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Ander (DayZ)

VEHICLE UPDATE (database side): 2012-06-16

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@ Chambers

How about you actually start playing and spend some time in Chernarus' date=' you'll easily stumble upon vehicles, with and without owner.

7 days is exactly right - some people have a real life, did you forget that? They can't play all the time.


Like I said, I have been playing for the last six weeks, about an hour or two a day, more on weekends,and have been all over the map, both solo and with friends, so I'm not sure what 'actually start playing' means to you.

I've had vehicles, both self-repaired and stolen, but I over the last month or so, I've come across maybe 8 crashed heli's for every 1 vehicle I come across, and that ratio just seems weird to me.

Use it or lose it.

I'm using it. But I'm not a fkn nolifer.

In regards to 'weekend only players' - if you can't spend 15 minutes in the middle of the week to even just log in and save your stuff' date=' you're just being an ass and hogging it at the cost of other player's fun. It's almost like some kind of low level, long term griefing.[/quote']

So, do you wanna say that if ppl have job, families and friends and they can play only on weekends then they are griefers and they not deserve to use vehicles?

Perhaps the perceived 'griefing' opinion comes off as harsher than I intended, and distracts from the suggestion I made further down in my previous post.

I'm not a nolifer either, but the situation is a bit frustrating. I don't expect or want this game to be easy. The reward is only as good as the challenge. I'm not looking for a change that punishes players by just taking their loot, but looking at possibilities for a balancing mechanic that would add a reasonable factor of realism and add a bit of continued challenge long after you have one or more vehicles.

If it was kept at 7 days rather than just the 3 I suggested, how does the idea of older repaired vehicles breaking down permanently with a small chance of further repair strike people?

I'm trying to be constructive here, and not just simply bitching.

Why do you think anything is required beyond stopping vehicles from being hidden off the edge of the map? I have seen screen shots of a valley off the edge of the map with literally 15 vehicles in it. THAT is why you don't see many vehicles on any popular server.

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Why do you think anything is required beyond stopping vehicles from being hidden off the edge of the map? I have seen screen shots of a valley off the edge of the map with literally 15 vehicles in it. THAT is why you don't see many vehicles on any popular server.

I'm okay with a bit of vehicle hoarding. They found them' date=' they fixed them, they should get some use out of it. Maybe that camp of 15 is for a group of 20-30 guys, who knows?

I'm just looking address the fact that if they log in and save regularly, and primarily use it for storage, barring theft, vandalism, or server freakout, they pretty much have a perfectly working vehicle [b']permanently.

Cars break down eventually. I'm just thinking of realistic ways to not only keep a little more vehicles in active rotation, but add something that adds a bit of impermanence to it, not screw players out of storage, and add some new game play factors that can keep play interesting after you've had your fun with your vehicle for a while.

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Any chance of an update on what servers have helis enabled on them?

Seems to be a bit of a lucky guess these days! I understand the reasons why they were removed in the first place!

Maybe post a list of servers or email server host to ley them advertise the fact they have helis in!!


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Just logged in today to find our car fully repaired, but with the inventory wiped ( lost a Fal with night vision scope). The other car we have was fine. Probably caused by some database glitch, but was wondering if this happened to any1 else?

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Just logged in today to find our car fully repaired' date=' but with the inventory wiped ( lost a Fal with night vision scope). The other car we have was fine. Probably caused by some database glitch, but was wondering if this happened to any1 else?


Literally just happened to me with my UAZ.

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Just logged in today to find our car fully repaired' date=' but with the inventory wiped ( lost a Fal with night vision scope). The other car we have was fine. Probably caused by some database glitch, but was wondering if this happened to any1 else?


Another here with weird vehicle behaviour. I don't know how it works in DayZ, but whenever I've shot a vehicle's tyres in ARMA II they just deflate but remain intact, which is why I mention this:

I log in to find my camp either discovered or the vehicles reset to their original states. It's hard to tell which since wheels are missing, and I don't know if that's something that happens when they get shot out - basically it strikes me as very odd that someone would find my camp and take the semi-valuable stuff and leave the truly valuable items behind, and not just steal the vehicles outright? So anyway, the most recent items I put in are all gone (yes, I save every time) but other stuff's still there. Hull and engine indicators are on red, like they were when I found the vehicle(s). Inventory on some are empty, and other vehicles have changed model altogether.

The above is the weirdest thing, and what made me question whether it was just a straightforward raid or if it was a main server saving issue. The vehicles I had were all arranged very carefully so I could tell if anyone ever moved them. When I logged in the vehicle type/model had been changed completely, but was in the same position and in "unrepaired" state. That seemed weird to me, the idea that a player would discover a camp and drive three of his own vehicles up to mine, steal mine and replace them exactly with his own (all whilst they were broken, or at least somehow breaking them after positioning them).

Made even weirder by the fact that I logged in, saw this had happened and moved the vehicles that could still be driven away to a very obscure area, logged off, came back three or four hours later and half of those had vanished too, along with their contents. Saved, of course, and I waited and observed 25 minutes each time to make sure I hadn't been seen and followed.

It seems like there might be some errors in the way the vehicle placement/status logs are being handled by the main character server, or else there is a VERY in-depth, orchestrated effort to fuck with me by multiple people to make my vehicles (and their contents) appear to be bugged.

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Are people really getting mad because people are spending their time searching the map for vehicles instead of running into Cherno and Ele? You wont find vehicles if you just run into Cherno and just start to die. Of course we are gonna hoard them. We found em, we fixed them, or we stole them. I suggest you spend more time in game searching for them instead of on the forums complaining how the spawn rates are too low.

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Are people really getting mad because people are spending their time searching the map for vehicles instead of running into Cherno and Ele? You wont find vehicles if you just run into Cherno and just start to die. Of course we are gonna hoard them. We found em' date=' we fixed them, or we stole them. I suggest you spend more time in game searching for them instead of on the forums complaining how the spawn rates are too low.


Most people who hoard them hide them off map which is REALLY an asshole move. If there was a way to destroy any vehicle that passes a certain boundary, that would be fantastic.

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Are people really getting mad because people are spending their time searching the map for vehicles instead of running into Cherno and Ele? You wont find vehicles if you just run into Cherno and just start to die. Of course we are gonna hoard them. We found em' date=' we fixed them, or we stole them. I suggest you spend more time in game searching for them instead of on the forums complaining how the spawn rates are too low.



Just logged in today to find our car fully repaired' date=' but with the inventory wiped ( lost a Fal with night vision scope). The other car we have was fine. Probably caused by some database glitch, but was wondering if this happened to any1 else?


Literally just happened to me with my UAZ.

This needs to be fixed!

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Oh also, in addition to my earlier post: the Hilux I was driving I crashed a bunch of times on the way back to camp. Each crash was bad enough to give me a pain indicator and make me start to bleed. Engine, wheel and hull indicators start flashing red. Big deal? Nope, the first time it happened I got out of the car, ate some meat and when I got back in everything was at 100%. Second time I didn't even eat meat, just got out of the truck, saved it and waited 30 seconds. Got back in and it was fully repaired again.

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I have seen 1 vehicle in 7 days and I play about 5/6 hours a day at the moment.

That suggests to me that the vehicles on the Europe servers are hoarded away and also on the USA servers.


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I havent seen a vehicle since the vehicle update, been combing servers for a week and looking at all the major and most of the minor known spawns.

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I have seen 1 vehicle in 7 days and I play about 5/6 hours a day at the moment.

That suggests to me that the vehicles on the Europe servers are hoarded away and also on the USA servers.


Day 0 - We got with friends two (2) ATVs.

Day 1 - Someone stole them.

Day 2 - Managed to get V3S Civilian.

Day 3 - We lost it in 4 hour battle with the half of server apparently being a clan.

Day 4 - Found a bicycle and an old hatchback .

Day 5 - Driving on an old hatchback, I found a tractor, another ATV and bicycle.

Day 6 - We lost f&£*ing everything due to server restart.

Day 7 - Got LADA, or at least a car, that looks like LADA.

Day 8 - Lost it due to another restart.

So don't worry, there are vehicles & idiots who leave them in easy-to-spot places, and they can be found, for sure. We play on European server, but I'll not say on which. So I think vehicle rates and rotation are good, just would be good to add some more bicycle spawns, and maybe some bicycle-bike hybrid spawns (so called mopeds).

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When choppers will be spawned on all new servers?

+1. Cant wait to fly over Cherno :D

Supposedly there is still this issue:


This issue existed with cars earlier, as well. It has been fixed months back (atleast with cars) and I have not to this day seen a single evidence / repro of this bug with helicopters. As far as I'm concerned, there is no desyncing problem with them, atleast not on a proper server.

But yeah, latest news is that the devs at BE (ArmA devs) are taking a look at this issue and after it is fixed helis will be rolled on to all server, so Soon™, as Ander would say.

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Don't know if this issue was already tracked, or even the reason for it to occur, but, everytime I enter a Bus with my 3 teammates the bugs "teleports" once every 30-60 secs. Is it normal? Our latency on the server is like 200-250, and at that moment the driver got like 180ms.

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I've also had vehicles randomly having their inventories wiped.

Also had a Landrover replaced with a UAZ in the exact same location but the inventory was emptied. Sometimes vehicles are fully repaired for no explicable reason.

As to finding vehicles, I'll go to stash a vehicle in the bush and find two new ones. Go stash those. Lose the first one, etc, etc. I have more vehicles than I feel like dealing with right now. Look in the thick woods. I don't know, I just seem to be lucky.

I only stash them on the map, lose them as fast as I find them. I agree that they shouldn't be allowed off the map although I sometimes drive along the edge of the map.

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So vehicles disappear after every restart? There's no point in fixing them up then? We fixed up a truck we found for 2 hours, and just as we got it running the server restarted and it was gone. Fucking lame. Vehicles should be 100% operational not broken.

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So vehicles disappear after every restart? There's no point in fixing them up then? We fixed up a truck we found for 2 hours' date=' and just as we got it running the server restarted and it was gone. Fucking lame. Vehicles should be 100% operational not broken.


Not sure. That is not my experience. I play on servers that restart daily, every six hours (something about optimizing server performance / keeping it optimized) and the vehicles do not disappear.

I think they only despawn / dsappear on server resets, no?

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So vehicles disappear after every restart? There's no point in fixing them up then? We fixed up a truck we found for 2 hours' date=' and just as we got it running the server restarted and it was gone. Fucking lame. Vehicles should be 100% operational not broken.


I have yet to see disappearing vehciles on my server, as long as you remember to save them before server restart they stay right there. Got my tractor still there after a week. If server disconnects you before saving, look up the place where it was parked last time

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So vehicles disappear after every restart? There's no point in fixing them up then? We fixed up a truck we found for 2 hours' date=' and just as we got it running the server restarted and it was gone. Fucking lame. Vehicles should be 100% operational not broken.


They don't disappear after every restart. Sometimes inventory won't be saved, just like with tents, although I think they are more reliable for storage. As far as they "should be 100% operational not broken": nope, this is alpha, broken stuff is the norm, check for an existing bug report, if there isn't one file it.

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Vehicles that have exploded are not re-spawning, my group and I have been camping many sites for these things to reappear, and nothing yet, either the re-spawn mechanism is still not functioning so well, or I don't know what tbh.... please find a way to make these things re-spawn, Cuz nothing for us has re-spawned in dallas 50

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Vehicles that have exploded are not re-spawning' date=' my group and I have been camping many sites for these things to reappear, and nothing yet, either the re-spawn mechanism is still not functioning so well, or I don't know what tbh.... please find a way to make these things re-spawn, Cuz nothing for us has re-spawned in dallas 50


Well... we lost about 10 vehicles and half of them we found on the same spawn places.

Also 7 days rule is not working properly. System should stop the timer if server is down. We lost most of our vehicles due server was offline 6 days.

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