in mid-air and then throwing back at the attacker?

A catching mechanic would be pretty interesting but ofc it seems unreal if it was implemented in that way.

If you were able to catch a grenade or something it should be because you were really skillful or lucky (or maybe

unlucky depending on the situation). I have no problem with throwing a can of beans to your buddy and not having

to throw it down at the ground first.

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Could also slide items across the ground, which would be also good for robbing/trading.

Giant +1.

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So now you can catch bullets in mid-air and then throwing back at the attacker?

taking peoples ideas to an extreme to make them look stupid is immature...GTFO

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love it especially for me. I'm not a bandit but im paranoid as hell if i see someone and they contact me i make them get in a nuetral zone so i can see what they have before they meet me. If they can throw down their weapons id feel a lot safer approaching

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