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Desperate help with locating.. Myself!

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Hey.. Just started DayZ.

Basically, its a private hive, but you spawn without a map. Now, don't ask me why but I havnt found one, and I only got an Enfield with 4 bullets in it. How can I find where I am? No map, compas, watch, or GPS :\

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There are usually signs with the name of the place by the side of the road into any town.

It also helps to download a map from the internet and have it open on a 2nd screen or ipad or printed out.

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There are usually signs with the name of the place by the side of the road into any town.

It also helps to download a map from the internet and have it open on a 2nd screen or ipad or printed out.

I am using http://dayzdb.com/map#6.069.118

But it doesnt show any signs locations :\

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You'll need to learn to read the terrain and find landmarks, then you can get your position. If you don't have a compass you can use the direction of shadows combined with a watch to find north as in real life.

Edited by Fraggle

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There are signs on the roads leading into pretty much every town.

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You'll need to learn to read the terrain and find landmarks, then you can get your position. If you don't have a compass you can use the direction of shadows combined with a watch to find north as in real life.


There are signs on the roads leading into pretty much every town.


Post a screenshot!

1: A more detailed guide will be AWESOME and I said in the OP I dont have a watch.

2: The thing is, they're in russian and they dont say Elektro or Cherno :\


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Pro Tip.

The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

Clouds always travel from west to east.

Spawning on the coast without a map, trying to figure out which town your in when it says 4XYRPHW you can always rely on those 2 factors. so if the ocean is to your back and the clouds are going towards you. This means you are facing west.

Pretty cool right?

Edited by Charb
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Pro Tip.

The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

Clouds always travel from west to east.

Spawning on the coast without a map, trying to figure out which town your in when it says 4XYRPHW you can always rely on those 2 factors. so if the ocean is to your back and the clouds are going towards you. This means you are facing west.

Pretty cool right?


Just gave me a DaygaZm.

I love you!

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Pay attention when you log in:


Yeah I know about that :) I just don't know my general direction, but with Mr DaygaZm, I now know

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You can also use the north star. I found this even easier than trying to figure out what direction the clouds were moving on many occasions.

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You can also use the north star. I found this even easier than trying to figure out what direction the clouds were moving on many occasions.

If it's a troll its a good one.

If not, how can I spot the north star? :)

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It's not a troll. The stars in the game are reasonably accurate. Learn your constellations and you can locate the north star easily.

The easiest way: the two stars at the end of the "bowl" of the big dipper point right at it. You can also use the "W" formation of Cassiopeia to direct you to it, with experience.

EDIT, here:


Edited by iegle

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Call me crazy but every time I've checked the clouds move directly East on chernarus. If I had a server I'd make them go NW just to troll the shit but I'm pretty sure most server owners don't do that.

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Have a look at this http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/How_to_find_North

Beyond that, with your online map, use the general location given when you log in, and use landmarks and known buildings to help figure out where you are and what direction you're facing. Just takes a bit of experience to get it down pat, but you'll get it.

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