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Seriously, if anyone has an issue with the PROCESS. Or a question with the PROCESS, then please ask below.

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(my apologies - I am a dumbass. I LOCKED the thread not STICKIED it... sorry!)

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Thank you for this and sorry for the troll thread.

Now, I'm assuming you saw my other 2 posts about the red lines, dots and a message saying tkc? I saw another thread with the same issue. There's clearly something going on there, dude.

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  'jasameen said:

Thank you for this and sorry for the troll thread.

Now' date=' I'm assuming you saw my other 2 posts about the red lines, dots and a message saying tkc? I saw another thread with the same issue. There's clearly something going on there, dude.


Your post was regarding the Global ban, which is issued by the BattleEye, not the DayZ Staff. It doesn't have any false-positives, so we're not able to reverse it.

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(my apologies - I am a dumbass. I LOCKED the thread not STICKIED it... sorry!)

No need to apologize but this just kind of further proves my point of everyone making mistakes. Anyways my questions have been answered by the few helpful members and I thank you for your fairly speedy replies even if some were a bit questionable. Hope you enjoy the rest of your day/night now that you and the rest of the staff can finally take a break.

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Why the hell is it possible for hackers to ban people with a fukn script?

Hope you fix it that any kind of scripts doesn't work in the future!

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people can still use scripts in game and i dont want to play because ill die from bs, what do i do rocket?

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Why the hell is it possible for hackers to ban people with a fukn script?

Hope you fix it that any kind of scripts doesn't work in the future!

That was a un-approved claim by an individual who isn't a Staff Member.

If it was a real concern it would have been announced, but at the moment, there is no such thing,

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Fact: Hackers cannot cause you to be banned.

Fact: DayZ does not issue the bans.

Fact: No script generated in game could cause this ban.

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scripts still can kill people right now/ is there anything that can be done?

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scripts still can kill people right now/ is there anything that can be done?

Yes, scripted weapons and such in-game can cause killing.

Beware of the bandits.

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scripts still can kill people right now/ is there anything that can be done?

This is a topic about the global ban system by battleye.

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Here is a proof that hackers CAN cause a BE ban to other players. Or was this hack patched out?

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Here is a proof that hackers CAN cause a BE ban to other players. Or was this hack patched out?

That is a SERVER BAN.

A GLOBAL BAN is different.


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my cd-key banned. i'm not using cheats or whatever.. maybe my brother.. it does not matter. coz i SO happy! i go back in real life. thx

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' pid='110689' dateline='1339735522']

my cd-key banned. i'm not using cheats or whatever.. maybe my brother.. it does not matter. coz i SO happy! i go back in real life. thx


You were Global banned by the Battle Eye most likely, and not the CD key.

DayZ does not control the BE Global bans, and we have no way to reverse them. They also are not triggered by false-positives.

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I got my ArmA 2 map in the mail today but it wont stick to my wall with tape rocket and I don't want to staple into my wall either.. WHAT DO I DO

*shrug* You could try stapling it to your face?

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I don't want to nit-pick, but where it says BE-Ban in that screenshot, wouldn't that be a Battleye ban (ie: a global ban from ever getting into any form of Arma2 MP with that key again?).

Also, I don't understand how people can get a thrill out of using crap like that. It makes no sense.

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Marksman, you DARE to insinuate that rocket is anything other than correct? Blasphomy...I'm glad he banned that other guy for just providing a pic, and apologising about what rocket says was a mistake, how dare that guy try and help to resolve issues. Like I always say, why fix a problem when you can just sweep it under the rug?

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All 10 of his posts say otherwise. NOT that I wish to suggest rocket is wrong to ban someone for trying to make the bans look like a mistake!! I wouldn't dream of it! After all the rustling of the developrs jimmies it would be sad if they were wrong after all! Nore do I wish to insinuate that they deleted a post by another developer who says they were banned because it might be an i dication of the total flaw in how they represents themselves and the ban!

Jusr pretend it went right over your head...'pretend'

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