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this is for all you dayz loving cotton headed ninnymuggins

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I hate the way you force me to play on low pop 1st person only servers. A VAST majority of players cant take the full fledged immersion of 3rd p off. Seriously, nut up, stop using your cloud surfing koopa to look over walls. Every 3rd person off server i encounter is only up for a week or two. And the bmrf one is hogwash. Its a modded cherno w a firestation in berez... dont even get me started on skalisty. Way to make dayz even more ezmode bmrf. Please dear god i hope the hc community comes back for standalone. So grossed out at how many sissies play this game.

Let the flames begin!! And before you post. Go play on a 3rd p off server. Get into a fire fight in the old fields and tell me how much fun it was having to risk your life to go crouch from prone in the tall grass to find your opponent. Instead of using your koopa to do all the hardwork for you. Silly nannies. My best fights and most intense moments were all on 3rd p off servers.

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"Stop playing the game how YOU want, play it how I want!"

Also, Predicting the fact you're going to get flamed doesn't make you appear smart/correct in any way, it merely means you are already aware how stupid your post is.

Edited by Rage VG
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i tell you what you play how you want to play and i will play how i want to play and we never bring this up again

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My best fights and most intense moments were with my fourth wife, but going third-person would have probably spiced things up even more.

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I was going to give you beans purely for the word "ninnymuggins."

But god damn it do I not want to give my beans to someone who seems to be an ass.

And just for the sake of the argument, I have, and do play in "everything off" servers. No nametags, no 3rdP, no crosshair, no traces, no nothing. It is much more intense than a server with everything on, yes. But at least I don't call everybody wimps for not wanting to play the way I sometimes do.

Edited because nobody loves typos.

Edited by Dancing.Russian.Man

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:P I agree with the "hardcore" personality you got on - it does take a little more skill to play in those type of servers. But if you're really that "upset" about it - Pro tip: Stay in 1st. :3 Now you're more pro for playing in 1st person only vs all the koopa users!

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I always play first-person. Partially because I lack a numpad to change view and the patience to change the keybind, but mainly because I don't really need 3rd person. Let them look over the grass, around the corners, through the doors. The one thing they're not gonna see is the bullet flying through their head.

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I don't know whether to wait for OP's response to the previous comments or graveyard it.

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I always play first-person. Partially because I lack a numpad to change view and the patience to change the keybind, but mainly because I don't really need 3rd person. Let them look over the grass, around the corners, through the doors. The one thing they're not gonna see is the bullet flying through their head.

You play with a mouse right? Just hold down left alt and look around with the mouse. Let go of alt and the view snaps back to center. Much much more effective than using the number pad.

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You play with a mouse right? Just hold down left alt and look around with the mouse. Let go of alt and the view snaps back to center. Much much more effective than using the number pad.

Oh, I'm aware of this, but that's more of a realistic head turning than a 3rd person camera.

I don't know whether to wait for OP's response to the previous comments or graveyard it.

Let's wait.

Lulz will be had.

Edited by Rage VG
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Oh, I'm aware of this, but that's more of a realistic head turning than a 3rd person camera.

Let's wait.

Lulz will be had.

I don't understand. It works in first and third person and is more realistic than using the number pad. Maybe I misunderstood.

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I don't understand. It works in first and third person and is more realistic than using the number pad. Maybe I misunderstood.

I believe you have.

I am aware that holding down ALT will let you turn your head (And thus your view) without turning your character. However, It does not allow you to look around corners or over walls safely in first person.

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I believe you have.

I am aware that holding down ALT will let you turn your head (And thus your view) without turning your character. However, It does not allow you to look around corners or over walls safely in first person.

I wasn't aware that was the issue. You mentioned number pad so I was just suggesting an alternative to using the number pad, just in case. :)

I can pretty much destroy any debate over which view makes the game easier with two pictures.

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I don't know whether to wait for OP's response to the previous comments or graveyard it.

OMG wait for it PLZ!!! I already jotted down "ninnymuggin", can't wait to see what else he comes up with.

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OP is upset because everyone only plays 3rd p : on servers. Its just annoying : / I know Rocket would never remove this feature as people love to koopa their cameras around corners (or over the hospital roof wall...). It really takes away from the game. Theres the 3rd p : off BMRF server that has a solid amount of people on it but its cursed with "custom" architecture everywhere. From Skalisty having a hospital to an apartment bulding in Kamyshovo. It's horrible. All the other "Mercenary" servers have 3-4/40 people on them. If you know of a server that uses "stock" Charnarus architecture and consistently has 10+ players online I'm game. But otherwise I'm stuck on a 3rd p : on server playing with a handicap that no one else has to use. I love the head bob and the breathing. Its very life like.

I just DON'T understand how at least 90% of the pop refuses to play on merc servers. I'll put my beans on half have tried it once, for 5 minutes and left because they couldn't koopa the camera over the shelves in the grocery store. It's so easy to get lost in this game while playing first person. It's close to impossible to spot someone in a ghillie in first person.

This scrub would NEVER get a pvp kill without 3rd person. Its pathetic. THIS is why 3rd p on blows.

Edited by Petrollium

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I love the head bob and the breathing. Its very life like.

I love the head bob

I love the


Do you get my point?

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What's with the name "koopa" and "merc"/"mercenary", anyway?

Who started these aliases? How does a Koopa relate to lurking around corners in any way?

And mercenary? A soldier for hire? Or is it supposed to mean "badass?"

Edit; And, my vote goes for The Graveyard. OP is an elitist, and the conversation isn't going anywhere, and never will.

Edited by Dancing.Russian.Man

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I demand own section to first person only players so we can unite and make a stand. At the same we can see how much of us are there really.

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I demand own section to first person only players so we can unite and make a stand. At the same we can see how much of us are there really.

Lol so when it has hardly any posts you can come back to General Discussion and demand they close General Discussion?

Claim GD are all cheaters with the general discussions they are having?

Look I played and a 1st only server it was a ghost town. I think you guys are the minority here. Either organize and pick some servers to populate or remain as things are now. Switching the game to 1st only isn't going to happen. Good luck!

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I'm so hardcore that I only allow my character to run and sprint for short distances before slowing down. If you don't also play this way then you're a scrubdummy and I hate you. I gave up jumping in real-life because you can't in DayZ, which is more realistic than reality, so obviously jumping is some kind of exploit for n00bs.

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you are already aware how stupid your post is.

his post is not stupid. he is right when he says 3rd person camera is a cheat. because it is. and i love how he uses super mario 3d as an example. it's very fitting. oh, and crosshairs are a cheat, too. dayz should be as realistic as possible, so i hope mr. hall disables those cheats for the standalone version.

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