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Build Rolling Update

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The L85 has been removed from the loot table, which means that it's still okay to carry & use the legacy item, however it will no longer spawn anywhere as loot in In other words, it is being phased out but you are in no way being punished as you may continue to use it until you lose it, die, etc. So... you are now the proud owner of a rare collectible item! ;)

Btw I'm no expert, I'm just parroting what the devs have already said on this thread.

well, like I said I get kicked everytime I join a server because of script restriction #41

which I think is directly related to the AWS

update: I could finally join a server (Bier AG which is apparently well handled by the admins)

but couldn´t equip the L85, when I tried to it switched automatically to handgun and I was unable to move.

put it in my backpack for now and will try to join other servers...

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Love the butt-hurt over the thermals getting dropped. Makes my day seeing it gone as those players hate that they cant have that big of an advantage over someone. Their fragile egos can't handle the fact that they are not as good as they think they are. All you thermal-loving bitches can kiss everyone elses ass. Every L85 I find is getting buried with their body. :P

Now go cry me a fucking river . . . but first, make me a sandwich

I´m in no way butt-hurt over the thermals getting dropped if that´s the game rules,

but I am butt-hurt by the fact I can´t get on any server with it and thus don´t have the possibility to get rid of it.

edit: I have a legit Hero skin also

Edited by @ST

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R4Z0R49, I tried to send you a direct message but it looks like you're full up already.

To the entire community development team, well done! A new patch before the standalone is great news and I'm looking forward to testing it out. My day has been a rough one, so it's the perfect news to get on a down day.

Kudos to the whole crew!

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Are there any images regarding the new classes? (unbanned or added)

I want to know for what I have to look for :)

* [NEW] class Mi17_TK_EP1 Now Unbanned. (Mi17_DZ)

* [NEW] AH6X Now Unbanned. (AH6X_DZ)

* [NEW] BAF_Offroad_D Now Unbanned.

* [NEW] BAF_Offroad_W Now Added.

For the new airplane someone posted a movie before:

* [NEW] An2_TK_EP1 Now Unbanned.(AN2_DZ)

Flying AN2!

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I think for the light thing, possibly in the stand alone there are portable generators? which have to be refueled using Jerry cans, and they power the lights on in that town, and more lights=less zombies, so its possible to make a town your base? of course just lights won't stop zombies form spawning you'll have to barricade houses, maybe build a wall around the town to get zombies to stop completely

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Guys since i have downloaded the latest patch ( every server i have joined has said; Kicked off server battleye script restriction #45

What does this mean im worried my game has broken??? :(

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Good work dev's.

Maybe next step should be adding a battery for all electronic equipement with limited live? NVG, GPS, Rfinder, even AIMpoint weapon.

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Please direct your support for this update to them, as they deserve it. Some great work has gone into this, and all involved should be very pleased with their efforts.

How can one find out more about the existing development team composition and any open roles for future contribution?

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I downloaded the new update, i started playing and a but later i had found a ghillie suit. Upon equipping it i got kicked because of Script restriction #41

Any help here? :s i don't wanna get banned for finding ghillie suits D:

Script restriction kick's are down to server admins not setting battleye filters correct they have nothing to do with us or the mod/patch.

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Patched my DayZ yesterday (DayZCommander) and it worked fine.... But today every time I want to join a server it says: "Faulty Version. The Server refused the connection." Haven't done anything to the files since the patch :/

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Patched my DayZ yesterday (DayZCommander) and it worked fine.... But today every time I want to join a server it says: "Faulty Version. The Server refused the connection." Haven't done anything to the files since the patch :/

Yesterday there was a version out which was replaced with - you may need to simply update (/reinstall)

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Great update, I hated thermal vision L85's and that .50 caliber beast - now first is gone and second a bit more rare drop. Only bad thing is that all AS50's and L85's I have found so far were clearly hacked to the game (tents full of stuff with non-DZ-weapons), so it won't change the situation I fear.

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Script restriction kick's are down to server admins not setting battleye filters correct they have nothing to do with us or the mod/patch.

good to know...

after putting the AWS in my backpack and joining server with SVD Camo equipped

I was able to switch weapons and use the AWS again without getting script errors...

so far only on Bier AIG server, hope it works on other servers, too :P

Edited by @ST

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Great update, I hated thermal vision L85's and that .50 caliber beast - now first is gone and second a bit more rare drop. Only bad thing is that all AS50's and L85's I have found so far were clearly hacked to the game (tents full of stuff with non-DZ-weapons), so it won't change the situation I fear.

Hacking has kinda dropped in general, but many hacked weapons are still left in the circle

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There is actually a major gamebreaking bug with BattlEye on this patch, if your skin changes you get kicked for script restriction #45, so if your skin will for example change to bandit skin you won't even be able to play until this is resolved.

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script restriction #45 Its not a bug with battleye it's admins who cant be bothered to fix there filters. Find a new server

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What exactly is @Client- I downloaded it and it has a "Keys" folder with "DayZ.bikey" so not sure if we need that or what?

EDIT: Seems @Client- has a "Keys" folder with the same thing in it.

Edited by Forceh

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Thanks for the link, R4Z0R49.

Alexander (G17 incombat Icon)

Some feedback for Alexander: The G17 logo is a perfect fit; blends right in with the rest of the HUD. Also, I love having a clear screen with just the icons. One step closer to Rocket's vision of a HUD-less game!

Also, I spotted the below item in the DayZ mod suggestions log, so I have to +1 up this. This would be an excellent idea, if feasible.

Remove color changes from the bloodlevel indicator, make the level known by changing the background fill of the blooddrop icon.

Great suggestion.

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* [REMOVED] BAF_L85A2_RIS_CWS From Loot table.

Why, just why? Couldn't you simply make it super super rare? I think this gun fits more i the apocalypse than the as50. It is ok though.

In some weeks everyone will think I've got a hacked weapon.

And, for more, it was a good ghillie-sniper counter. Moreover, it fit in the apocalypse, don't you think?

EDIT: I love the inobtrusive G17-icon though.

Edited by Pawlzz

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Why, just why? Couldn't you simply make it super super rare? I think this gun fits more i the apocalypse than the as50. It is ok though.

In some weeks everyone will think I've got a hacked weapon.

And, for more, it was a good ghillie-sniper counter. Moreover, it fit in the apocalypse, don't you think?

EDIT: I love the inobtrusive G17-icon though.

super super rare <<< This is what has been done read the 10 other pages. The L85 has only been removed from loot tables meaning it will no longer spawn in loot piles. the L85 still exists in mass's on offical servers.

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super super rare <<< This is what has been done read the 10 other pages. The L85 has only been removed from loot tables meaning it will no longer spawn in loot piles. the L85 still exists in mass's on offical servers.

I'd honestly save your breath mate; otherwise, you'll be repeating yourself to the L85 Fanboys until the next patch is released...

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script restriction #45 Its not a bug with battleye it's admins who cant be bothered to fix there filters. Find a new server

Oh okay, thanks for the heads up, will pass this on to the admins.

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