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despair (DayZ)

Standalone could slip to 2013

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Console release is such a buzz kill. Can't wait for 12 year olds to hop on the forums and scream at people now.

Either way, keep up the good work Rocket. Take as long as needed because a glitchy, bug filled game is something nobody wants.

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Never thought he'd get it done that quick anyway, so no surprise here for me.

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If DayZ does get on consoles, i think Chernarus would be limited (South Coast to NWAF) and many of the control features would be hard to use since controllers are limited to like 10 buttons?

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Exact quote from Rocket at Eurogamer Expo

It has to be out before the end of the year. Not just because we've committed to it but in order to achieve what we have to do. It has to be. There's no 'we hope it is'; it has to be.

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What I don't get is why they are stalling, since they already said they have a pipeline in place to keep pumping in updates why not release the SA build as it is now before the end of the year?

Look at gamespots league of legends review, it got a 6.0/10 because the review was based on the product as was back then with not as much added content, now it's rated 8.0 on metacritic and the people all love it anyway.

So who cares about initial reviews then? I thought Rocket stated he's not trying to appeal to the mass market?

Just release the build as it is already.

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They know they really should release it this year if they can. The new engine architecture needs to be finished, even if it's a bummer to wait another month or two. I'm not a fan at all of the console gaming community but the amount of hype and revenue it would create for DayZ would be worth it, although just because he said he'd like it to be on xbox means nothing at all.

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My spider-sense feels like they are finishing 3 main areas.

#1: Server-client communication, framework and rules.

#2: I am going to guess re-coding every single loot spot in the game with the new buildings and new loot spawn locations is a task that is larger than the original DayZ mod was.

#3: An organic UI and inventory system. I am adding this because I feel that if what they had was anywhere close to finished, they would've showcased it.

As with any development process, unforeseen problems and delays will always pop up. You never know what tiny bit of code might cause fatal errors which takes hours of testing to fix.

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Does no one see the similarities to the mod?

Game released then updated over time? New improvements? New additions? No set date for release? Things removed?

In fact it's the mod all over again only a new engine.

I can wait! Let rocket and co get it right. Then we can welcome the new hoardes of forum members and reap the tears and beans

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Hello there

If it slips, so be it. I'd rather have a game "late" but in a working condition rather than rushed out and flawed.

Yeah, it'll be a shame if it's delayed, but we still have the mod, if you can't tear yourself away from your PC.



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Two quotes come to mind when thinking of the SA 'slipping' to 2013.

"Good things come to those who wait"

"Hasty climbers have sudden falls"

ill even throw in a bonus quote - "Slow and steady wins the race"


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Exact quote from Rocket at Eurogamer Expo

It has to be out before the end of the year. Not just because we've committed to it but in order to achieve what we have to do. It has to be. There's no 'we hope it is'; it has to be.

Any reason for the delay "would be publicly discussed," Hall says, "and would most likely represent a failure personally on my part to plan correctly.

At least the man does not mince his words. I was looking forward to the buggy Alpha before Jan , mainly because Dean seemed so adamant (repeatedly) that he would make his goal of a this year release..welcome to the gaming industry, not that Dean does not realise this ;)

There goes my 50 dollar bet with one of the most annoying gamers i have ever met online too. Lest see what happens i suppose.

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Fuck Console. If anyone from Console wants DAYZ let them go and buy/build a PC, I have said this couple times if the devs can pull of some of the ideas they have for DAYz, the game will sell PC's. Make this please PC only and use the PC hardware to want us gamers need.

Edited by shankly1985
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Duke Nukem Forever

Yeah that worked out well!

What's all this about console? Where's the facts on it? I remember rocket saying console only after 250,000 copies sold? ( I think it was that figure, let's face it, DayZ SA will outsell that on first day of release!

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As for the actual product run, that will be in the 500-700 range in less than a week. Sales of this game will not be an issue. This is mainly due to the PC consumer, and what this game offers. We all know its something that many of us have been waiting on, knowing it or not, for a long time. It will sell in any state of completion with the agreement of constant updates. I will be happy to purchase the day of release, knowing full well, that it will be heavy with bugs and glitches. If the hacking can be brought down, that would satisfy.... :thumbsup: Keep hammering away Dev team, looking forward to the SA.

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So many people here are so Stupid .

if they are making an xbox or ps3 version than they will get the PC Version and DUMB it down for the console so keep your panties on.

Its gonna be like minecraft , the xbox version is heavily dumbed down.

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Waiting if fine, but delaying into feb will miss a lot of sales. Before Xmass everyone is cashed up and in the spending spirit. Everyone games like crazy because so many days off for christmas vacation.

Jan, Feb, it's back to the grind.

Edited by Big_T

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Don't expect a 2012 release. Just not enough actual game data supplied to suggest that the game is anywhere near close to release. Sure, they could be doing it a bit unconventional and just release it without adding some gameplay videos, actual screen shots, trailers, etc... but I just don't see it happening.

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i am glad to wait for a complete and not buggy game. time to just run around killing zombies on the hackmod. It will SUFFICE!

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i am glad to wait for a complete and not buggy game. time to just run around killing zombies on the hackmod. It will SUFFICE!

Good luck. The game has already been established that it will release as a non-finished product. They will update the game. So, you'll have probably a really unstable product that will undergo frequent changes. This enables them to create a source of income while working on the game at the same time. If you wanted a complete and hopefully polished/unbuggy game come back in probably 15 months.

Edited by Dreygar

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Don't expect a 2012 release. Just not enough actual game data supplied to suggest that the game is anywhere near close to release. Sure, they could be doing it a bit unconventional and just release it without adding some gameplay videos, actual screen shots, trailers, etc... but I just don't see it happening.

I think you are right. However, I really hope we're all wrong. The delay in stablish a release date is probably a consequence of the new MMO like structure adopted by the dev team. I believe that Rocket said they are testing this last week. I hope everything just work properly.

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Good luck. The game has already been established that it will release as a non-finished product. They will update the game. So, you'll have probably a really unstable product that will undergo frequent changes. This enables them to create a source of income while working on the game at the same time. If you wanted a complete and hopefully polished/unbuggy game come back in probably 15 months.

Man you know dick.

No one can promise you a flawless game launch, not even Blizzard's Diablo 3, which were under development for years with a million dollar budget and a huge team of talented developers behind it. It seems like you've decided to destroy the expectations and turn customers away from DayZ, based on either your misunderstanding of a pretty basic concept or because you've got some axe to grind with whatever. If you know as much about the non-finished product as you know about ballistics, you might want to speak in less absolute terms.

The goal is to release the standalone as stable as possible, that's why Rocket has stopped calling the build an alpha/beta and called it the foundation. You build upon a foundation and to do that you create a solid foundation. Since Rocket is charging money for the standalone, he understands that he has to attempt to release updates and a new features which are thoroughly tested. He doesn't have the same liberties as when DayZ only was a mod and still in alpha testing. Now you're a gamer, just like me and you've seen giant companies, MMOs with huge server farms, with hundreds of support staff on standby and still crumble at launch day. No amount of testing can fully prepare any developer for launch.

What you're suggesting is that Rocket's aim is to beta test the standalone for the next 15 months. That's not my understanding. My understand is that the aim is to release a solid foundation and then expand upon it in the next coming year. I'm not promising the standalone will be a perfect as a diamond, but I do not support your doom and gloom perception of reality either.

Edited by Dallas

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It's really funny that it is almost 1/3 of december and they still dont know if they will release it in december....

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It's really funny that it is almost 1/3 of december and they still dont know if they will release it in december....

They won't. But that's just my unprofessional opinion.

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