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Castle (DayZ)

Day 147: We died

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"Let's get on and lose all our stuff before standalone" "k"

So we got on, found many vehicles including a helicopter and the few accessories we didnt have. Decked out in barracks/helicopter guns and coyote packs we were driving around the map honking at anyone we saw. We dropped one of our guys off so he could eat dinner, and on our way back to him we saw someone just a short ways away at the edge of the road. We stopped next to him and realized it wasn't our friend. And jumped out to be murderous bandits. He survived the M107 and Mk48 fire, planted a satchel charge, and murdered us. That's okay, I guess, we accomplished our goal. After being shot at by so many people who have failed to ever land a single bullet it was probably the only way it was going to end.

And I finally did get to blow something up with my Mk 48 today. We had a bus we didn't want, and I finally decided to just full auto it. The bus exploded.

Now, we wait until Standalone.

Edited by Castle
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Day 1: I died.

Spawned, Found Enfield. Killed 2 people in Cherno. Died. Waiting for Standalone.

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Day 1: I died.

Spawned, Found Enfield. Killed 2 people in Cherno. Died. Waiting for Standalone.

Story of my life

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Which feels more and more like it won't be out this year.

At the end of September, they were like "expect this tumblr to get really busy over the next few weeks." Then it was like, 10 screenshots and commentary about the engine (I will admit I liked what he said about the engine.)

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I should do this to the character I currently have on the official hive. I probably won't be using it much when standalone comes out, so I should go make some use of all the ammo I've saved up for my DMR. :)

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Logged back into the public hive on Cherno. Hadnt played in over 3 months. I was quite surprised that I had my gear. Barracks/Helicopter loot Coyote pack. I went afk to mow the lawn and died of starvation. That was day 93. Now I wait for the standalone.

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Day 1: I died.

Spawned, Found Enfield. Killed 2 people in Cherno. Died. Waiting for Standalone.

However ,my story like this...

Day 1: I died.

Spawned, Found hatchet. Killed zombies. Died. Waiting for Standalone.

Edited by Ntinver

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Logged in, shoot myself in the knee, crawled from NE Airstrip to Cherno backwards, logged out and wait for standalone.

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Logged in, spawned in Balota, ran to Hangars and found an M4, Hacker micspams gangnam style and teleports me 100 feet into the air, died, logged out to wait for standalone.

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Logged in.

Asked for the assistance with some friends to help me fix up a Huey.

It was fixed up and we flew it around for a while...eventually we rammed it with a URAL. It was an epic explosion. There goes high value gear...x4!

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Day 57: Logged in, scouted out Stary, entered Stary, got some stuff, no zombie agro, got out my sniper, moved to my secret spot, waited for half an hour watching the town, got bored, logged out.

My prediction: Day 58: Log in, scout Stary, get killed by hacker, log out, wait for Standalone

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