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Near impossible for new players now

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The question is: why the hell you put yourself at risk' date=' confronting the zeds, FOUR times in 30 minutes? Imagine yourself in real life, you see a bunch of zombies there, and you go there? Without thinking for more than (30/4 = 7.5) ... seven minutes and half?

This game is about surviving, without a weapon you may pass HOURS finding the right spot and the right moment to go in a building avoiding the zeds.. you did it four times in 30 minutes.. lol. This is not splinter cell my friend. ;)


erm because i need gear..

You don't "need" a gear, you need to survive. This is the ONLY objective of this game. A gear (food, a weapon, other...) are only tools used EVENTUALLY to help you surving, so thinking logical: it doesn't make sense to suicide to collect it, you're working against your objective.

So no, you don't need a gear, you'll eventually find a gear when it's convenient to do so, or when you ABSOLUTELY need it (when otherwise you're going to die imminently.. like starving etc.).

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Oh, so are you one of those types who collects some food and water, travels to an unfrequented part of the map and just stands around for hours to "survive"?

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This game is about surviving' date=' without a weapon you may pass HOURS finding the right spot and the right moment to go in a building avoiding the zeds..


And this is the primary reason for my frustrations with this mod. It's 1.5+ hours of finding people you're playing with, then at least an hour to get people decently equipped, then you get to scavenge and enjoy yourself for a few hours before you die.

I think you can run the entiere map (point to point) for less than 1 hour. The max time i've "invest" to meet my friends has been 20 minutes .. so i'm not sure how you managed to spend 1.5hr to meet em... however that's not the point: this is not a FPS with a single spawnpoint, this is a "simulator" with a huge map, if you're friends are in different cities and you don't own a vehicle, it can keep very long to meet em.. like in real life.

If your mind is tuned for a traditional shooter, you'll be bored by all this. This is nowhere near to a traditional game, this is about simulating a certain happening (a zombie apocalypse), so it tries to replicate what would happens in real life, and it's supposed you to do what you would do in real life... you would hide? Good.. then hide in the game too.

That's it: surviving. If you find it boring, it's not for you.. there's tons of other "fun" game out there, you're not forced to feel the frustration of playing this.

Oh' date=' so are you one of those types who collects some food and water, travels to an unfrequented part of the map and just stands around for hours to "survive"?


I've tried all the gaming styles (survivor, bandit, whatever...). My most enjoyment is trying to simulate what i would do if this was real.

Without going into the details: i mainly do not put my life (virtual life) at risk. If it means waiting into that house for 1 hour because there's 30 zeds out the door and i only have 2 bullets into my pistol.. then i'll wait for 1 hour to survive.

This is IMO the way to play this game. I tried to play it as FPS/shooter, but i got bored after a couple of days, mainly because there's TONS of better game to be played that way: in example i enjoy Battlefield3. I do not play BF3 like a "survivor", camping in a building, i play it like Rambo.. since that game is meant to be played that way.

Different games: different playing styles.

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I dont like the new "no weapon" feature at all, especially in combination with the new, stronger infected!

I mean, it can happen soooo easy to accidently attracted one Zombie and if u do so u basicly fucked! Jeah u can run in a House, but as soon as u start running u propably add more Friend to ur Party!

I dont see any sense in the change, the games was almost perfect with 1.7.0 , excepted the "through walls infected"!

I loved the mod so far, now i just hope everything turns kinda back to the awesome experience i had till few days ago! I wont stop playing, but i wont log in till i hear something new about patch and hotfix!

sry for my bad english, it isnt my first language!

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This game is about surviving' date=' without a weapon you may pass HOURS finding the right spot and the right moment to go in a building avoiding the zeds..


And this is the primary reason for my frustrations with this mod. It's 1.5+ hours of finding people you're playing with, then at least an hour to get people decently equipped, then you get to scavenge and enjoy yourself for a few hours before you die.

Granted I just started playing yesterday, but I feel like getting back on your feet should be a bit easier, if only to make the mod easier to learn for new players. I'm not sure how to do that while also stymieing the PvP back n' forth, but I'm sure the dev(s) can think of something given time and enough incentive.

I feel like this mod has a lot of potential, as I enjoyed myself for about two hours today searching a zombie infested town with a friend. Tactically taking out zombies so you don't attract more is more fun to me than either sneaking past them at a snails pace or running away from them constantly.

Just my two cents,



+ you are not here to have fun man. You are here to test the fucking hell until the experience is hard enough to make you rage quit!

you have tons of tutoriels on the internet to learn the basics stuffs.

If you are french i 'll help you getting used to everything ,just pm me. If you not french, you'll find better tutoriels and people able to help you than me & my badass english

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You guys must be really unlucky, because since the hotfix I've only aggrod zombies by accidently running or going across a road too early trying to save time. Still getting the attacking through walls sometimes but it to be more just corners and stairwells where the height between player and zombie is weird.

I don't think starting without a weapon is such a bad thing, makes for a different kind of starting gameplay instead of "hi ho Makarov avenger"

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I don't know why people think that gaming should involve studying and learning locations of weapons and how to fool A.I. but I do know this:

I am new, I've played for abour 4 hours and although I love the concept of this game, it needs to be changed. I understand that people used to spawn with pistols and I like the idea of the invulnerability to prevent spawn killing rather than not having a weapon to start. I had a good 10 runs of fruitless searching and dying to zombies.

I successfully lost the zombies aggro and I even made it to a town with high rise buildings (didn't catch the name) and searched about 5 buildings before some player killed me because I ran on top of his post while fleeing from zombies.

To make a long post a little less long... Newbies cannot survive as the game currently stands, I want to play this game, not do what I've been doing the past 4 hours, which is running around aimlessly looking through ugly buildings with glitchy doors to find tin cans and a watch.

Give me a pistol or make them WAY more common to find pretty please? I ALMOST feel like I wasted 30 bucks, but I know this game is fun.

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People need to give this a chance, personally I think it's better. Before the odds were against you even making it off the beach before another newly spawned player shot you in the back for nothing other than your beans.

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I'm proud of Rocket for doing what he did.. much more realistic now. I've yet to have a single problem with these new spawning items. Once you spawn look for barns and enter-able houses, more specifically the big square brick ones. It's not difficult to find guns. You can also outrun zombies now.

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I decided to just go ahead and get it now instead of waiting till after I get out of Basic. Coming on here answered a few questions I had (like why am I defenseless) but I had some questions too. Being defenseless at the start is ok with me since I am patient and don't mind crawling or moving slowly for long periods of time....but I found that it didn;t really matter because any survivor I saw was just standing there doing nothing and I didn't see a single zombie. I starting running everywhere in hopes I'd attract something and die. Not sure if that was part of the recent patch to remove all the zombies too.

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I know this is not some casual game but it still has to be fun. Zombies spawning directly behind you is neither fun nor realistic.

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This is a survival scavenge game...don't see why we should start with guns, its not a zombie shooter!

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I don't get it, why people tend to say it takes 1,5 hours to find your friend...

Seriously, to run from Elektro to the NW Airfield, it took me around 1 hour (+/- 10 minutes)...


Running around a building and asking on your 3rd party voip, "Are you behind that building?" and if not comes as an answer, do you run behind another corner of the same building asking the same question?

Seriously, finding a friend takes from 5-30 minutes at max for me, a friend that never played Arma2...

Are there really people who can't read the map at all (I'm not even talking about ingame item, that works as a map...).

I do not have any problems with DayZ and walking around Chernorus after returning to Arma2 after 2 years of a break, neither does my friend that just bought it for DayZ...

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I'm new as well. Playing for a week and have 40 hours logged though :) I avoid Cherno and Elektro like the plague. Twice now I've spent a full day gathering things only to be shot in those towns. Never go there unless your with a group of people you trust (your father, brother and best man for example). Go north. Look for barns, deer stands and other buildings off by themselves. This way even if you do get detected by the zomblairs you can easily dispatch them from the structure you are in and move on without worrying about 25 showing up for tea. There are usually about 5-10 around any of these smaller places. Most importantly use patience, slow walking, crouching and constantly looking around all over the place (double tap alt) while baby stepping in a linear direction. Watch the paths the zombies are heading on and think "if I keep going this way will I run into it?". If the answer is yet then back that train up and start again.

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Its funny that people still say its hard... Just simply dont stay near the big cities and move land inwards, there nothing will happen to you, atleast if you are plaing smart!

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Arma 2 is a realistic war simulation game' date=' that is why there is no melee in it. Its not world war I where people killed each other in trenches with bayonetes.


I was in the Army within the last 10 years and we were issued bayonets for our m16a2 rifle. We were also taught how to use the butt of our riffle as a weapon as well in combination with a fixed bayonet. Jab them in the torso or face with the rifle butt and then slash downward with bayonet. Not to mention hand to hand combat training. (Fortunately, I never had to do any of it for real.)

True, you are much more likely to be shooting at someone but close quarter combat is still alive and well for obvious reasons. I think starting with a melee weapon would be a good compromise. A machete would do the trick. Who doesn't wanna hack away at some zombies? Too bad Arma doesn't support melee. :(

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This isnt a first person shooter, its a damn simulator.

Sure there are bugs, but its a freakin' alpha, suck it up.

1) Guns should be a relative rarity. And each bullet treasured like that last cigarette.

2) You should be in the wilderness, pissing your pants out of fear, starving and freezing to death. Not rocking it up with an AK47 and playing counterstrike in cherno

3) You should die. Over and OVER. Until those two points above are imprinted into your subconscious.

This isnt supposed to be a fun game, its supposed to be a simulation of a dystopia. If you bought the game to be a trigger happy a-hole with an M4 you just wasted thirty bucks. Suck it up.

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I decided to just go ahead and get it now instead of waiting till after I get out of Basic. Coming on here answered a few questions I had (like why am I defenseless) but I had some questions too. Being defenseless at the start is ok with me since I am patient and don't mind crawling or moving slowly for long periods of time....but I found that it didn;t really matter because any survivor I saw was just standing there doing nothing and I didn't see a single zombie. I starting running everywhere in hopes I'd attract something and die. Not sure if that was part of the recent patch to remove all the zombies too.

This happened to me last night. Turns out the server was not on the latest patch. There is actually a text line error in game that says this, but is quite faded and hard to read.

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This isnt a first person shooter' date=' its a damn simulator.

Sure there are bugs, but its a freakin' alpha, suck it up.

1) Guns should be a relative rarity. And each bullet treasured like that last cigarette.

2) You should be in the wilderness, pissing your pants out of fear, starving and freezing to death. Not rocking it up with an AK47 and playing counterstrike in cherno

3) You should die. Over and OVER. Until those two points above are imprinted into your subconscious.

This isnt supposed to be a fun game, its supposed to be a simulation of a dystopia. If you bought the game to be a trigger happy a-hole with an M4 you just wasted thirty bucks. Suck it up.


No one's asking to be a "trigger happy a-hole with an M4." They're asking for a bit of lee-way with respect to new players. I was lucky to have started when the Makarovs were still provided at spawn. This did make it a bit easier, but I can also understand why they were removed. The one thing that grinds my gears is the inability to find food ANYWHERE. In all honesty, I should be able to pick berries from the woods, eat insects, perhaps eat some zombie flesh, etc. That, and the recent lack of loot, has made it near impossible for new players to get on board and I can't blame any of them for not staying.

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This isnt a first person shooter' date=' its a damn simulator.

Sure there are bugs, but its a freakin' alpha, suck it up.

1) Guns should be a relative rarity. And each bullet treasured like that last cigarette.

2) You should be in the wilderness, pissing your pants out of fear, starving and freezing to death. Not rocking it up with an AK47 and playing counterstrike in cherno

3) You should die. Over and OVER. Until those two points above are imprinted into your subconscious.

This isnt supposed to be a fun game, its supposed to be a simulation of a dystopia. If you bought the game to be a trigger happy a-hole with an M4 you just wasted thirty bucks. Suck it up.


And most of the new players coming to this game act as if it is a FPS game and they have to kill everyone on sight. Thats why teamwork has been lost in the majority of people ever since this mod got really popular.

I think this is a good thing for the noobs/hasty FPS players. Now they can learn they need other people to help them out, instead of going around the map murdering everyone.

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I just started playing this game yesterday and I'm finding it almost impossible. The zombies seem capable of noticing me no matter what I do, they're much faster than I am so I can't outrun them, I have to empty whatever guns I find completely to kill even one and my character has the worst case of haemophilia in the history of man since a single hit seems to always open up a major artery and squirt out all my blood until I die since it's really hard to dress a wound when you're being chased by a dozen zombies

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This isn't supposed to be a fun game?! What kind of jumped up crap is that? That's the whole point of gaming, to enjoy the experience, of course it's fun. Sure part of the fun is the simulation and difficulty, but it's still a game, it's still enjoyable to play.

Some people need to stop worshipping the idea that this is some sort of ultra realistic, death simulator, that is supposed to kill you over and over, probably unfairly, and not be fun to play. Stop covering up problems with the game and self-fellating over how "hardcore" this is and how "hardcore I must be to play this, unlike those pathetic CoD noobs". Challenge is fun, difficulty is fun, hell, even dying can be fun and heart pounding. Unfair mechanics or inauthentic mechanics just subtract from the experience. People shouldn't be chastised and berated for suggesting improvements.

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This isn't supposed to be a fun game?! What kind of jumped up crap is that? That's the whole point of gaming' date=' to enjoy the experience, of course it's fun. Sure part of the fun is the simulation and difficulty, but it's still a game, it's still enjoyable to play.

Some people need to stop worshipping the idea that this is some sort of ultra realistic, death simulator, that is supposed to kill you over and over, probably unfairly, and not be fun to play. Stop covering up problems with the game and self-fellating over how "hardcore" this is and how "hardcore I must be to play this, unlike those pathetic CoD noobs". Challenge is fun, difficulty is fun, hell, even dying can be fun and heart pounding. Unfair mechanics or inauthentic mechanics just subtract from the experience. People shouldn't be chastised and berated for suggesting improvements.


You missed my point. I wasnt looking for a handjob from rocket, I was more pressing the fact that this isnt a "jump in, frag some n00bs and lol when I snipe a guy from 500m" game. This is a fucking nasty, brutal game.

No, people shouldn't be chastised and berated for suggesting improvements, but removing the makarov IS an improvement. Every Tom, Dick and Harry dont have guns, not in Europe, the ex-Bloc states, even the US. The issue with the starting gun is everyone is expecting to jump in and start shooting, thats not what this game is about. Ive gone days without firing a shot, you sneak in, sneak out. Thats how its done. This isnt a shooter, the guns are there to facilitate the survival, not to guarantee it.

And, to wo0kie, the food issue is a bug, food isnt spawning and will be fixed tonight.

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