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Ander (DayZ)

VEHICLE UPDATE (database side): 2012-06-16

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At first I was very saddened, because the motorcycle I had found with my group was lost.

To make up for it, I managed to find an ATV with just 1 wheel missing and a damaged engine (and lots of missing fuel) and managed to get that repaired. That's in the party camp now.

PS: Looting Cherno with just 1 bullet in a Makarov is scary as hell.

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Excellent update!

We lost our ATV, but found a UAZ instead. Pretty good upgrade =)

Looking forward to seeing off-map hoarders dying and vehicles destroyed!

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If anyone has a chopper that won't refuel...it still wont! :)

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Wow very nice.

7 days seems a bit long especially if the vehicle is bugged/not being used/off the map. I think 7 days is fine if the vehicle is "on" the map and not being used, but if its "off" map and not being used maybe the time should be shortened.

Has the server restart bug been fixed? IE when server resets sometimes tents disappear with vehicles and server needs to be restarted again to make them reappear.

As for clans hoarding them. Most clans I have seen horde them "on" the map with their tents. Which means if you find them you lucked out with new rides and weapons. Makes for a good find and makes the clan, in my opinion, more reputable. As for those clans who horde them "off" the map...seriously what is the point of that?

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Why are players even allowed off the map? A lot of Arma 2 missions I've played on implement a countdown-to-death script if you stray off-map.

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"Of course.. I understand and it's our fault for being invested in them and expecting them to stay there but still.. it's a shitty feeling having that much work wasted' date=' alpha or not"

Well maybe you shouldn't be hoarding vehicles like a tool anyways.

I've played for about 30 hours and have yet to see a SINGLE VEHICLE.

Why, you ask? Because annoying people like yourself keep hoarding 5+ vehicles in a single spot, off the map or on it, doesn't matter.

You don't need that many vehicles, so I'm actually glad you lost your crap. Suffer like the rest of us, at least you EVEN FOUND A VEHICLE.

7 days respawn is WAAAAY too long, should be reset daily to prevent these hoardmongers.

And IMO if you get over 3+ (parked) vehicles together it should just reset them back to spawn again. Stop letting clans have garages full of the entire server's vehicle spawn. If they are currently being driven in packs thats legit, but hoarding vehicles by the dozen is a load of crap. They should be driven daily or respawn, that could work and prevent serious hoarding..

Not everyone has even driven a vehicle, much less has the choice of 8 to pick from for the days cruise.

I've beta tested like 30 games and I didn't need the experience to tell me that.

Btw, Not trying to discredit the update or anything, it's great and I'll take what I can get. Just wanted to one up these QQ'ers.. "oh no I had 5 vehicles and now my gear inside them is gone." Well boohoo I haven't even ridden a bicycle or anything for that matter and I've been playing nonstop for almost a full week. So yeah I lol'd when I read that.

But yeah thumbs up to all the fast updates, and the amazing game in general!


Lol, mate, really?

My clan hid things on the map and we play fairly. We don't disconnect. We don't own a server that we reset when one of our vehicles is found to roll back, etc.

We have 9 members and another 3 or so people who play with us and we had around 6 vehicles.. they were all used quite regularly.

If you don't like people hoarding vehicles then sorry - but you are going to have to deal with it. Since the update TFB has found more vehicles than we have ever had and are in the process of fixing them all - We will probably have more than we did prior to this update because so many are out in the open now.

There is nothing wrong with that. Once you survive 7+ days which me and my clan mates have there is little left to do in the game besides hoard equipment and vehicles to increase your chances of survival or if you die, be equipped straight away again.

Also you realize vehicles only reset every 7 days if they aren't used, right? We use all our vehicles and even if we just used them as storage would make sure to move them every few days to avoid them reseting so this update has nothing to do with stopping hoarding at all, which is perfectly legit.

If you have trouble finding vehicles stop looking at spawn points, instead, run the edge of the map and all through the forests and try find people's bases which is how TFB obtained 75% of ours.

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I'm extremely salty over the gear I lost, I would of been completely fine if I would have been warned ahead of time.

All I ask is, if anymore updates like this occur please let the community know a tad bit beforehand to prepare for it.

I had ran for over 2+ hours out of debug plains, just to stash my gear and help some friends out, later checking the forums during a server crash and realize that all my stuff i'd looted is gone,

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"Also you realize vehicles only reset every 7 days if they aren't used, right? We use all our vehicles and even if we just used them as storage would make sure to move them every few days to avoid them reseting so this update has nothing to do with stopping hoarding at all, which is perfectly legit."

Yeah, my point exactly. That's why a new system needs to be put in place so people can't just move vehicles every 167 hours to keep their collection of farmed vehicles. That's unfair to the rest of the players and you know it. Not all of us have 5 vehicles, let alone had ridden one in Day Z ever before.

And no, players should not have to scour the edges of the bloody map as the only consistent way to find vehicles. I don't think Rocket intended the only credible source of vehicles coming from the edges of nowhere, in packs and herds of 5 vehicles at once..

Run for hours amidst the edges of the map with a miniscule chance of finding people's stashes? Terrible. And hell, it's not even very likely since people are being dumb and storing them off the map still (not you but you don't take up the entire population).

I for one am not going to destroy my chances of survival by running in the bush for hours on end looking for a vehicle only to die of starvation because there is probably next to no buildings on the edge of the map. Only those with the coords have a chance of finding it without losing tons of food/water/heat supplies in the process.

-1 for defending unfair gameplay mechanics to suit your selfish needs

Oh, and keep defending your hoard of 5+ vehicles so that some players can never ride a single vehicle and get tired of running around slowly and wean off into another game, thus cutting down on the playerbase and interest in DayZ's future in general. Or accept the reality that it needs a fix and there are many possible solutions.

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"Also you realize vehicles only reset every 7 days if they aren't used' date=' right? We use all our vehicles and even if we just used them as storage would make sure to move them every few days to avoid them reseting so this update has nothing to do with stopping hoarding at all, which is perfectly legit."

Yeah, my point exactly. That's why a new system needs to be put in place so people can't just move vehicles every 167 hours to keep their collection of farmed vehicles. That's unfair to the rest of the players and you know it. Not all of us have 5 vehicles, let alone had ridden one in Day Z ever before.

And no, players should not have to scour the edges of the bloody map as the only consistent way to find vehicles. I don't think Rocket intended the only credible source of vehicles coming from the edges of nowhere, in packs and herds of 5 vehicles at once..

Run for hours amidst the edges of the map with a miniscule chance of finding people's stashes? Terrible. And hell, it's not even very likely since people are being dumb and storing them off the map still (not you but you don't take up the entire population).

I for one am not going to destroy my chances of survival by running in the bush for hours on end looking for a vehicle only to die of starvation because there is probably next to no buildings on the edge of the map. Only those with the coords have a chance of finding it without losing tons of food/water/heat supplies in the process.

-1 for defending unfair gameplay mechanics to suit your selfish needs

Oh, and keep defending your hoard of 5+ vehicles so that some players can never ride a single vehicle and get tired of running around slowly and wean off into another game, thus cutting down on the playerbase and interest in DayZ's future in general. Or accept the reality that it needs a fix and there are many possible solutions.


Please explain how it is selfish for my group of 12+ DayZ players to have a stash of 6+ vehicles.

It isn't.

It's basically 2 people to every vehicle which is just fine seeing as how lots of solo players use only one vehicle and keep it to themselves.

We also don't stash them all in the same place - They are stashed all over the map so that we don't lose them all at once if people come find them.. It's not hard to find them. There is no safe place for vehicles in this game besides outside the boundaries which we never did (But did consider)

Just because you want a vehicle handed to you with no work at all does not mean people who have put in an incredible amount of time farming vehicle parts legit (As in we don't server hop to get them) or fixing them, defending them from ambushes while we are using them, finding other peoples bases and fighting them for theirs should have their hard work taken from them.

If you had a tight knit clan of friends that you play with like I do and you had worked hard to earn a fleet of vehicles, you would not be getting upset at me as you are now.

I'm just repeating myself but as I have said - We have 2 people to every vehicle in our fleet (well we did) and there is nothing wrong with that and it is not unfair to players who want to find vehicles. We have had vehicles stolen from us multiple times. It is not hard to find them.

If you aren't willing to put in the hard work and search the bush for them a week or two after they have spawned and all been fixed then so be it - You won't ever get one.

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No aircrafts yet.

All vehicles' date=' even those outside map, hoarded etc will be reset to original location.

After this patch you can still hoard vehicles. But letting them collect dust unused will cause them to wear down and eventually they will go poof and reset to original location :)

Not exactly a realistic solution, but it's a workaround for people just moving vehicles to off map grid coordinates and then forgetting about them.


Server just restart and my vehicles are still here. Has this been implemented yet or is it happening later?

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No, it's not selfish to have 6 vehicles to your 12 player squad. That's absolutely fine. I must have misinterpreted the "we" as a lot less players, as in 2 people do not need 5 vehicles. My mistake. It's just that not everyone has a tight knit squad to begin with, and one does not simply walk into clan membership.

Maybe the problem lies more with the lack of vehicles around due to the snowball effect of squads finding vehicles, then using the found vehicles to aid their hoarding of more vehicles. Hoarding is fine, and everyone wants to be that person.

But I've seen maybe 3 helicopter rotors, 30 tires, 15 engines/parts/etc, 40 scrap metal, and so on, and no vehicles.

I could have built a few out vehicles out of -scratch- with how much I've found but unable to use. :huh:

Well there's an idea even haha.

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No' date=' it's not selfish to have 6 vehicles to your 12 player squad. That's absolutely fine. I must have misinterpreted the "we" as a lot less players, as in 2 people do not need 5 vehicles. My mistake. It's just that not everyone has a tight knit squad to begin with, and one does not simply walk into clan membership.

Maybe the problem lies more with the lack of vehicles around due to the snowball effect of squads finding vehicles, then using the found vehicles to aid their hoarding of more vehicles. Hoarding is fine, and everyone wants to be that person.

But I've seen maybe 3 helicopter rotors, 30 tires, 15 engines/parts/etc, 40 scrap metal, and so on, and no vehicles.

I could have built a few out vehicles out of -scratch- with how much I've found but unable to use. :huh:

Well there's an idea even haha.


You're not looking in the right places obviously.

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I'll be sure to check off the map for you sometime, since checking within the map on tens of different servers for a solid week didn't yield much results.

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Yes, I believe the vehicles respawn -every- time the server restarts.

That's not going to stop the server hosts from forcing restarts and hoarding them all into a few select locations, but it's a step in the right direction. Servers have to be reset sooner or later, right? Heh.

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"Also you realize vehicles only reset every 7 days if they aren't used' date=' right? We use all our vehicles and even if we just used them as storage would make sure to move them every few days to avoid them reseting so this update has nothing to do with stopping hoarding at all, which is perfectly legit."

Yeah, my point exactly. That's why a new system needs to be put in place so people can't just move vehicles every 167 hours to keep their collection of farmed vehicles. That's unfair to the rest of the players and you know it. Not all of us have 5 vehicles, let alone had ridden one in Day Z ever before.

And no, players should not have to scour the edges of the bloody map as the only consistent way to find vehicles. I don't think Rocket intended the only credible source of vehicles coming from the edges of nowhere, in packs and herds of 5 vehicles at once..

Run for hours amidst the edges of the map with a miniscule chance of finding people's stashes? Terrible. And hell, it's not even very likely since people are being dumb and storing them off the map still (not you but you don't take up the entire population).

I for one am not going to destroy my chances of survival by running in the bush for hours on end looking for a vehicle only to die of starvation because there is probably next to no buildings on the edge of the map. Only those with the coords have a chance of finding it without losing tons of food/water/heat supplies in the process.

-1 for defending unfair gameplay mechanics to suit your selfish needs

Oh, and keep defending your hoard of 5+ vehicles so that some players can never ride a single vehicle and get tired of running around slowly and wean off into another game, thus cutting down on the playerbase and interest in DayZ's future in general. Or accept the reality that it needs a fix and there are many possible solutions.


Please explain how it is selfish for my group of 12+ DayZ players to have a stash of 6+ vehicles.

It isn't.

It's basically 2 people to every vehicle which is just fine seeing as how lots of solo players use only one vehicle and keep it to themselves.

We also don't stash them all in the same place - They are stashed all over the map so that we don't lose them all at once if people come find them.. It's not hard to find them. There is no safe place for vehicles in this game besides outside the boundaries which we never did (But did consider)

Just because you want a vehicle handed to you with no work at all does not mean people who have put in an incredible amount of time farming vehicle parts legit (As in we don't server hop to get them) or fixing them, defending them from ambushes while we are using them, finding other peoples bases and fighting them for theirs should have their hard work taken from them.

If you had a tight knit clan of friends that you play with like I do and you had worked hard to earn a fleet of vehicles, you would not be getting upset at me as you are now.

I'm just repeating myself but as I have said - We have 2 people to every vehicle in our fleet (well we did) and there is nothing wrong with that and it is not unfair to players who want to find vehicles. We have had vehicles stolen from us multiple times. It is not hard to find them.

If you aren't willing to put in the hard work and search the bush for them a week or two after they have spawned and all been fixed then so be it - You won't ever get one.

It's selfish if no other players have even a remote chance of finding your stash. Losing stuff is part of the game, so unless you want to organize a trading post with people pulling round the clock guard duty shifts, then there should be a chance that someone will stumble upon your camp and steal your stuff.

I think the map needs to be bigger (or as big as the technology will allow). But people should not be able to camp wayyyyyyyyy the fuck off map where the camp can't be found. Thats bullshit. Fuck those people and fuck their hoards. Grow some backbone and lose some gear. It's not the end of the world... err.. it is the end of the world, but it's not a big deal to lose some stuff...

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Just drove a bus with my bro after finding parts and fixing it up for 2 hours. And i must say it was really fun. More ppl need the chance to do this, i think there needs to be more vehicles spawned across the map and they need to be despawned after like 3 or 4 days.

There should be a constant finding and fixing up cars across the wasteleand. because lets face it thats how it would be in the real world apocalypse... cars just laying everywhere for the taking.

Day z is no fun w/o cars bring in more cars. The reward is worth it when it's hard but its just too damn hard to find a car with all the nerd hoarders.

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Some servers reset every 6 hours.... Does that mean people only have 6 hours to find a vehicle, repair it, and drive it before it's gone? Hardly seems worth the effort, don't you think? D:

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so i just lost two of my cars filled with spares to fix two cars and two choppers... :(

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This update did in fact add vehicles to my server but after restarting the server to fix 9 fps, all the vehicles have been deleted. Is there a way to restart the server w/o deleting all the vehicles?

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This update did in fact add vehicles to my server but after restarting the server to fix 9 fps' date=' all the vehicles have been deleted. Is there a way to restart the server w/o deleting all the vehicles?


My thoughts exactly!

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If this hasn't already been answered in the 10 pages I can't read properly since I'm at work, can I just clarify vehicles are going to respawn once on server restart, or every time a server restarts?

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From what i would've thought, just this once? Otherwise i'd like to know too.

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Thanks for the great job you guys are doing. Tonight you will be swimming in tasty salty tears :)

Cry your salty tears. This was bound to happen' date=' soon tents will also follow.


Do you have some sort of salt deficiency or something?

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