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DayZ Standalone Discussion

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I am sure this is very high on the priority list. No released game will be accepted if the antagonists can punch through walls.

This raises a concern of mine. When the SA goes live people will have much higher expecations, and a stronger sense of entitlement.

So far, the arguments that 'It's a MOD' and 'You paid for Arma, not DayZ' have kept those of a whiny persuasion at bay. I'm kinda worried that we'll see a lot of tears on the forums, which are generally an upbeat place, come SA time.

What do y'all think?

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This raises a concern of mine. When the SA goes live people will have much higher expecations, and a stronger sense of entitlement.

So far, the arguments that 'It's a MOD' and 'You paid for Arma, not DayZ' have kept those of a whiny persuasion at bay. I'm kinda worried that we'll see a lot of tears on the forums, which are generally an upbeat place, come SA time.

What do y'all think?

No, it'll be fine, considering rocket knows this. He'll plan for it. This is why he delayed the release, most likely. He'll get the big bugs out that people have been waiting for, and have them tell him the ones he's created, most likely. They have probably gotten out a ton of them just from reworking the engine.

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spacecraft to fly to other planets and fight zombie aliens and of course zombie dinosaurs

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spacecraft to fly to other planets and fight zombie aliens and of course zombie dinosaurs

How about alien zombie dinosaurs? Or or or or... zombie alien dinosaurs! We could just add dinosaur zombie aliens. But I think the last one is just lame....

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No, it'll be fine, considering rocket knows this. He'll plan for it. This is why he delayed the release, most likely. He'll get the big bugs out that people have been waiting for, and have them tell him the ones he's created, most likely. They have probably gotten out a ton of them just from reworking the engine.

One can but hope. It's not just glitching zombies that worry me - last night my backpack got rifled by a bandit through a wall. Was funny, but that shit's not gonna fly come the SA.

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Hello there

When the first playable build is released there will be the inevitable wailing and gnashing of teeth by a vocal minority, it's the standard way.

In fact when the Closed alpha streams start to appear, I expect alot of whinging.

One has to keep it in perspective though, for every vocal complainer there'll be many many folk quietly satisfied with their experience.

Let's wait and see.



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Hello there

When the first playable build is released there will be the inevitable wailing and gnashing of teeth by a vocal minority, it's the standard way.

In fact when the Closed alpha streams start to appear, I expect alot of whinging.

One has to keep it in perspective though, for every vocal complainer there'll be many many folk quietly satisfied with their experience.

Let's wait and see.



This man is very wise.

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Hello there

When the first playable build is released there will be the inevitable wailing and gnashing of teeth by a vocal minority, it's the standard way.

In fact when the Closed alpha streams start to appear, I expect alot of whinging.

One has to keep it in perspective though, for every vocal complainer there'll be many many folk quietly satisfied with their experience.

Let's wait and see.



Well, sure, as in every multiplayer alpha game, when the players start to pour in after the CLOSED testing, with (example to DayZ) 1000 players, going up probably 75x that, the game will be absolutely crushed. People will cry the game is dying. Other than crashes, I don't expect much more problems to last that long except the bugs that are the cause/post effect of them.

Still, we'll see, and I don't plan on crying, so I guess this alpha will set my standard of expectation.

I think you mean a bit more of what the game has become, and that makes sense too. But, if you follow the rocket example, you think you can do better, you do it, so until I can, I'm not going anywhere, and I'd hope others feel the same.

Edited by McCullins

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Hi there,

Been following DayZ since close to the start of the mod. I am really looking forward to the standalone and I am already impressed with the dev blog videos.

Three questions if you would be so kind to answer..apologies if they have been asked in prior 67 pages.

With the standalone, will the zombies still run like the terminators?

Also, will the standalone have an option to play on a world generated but not multi-player (much like when Counter Strike Source allows the user to generate a map and play with bots)?

Finally will the standalone have features such as reduced visibility/hearing for zombies during night / heavy rain to enable stealth by humans?


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I really don't understand all this drama. I wasn't expecting a complete and done game to be released in December. All I was expecting was a DayZ with bugs and 'missing' features but without the limitations of the Mod. It was supposed to follow the Minecraft Model and release a basic version that doesn't even promise to be completely stable all the time. You'd be supporting the development with your money and for that you get access to the current build.

What was bad about the War Z was not that they 'sold' access to their so called 'alpha' and 'beta' but rather their shady tactics in promising things they could not deliver on, blatantly lying to everyone as well as thier overall bad behavior towards their community.

By keeping silent about things, not posting any news over 'official' channels and keeping the community uninformed I fear Rocket is going down a dark path and instead of distancing himself from The War Z, I feel, he is acutally putting himself in the same boat. What he represented to me was a stand up guy who kept in touch with his community, being open about everything. It seems this is now all over and it looks like the industy has finally spread its corruption onto our 'hero'.

Anyway TL;DR the best way is always to be honest and open about things, hiding and keeping silent leads down a dark path.

My two cents.

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Plans changed it's no longer DayZ mod+.

And in regards to 'keeping silent' its because as stated before, the work on the game is more important than letting us know every little detail of development, If they have the time they will whip up a dev blog on Fridays but only if they have the time.

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I see so many people QQ about how they don't give us enough information or how they are screwing us over because they didn't release the game in december. It makes me sick, these guys are making a quality game that you will most likely play for years and years with constant updates throughout. Everyone needs to chill out and let these guys work...I myself have waited for a few games to come out and never are they ever on time. I hope they take as long as they need to give us a stable game because right now I have other games to play...I can wait. There was an update today too so stop saying they are "keeping us in the dark" because thats a lie.

Edited by AGBenny
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Am I the only one that wants them to keep quiet on a lot of the details like they did in the dev video 2 weeks ago?

I don't want to know exactly what the game is going to be like before I've even played it. If you don't know about most of the features, you'll have an extra large smile when you find the cool ones in the SA.

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You're not the only one, but I'd assume you're in the minority.

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Two things I want to know.

1. When the fuck is it coming out? A pre december release was promised, that's fine you had to delay it, I feel like the PR team is non existant?

2. Secondly I'm not fucking touching this game as a standalone untill specs have been released, the only promise about the game I give a fuck about is reduced FPS stuttering and an overall performance increase, and by that I don't want to hear "oh yeah it'll run better" but a bench marking or at least a percentage given on FPS and Performance in contrast to the mod.

tldr: I will not touch the standalone until the promise of fixing a poorly optimised engine is on the table.

You cannot release a relatively indie title and ask for a god king PC to run it.

Edited by electroban

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Two things I want to know.

1. When the fuck is it coming out? A pre december release was promised, that's fine you had to delay it, I feel like the PR team is non existant?

2. Secondly I'm not fucking touching this game as a standalone untill specs have been released, the only promise about the game I give a fuck about is reduced FPS stuttering and an overall performance increase, and by that I don't want to hear "oh yeah it'll run better" but a bench marking or at least a percentage given on FPS and Performance in contrast to the mod.

tldr: I will not touch the standalone until the promise of fixing a poorly optimised engine is on the table.

You cannot release a relatively indie title and ask for a god king PC to run it.

Chill out mate. Ask questions but try it without the swearing. Cheers.

Have a read here: http://dayzdev.tumblr.com/

The SA is still in an internal testing phase so offering you specs would be silly. Secondly, the December release date was the aim when the plan was to just tart up the mod a bit. That plan has now changed and they are building many aspects of the new game from scratch which will take time.

You would know this if you read the devblogs in the link I have provided for you.

Edited by Fraggle
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Chill out mate. Ask questions but try it without the swearing. Cheers.

Have a read here: http://dayzdev.tumblr.com/

The SA is still in an internal testing phase so offering you specs would be silly. Secondly, the December release date was the aim when the plan was to just tart up the mod a bit. That plan has now changed and they are building many aspects of the new game from scratch which will take time.

You would know this if you read the devblogs in the link I have provided for you.

Yeah my bad for thinking real update blogs and the like would be incorporated into the dayz website, better use a tumblr instead.

And the frame rates will be a deal breaker for a lot of players just sayin

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Cool, no need to be so angry dude.

Each time the devblog is updated there is a massive announcement here on the forums and then it is discussed here on the forums. You can find it in the announcement section here on the forums funnily enough.

Edited by Fraggle

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Yeah i can imagine how that announcement must go "welcome to the official day-z website, if u want news on dayz, go to this different website dur doiii"

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