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What do we expect from DayZ Standalone?

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Hey. What do you all think should be changed about the current Day Z to be implemented into the Standalone version? Or what should be added?

I'm very interested to find out what you all think should be changed ;)

Some things I would love to be changed are. (Deleted all of my points and made a video instead ;)

Edited by TGH
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Some kind of Craft,

Like, Craftable Bows and Arrows..

Less guns. Alot less guns ^^,

Rare food and drink, but make it last longer..

Just a deep gameplay, something that allows people to teamup more then just blow the heads of the first bambii :)

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less high end military kit, kit degradation, more melee weapons, noise attracting zombies, so snipers eventually attract hordes if they camp, ability to create safe zones, board up a house or barn.

More improtantly zombies, thousands of them, unrelenting, brain hungry zombies, even in the wilderness just wandering looking for brains, towns like elktro filled with them, in rooms in buildings stuck in vehicles everywhere.

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I'd actually like to see the axe become a tertiary weapon. Along with other melee weapons. That way you can carry your main firearm, a side-arm and a melee weapon. I mean, in real life, if you had a rifle, a pistol and a baseball bat, you're going to keep all three within easy reach.

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I can't wait for the bullets being individual items. That along with rarer ammunition will make a lot of suspense an terror. Never feeling safe. People will really have to conserve their ammo. People who use military weapons will only have 30 or so bullets and maybe a few magazines to load their bullets into. That would be a lot of fun. Zeds would naturally be more threatening with rarer ammo.

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You can never 100% get rid of cheaters (the proper term), 99% yes, but never 100%.

I believe the reason why the ArmA engine runs pretty bad is because it gets most of its power from the processor and not the GPU.

Though, this may sound like heresy, I like the zombies to be as hard to kill like in WarZ.

The zombies as of now are push-overs in DayZ, and the fact they are dead and shouldn't really feel pain, they should be able to take a lot of hits, or rounds before going down.

Another interesting thing I want to see is proper individual damage for body parts (I shoot one of your arms, your aim goes whack, I shoot both arms, you can't even hold the gun, etc.).

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Though, this may sound like heresy, I like the zombies to be as hard to kill like in WarZ.

The zombies as of now are push-overs in DayZ, and the fact they are dead and shouldn't really feel pain, they should be able to take a lot of hits, or rounds before going down.

Rocket has actually said that they aren't dead per-se but actually people infected with the virus.

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I think Zombies should have much smoother movement as they currently seem to jolt sideways in awkward positions.

The Infected currently are altered soldier AI in which they behave like soldiers still and try to Zig Zag to avoid fire etc, Hopefully the new AI will be written solely to run at you mindlessly, like true brain dead Infected should

No Hackers.

In any game there will be hackers but we won't see the script kiddies like we do now, the original problem was Arma II being too trusting to allow users to inset scripts easily.

Higher frame rate - For some reason Day Z can run UN-smooth even on very high-end systems.

Optimization is something that's high priority especially seeing as most buildings will be enterable and have props, As you imagine adding more props Etc will reduce performance drastically so the Devs are trying to optimize as best as they can.

Axe as a secondary ;)

Can't really comment on the weapon system.

All or most buildings become enter able (I hear they are doing this already ;)


More vehicles on regular Day Z servers.

The problem with adding more vehicles, where is the line drawn between too many and too little? We don't want it easy for everyone to have a car but we don't want so many people left out, it's a hard one to judge and will take experimentation.

Hope this cleared a few things up for you.

Edited by LVG

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I would like to zombies become more deadly, especially in hordes. Give melee weapons a slot, so you can carry a pistol, a rifle and your melee weapon.

I would also like to see new kinds of melee weapons, like a big fire axe and a small hatchet for quick strikes.

And then lastly, I would like to see distraction to actually work on zombies. So if you throw a tin can, all the zombies that heard it would slowly wander towards it and then split up again. Right now it's a bit bugged.

You might think this makes the game easier, but when zombies are more dangerous and can run inside, you can expect it to be harder.

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What I expect (or rather hope) is that big weapons like snipers, rifles, machine guns and all in all, military grade loot wont be as common.

Pistols are one thing, they're not as strong as a rifle or machine gun, yet strong enough to give you a fighting chance.

I hope that bows, crossbows and melee weapons will be a lot more common and be the most used items in the game, due to increased rarity amongst the military weapons.

I hope the underground bases that you'll be able to make can be camoflagued (sorry if i spelled camoflague wrong) and that you can place thing's you have looted there (a chest for loot maybe?)

And i would love it if you could customize your own weapons by finding parts in cities, houses, barns and military areas.

What sort of customization? Nothing ludicrous like turning a shotgun into a bazooka that fires forks and pickles!

Just something normal like changing the paint or adding a recoil absorbation stock to your firearms.

Or being able to poison your arrows and bolts to make them more deadly towards animals and survivors.

Hope my wall of text didn't cause your eyes to strain too much ^^

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remove all the assault rifles and SMGs, add complex crafting of Bows, Axes, Knifes

less military loot in general

customizable looks like colored armlets, or attachments etc

more civilian vehicles like bikes, which should be WAY slower.

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I think Zombies should have much smoother movement as they currently seem to jolt sideways in awkward positions.

The Infected currently are altered soldier AI in which they behave like soldiers still and try to Zig Zag to avoid fire etc, Hopefully the new AI will be written solely to run at you mindlessly, like true brain dead Infected should

No Hackers.

In any game there will be hackers but we won't see the script kiddies like we do now, the original problem was Arma II being too trusting to allow users to inset scripts easily.

Higher frame rate - For some reason Day Z can run UN-smooth even on very high-end systems.

Optimization is something that's high priority especially seeing as most buildings will be enterable and have props, As you imagine adding more props Etc will reduce performance drastically so the Devs are trying to optimize as best as they can.

Axe as a secondary ;)

Can't really comment on the weapon system.

All or most buildings become enter able (I hear they are doing this already ;)


More vehicles on regular Day Z servers.

The problem with adding more vehicles, where is the line drawn between too many and too little? We don't want it easy for everyone to have a car but we don't want so many people left out, it's a hard one to judge and will take experimentation.

Hope this cleared a few things up for you.

Thanks for that LVG appreciate your response. Thanks to everyone else for their input also. Some interesting ideas :)

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When I kill animals for meat, I want to also be able to skin them and fashion their hide in to clothing.

When I see a pile of trash laying around town, I want to be able to use my matches or road flares to light a fire.

I'd like to see Pobeda Dam altered as to be generating electricity so as there's a plausible reason to have some street / building lights be on at night.

And, most importantly, I'd like to see the corner tavern on Cherno have $.25 chicken wing night every Thursday from 5pm - 9pm.

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Vehicles shouldn't be rare, why would they be?

Fuel, now that needs manufactured and refined, so that being rare makes sense.

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I'd like to see Pobeda Dam altered as to be generating electricity so as there's a plausible reason to have some street / building lights be on at night.

It would be cool if you could repair the power plants and generate power for the nearby towns.

More vehicles. Even if they need repairing.

In-game methods of communicating with other players - portable and fixed radios that act like "side channel". Leaving notes or maybe even spraypainted messages.

Ability to fortify buildings.

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Foraging for food in the woods.

Berries, fruit, veggies in a field of a farm, etc.

collecting and drinking water from rivers/streams/rain.

dogs that can track zombies/other players.

when you're bleeding you leave a blood trail until you repair yourself.

more clothing options. digging through a dresser in a house or shelves in a store, we should be able to change clothes.

the previously mentioned dogs can track your blood on your clothes until you change into a different outfit.

not sure how hard some of those would be to implement, but I don't see it being unrealistic to have in the game.

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Really good idea's guys. Keep them coming I'm loving imagining them :)

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The SLX mod does blood trails really well. There is a great balance between enough blood to be noticeable to others nearby but so much that it looks like you bleed a gallon a second.

Wounded people leave blood trails that can be followed with some skill. In the mod I would love to see a private hive add this effect.

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I would like to see more location appropriate weapons as in mostly russian weapons (at least for Chernarus). It would be a sight for sore eyes to find a m4a1 or even a m9. I think that would add to the immersion factor.

Of course make zombies less queer by making them with a simple character construction unlike the current zombies that have tiny bones in their hands and shit. Ain't nobody got time fo that. But that contributes to the FPS drops and such.

Small and large wandering hordes would be cool.

Resources to make a better camp/fort that can be more secure. With the right tools and supplies, it would be to ward off unwanted guests. Human, infected or beast.

Improved inventory system as well as a better "use" function because the scroll wheel selection system just isn't user friendly sometimes and I think people can confused with it. Not to mention the inventory system itself...

The following is from an older forum post I made a while back that had some decent ideas and elaborates on the location specific weapons.

Feel free to shoot down any of the ideas and perhaps enhance them if you don't mind.

  • Big towns and cities have "infected air" - Gas masks or other types of face masks would be required for extended stays (30 minutes or so).
  • If infected, Antibiotics and/or other vaccines are required to become fully stable.
  • When infected, you become disorientated and stumble around after a long term exposure. Vomiting and fainting can occur.
  • Loot spawns on other surfaces in building other than just the ground. They could spawn inside cabinets, drawers, open boxes and cars (totaled) as well as on objects like tables and counters.
  • Addition and new threat of wildlife such as bears, wolves and birds. All of which could be infected and could possibly infect you with an assortment of diseases.
  • Random events such as zombies bosses (bosses is a bad word but like special zombies that are harder to kill especially when in large hordes), large hordes in random places, wondering zombies, asset drops like weapon and ammo crates or food and water drops. (Again random times and at random locations)
  • Ability to move and shoot. Not halo style moving and shooting but while zoomed in, you can move the speed you move currently while zoomed, only now you can shoot. You could run and hip fire but it would have to be inaccurate to an extent.
  • Ability to run with your flashlight pointed ahead instead of it pointing at the ground while running. (Perhaps a toggle option)
  • Chance to dismember players and zombies from large caliber rounds. (Plus more gore and ragdoll effects of course)
  • Location appropriate weapons - Chernarus would focus the majority of its weaponry on Russian guns such as:
    • Makorov
    • TT-33
    • Saiga-12
    • Ppsh-41/43
    • PP-2000
    • Mosin Nagant
    • SVT-40
    • SV-98
    • SVD
    • VSS
    • AEK-971
    • AN-94
    • AK family
    • AS Val
    • SR-3
    • A-91
    • PKP
    • RPK
    • Some sort of flamethrower
    • RGO, RGN, RGD grenades
    • Igla anti-air (maybe not)

    [*]Realistic weapon and blunt force damage - No more of all pistols doing the same damage (minus the revolver of course)

    [*]A wide array of melee weapons as well as the use of your fists.

    [*]Location appropriate vehicles

    [*]Limping and staggering if wounded in the leg(s), feet, torso, etc.

    [*]Wide array of clothing options including but not limited to jackets, coats, helmets (that actually add protection), hats, bandannas, pants, and possibly kevlar vests.

    [*]Radio system with countless frequencies to talk with friends across the map or to lurk on others.

    [*]Batteries for items such as NVG's, GPS's, flashlights and rangefinders. Perhaps some type of car jumper to jump-start a car if the car battery is weak. If the battery is dead, you'll have to find a new one.

    [*]Brief UI display when a tool or item is activated or changed then fades away soon after. Only food and water indicators can be visible at all times. Also show the "real" time of day so you don't play TOO much. (Oh man, I've been playing for nine hours and didn't even know - Now you'll know)

    [*]Set game conditions such as:

    • Day/night cycles from 4/6/8/10/12 hours.
    • Softcore mode where you don't lose your gear when you die but it severely degrades and you have to fix some gear with some type of resource to continue using them.
    • Hardcore mode (how it is now) with perma-death, you lose all gear and only spawn with a bandage and perhaps a shitty pipe. (same for softcore but maybe throw in a few extras like painkillers and a extra bandage)
    • Some sort of deathmatch mode with a scaled map size with increase weapon drops or start with a weapon of choice at a lobby screen perhaps.
    • Wave defense - fairly self-explanatory.
    • Day only/night only servers.

    [*]Addition of tools such as a multi-tool, saw, nailgun, hammer and nails, etc.

    [*]Ability to barricade doorwars and small passages with wood planks, metal sheets, etc. Zombies, bullets, melee weapons and certain tools can destroy barricades over time.

    [*]Ability to craft make-shift weapons with common items - Lee + tape + kitchen knife = A shitty bayonet

    [*]Customization and addons for weapons. Customization to the extent where you can paint your gun different camos or colors (if you find paint), add items like optics, suppressors, flashlights and lasers. Some of the items might not be compatible with certain weapons.

    [*]Medication to bypass disease side effects for a certain period of time.

    [*]Proper hunger and thirst decay (Find a good balance so I'm not always eating every 20 minutes)

    [*]Eating and drinking sounds are currently way too loud. You would think if you were being stealthy and you had to eat, you wouldn't be smackin your lips so loud that people in a 50 meter radius could hear. Maybe lower that just a tad.

    [*]When restarting a server, the time of day will be sustained from the previous instance.

    [*]Underground structures with a separate instance with passwords/booby traps. The inside structure could handle ten players comfortably at one time. This room would have a weapons rack, boxes, containers and other storage type things. (Perhaps you have to bring empty containers and boxes to use as storage for your underground lair? "X" amount of scrap metal to construct weapons rack?)

    [*]Ability to add a 50 to 100 meter tunnel system as a secondary exit/entrance to your dungeon.

    [*]Ability to salvage vehicles for their parts and scrap metal. Would require certain tools so you couldn't just go destroy everything all willy nilly and it would take a decent amount of time to complete fully.

    [*]Improve all sound effects and add more dynamic sounds to the zombies and players.

    [*]Make it so if I run into a rock going 4 km/s, my jeep doesn't explode.

    [*]Ability to jump, vault walls and scale fences. It would have to be tactical and well balanced to prevent things like bunny hopping and such.

Edited by kmach1ne

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