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Coming to these particular forums with your complaints about a Global Ban from all ArmA servers is not going to help you in the least' date=' as I'm sure you have probably figured out at this point.[/quote']

Damn right, all it's going to do for the hackers is makes us laugh at them and their butthurt, then learn their names should they ever return to the game.

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I didn't buy the game' date='


Confirmed pirate? Cool. Ban him from the forums.

In before "Oh but my mate bought it for me" (The most classic cover up for any pirate)

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I'd like to request that the staff archive this thread, its simply too amazing to let disappear some day.

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I have banned those I had a 5 page discussion about, well, nothing. I wanted to hear some concrete recommendations and I didn't feel we had received them. I am not trying to crush freedom of speech here, but I actually think the were drowing everyone out.

Anyway, I was kind enough to include the link to BattlEye in the ban notice so they can take their issues up there.

EDIT: Also please don't lock the thread, or these will spread to the rest of the forums.

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I didn't buy the game' date='


Confirmed pirate? Cool. Ban him from the forums.

In before "Oh but my mate bought it for me" (The most classic cover up for any pirate)

He's already banned, so no excuses from him.

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Looks like they have you trapped.

Missed one.

EDIT: FYI his original post said: "Looks like they have you trapped."

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I'm actually kind of curious to know what these people claiming to not have been hacking, had running on their system, unfortunately, that's not possible due to the fact that, doing this would in-turn potentially reveal said reason as to why people were banned to begin with and would allow the creators of the crap to figure out a work around.

Unfortunately ,there's no real way around the problem without individuals contacting BE and having them explain what may have caused the ban.

Rocket has already said in numerous posts, he reviewed the mechanics in place and agreed that it was an acceptable solution for BE to implement in order to stop a large percentage of people's in game experiences being ruined.

You do realize as a PC user, you cant just put anything on your machine and expect to get away with it. Even though you may not have been directly using cheats or hacks, you may have downloaded something from a 3rd party site and installed it to your machine, that's all it would have taken to flag your account once BE patched in the fix. This could have been anything, you may not have even knowingly put it on your machine (giving people the benefit of the doubt) or maybe secretly, you loaded up the hack just 1 time in a locked arma2 server to test it out, and were afraid to use it ever again. This would be enough to 'FLAG' your account to BE.

A word of advice here would be, in any case, never put something on your machine unless you know what it does, and even then, 'knowing what it does' doesn't actually mean you truly 'know what it does'. This applies to ANYTHING not just DayZ.

Everytime you download and execute a piece of software on your machine (from a crack to a simple program), you risk more than a mere game ban, you risk opening up your machine to people who you don't necessarily want to.

TL;DR - Maybe you're not hacking in Arma2 or DayZ - doesn't mean you never did, or haven't executed a piece of code that would tell BE otherwise.

PS - As stated before when the server issues occurred last week - download DayZ from the 'official' mirrors, not some google search.

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One last...final...quick note here, to all the people who are absolutely, one hundred percent certain that they were unjustly banned. Take it up with BattlEye, not the staff of DayZ. While the staff here may enjoy reading about it, there is nothing they can or will do to help you with it. I can almost guarantee you that, barring some installation of a script or a hack on your computer by a mysterious third party that you are in no way associated with, you will most likely be taken off the ban list. Patience and humility in the face of overwhelming aggression.


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I wonder if after this cheater's St.Bartholomew's night massacre all servers could be completely wiped off to start fresh next day.

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sigh i still say someone hacked battle eye... why are all these global bands just now happening today?? thats what i would like to know honestly

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sigh i still say someone hacked battle eye... why are all these global bands just now happening today?? thats what i would like to know honestly

Because after a lengthy discussion, and numerous complaints, to the point where people were locking servers to avoid hackers, BE pushed the system update.

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sigh i still say someone hacked battle eye... why are all these global bands just now happening today?? thats what i would like to know honestly

I believe the word you are looking for is... success.

Incidentally you could also choose from: Justice' date=' comeuppance, just desserts, just punishment, recompense, requital, retribution[/i']

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You also should not lie about battleye being immune to handing out false positives.


Please explain how that image results in a false-positive ban.

It is telling server admins to ignore a record in their logs indicating a GameHack. Server owners do not contributed to BattlEye bans.

Again: Please explain how that image results in a false-positive ban.

Man you're the most active Dev of any game I've ever played on the forums. I don't know where you're getting your patience from with this.. I really hope you don't crack and stop working on the game.

I've been browsing forums for months here and this is the first time I've felt compelled to make an account and post (sorry, lazy).

No one seems to appreciate the work you guys are doing. Anyway.. BattlEye works like VAC.. pretty obvious. It's also obvious some people are making an effort to not understand a thing you say. You even come here and ask them to prove or explain exactly what they mean.. and then silence. I wouldn't be able to put up with this forever.

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sigh i still say someone hacked battle eye... why are all these global bands just now happening today?? thats what i would like to know honestly

Did you even read the announcement on global bans?!

BattlEye has received an update in which it has been given the appropriate tools to detect and issue bans on those involved in such cheating that has been occurring in DayZ for a while. Anti-cheat bots like these require frequent updates in order to be able to detect and tackle cheaters' new scripts and tricks. This is the reason why they all got banned simultaneusly.

EDIT: The level of misinformation and stupidity in this thread is over 9000.......

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I don't know where you're getting your patience from with this.. I really hope you don't crack and stop working on the game.

We acted like dicks to the first hackers that posted. But fuck them, they deserved it.

However, to show everyone else that even though we knew it was legitimate, that we would hear out the concerns, even though we didn't issue the bans - I committed to following through with this thread.

As you noted, I asked again and again to prove or even list the concepts behind what they were posting, and there was silence. Followed by ban's all round.

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sigh i still say someone hacked battle eye... why are all these global bands just now happening today?? thats what i would like to know honestly

Because software like this ban in waves. I'll try and break it up to you as best I can, might not be 100% accurate, but it's up there.

1) BattlEye collects data from computers that run DayZ. If it deems a program or something else to be weird according to its heuristics, it'll send information about this program back to BattlEye main server. Some programs it will automatically detect to be a hack. Some not.

2) The people who run BattlEye study this data and determine if it's a hack. If it's not a hack, it's ignored.

3) If it's deemed to be a hack, they will black list ("global ban") all game accounts that reported to have been using this hack. It's called a ban wave.

4) When a hacker tries to join a server, the server asks from BattlEye master server if this account is flagged as a hacker. If yes, the user encounters this global ban message.

The BattlEye update today was most likely to modify some part of how it detects hacks - usually updates like these combat things that are able to circumvent anti-hack software like this.

Ask Google if you're interested in knowing more.

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I am curious what you mean by " the worst of the worst", does this mean we wont see much more of the kill everyone in server stuff and the jets flying overhead. OR does this mostly target the people spawning weapons and whatnot, who in my opinion are just as damaging to the game.

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86.179.x.x Registration IP: Faggot

86.179.x.x Last Known IP: Faggot

86.179.x.x Registration IP: Toggaf

86.179.x.x Last Known IP: Toggaf

86.179.x.x Registration IP: Coconuts

86.179.x.x Last Known IP: Coconuts

Well there is one mystery solved.


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Haha you morons are trying too hard.

Nope' date=' I didnt buy the game...because I dont have the game stupid xD wow, you say something more than once and they still dont understand basic english, a testament to how stupid you all are. Arma2 looks like a crap game with 2002 graphics. This game however, despite being a killing floor ripoff, I was SLIGHTY interested in. Setting aside the fact that you banned me whe I 1. Wasnt banned ingame and therefore not even remotely a hacker and 2. Didnt have the game so I couldnt have pirated, means you are banning people fir no reason because you are an u professional baffoon. Have I been banned? No of course not because I dont have the game (thats three times I said it in one post now so don't hurt yourself retards). I was simply defending those who clearly have been wronged, and found our how hilariously foolish the staff and their dickriders are, to the point that I and my friends, clan, steam mates will not be supporting BI (no loss there, and we see the kind of 5th rates they employ, and their games of pro-american smut are laughable) or this mod now. Even when their unfair bans get lifted, the way you easily got upset and spammed silly images just made them raise an embrow at your sanity and won't associate wuth your mod anymore. You bought it upon yourself. Its pitiful really, at one point you realised you were wrong rocket, thats why you suddenly were all like "what should I do" but like the bad sloppy developer you are, you crumbled under simple pressure, which tells me you don't have what it takes to handle even a beta release. You think customer services act the way they do because they like you? (well, YOU probably did because you have proven consistantly to be unable to detect sarcasm or read between the lines) People are laughing at you and I scoff as ai see the first signs of your collapse. A swift one at that.

You should stop being such try-hards, its bad for your health, although I take it you're not going to live long anyway, or have lives for that matter.

Pwnd. Ciao.


I'm sorry, but I fail to see how this denotes anyone at all being, in your turn of phrase 'pwnd'. So you don't own the game, you don't have the game, you don't play the game... Why are you on these forums? I cannot see any logical reason for you to be posting here in the first place. You certainly have nothing invested in the mod, or even the game itself. It seems a little self-indulgent to come on here, spouting off insults at the creators of something, when you yourself have never attempted to use it. It's not only rude, but inherently incorrect to place an assumption that the builders/creators of something of this scale don't care about their audience at all. If the audience consisted purely of individuals such as yourself, then I would close the project down instantly and go on about my merry way. By your own admittance, however, you are neither part of the audience, nor in any way related to it, aside from a few posts on the forums. The internet is a volatile place, and it can be quite dangerous for those who go sticking their opinions in where they have no real reason to tread. For the sake of calm rationality, would it be at all possible for you to take your rants elsewhere? I hear reddit is a great place for those kinds of things.


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