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Apina (DayZ)

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About Apina (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Apina (DayZ)

    Favorite heli?

    Best heli is a crashed heli with the bandit driver/passengers dead around it.
  2. Apina (DayZ)

    State of the mod and community

    So you people did let zombies hit you before this patch? You say you need to be more cautious now eh? how that is ridiculous? I know it is a bit harsh for the new players, but for the experienced players it is just a bonus challenge really, I mean c'mon don't say you let the zombies come so close to you that they can hit you all the time :P
  3. What has happened to the people who look for challenge? Do the majority of the community really want 1000's of vehicles? starting weapons and attack choppers? A unpenetrable stronghold with hundreds of itemslots? What has happened to the seek of immersive survival game? A second after a patch that made you do a little more than just "lol I run thru zombies" there is a massive outcry that "this is too hard wtf fix this!" If the standalone will be the way rocket is saying I just hope it will push the players who wants cookies before work away from the game. And I know this is me pushing my hand in fire, bash me to the ground if you like but surely there are some people that think like this too :D
  4. You people are cute who thinks zombies are hard to deal with now. SD ammo is the key for zombies now consider them more valuable than anything else.
  5. Apina (DayZ)

    Thank you R4z0r49and other devs!!!

    My Experience with zombies after the patch is... Not yet found situation where I were overrun by them, I did killed quite a few with myy PDW at berenzino miltents and at NE airfield and they did not instantly respawn and aggro. Tho I did see couple players pulling the zombietrain(toot toot) and getting overrun by them. I did not dare to fire my main anywhere near town tho because I carry M24. Did not find any trouble with the patch on the non vehicular playstyle, learned fast to obey the new zombie aggro behaviour and continue my sneaky ways. Easy to take them down, just need to be more carefull.
  6. Apina (DayZ) Appreciation Thread

    Yes I did mean it in ironic way :P the roll is just silly! should only be enabled without backpack and without main wep hanging on your shoulder. (maybe with the smaller backpacks could work too?)
  7. Apina (DayZ) Appreciation Thread

    All the beans for this update, lolrolling thru the northern forests.
  8. Apina (DayZ)

    New Update Makes DayZ Extremely Difficult

    Did play few hours last evening and the new patch did not change anything for me on the matter of gameplay. Zombies are still easy to lose, makes SD ammo valuable, be patient and be aware of your surroundings and you will be ok, its not that hard to keep yourself from blasting around with shotgun aggroing every zombie in the area.
  9. Apina (DayZ)

    Namalsk zombies

    Oh yeah those suckers runs perfectly thru walls and warp all over the place going haywire if there are more than one of them. The moments you stand on the top of stairs puzzled wtf you suppose to do when you see 5 or more of them just ignoring physics in speed of a race car. :P
  10. Apina (DayZ)

    Where is your DayZ "home"?

    Berenzino, the most nicest place in chernarus. Rolling with my ak with pso(dayz+) helping people and trying to keep the place bandit free :P
  11. Well Im not telling that you should not contact people anywhere quote me me if Im wrong. Moving out of sight do not prevent you from talking to people in directchat in any way. Oh and about bandit thing, Im not one at all, rolling with a hero skin never killing survivors and even giving newspawn bandit a opportunity to run if they dont act like a douche. :)
  12. Well correct me if Im wrong but the fact that if you move in cover and stay out of SIGHT that pretty much prevents to get killed on SIGHT?
  13. Well if you have a buddy to cover you the situation is different from what I whrite there, When me and my mate play I usually am the overwatch from point where I can confirm a clear route from cover to cover etc. And about the awereness of your surrounding area, you prettymuch can hear when somebody is getting close in DayZ/Arma and you can even locate the direction where its coming from, if you can not do that buy better speakers/headset :)
  14. And to be clear I just try to say how to prevent getting KoS, and Im not trying to push my way of playing to anyone just giving an advice. Im sorry if my post was a bit provocative but I tried to make a point about the running thru huge opening and bumbing to another player and getting the panic shots from a startled survivor. :)
  15. When somebody shoots you, the automatic reaction from it is to go to the nearest cover right? What you do then? At that time hostile allready knows where you are and is probing for your next move ready to fire when you make a run thus you need to suppress. And I just asked are there any people with mil training OR have they heard about the concept of those tactics because my Experience from the game is that most of people have no clue.