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Do you trust Rocket's vision?

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Okay, so now that standalone is getting closer, everyone is throwing ideas around and everyone seems to have different hopes and expectations how it will shape up and what it will be, I'd like to ask: do you trust that when it's finally ready, it will be like you want it to be, what are possible things that might let you down and what are you expecting it to offer?

I've been thinking alot about this lately, since everyone seems to have different opinion of what the actual game must be like. You can't get everyones approval.

So, what do you guys think?

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I think by a large Rocket knows what the main problems are and is fixing everything he can. Everything past that is just arguments about future content and if AS50 should be removed.

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I know that most of us, if not all, trust whatever direction Rocket is taking DayZ. But what I want to know is that should there be something like safe zones and stuff. What I've gathered, they are atleast few people who would like to see them in the standalone. Should it be more "hardcore" or "casual"? Or stay as it's now.

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In answer to your question....Yes.

I believe that he has set certain targets and has the resolve to follow them through.

We all have our own conception of what we want out of the game but whether or not I like the emphasis of the game moving in a certain direction, is not important for now. As he alluded to...the community will play a part in the direction the developers take the title. It will hopefully be geared, down the line, to accommodate different play styles.

If the current game is released, locked down, tidied up, then they will have a great base to build on and will be off to solid start. If this title is supported we can assume that there will be great features and updates to come.

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Excellent, reply...beans for you, Sir.


Today, 01:16 PM

DayZ taught me not to trust anyone. So I don't trust him as well. He may backstab me in the back as everyone else.

Edited by Flybynight1

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DayZ taught me not to trust anyone. So I don't trust him as well. He may backstab me in the back as everyone else.

It is a game that gives people on the internet power to freely kill anonymously....what do you expect from people...theyre ass holes...this game is just another great way to let people show who they really are...when there is no consequence...,,,it makes me sad and also avoid people since i know most are selfish pricks on the inside....or vanity driven whores...

Im a sad koala....

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Rocket's vision is slightly different to how I would make the game if it were up to me but I trust that at the end of this we will have a great game.

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The price. I'm not buying it again for $25.

Don't worry the price wont be that high.

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I think he'll release the alpha at a really low price, it may not be as new or shiny as people expect but in due time it'll shape up to be a bloody fantastic game and I for one think he's taking it in the right direction and really look forward to see how many of the features he's mentioned actually get implemented. Love the idea of player-built underground settlements, boarding up doors, reinforcing vehicles and zombie life cycles etc.

Can't wait until the animations are all sorted, the textures are all high res, new zombie models are introduced and the game really begins to set itself apart from the mod. :D

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I guess as a mod here my answer is obvious. Yes I do, wholeheartedly.

It's refreshing within the game industry to see someone with a unique vision, going about it in an unorthodox way whilst listening to the community. Of course not everyone can be kept happy. Design by committee never pans out well. For true design to work (in any genre) you need one person with a clear vision of what he/she wants surrounded by the correct people to make it happen. This is what I think is happening here. Strong visions/ideas/concepts are always going to rock the boat and upset certain people that are used to things being done in a certain way. They key is to listen to the criticism whilst at the same time not letting it shake you from the main goal. From what I have read, that's pretty much what Rocket is doing and as long as it continues I'll be a happy bunny.

Edited by Fraggle
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Rocket keeps saying "Friendly" and he hasn't done anything to make me not trust that he is. He is one of the most open game developers I've ever come across, and on top of that he accepts input from the people that helped get his mod on top. I like the game for what it is right now and see the direction the standalone is headed and it seems to fit in with my expectations. So yes I trust his vision and think the game will be what I'm expecting

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The price. I'm not buying it again for $25.

You haven't bought it once yet, it's a free mod.

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Because Rocket is completely involved in the community I have nothing but trust that he and his team will put out a great game.

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The price. I'm not buying it again for $25.

>rocket constantly saying it won't be full price

>people still saying this continually


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If i remeber correctly wont it be like Minecraft.

You can get it pretty cheap at the start, and the price will go up after further Development.

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From what he has said i believe his vision runs close to what i am looking for so i am here.

Im not one to bog myself down into the minutia of game features. I look at the big picture and the core elements.

Those elements are (and i believe these have been confirmed)

Open world player driven content with full player interaction . CHECK

Permanent death, loose all items/full loot. CHECK

No safe zones, no safe storage, everything at risk at all times. CHECK

Harsh environment making survival always in question. CHECK

Everything else is just icing on my beans. Im good

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The price. I'm not buying it again for $25.

You're not buying the game again lol

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There's two developers visions I trust wholeheartedly, one is obviously Rocket and the other is Venthos over at DayZ Redux, imo if these two combined forces they would make my perfect game.

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Honestly? No... Love Rocket for making this new Genre in the gaming Industry...

But the DayZ Standalone should be taken away from him and let some1 else do the development.

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Hello there

I trust Rockets Vision for the game to end up close to that which he envisioned.

Now, will it be *my* cup of tea? Possibly, possibly not. If one agrees with his general philosophies on the game then I'm fairly sure one will be happy with the final result.

If one has major issues with the game then there's a good chance the SA may not be for you.

But, this is all speculation, the proof of the pudding is in the eating. Let's wait and see.




Honestly? No... Love Rocket for making this new Genre in the gaming Industry...

But the DayZ Standalone should be taken away from him and let some1 else do the development.

I believe that is the polar opposite of what the game warrants, if it were handed over to another it most likely would be done by committee and would become a watered down specimen.

Like or loathe Rocket, leave it in his hands IMHO.

(IF it *had* to be given to another, it would have to be a person nominated by R himself and from what I understand he is a picky, belligerent sod, so I'd trust the person he would hand over to.)



Edited by orlok

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People seem to forget he made this mod for himself and friends.

He don't care if its not a success and he's not unit for the money.

For me Rocket can do what he wants and ill still buy it and play it.

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Honestly? No... Love Rocket for making this new Genre in the gaming Industry...

But the DayZ Standalone should be taken away from him and let some1 else do the development.

That would 100% be the worst thing that could ever happen to this project.

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