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So, I have a question...

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Anyways, are people who are 14,15,16, all Snipers and D-bags and the sort? Because Im 14, and I was playing in a namalask map and a guy was holding me up, I said in voice chat "Alright man, im putting my gun down, no need to shoot." And he shot me anyways, right in the leg. I was a little upset obviously but after I asked him why he did that, he patched me up, gave me my gun back and told me that he was impressed because that was the first time he has heard someone my age speak up and act so mature in that kind of a situation, so that made me wonder if all kids who are my age act like D-bags, because I for the most part avoid human interactions when I can, and only shoot if I am shot at, or I see someone shoot an unarmed player or a "bambi". Anyways, some feedback would be nice.

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I do not act in that manner, and thus, not everyone your age does.

Edited by Inception.
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Yeah, they are. I was in Elecktro, just healing up people and killing bandit skins when some kid shot at me with his winchester, I told him to either fix his aim or stop shooting before I started firing back with my M9, he hit me once with his revolver after roughly a clip of winchester missed me, I hit him 3 times and he turned to run, got about 10 feet before I put enough into him that he lost his legs. I walked up to him and he was yelling at me over direct chat calling me numerous racial and homophobic slurs before I put him down and hid his body. Needless to say he was about 14 or 15, if a kid talks to me I'm happy to lend him a helping hand and even a tip or two. But if he tries to kill me I show him how to really PvP in Arma2. If I met you in game I would give you the benefit of the doubt even though the majority of young teens I meet are straight out of COD, looking to light me and my blood bags up.

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The thing about this game is 'd-bags' come in all ages, races, nationalities etc. Youll find young ones and old ones so on and so forth.

So no, not all young players are douchers.

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What's your name in DayZ?

*back on topic*

I'm 15, and I've been killed by dudes who panicked twice.But generally, I will always ask someone whether he's friendly or not.It's a standard procedure for me, even now that my friends like to opt for shooting people on sight to avoid being wacked by nubs.

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What's your name in DayZ?

*back on topic*

I'm 15, and I've been killed by dudes who panicked twice.But generally, I will always ask someone whether he's friendly or not.It's a standard procedure for me, even now that my friends like to opt for shooting people on sight to avoid being wacked by nubs.

My Steam name is DionysusAgain, and im pretty sure my in-game name is the same as my forum name.

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Im 15, and everyone automatically and stereotypically thinks im in-mature, when half the time im 2x more mature then they are, its just people these days..

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I hear you man, people think that everyone who is 14 or 15 is a spoiled CoD kid, what they don't realize is that not all of us are like that and hey, if they want to believe that then fine, let them, but as long as you aren't a dick people will begin to see otherwise.

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Anyways, are people who are 14,15,16, all Snipers and D-bags and the sort? Because Im 14, and I was playing in a namalask map and a guy was holding me up, I said in voice chat "Alright man, im putting my gun down, no need to shoot." And he shot me anyways, right in the leg. I was a little upset obviously but after I asked him why he did that, he patched me up, gave me my gun back and told me that he was impressed because that was the first time he has heard someone my age speak up and act so mature in that kind of a situation, so that made me wonder if all kids who are my age act like D-bags, because I for the most part avoid human interactions when I can, and only shoot if I am shot at, or I see someone shoot an unarmed player or a "bambi". Anyways, some feedback would be nice.

I'm 16, and I am as mature as some 40+ year old men. Maybe that guy was just new or something. If you're not mature and you play this game, you're not going to survive very long.

Edited by ASpectrus

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It's good to know that a lot of people act mature in this game, you would not believe how many people between the age of 12-16 say racial, homophobic and foul language over DayZ. I know the game can be frustrating but if you are threatining someone through murder ectetera, the I think it's time to take a break.

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Would have to chip in here and say i have met (guessing ages) 13 up to 16 year olds and been 50/50 on kos, have not really heard too much bs over direct from them, most of the younger gen have always been pretty cool if i have bloodpacked them or helped them and vice versa when i have asked for a bloodpack. I find the worst i have met so far regards carrying on like idiots over direct sound older than 16.

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I do not act in that manner, so no, not everyone your age does.

Wai wai wai wait, you're 14 and moderating the dayz forums?.......... Good work :)
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I do not act in that manner, so no, not everyone your age does.

As respectful as usual...

On-topic, I agree that the natural stereotype of 13,14,15 year olds getting flamed on the game for the incoherence and mindless attitude.

I am, luckily, not one of them, and I do not wish to be stuck is such a generation...

However, hardly anybody account me as 13, as my voice seems to enjoy tricking people to think I am at my early 20's...

Sometimes, it's good to have a bit of fun...

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As respectful as usual...

On-topic, I agree that the natural stereotype of 13,14,15 year olds getting flamed on the game for the incoherence and mindless attitude.

I am, luckily, not one of them, and I do not wish to be stuck is such a generation...

However, hardly anybody account me as 13, as my voice seems to enjoy tricking people to think I am at my early 20's...

Sometimes, it's good to have a bit of fun...

"You're that young?! Bullshit..."

I've heard that phrase so many times, haha.

Wai wai wai wait, you're 14 and moderating the dayz forums?.......... Good work :)

Yes, and thank you.

Edited by Inception.
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Im 16 and I usually ask people if they're friendly, unless their intentions are obvious (on a hill in Cherno with a sniper rifle, or on the roof of a hospital in Elektro looking for players to shoot at).

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I'm 28, I kinda feel a little old in this thread in particular, however I play regularly with 13, 14, 15 etc up to 40yo lads.

To be completely honest guys I don't think age really has a lot to do with style of play, some of the biggest assholes i've played with were in the 18 - 22yo age group, yet the biggest sooks were 29 - 40.

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Yesterday, we were a team of 5 on our namalsk server, and we were camping Object A2, when two guys appeared

One i killed directly, the other one i only found out he was there because he started shooting my offroad with a M14 and missed all his shots

So after turning around, we killed each other mexican standoff way

i'd have stopped there and said "ok, leave them be, they are more and can patch themselfes back up" but that one spawned like it seems and ran straight to A2 everytime getting almost killed instantly everytime, shooting right on sight

so, to get rid of him, we moved to sebian base at the top of the montain, and guess what, he comes there, and starts to shoot everyone again

there are just people i dont understand, not getting the idea of dayz, just deathmatching all over like its TF2, and most of the time those are 14-16 year olds

one day playing on celle, there was a group of youngsters having the only heli on the map, constantly killing players at random, newspawns etc.

i talked to them what they are doing, and they were seriously convinced they were doing "survival play"

i'd say idiots are in every age in dayz, but the young ones are far more in numbers

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Anyways, are people who are 14,15,16, all Snipers and D-bags and the sort? Because Im 14, and I was playing in a namalask map and a guy was holding me up, I said in voice chat "Alright man, im putting my gun down, no need to shoot." And he shot me anyways, right in the leg. I was a little upset obviously but after I asked him why he did that, he patched me up, gave me my gun back and told me that he was impressed because that was the first time he has heard someone my age speak up and act so mature in that kind of a situation, so that made me wonder if all kids who are my age act like D-bags, because I for the most part avoid human interactions when I can, and only shoot if I am shot at, or I see someone shoot an unarmed player or a "bambi". Anyways, some feedback would be nice.

its a freaking online video game so stop complaining about players being mean to u. If it was me u met, I would have shoot u in the leg, patched u up and shoot u again until I got bored...and im 29 yr old

Edited by svisketyggeren

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I am over 30 and I behave like 12 :P I am the chief sniper and D-bag deluxe. I kill everything on sight like survivors, goats, rabbits and of course vehicles. After that I t-bag my fallen enemies.....

No, seriously: I try to communicate with the other survivors. And my experience is the following: it does not matter if someone is 14 or 35, it doesn't matter if someone is female or male. The only important thing is skill and understanding of the game. I am no bandit, but it is ok if there are bandits and they can also kill on sight, IF they fight against geared players and no fresh spawns.

This stereotypical bullshit like you are 14, you have to be an idiot is really dumb. I've met a lot of players and through my experience I cannot say this group or that group is a bunch of complete idiots. It depends on every single person!

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I am over 30 and I behave like 12 :P I am the chief sniper and D-bag deluxe. I kill everything on sight like survivors, goats, rabbits and of course vehicles. After that I t-bag my fallen enemies.....

The rabbits? The goats?

You're a sick individual.


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The funny thing is, the older people I play with are losers cause lots of them play this way too much, but the kid I kno who is twelve is an angel :D

Also, not many stereotypical cod kids play this....why?

1. It's a PC game, most COD people own only consoles and crap computers, like my cheapo desktop that barely runs it on very low

2. It's buggy, and they probably have a low tolerance

3. The game is complicated and hard, which is not cool with your cod fan

So don't say cod kid, they aren't ALL like that(even if they are the majority :D), and the ones that are probably dont play this mod, say asshat:it encompasses everything!!!

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its a freaking online video game so stop complaining about players being mean to u. If it was me u met, I would have shoot u in the leg, patched u up and shoot u again until I got bored...and im 29 yr old

Two things, first of all, I wasnt complaining, I can take it, its a permadeath survival game. Second, your an asshat.

Edited by Inception.
No personal insults please.

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The rabbits? The goats?

You're a sick individual.


Now you know why I like DayZ. There I can live out my darkest dreams of fraggin' innocent rabbits ;)

Draxx, is that picture of the guy from High-School of the dead?

Yes, it is Hirano Kōta. The weapons specialist. One of the best animes I've ever seen :)

Edited by Draxx

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