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DayZ needs more guns

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I know that the standalone is comming around the cornner. But right now the current DayZ mod is feeling a little stale. I think adding more guns to the mod would spruce it up a bit. I am not intertested in adding more .50 cal. Something like more Assult rifles or SMG's or LMG's. I know that there are many variants of the M16 AK and L85. So why not add them?

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I want a coffee cup to drink out of while I hit people with in the standalone :D

Edited by The Smorski

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Adding more guns is never a good solution, like you said there's plenty of m16 and ak variations, what else do you suggest? How adding more of them would make the game more fun to play?

Unless machete or bow and arrow :P

Edited by shomicide

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I dont agree that adding more guns will spruce up the game. Sure it may refresh things short term but its not a long lasting satisfaction. Either way, they just added the G36, SA58, and M40A3 for the next build 1.7.5.

Edited by Mr Nasty

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I want the CETME Ameli. 1200 rate of fire!

Or the Stoner LMG. Such a nice gun.

Edited by Inception.
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If its going to be high end military hardware: NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!

I would support more civilian type weaponry like over under shotguns, rifle shotgun combos, bolt action rifles, pistols and maybe even some more hand to hand type weapons. I would support military weapons IF they were things like basic m16s (no fancy scopes or sights), older battle rifles (mosins, SKS type rifles), basic AK varients.

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I want never gets!

If you want mre guns go play Wasteland or one of the many other mods available!

Edited by Michaelvoodoo25

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Nah, I totally agree. I see little to no harm in adding in many of the variants of the assault rifles. if anything, more variety plus the less mags per gun spawn will equal ammo becoming even MORE valuable. so long as the OP versions of the guns are kept out, then I think the game could only benefit from it. i mean, if a zombie apocalypse were to hit and the military were to spread out and try to contain it, I'd imagine all those guns wouldn't just disappear after they failed..... in fact, i think miliary weaponry would be more available than "civilian" weaponry.

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I want never gets!

If you want mre guns go play Wasteland or one of the many other mods available!

But you can't bipod on the north west airfield and mow down zombies in Wasteland... :(

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More melee weapons, ability to throw them as well.

Ability to change barrels wouldn't hurt.

My favourite weapon is the VSS Vintorez, but such a weapon would probably be too overpowered.

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Less military guns. I completely disagree with more assault rifles.

Cool, I just want more wepons to choose from. I would love to see how a .22 rifle would fit into DayZ.

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If its going to be high end military hardware: NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!

I would support more civilian type weaponry like over under shotguns, rifle shotgun combos, bolt action rifles, pistols and maybe even some more hand to hand type weapons. I would support military weapons IF they were things like basic m16s (no fancy scopes or sights), older battle rifles (mosins, SKS type rifles), basic AK varients.

I agree I don't want to see thermal AS50's or thermal M16 with lazer sights. A SKS would be perfect.

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I think that more guns would be a fine addition to the game but I also think that more equipment would diversify the game. More explosive consumables, like molotov cocktails, satchel charges, and maybe even traps like trip wire triggered grenades. How about adding body armor items? A plate carrier that reduces high powered rifle shots that would normally be 3 hit kills perhaps.

One thing that I think I would be defiantly against is a skill system. Anything resembling leveling up, reading books or undergoing training that gives you better stats of any kind would be a poor addition to the game and remove the major aspect of learning through experience. You know a veteran dayz player because they are just as deadly with a double barrel as a noob is with an as50.

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Take a look at this list and then tell me we need more guns.


In fact, check out the rolling changelog for the next update.


The thing is I want to use something different where I don't know the exzact stats for the gun I am using. Mix it up a bit.

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I'd like to see military guns more diverse, but subdivided rather than proliferated. Right now we've got 9 STANAG ARs: M16A2, M16A2 ACOG, M16A2 M203, M4A1, M4A1 CCO, M4A1 CCO SD, M4A1 Holo, M4A3 CCO, and the L85 AWS. What if loot tables had a subset for "STANAG AR", and then the specific type and number of magazines that spawned were determined by a second dice roll? You could throw in the G36 and its variants, the various L85 variants, the XM8 variants and whatever else you wanted to include, and still not have more military-grade assault rifles in the game. Same goes for AKs.

More variety without making weapons more common.

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I want hunting knives, bats, golf clubs, hockey sticks, katanas, Maglite flashlights and chainsaws (don't forget to fill with gas!) as weapons

I want F to cycle through ALL my weapons -Rifle, pistol, ax, grenades, flashlight - without having to do that weird mouse thing to switch from rifle to pistol or "take ax from toolbelt".

I want the empty whisky bottle to be a legitimate weapon.

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I want hunting knives, bats, golf clubs, hockey sticks, katanas, Maglite flashlights and chainsaws (don't forget to fill with gas!) as weapons

I want F to cycle through ALL my weapons -Rifle, pistol, ax, grenades, flashlight - without having to do that weird mouse thing to switch from rifle to pistol or "take ax from toolbelt".

I want the empty whisky bottle to be a legitimate weapon.

Shure... Ok.

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