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That would ruin low-noise weapons.. That would mean that if you use a Makarov and one zombie aggroes, it will cause a chain reaction of the entire town chasing you.

This is very good!

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* [NEW] - Added Markers for all towns (1)

* [NEW] - Added player marker (1)

I don't understand this

Edited by TSAndrey
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I really hope they remove heli crashes being displayed on the map... its kinda shit. And zeds speaking to eachother? WTF is this some kind of language you have made up for them now? I hope that these are gone tbh.

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Yeah, I'm really confused.. What do they mean by markers?

There is another one that I don't understand:

* [uPDATED] - Zeds will talk to other zeds within 100 meter.

I think this basicly means they are now going to form hordes.

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I really hope they remove heli crashes being displayed on the map... its kinda shit. And zeds speaking to eachother? WTF is this some kind of language you have made up for them now? I hope that these are gone tbh.

It's not literally talking, but they won't operate purely as individuals anymore.

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Some kind of beacons?

How about...Beancons. AWW YEAAAAH

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Heli crashes on the marked on the map sounds bad. I like the random timing though. Maybe AI helis programmed to crash. It would be cool to see a smoking heli fly over and crash in the distance then have to find it.

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Heli crashes on the map are going to cause some sick gun fights though ....

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I like the idea of chopper crashes being shown on the map. Sure it removes the hunting aspect of it but it also adds action. If you and a buddy see a new crash is marked and decide to give it a run, you're probably going to meet several others on the way to the wreck, at the wreck, and on the way out of the wreck all coming to take the loot.

If you've ever played Wasteland it's the same idea as an outpost or immobile APC/vodnik being marked. I do agree that perhaps it eliminates a little bit of the spirit of the game but it adds another high risk/reward element to the game. To me there was little fun in hunting for 4 hours either on foot or by vehicle during the day just to try and find a wreck with potentially little reward. I would enjoy the combat aspect of marked crash sites more than the loot itself.

I think only playtesting and community feedback can determine in the end whether or not it's a change we like or not. With standalone coming the mod is correctly serving its purpose of being a testing ground for things that would make good additions to the standalone game. In the end I feel like this is trading a bit of naturalness to add a little bit of gameplay and it has yet to be seen if it's a good idea.

Edit: I'm also a little biased against crash site hunting to begin with because I primarily have been playing Lingor and Namalsk and there is MUCH more military grade stuff there than on Chernarus.

Edited by dfnkt
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crash site markers make no sense. Is there a focus group of players that talk to the community development team? I can't see the majority of players supporting this idea but maybe I'm wrong.

I like the surprise of coming across one, and not knowing if anyone else has seen the smoke or not. If you want them easier to find, add a larger smoke plume (3 or 4 times higher)

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Crash sites on map.....................REALLY?!

Maybe they only mean for those weak sauce servers running 'Regular'. Surely not in Vet or above.

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Hmm lets see... A lot of complaints for the zeds speaking to each other. I dont think they are going to sit down and talk about the current events. Imo i think it is a bit unrealistic that in elektro i can get one zombie to aggro while 4 others right by me dont. I think that if one zombie aggros from the noise they make it would attract a lot if not all the zombies in the immediate area.

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I dont think they meant the high end crash sites that spawn as50's. I believe its the other ones that are on the map. For Example the Plane crashes and the green ones that spawn medical loot/farm loot/industrial/residential, and sometimes military loot like m4a3s.

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* [NEW] - Zeds spawn while in vehicles.

Does this by any chance meen loot will too? If not they should have fixed the loot before the Zeds.....

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* [uPDATED] - UH1 Crash sites no longer all spawn on server start but thoughtout the game.

I find this one quite pleasing. Instead of being player controlled, where they could just restart the servers and hoard up on AS50, M107 and so on, they now have to go out at any given time to check for crash sites which spawns beyond their controll (hopefully).

About us seing it on the map, however, I'm kinda torn. On one side, I like it since this means the admins or the biggest group with the helis on that particular server won't have "dibs" on it based on their air superiority alone and instead will have to fight with single man or small group players for every single spawn. But on the other side.. who marks it on my map? Is my map magic? This game is supposed to be realistic to some degree, so how does my character automatically know where all the helicrashes are? I don't particulary enjoy metagaming. I even lost some feel for the game when I found the DayZdb map with all the loot indicators and enterable houses, but I had to since at the time I just had no idea what buildings to enter and where to even go. It takes the fun out of exploring and that aspect is really, really important to many, not just me.

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If they're putting crash sites on the map, they're gonna clusterfuck the game ever worse.

Right now, it's like this: by yourself? DON'T GO TO NWAF! PERIOD. When was the last time you went into the barracks alone? I don't. They're a deathtrap.

So you go and hunt for a heli crash site to get a decent weapon that will work against the magic OHK sniper rifles.

But if heli crash sites are marked, the little guy is just gonna get shit on. Why? Because the only people who have ANY chance of getting to a crash site first are the ones with vehicles and/or helicopters. It'll be a massive clusterfuck of a clan a server, going to every single crash site the moment it spawns, and getting all the loot from them while murdering anyone that gets close. Vehicles already give them a massive advantage in finding crash sites. Having them marked on the maps is just going to make clans with vehicles have access to as many AS50's, FAL's, NVG's, Ghillie suits, and ammunition as they could possibly want.

And fuck, it's not much of a thing right now, what with the rampant duping. But for the standalone? This will pretty much break the game a bad as duping does.

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In order to hold with the idea of DayZ being "natural", it's worth noting that when aircraft are going down, they often radio a distress call. If we assume the map is satellite based (not necessarily GPS, just updated via satellite), then it could be updated that way.

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* [NEW] - Added player marker (1)

What does that mean? are all players marked on the map as easy target for bandits? pls no

same as heli crash sites, hell no dont mark them on the map, only sniper will camp them, the best thing is searching for them and finding a unlooted crash site, if show them on the map you take all this away and can altogether just remove crash sites,

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I like the idea of zombies "talking" to each other if it means that an aggroed zombie makes all others within earshot investigate as well.

Not too sure about the crash site idea, i hope it isnt what we assume it to be.

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I like the idea of zombies "talking" to each other if it means that an aggroed zombie makes all others within earshot investigate as well.

Not too sure about the crash site idea, i hope it isnt what we assume it to be.

100 meters is too hardcore... What if you sneak into a town and aggro one zombie? You would get mauled by zombies like you just fired a Lee Enfield.

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