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Something to be aware of

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An interesing video showing what admins can do. This is not intended to make people suspicious of admins. But as you will see, in the wrong hands...

(Not my video)

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This is bull shit. Admins have way too much power. Every time I ago into a game with a few buddies, we usually end up takin out a majority of people on the server, usually the server admin as well. Every time we end up killin the admin(s), we end up getting killed by said admin with an AS50/Railgun/M107, 5 minutes after their death. There's no way you just happen to be geared up, and then just happen to run into me or us, just after we killed you.

Why can admins spawn anything on themselves when they log out? Why can they see where everyone is and what they have? EVEN when logged out?

I already knew they could do all of this, I just think it's garbage.

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This is interesting & it makes me want to be an DayZ admin, not because I'd be someone who would abuse this, but simply because about 50% of the private hives that I've played on the admins were geared to the teeth & didn't seem to need to worry about ammunition. (Spamming ammunition)

I'm currently hosting a few servers for other games & have never abused my power as an administrator. So keeping something like this out of an irresponsible admin's hands on a server that i play on would be my top priority.

"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power." -Abraham Lincoln

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I think the thing with some admins on private hives is that they script with immunity. It ain't like they're gonna ban themselves is it?

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I think the thing with some admins on private hives is that they script with immunity. It ain't like they're gonna ban themselves is it?

They don't need to script, private hives have database access which is why this is possible. If you are playing on a private hive and you think the admin is using the tools to have an advantage (spot players, vehicles insert weapons for themselves etc) then it's time to change servers.

Private Hives pretty much saved the mod from what can only be described as a cheating epidemic, these same tools allow a good admin to catch players teleporting around the map or replace players gear after a hacker has struck. If you don't want to play on servers where admins have these tools, stay on the public hive.

You need to decide, do you want to play on a server where the admins have the tools to effectively combat cheating but are also be open to abuse by that admin (private hive) or a server where the admins have little control over their server and as a result cheaters run rampant. (public hive)

Edited by smasht_AU
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You need to decide, do you want to play on a server where the admins have the tools to effectively combat cheating but are also be open to abuse by that admin (private hive) or a server where the admins have little control over their server and as a result cheaters run rampant. (public hive)

That's not true. Public server admins still have enough power to combat hackers and cheating is far from rampant

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That's not true. Public server admins still have enough power to combat hackers and cheating is far from rampant

Well you can make your choice, I only have my own experience to go on.

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I had admins (wont mention the server) spawn in a v-22 osprey and chase me in a Huey, typing in the side chat that if I landed, they'd kill me.... I thought, no big... I'm a decent pilot, I should be able to make them crash... Then I saw it... red text in the chat saying Server reset in 5 minutes.

They forced me to stay airborn until the reset. Didn't die, but heli was toast. I don't normally get attached to gear....but I worked my ass off to fix and fill that damn thing, for them to just take it away. Ran to the coast, gave all my gear(Alice full of med sup. food drink. An m4a1 CCO w/ 7mags, PDW) to a Bambi, and logged out. Never to return.

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As an admin of a private server I watched the posted video with a mixture of amazement and bemusement. I knew I had the tools to spawn/repair vehicles at will and I knew I had the tools to see where people were at any one time but I did not know about the spawning weapons thing. Having watched it all it left me with one question. Why on earth would anybody want to do that? Surely it just removes any and all fun from the game? I just don't understand what the point of doing anything like that would be. Surely you would do that a couple of times, realise the game had suddenly become boring and not in the least bit enjoyable and go off and find another game to play? It's not even like it's an instant "I win" button because, in reality, it's cheating and thus not winning.

I will openly admit that I do occasionally use the map to watch others on my server but not while I am logged in as that would give me an advantage. I occasionally do it to monitor things to ensure fair play (and because it is a little fascinating to see how others play) but that is all. As for spawning/repairing vehicles I will admit that I have done that too. When I first rented the server I removed some of the bicycles and added some cars close to the coast for players to find. I will also repair a vehicle if it has been "eaten" by a glitchy server restart for example but if you crash your chopper, or whatever, you can fix it yourself. The same goes for me. So much of this game is predicated on trying to stay safe whilst running around collecting whatever resources you need for your current endeavour, be that finding high-end weapons to kill people with or enough vehicle parts to fix up whatever vehicle, that to do all that with just a click of the mouse makes the whole experience pretty much redundant.

In my opinion if you (ab)use the admin tools as demonstrated in the video then, ultimately, you are just being a fool to yourself.

Edited by Bansidhe
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As an admin of a private server I watched the posted video with a mixture of amazement and bemusement. I knew I had the tools to spawn/repair vehicles at will and I knew I had the tools to see where people were at any one time but I did not know about the spawning weapons thing. Having watched it all it left me with one question. Why on earth would anybody want to do that? Surely it just removes any and all fun from the game? I just don't understand what the point of doing anything like that would be. Surely you would do that a couple of times, realise the game had suddenly become boring and not in the least bit enjoyable and go off and find another game to play? It's not even like it's an instant "I win" button because, in reality, it's cheating and thus not winning.

I will openly admit that I do occasionally use the map to watch others on my server but not while I am logged in as that would give me an advantage. I occasionally do it to monitor things to ensure fair play (and because it is a little fascinating to see how others play) but that is all. As for spawning/repairing vehicles I will admit that I have done that too. When I first rented the server I removed some of the bicycles and added some cars close to the coast for players to find. I will also repair a vehicle if it has been "eaten" by a glitchy server restart for example but if you crash your chopper, or whatever, you can fix it yourself. The same goes for me. So much of this game is predicated on trying to stay safe whilst running around collecting whatever resources you need for your current endeavour, be that finding high-end weapons to kill people with or enough vehicle parts to fix up whatever vehicle, that to do all that with just a click of the mouse makes the whole experience pretty much redundant.

In my opinion if you (ab)use the admin tools as demonstrated in the video then, ultimately, you are just being a fool to yourself.

Human nature I guess. People simply cannot resist being able to be better than others. Especially if those others don't know its being done by cheating. Since there have been computer games there have been cheats. Games magazines used to have whole sections devoted to cheats. Combinations of keys, secret words you type at a certain point. I remember playing Civilization 3 and using the cheat that gives you every tech just I could nuke everyone. It was fun, for two minutes until I realised that I wasn't actually playing the game. I may as well have had a cheat that displayed the "You've Won!" screen. And I've never used a cheat or exploit in any game since.

People cheat in all aspects of life, like sport. Its about finding a way to a particular thing better than someone else. If that means doing something thats against the "Rules" then people will do it.

The solution is to devise a way that means anyone playing (admin or not) cannot use these tools, because someone will ALWAYS abuse them. The tools need to be there to combat the problem, but not add to it. Don't ask how you do that though. On a private hive the admin could be some 13 year old who just got his own server so he can use the tools to cheat and make epic youtube vids.

I now feel silly watching some vids on youtube where people are constantly finding multiple vehicles and always have as50's or thermal L85's with NVG's etc thinking it was all genuine and how amazing they were at spotting other players. In all honesty I have NEVER found an as50 in over 6 months of play. Maybe I was unlucky. Maybe not.

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This explains why on a majority of private hives I've been on the admins will always somehow ''find'' all the vehicles and always be geared up. My squad always knew they had some form of power, however this has opened our eyes to exactly what they can do..

I actually would be all for these tools if it forced the admins to take a back-seat, which I understand is completely unfair as they're paying for the server, however it's far to much power for one player to have if they're actively playing the game - I see why there's always admin ass kissers in every private hive now! You can speak about morals, ''I only use it to catch hackers'', blah blah however we all know it's human nature over half the admins are abusing it, more than that in my experience!

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In all honesty I have NEVER found an as50 in over 6 months of play. Maybe I was unlucky. Maybe not.

They are actually pretty easy to find, you just have to find the heli crashes first. I usually kill a zombie and put it on the body and then hide the body. lol

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I believe this could be solved by following what other MMOs do and let BIS & Rocket host all the main-hive servers. Charge us a monthly fee to cover server costs, and hire a dedicated administration team. I would pay for that.

When you get the player involved in the operation of the game, it's always a conflict of interests.

Edit: I understand this is done on private hives, but believe me, similar crap happens on public servers too. It's easy enough for an admin to skip over a couple lines of code in the logs that proves someone is using cheats, if that player is an admin, a friend, clanmate, whatever.

Edited by bad_mojo
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So, in comparison what are the admin's limitations on a public hive server? Can they do anything like track players, spawn items?

Better question... Is there a hack out there that can see where offline players are/where they have moved.

I got found in the northern forests by a heli, there is no legitimate way they would have found/seen me and known my name (no name plates), and after killing me, my group rather large camp about 2km further north was emptied, suspicious lol.

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Edit: I understand this is done on private hives, but believe me, similar crap happens on public servers too. It's easy enough for an admin to skip over a couple lines of code in the logs that proves someone is using cheats, if that player is an admin, a friend, clanmate, whatever.

It's also easy for an admin to add a couple lines of code in the logs to "prove" someone is "using cheats" if that player is an enemy. <_<

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That's not true. Public server cheating is far from rampant

Just had to cut that up and say I disagree with this comment within the last three months I have taken a step into multiple public hives in my spare time to see how things have been going.. I tend to spend my time North West of Pobeda every server I jumped into I was teleported on and shot to death. I ran up to the location switched servers and repeated on another set of servers found myself in the same situation more often then not low pop or high pop.

Overall I wil agree with Smash on this one. While it may seem like a gamebreaking factor for some who have never seen things like this, Admin tools in the right hands (non-abusive) have the ability to keep your gameplay at its best without outside interference.

Edited by Steak and Potatoes

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That's not true. Public server admins still have enough power to combat hackers and cheating is far from rampant

....lol. Of course the admins can still combat hackers but cheating far from rampant on pub servers ? ..tap tap..anyone there man ?

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I've been killed by some bullshit admin like that before... He tried to kill me in elektro because he though I was sniping noobs and I killed him only to have him teleport back only a short distance away and kill me with an L85

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This is why only I have access to such tools and never make kids or untrusted members admins on my private hive. This tool can be abused in the wrong hands but can do some good in the right ones. People will have their own opinions and some will say admins abuse their powers, but we're not all 13 year olds with daddy's credit card.

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....lol. Of course the admins can still combat hackers but cheating far from rampant on pub servers ? ..tap tap..anyone there man ?

I agree. It did seem to slow down for a bit and I started playing public again but over the last couple of weeks it's exploded again. Last night I was getting teleported constantly, Apache helis dropping out of the sky, the big cities being bombed, dancing, news reports, Thunderdome, battleships all over the place etc etc etc. I would much rather play on a private hive where I know Admins have power to snoop but also to enhance your gameplay.

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I tend to agree with smasht on this one. I can't say what he did any better.

Yes people abuse this, yes it sucks, you want to stop it? Don't play on those servers. It really is that simple! I admin on a server (i am an admin lite) my job is to bust the cheats, welcome new players with the golden 2 rules, and I offer medivac service for everyone.

The golden 2 rules for those curious.

1.) Don't cheat,hack, or script.

2.) Don't be a dick.

Otherwise play as you wish. If you are a bandit thru hero you are all welcome.

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ahah cant believe this thread has only just aired i have mentioned admins have way too much power for ages

they can see where stuff is on te server so no point in hiding loot no point in hiding full stop if they want to know where you are either ;)

also say ones injured and playing on his server needs blood ? no problem they put blood in there bag !!!

no admin should have these powers over anyone ingame even if they run server

basically if they want they can basically have what they want and track anything they want where as everyone else cant. huge advantage over players playing normal and a large oversight made by the mod makers. would be very intrested to see what rocket would do on this front.

not all admins are dirty or abuse these tools but why even let them do it in first place ?

Edited by dgeesio
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This is bull shit. Admins have way too much power. Every time I ago into a game with a few buddies, we usually end up takin out a majority of people on the server, usually the server admin as well. Every time we end up killin the admin(s), we end up getting killed by said admin with an AS50/Railgun/M107, 5 minutes after their death. There's no way you just happen to be geared up, and then just happen to run into me or us, just after we killed you.

Why can admins spawn anything on themselves when they log out? Why can they see where everyone is and what they have? EVEN when logged out?

I already knew they could do all of this, I just think it's garbage.

It's garbage?

Blaming it on the tools but not on the people using them... yeah, very original. <_<

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This is bull shit. Admins have way too much power. Every time I ago into a game with a few buddies, we usually end up takin out a majority of people on the server, usually the server admin as well. Every time we end up killin the admin(s), we end up getting killed by said admin with an AS50/Railgun/M107, 5 minutes after their death. There's no way you just happen to be geared up, and then just happen to run into me or us, just after we killed you.

Why can admins spawn anything on themselves when they log out? Why can they see where everyone is and what they have? EVEN when logged out?

I already knew they could do all of this, I just think it's garbage.

Well, if the admin is abusing his powers, just get off the damn server and search for a decent one where admins actually use their powers to identify hackers and ban them

either you're a hacker or a troll, admins without power makes the server hacker bait

bad admin? your fault, get on another server

I'm not a full admin, but i am a friend of one and can ban people from the server and see who is a hacker

with this live map for taviana, it would be a HELL of a lot easier to find hackers and ban them

just because admins CAN abuse their powers, doesn't mean they DO automatically...

It's either admins with powers, or hackers, your choice people

Edited by Zombo

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