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Found 43147 results

  1. Just Caused

    What's the plan, ScottyB???

    I don't really mind the vehicles, take look at the zombies. I don't know how did this AI and pathfinding ever pass quality control, it's shame for a full release game. I'm suprised people don't talk more about this. It's not even about the latest update. It has been like this for a while now.
  2. Parazight

    What's the plan, ScottyB???

    What's the plan, ScottyB? When are they gonna fix cars? I thought that was in the works. When are we going to be able to pick up chickens again? I saw your video for 1.19. Real artsy. Do you have any practical skills that relate to being a brand manager? Because the brand is a mess. We're way, way out of beta now and the game's ballistics are being reworked. The core part of the game. As Early Alpha subscribers, we were sold on the idea that DayZ would represent realistic ballistic values. We're years past official release. Why are we still changing the very core elements that the game must obviously be balanced around? We were warned about possible bad design issues but were led to believe that such issues would be ironed out. When are vehicles going to be in an acceptable state? Can we get some information? Is this the final iteration of car physics? I'm sorry if you answered these questions on some other youtube video or podcast, but I don't watch that nonsense. I assumed going to the Official dayz website for information about dayz was the right approach.
  3. THEGordonFreeman

    Stable Update 1.19

    We were warned by WOBO that on servers with high pop and poor performance that this would happen, But on the server we are about to launch, with FPS running at a buttery smooth 8700, we got flying vehicles. No bases, nothing wierd, about 10 vehicles spawn on the server, and while we were testing yesterday, the car hit a fence and went out of sight in the air. I was watching server FPS at the time at happened. Nobody was lagging, my ping is 20 ms because the server is on my network. BI sure knows how to instill confidence in it's player base with these amazing patches.
  4. penguin511

    Stable Update 1.19

    Had an odd one happen earlier. Went to stealth kill a zombie, and as the animation started it popped me under ground in the falling animation. I thought for sure that was it. But after landing in the invisible water and re-logging i was back about 20m from where i tried to kill the zombie. Weird thing though is that the zombie was still alive and in the same spot. Also got to drive the ADA finally, and for some reasons the 3rd person camera is way closer then on other vehicles. Makes it a bit of a pain to drive outside first person compared to the other cars. Offroad performance was significantly better then the sedans. I have been noticing a lot of activity in the south. Even in the south east, so people are definitely moving south and exploring. Item Spawns are a bit messy. Too many generators spawning in particular, especially considering how niche of a use this item has right now and how long it sticks around in the world. I would say armored zombie spawns are too common as well. Easiest way to get a plate by far is off of a mil zombie and they often spawn in pairs or more. Edit; Well that was unfortunate. hackers on OFC servers confirmed. Driving around and character instantly dead. Re-spawned and same this within seconds. Talked to another freshie and he had the same. feels bad man.
  5. Hello there! I've been wanting to do a new post with some ideas for a long time so here it is: A new QoL (Quality of Life) list of changes for DayZ Standalone that I think it could help to provide an overall better experience in the near future. The intention was to come up with achievable and “easy to implement” suggestions that involve small changes or tweaks within the current content of the game (with some exceptions). As I said, these are not meant to be massive changes and that is precisely the idea. At this stage of the development of the game, suggestions like “add helicopters”, “add shooting from vehicles”, “add this completely out of the blue and complex idea” conspires against the possibility any of these will be even considered. Keep it short, keep it simple and aim for an impact on the daily gameplay without much effort/development behind. Hope you (and mainly the Devs) find them useful or at least serve to awaken other tweaks/improvements. OTHER SUGGESTIONS SUGGESTIONS PART 1: https://forums.dayz.com/topic/247601-50-qol-suggestions-dayz-future-updates/ SUGGESTIONS PART 2: https://forums.dayz.com/topic/250890-55-qol-suggestions-dayz-112/ SUGGESTIONS PART 3: https://forums.dayz.com/topic/251715-45-qol-suggestions-dayz-115/ SUGGESTIONS PART 4: https://forums.dayz.com/topic/252772-dayz-50-qol-suggestions-part-4/ SUGGESTIONS PART 5: https://forums.dayz.com/topic/254494-dayz-50-qol-suggestions-part-5/ SUGGESTIONS PART 6: https://forums.dayz.com/topic/259915-dayz-30-qol-suggestions-part-6/ HERE ARE MY QOL SUGGESTIONS 1) Being able to set locked attachments by default on spawned vehicles (server configuration) Right now, we can assign a chance of occurrence of any vehicle attachments (Spark plug, wheels, battery, radiator, etc.) in the cfgspawnabletypes.xml and set, for example, that vehicles spawn at 100% ready to be driven. But what we cannot do is to make those attachments already locked inside vehicles so everyone would have to use the proper tool to remove them. Why is this so important? Because right now, any player can (and they usually do) remove any vehicle attachment with their bare hands leaving scrapped vehicles all over the map. This is not only unrealistic but also generates an unwanted consequence of emptied the servers of working (or potentially working) vehicles since its extremely improbable that players take the truble to rebuild a completely empty vehicle or destroy them to force their despawn. So my suggestion is then to add the possibility to lock vehicle parts from their spawn through the cfgspawnabletypes.xml and implement this idea as a default configuration – at least for the wheels – for vanilla servers in order to discourage random scraping vehicles without any reason but harming the rest of the players. Exception: The exception to this rule should be the ruined parts, which should be able to be removed without the need of any tools. 2) Allow players to interact with doors while aiming or performing simple actions (Eating/drinking) When you try to open a door while aiming your weapon (Hip fire or ADS) or performing any simple action that do not involve a full movement restriction, you won´t be able to interact with doors since the “[F] Open” menu won´t even show up on your screen. It is also quite frequent to see players hitting the doors with the weapon melee attack in this kind of scenarios. I really think there is room to improve this by allowing to interact with doors with your weapon raised or when you are performing some simple action like eating or drinking. This shouldn’t really create any huge conflict between the key binds since you can assign “[RMB] + [F]” = Melee hit (only when you have a weapons in your hands) and [RMB] or [ADS] + [F Hold] = to open the door. If you are eating/drinking, just hit [F] = open door like you normally would since the on-screen menu should show up. 3) Add the existent rusty textures to functional vehicles Vehicles in DayZ have a particularly shiny condition (even when damaged) and their aesthetics in my opinion “clash” quite a bit with the rest of the vehicles/structures around the map (and this is even more noticiable in Livonia). While this may respond to the idea of making functional cars more identifiable to players, it kind of kills the atmosphere of an abandoned scenario. My suggestion is something that I have personally implemented and the result was incredible: being able to use the rusty textures of the wrecked vehicles (both in chassis and parts) in some of the functional vehicles in DayZ adding a massive ambience without the need of any new content. These rusty - but functional - vehicles, would camouflage much more with the world providing an incredible atmosphere. It is something anyone can do right now in their server, but it would be great to have it on vanilla-public servers as default. 4) Allow to see (not to interact) the inventory of a surrender survivor I have already mentioned this suggestion in my previous post and I think it is very important to bring in it back to the table. If you want to check someone inventory to identify a possible threat, you are forced to either tie them up or ask them to drop everything to the ground. In both cases, the interactions usually end pretty bad because there is no reasonable middle ground between the willingness to interact of both. In order to deepen interactions and increase the chances of encounters that do not result in a mere KOS (which is part of the game and should always be present), it would be good to allow inspecting the surrender survivor inventory when he performs the raised hands animation. This could be limited to 3 basic conditions: 1) Having your hands up 2) Crouched raised hands position - instead of the standing one 3) It should be limited to see, not interact, the hostage inventory. There are lots of servers that had already implemented this system through mods and it works really great. It would be a shame not to have it in vanilla. 5) Make the tents placement less restrictive in relation to irregular surfaces It is perfectly understandable why tents must necessarily be placed around flat and clear areas to avoid any clipping issues or exploits like blocking entrances and things like that. But the current tent positioning - even in clear and semi-flat areas - is so restrictive that it is almost impossible to place them in most of the terrains if they are not 99% flat. In a way, this kills its purpose of hiding tents in the forest or outside mayor cities. I think it became necessary to make the vanilla placing system for tents slightly more permissive taking into account that, in case of any unwanted clipping or exploit that prevent other players for looting the tent, we can destroy them and access their content anyway. There are some mods that already allow a more flexible positioning without braking the laws of physics and I’m aware (and glad) that with 1.15 we will be able to disable the clipping restriction. But a middle ground between extremely restrictive / full clipping allowed would be greatly appreciated in the vanilla experience. 6) Nerf / restrict the leaning (or sprint) while running / aiming A fairly simple suggestion that was somewhat corrected with a small QoL mod not too long ago: the idea is to limit the possibility of leaning (Q/E on pc) while running avoiding that unnatural movement/exploit to dodge bullets. In the current build, if you are not aiming your gun, you can spam Q/E (leaning) while running to make a strange “snake movement” and avoid bullets. Of course it still has the general stamina limitation but it’s a very common thing among players even in 100% vanilla servers. Same with the Q/E while shooting your weapon (not running). In short, the general idea is to nerf this movement with that objective, there could be multiple options: 1) Disable the possibility of using Q/E while running full sprint by forcing a speed reduction (jog) every time you lean. 2) If you are aiming your weapon (ADS or Hip fire), you shouldn’t be able to go from Q to E directly. Instead, your character should take the normal straight instance first. For example: You aim your weapon, you Hold “Q” to lean left. If you hit “E” to lean right you won´t be able to. You would need to release “Q”, go straight and then Hold “E” to lean right. 3) Reduce the speed of the Q/E movement in general. 7) Increase the speed and traction of the M3S truck within realistic ranges (Prague V3S) I think the main reasons why the M3S truck is not very popular (IMO) since its release are probably two: It only have 2 seats, when I think everyone was waiting for an +6 passenger’s cargo. That’s something that we can´t really change with a QoL suggestion. But the second reason is that it’s extremely slow, being its max speed 44-45km, pushing its engine to its limit. As a result of this, most of the times the M3S end up abandoned somewhere around the map, used as a storage method and completely vanishes for the rest of the players in a server. So my suggestion is this: since the M3S is based on the Prague V3S… why not to use the IRL max speed (Around 60km/h) without moving away from a realistic approach? This would make it slightly more functional without losing its heavy cargo truck nature. That extra 15km/h could really make a difference. 8 ) Increase the light sources glare while using NVGs NVG´s are a quite OP item and I think we all know that. In a way, it’s good to be like that since those are (or should be) one of the hardest pieces of equipment in DayZ and kind of an endgame for a lot of players in the vanilla experience. However, there is something that as an ARMA franchise fan always surprised me and I believe that at some point it would have to be part of DayZ (either officially or if possible through mods): The impact of light sources on the lens of NVGs is almost nil. You can look directly at a light source when using your NVG´s as if you were looking at the sun with the naked eye. I know it's a change that probably requires a bit more development to be just a QoL suggestion, but having it would not only be a much more realistic approach but would also imply a greater balance when facing NVG´s equipped players equipped. So the suggestion (somewhat ignorant of how it might materialize) is to aim for a greater impact of light sources on all night vision devices. 9) Add an audible indicator to the consuming pills action Pretty simple suggestion: just add an audible indicator for when you consume pills (medicines in general) so you don´t have to rely on the HUD anymore to tell if you actually took it or not. I think most of the sounds for this are already in the game files so I think it shouldn’t be something extremely hard to implement. 10) Reduce the amounts and general lifetime for human steaks, bones and fat Unlike animal meat/guts/fat, which lasts about 45 minutes on the ground as long as the animal has been skinned and quartered, human remains last 14400 seconds (4 hours). It seems to me that it is excessive and that it pollutes mostly the coastal/spawn cities during the “fresh spawn’s massacres”. I assume that the idea is to leave a record that "something happened in that place” but you can achieve the same result without the negative impact of having tons of human remains littering the map, killing the fps and server performance. Thus, the suggestion does not attempt to nullify the idea of human remains being left in place for an extended time to prove that something happened or is happening there, but to adjust it to more reasonable numbers. I believe that a lifetime of 5000 seconds (Around 1.3hrs) and by slightly reducing the amount of human flesh obtained by the dead players would still fulfill the function without these negative elements mentioned. 11) Add a short delay before the auto-alignment of the sight/scope when entering ADS This suggestion is a 50% aesthetic and 50% a functional modification that implies the following: currently, when we raise our weapon to enter ADS, the iron sight or reticle aligns perfectly with the center of the screen in a matter of milliseconds. This allows anyone to aim at the center of the screen before entering ADS and shoot perfectly centered without even finishing the ADS entry animation (as in CSGO). A subtle way to slightly modify this would be to set a slight delay in the automatic alignment between the weapon and its iron sight (I’m talking about less than a second) when entering ADS. In other words: when one enters ADS, the weapon and its iron sight/reticle should take 0.40 seconds to align to the center so that one cannot shoot 100% centered immediately and the first shot will be conditioned by this (and the following ones by recoil/sway of course). Thus, if the first shot does not take at least one second of aiming, it will never have the perfect accuracy it currently has. 12) Distinct (low pitch) sound for the “Screamer” infected As we know, since 1.13 we have new types of infected, each with its own particular attributes, being the “screamers” one of them. Every time they aggro a player, they attract multiple infected to the area with his shout. The main issue I always have with these infected is that, even when they are visually identifiable because they are dressed as generals, the most important characteristic of these (their scream) goes a bit unnoticed since it is exactly the same as the rest of the infected. I think it would be ideal, simple and it would add a lot more to the experience to add (or modify the existing ones) a much deeper (lower pitch) tone to their scream so that, even without having seen it, we can tell that “a screamer has screamed” and that you are probably in big troubles. 13) Allow to cut medical scrub t-shirts into rags (Consistency with pants) It is not a very relevant suggestion but it would add to give consistency in this aspect. Simply allow that medical scrubs t-shirts can also be transformed into rags as they can currently be done with pants. I repeat, it is completely inconsequential, but it points to consistency. 14) Add dark vignette during ADS in addition to the already present blur effect Just another trivial but very immersive suggestion. The idea is to add a darker vignette around the client screen when you ADS. It provides a more realistic effect and definitely adds to the visual aspect of the game. It also serves as a way to prevent gaining clear information (even with the blur) of the surroundings when you are looking through a scope. It could also be limited to when one holds one's breath as a sort of advantage/disadvantage between the slight zoom obtained and the tunnel vision effect. 15) Add a sound effect when zeroing your weapon to prevent the need of any HUD element With 1.15 experimental update, we are now able to tell in which fire mode our weapon is set without the need of any HUD element and just by hearing the particular sound of each fire mode. This was something that lots of people (including me) have been asking for and we are grateful that it has been incorporated. However, this opens the door for applying the same reasoning to other aspects of the game, such as when calibrating your weapon/optics, another thing I had suggested in the past. In few words: You always need to enable the HUD just to calibrate your weapon and know the zeroing range of your weapon (100m, 200m, etc.). This kills a big part of the immersion of playing without any HUD/Indicator. By adding a simple “click” or “progressive nut” sound effect, you can just go all the way down and then use that sound reference to identify the distance you want (Example: 2 "clicks" up, so your Winchester is now at 400m. All the way down and its back at 200m). The main idea behind this is to be able to avoid any kind of HUD element while playing DayZ. 16) Allow to repair hard surfaces containers with an epoxy putty Quick, reasonable and should be an easy to implement suggestion: allow hard surface containers to be repaired by using epoxy putty in the same way it is used to repair reinforced helmets and vests. I think this is logical, consistent and something we unfortunately cannot do today. 17) Disable the ability of burying ruined items or containers Another change that should not be very difficult to implement is to cancel the possibility of burying containers (or items in general) that are ruined. At the time, I had suggested the possibility of adding an attrition damage every time we bury and dig up an item (to reduce a little the imbalance offered by this feature), a suggestion that I still support, but I think there is not too much discussion that completely ruined items should not be used as storage methods using the persistence time of underground stashes. 18) Make binocular smaller and attachable to your belt and/or backpack I will probably repeat this suggestion until the Devs get tired of me. There is currently no incentive to use binoculars over any other item that allows us to see at a distance (Scope in hand, rangefinder, scope on weapon) besides the steady pulse they offer. Its size is too big (3x3) to even carry them and you can't attach them to any slot to save that space. If you compare the IRL size of the model of binoculars those are not quite far from a 1P78-1 Kashtan scope from example and the last one takes only 2x2 in our inventory. So the suggestion is to add an attachment slot for binoculars for the belt and/or backpack so you can carry the binoculars in your waist/back and change their size from 3x3 slots to 2x2 to enhance people carry them more often. This item really adds to the game and it’s just a shame that people do not use them because of this (I really think it’s the main reason). 19) Mix the unconscious and dead animation to enhance the check pulse / uncertainty meta As a consequence of the unconsciousness animation being so recognizable these days, the goal of determining whether someone is dead or not becomes rather inconsequential. While it is something that is achieved after learning the characteristics of one position (uncon) and the other (dead), most players already know by now how to use the information provided by the player’s animation. I think that being able to tweak/mix a little bit more the position of an uncon player by assigning some of the death animations (facing the sky) would give a greater difficulty and "revive" that initial uncertainty. You will then be forced to discover whether the character is alive or dead based on their pulse, breathing or sounds of pain. 20) Reduce/differentiate the lifetime of the packed tents form the unpacked ones We all know that tents have a huge persistence. Around 45 days (or 3888000 seconds) once one places them and this time gets refreshed every time we interact with them. This is great in a game that appeals to a persistence world but the thing is that packed tents somehow share this persistence time making players able to hide them (again, I’m talking about packed tents) in random places, making them unavailable to the rest of the players. Of course you can play a bit with the nominal values to compensate for this but it would be ideal to be able to differentiate the persistence between unpacked and packed tents, so the latter being much less persistent and forcing them to respawn after, for example, 8 hours of inactivity. 21) Add an audio clue for the dehydrated state (like when starving) Added in 1.14 stable, we can identify when our character has very low energy (food) by hearing the sound of his stomach crunching. This was definitely an excellent addition to the game in every way. Taking that concept, I would like to see it also applied to our character's dehydration which currently has no sound/external representation at all besides the HUD. A suggestion/alterative to this would be to randomly employ the "out of breath" sounds (same sound used when we run out of stamina after holding our breath) as an indication that our character has reached dangerous levels of dehydration. Not in a permanent way but in a repetitive way that allows us to notice that our hydration has reached dangerous levels. 22) Add the spawn of certain sawed-off weapons in the world The mechanics of sawing off weapons is great, but there is no way for players to learn about this feature in an intuitive way. By this I mean, no one is going to saw off their weapon if they don't know that this feature is even possible since not even the description of the handsaws is a good source for this information for this. There are many new players who do not even know that this mechanic exists. With the recent addition of the sawed-off LE-MAS, it would be excellent if both the sawed-off LE-MAS and the Sawed-off BK-43 (leaving outside of this list the sawed-off mosin 91/30 and the sawed-off BK-18) have a minor chance to spawn directly in the world. This would serve two purposes: 1) To give a greater variety of weapons in general 2) Introduce the knowledge that these items exist and it is possible to craft them natural way. 23) Reduce the lifetime of empty garden plots due inactivity With a similar concept of the one mentioned about human flesh and bones, garden plots are another element that unjustifiably contaminate the map. While it is true that they can be manually removed with the same tools that were created, no player will take that trouble to do it and their persistence time is too long. Of course I am referring to the garden plots per se and not to the ones with crops that already have a much more reasonable life time, avoiding permanent farms. I think a good idea would be to set them to a persistence of about 6 hours - 21600 seconds – without any kind of interaction, so that the map can be progressively cleared of them. 24) Allow the ability to craft improvised split by using Duct Tape Whether as an alternative to bandages/rags (with the same splint model) or with a new ducted model, I think it would be quite realistic and practical to be able to craft a splint by using 3 short sticks + Duct Tape at +75% of its capacity. Of course the ideal would be to have a new model for this splint and even with own characteristics (which is more efficient in maximum healing time considering that rags/blends are easier to get than Duct Tapes at +75%). But in the short term, at least having the ability to alter between rags / bandages / duct tape should be a good step forward. 25) Crafting an improvised tripod (One use only) The idea is quite simple although I understand that it may be a bit more elaborate to implement it since it will require a new model and so. The suggestion implies that by combining two short sticks with one long (unsharpened) stick, you can craft an improvised tripod to which one can then add a rope or metal wire so that it can be used in a campfire with a cooking pot. It should be a one-time use item (once set up it could not be removed) or progressively damaged so it could not overcome the benefits of the metal tripods. It would not be a bad idea either to be able to directly attach pieces of meat or long sticks with meat on their ends to be able to cook multiple foods at the same time. 26) Unconditioned action of grabbing / taking out items This is something I suggested quite some time ago and every time I play DayZ I notice that it would be extremely necessary for the smoothness of the gameplay (mainly for consoles). A little bit of context to explain this idea: not that many updates ago, the "reserved slot" system was implemented so, for example, if you have 2 long rifles on your back (right shoulder / left shoulder), and one of them is in your hands (with the reserved slot on one of your shoulders), when you try to grab another long rifle you won't be able to do it unless you manually drag it to the reserved slot. The "reserved slot" system is excellent because it avoids what happened before its implementation when players unintentionally throwing items to the ground when looting other items. However, there are some situations where we would like to avoid this “manual mechanism” and take or pull out an item imperatively, without any restriction. For this, I suggest that through a “hold key” of a few seconds, we force our character to replace or drop the item in the reserved slot or hands without the need to open our inventory. Let me show you with an example of how it would work: Example 1 (Forcing picking up items): We have an AKM in our hand and a Mosin on our right shoulder. The AKM has the reserved slot on our left shoulder. We see an M4 on the ground and want to take it fast. If you hit F, we won´t be able to grab the M4. If you open our inventory and drag the M4 to our character, we won´t be able to pick it up either. We will need: 1) Drop the AKM by holding “G”, and then hold “F” to grab the M4 into our hands or 2) Open our inventory, drag the M4 to the reserve slot for the AKM. 3) My suggestion: If we approach and hold F for 3 seconds, this weapon will directly replace the reserved slot of the AKM. Example 2 (Forcing pulling out items): We have a knife in our hand and our inventory completely full. We are bleeding and we have assigned the bandages to quick access 2. My suggestion: If we hold quick access 2 for 3 seconds, our character will force the bandages into his hands even if it means throwing our knife on the ground. 27) Allow to add full backpacks inside vehicles I understand that, in the past, there were bugs related to the possibility of putting containers inside containers, thus generating a rather dangerous "Inception" effect. But once those bugs were fixed I think it is more than reasonable to consider the possibility to store backpacks (as with any other container) with items inside vehicles. It is not only realistic but quite necessary for the gameplay in general. Clothing should be excluded from this possibility. 28) Allow players to extract (drain) gasoline from vehicles into a container One functionality that would be extremely useful and definitely possible to implement is to be able to obtain/drain gasoline through the tank of vehicles (and I am referring exclusively to functional vehicles). By simply approaching the same container with the same mechanics as in a gas pump, one could obtain gasoline from a disused vehicle to use it in another one. It would be an interesting addition to the gameplay. 29) Handcuffed players should be able to get inside vehicles for themselves It would be very convenient and useful to allow restrained players to perform certain actions for themselves that do not involve the use of their hands. A very clear example of this is when we want to make a player to enter a vehicle while their hands are tied. They simply cannot do it. However, they can get inside vehicles with a sea chest or barrel in their hands. We definitely need more consistency in that regard. The suggestion is then to allow the action of entering vehicles with hands tied, even when it means that, inside the car, the player goes with the same animation of any other player. 30) Add a sound effect from grenades seconds after they have been thrown Right now, the only reference we have that someone has thrown a grenade is the warning offered by the removal of the security pin. Nothing more. You may or may not die in complete silence due a grenade before we even hear the explosion. I think it would be amazing and quite simple to add a "plonk" or “hitting to the ground” sound effect to the grenades seconds after they have been thrown (something simple, not even a realistic reflection of impacts against the floor or walls or anything similar). This will make things much more exciting and give an auditory cue that a grenade has landed close to you, creating that panic moment. Just like with the artificial sound after you have placed a landmine. 31) HUD-free screen representation (or sound effect) for the bleeding state I know that the Devs have spoken about this in the experimental 1.15 update changelog, but it seems appropriate to mention it again. You can see this all the time in almost every DayZ stream/gameplay while playing on hardcore servers. People trying to play without the HUD but, after they got shoot/attacked, they need to open their inventory – or enabling the HUD - just to check if they are bleeding or not. This is extremely anticlimactic! I know that your screen will eventually became black and white over time and that there is a “cut sound” when you receive a wound, but it’s just impossible to hear it in the rush of a battle and for the time your screen goes black and white by multiple cuts it’s probably already too late. By adding a more representative/noticeable sound effect (like some heartbeat for example, being even realistic since your heart will beat stronger when you lose blood to compensate) or a screen effect (like a continuous red coloring on the edges of the screen or just a red “flash” when you receive the cut) you can provide with enough non-invasive information to the player to avoid having to always rely on the HUD. 32) Obtaining berries after cutting a Canina bush or Sambucus bush One of the items that has been forgotten and has almost no impact on the gameplay are the berries. Probably because of their low caloric level or because of the difficulty of finding them (and I’m pretty sure those are even disabled in 1.14). My suggestion is that one can get a % of berries by cutting the bushes proper to each of them instead of having them spawn as dynamic loot on the ground. I think it would be an excellent exception to the rule and would re-signify this natural food source. Those bushes are not really easy to find and there are not usually tons of them in the same place to be able to exploit this feature, so it would be a great reward for players who actually know this mechanic. 33) Clothing state should also impact on their max cargo capacity I know this is not a QoL suggestion because it would imply quite some development, but in any case, maybe it could serve as a think tank for Devs and modders. In a nutshell: the suggestion is that the state of the clothing / equipment, besides impacting on its thermal, permeability and durability properties, also has a direct bearing on its carrying capacity. Thus, a pristine field jacket for example, will have 42 slots of capacity, but in a worn condition that capacity will be reduced by 10%, damaged by 30%, badly damaged by 50% and so on. I think the impact of slot reduction (something very noticeable for any player) would give so much more importance to the fact of having to take care and repair your equipment. On the other side, considering that there is already a mechanic to allow the game to drop the content of things to the ground when they get destroyed, this could be also implemented along with this capacity/damage system to drop the items that were using those “damaged slots” in to the ground. Just an idea. An alternative, to make this mechanic less frustrating, would be to apply the same logic as with the ruined clothes. That is to say: if you have the item on, the things that are already in the "damaged" slot will not fall or get lost, but when you move them you can no longer place them in the same place. The same is currently true for damaged items (e.g. a backpack). You can use it until you take it off and then you can't put it on again. 34) Enable vehicles respawn time base on inactivity (or reduce its lifetime if it is actually working) I've explored quite a bit in this regard and I could not achieve a functional system where vehicles disappear after, for example, 5 days of inactivity. I think this is key to the intention that I've been arguing in several suggestions in this post: that the vehicles are part of the servers without, after a few weeks, completely disappear because they are either scrapped by the players or are abandoned and unused in some corner of the map. One establishes through the different variables that we can modify that a vehicle disappears after X amount of hours and the event is generated again and it just doesn't happen. The car remains there permanently until someone destroys it completely (which is not the case). My suggestion (and at times question) is to know if it is possible to add this mechanic (or correct it in case it is not working correctly) and set a lower lifetime to the vehicles event after someone they leave them somewhere on the map and completely independent of their condition, the presence of ruined parts or any other type of feature. Respawn based solely on inactivity. 35) Alternative despawn system for spawn cycling dead fresh spawn’s bodies Another suggestion regarding dead corpses is a bit more complex and is mainly based on the concept implemented in the "Body removal" mod by DannyDoomno1. Let me give you some context: For those who do not know it, this mod forces the despawn of dead fresh spawn’s bodies in a shorter time than vanilla (for example, 5 minutes, and you can set any time) if a player has respawned within a certain – definable – time. Then, for example, if you die in the NWAF (Dead body A), then respawn in Berezino, suicide within the first 5 minutes of that character’s life (leaving the Dead Body B) and gets a new spawn in Chernogorsk, the “Dead Body B” will disappear in a much shorter period of time (and as long as there are no players nearby to see how it disappears in their faces) than the dead body 1, that will remain for the vanilla lifetime. This avoids several things: 1) littering the map with dead fresh spawns due the spawn cycling. 2) Abusing the spawn cycling mechanic by obtaining starting fruit in an almost infinite way. I really think that a similar system could work really well in the vanilla DayZ experience. 36) Allow to manipulated attached communications devices through key binds Another suggestion that unfortunately you will see repeated ad nauseam, but I really think it is extremely necessary mention it whenever possible. Just like with the Head Torch or the NV googles, you should be able to turn it on/off radios and change their frequency when those (radios) are attached to your backpack by using a default key. Radios are one of the most interesting items in the game but its implementation conspires against the idea of enhancing their use. They need to be practical and handy. I even think Ammo (Modder, part of the DayZ Underground team) has implemented the possibility of interacting with the radio attached to your backpack/vest by moving your head down and looking at it without items in your hands. But in this case, some particular key binds for radios would be more than enough only for when they are attached to our backpack. 37) More worms (x2) if you use a Shovel or Farming Hoe The title is pretty self-explanatory: if we look for worms in the ground (for creating a bait or other use in other traps) using a shovel or a farming hoe, we should get twice as much worms as we would get from using a knife or any other smaller tool. I think this is an easy to implement idea that shouldn’t require much. 38) Hatchets and axes should allow us to get bark from trees Another quite simple suggestion to make the game more consistent is the ability of obtaining bark from trees by using a hatchet or an axe. Right now, you can chop down a tree but you can´t get bark from it, being quite frustrating when in any other IRL scenario it would be even easier to cut some back from a tree with a hatchet than with a kitchen knife. Just add the toggle option for cut tree or cut bark by clicking LMB once. 39) Communication devices should relate with the dynamic events I know there that are probably countless complexities to make this possible, that’s why it’s not really a QoL suggestion, but I think what is really important is the main concept behind it. The idea is to establish a much more direct link between communication devices and dynamic events so that it is through them that their use is enhanced. How could this be achieved? One example would be to play some kind of sound, alarm, broadcast, morse code or simple “beep” through the radio when an air strike is about to fall within a range of 5km. Another example would be to be able to track helicopters crashes signals in a range of 2km by using a field transceiver as a backpack, giving a real utility to this device. Anyway, there are dozens of ideas that I could come up with to link communication devices with dynamic events, so I repeat, what matters is the concept because I think that in this way these items will take a greater role in a natural way. 40) Stunt effect (and minimal shock damage) when throwing things to a player Originally developed by Helkhiana and mainly seen at Namalsk, anyone who has played the map probably know about the great mechanic with the snowballs over there. For those who don't know, when you throw a snowball at another player and actually hit him, he receives the impact as if it were a melee hit. I'm not sure if it takes any kind of hp damage or shock damage, but the mechanic itself is just excellent. So, the suggestion should be a little bit obvious by now: bring that feature to the vanilla experience and let players being able to throw some very particular items (like rocks or other blunt items) at other players generating a stunt effect and/or a very light shock damage. I envision the possibility of several fresh spawns throwing rocks at the same more geared player in order to knock him out. It would be something very interesting gameplay addition if you ask me. I understand that there may be some inconsistencies with the system and it may not be 100% polished, but as long as it is added as a gameplay enhancer and not a pvp tool, I doubt it demands an absolute level of accuracy. But obviously I'm not in a position to evaluate this. 41) Adding a horn to vehicles (Default H) whose use consumes battery power This is something already present in the DayZ Expansion mod (even with the animation where the player hits the horn) and that adds a lot to the game experience. Just add the possibility of honking the horn in the vehicles (Default H). To avoid spamming this feature, each time we honk the horn it should consume a % of the car battery. 42) Contaminated areas vs. Air Strikes, a more dynamic approach to toxic zones This is probably the most controversial suggestion of the post, but I would like you to at least consider it. It would be interesting (and an extremely useful addition for the gameplay) to be able to slightly differentiate the “static toxic zones” (permanent, with high tier items) from the “dynamic toxic zones” (resulting from air strikes). In what sense? Let me explain: We all know that the static toxic zones have created the goal of obtaining the complete NBC suit in order loot those high tier areas. In other words, this objective is based almost exclusively on the possibility of looting T4 gear. While interesting, this meta it is somewhat limited and runs out rather quickly since many players abuse this system by hiding an NBC suite in the vicinity of static areas in order to loot regularly. On the other hand, the dynamic toxic zones (or air strikes) 95% of the cases are reduced to the idea that one must escape from them. Thus, there are not too many gameplay opportunities after an airstrike since besides running away, because there are hardly any players running around the map with all the NBC equipment. Again, a very limited meta. My suggestion: the idea is to generate a difference between dynamic and static toxic zones, using the best of both scenarios. In the case of the dynamic toxic zones, they should only require a gas mask (with a filter of course) to avoid any kind of damage. In other words, the dynamic toxic zones should not generate cuts in our player. On the other hand, the static toxic zones, since they have (according to the lore) a permanent contamination for some reason (added to the fact that they contain high valuable loot), they do justify the need for the full NBC suit as an end goal meta. What will be the result of this? A higher incidence of dynamic toxic zones in the game where players can actually play inside them and use this amazing new feature as another pve threat (and not only be forced to run away. 43) Add an animation for when turning on/off NVG´s Currently there is no power up animation for the NVG's, head torches and universal lights in the case. There is also no transition effect for the NVGs. While this is purely aesthetic, it does have an impact on the gameplay when it comes to knowing whether we are actually trying to turn on the device or not. The suggestion in this regard would be: 1) Add a power-on sound for these devices. 2) Add an animation that involves holding the hand to the head in a sort of manual activation (to be able to see it in 1PP). 3) That when "lowering" the NVG's it takes 1 second more to turn on and first we see the lens as seen in the image above this text. 44) Add vegetation on roads I always found the roads in Chernarus to be in surprisingly good condition, a bit out of tune with the general atmosphere of the game. The same thing happened to me in Livonia where, in contrast to the houses consumed by vegetation, this pattern was not repeated on the roads. Thus, the proposal is to expand a little the margins of the roadside vegetation towards the center of the roads, thus gaining much more atmosphere and ambience with a modification that, I hope, should not be extremely complex to implement. 45) Disable the vehicle parts HUD indicator when driving a vehicle The idea is to disable the on-screen indicators of the parts of the vehicle when you are driving it (see image above). I am aware that we can perfectly well disable the HUD completely, but I think that a vast majority of players turn on the HUD when driving because they need it to have a better reference of the gears and speed, and the fact that sometimes that menu end up popping up in the center of our screen, messing up with our vision is quite unnecessary. THANKS FOR YOUR TIME AND SORRY FOR ANY GRAMMATICAL ERROR OR POOR CHOICE OF WORDS, ENGLISH IS NOT MY NATIVE LANGUAGE
  6. Fing

    Stable Update 1.19

    Played all day with food poisoning and still have it. Health, blood, water and food have all been full white and nothing. Also took 2 charcoal tabs and that did nothing as well. This could do with an urgent fix as t makes game play really bad. Vehicles drive nice, but suffer catastrophic damage way to easily. I had a V3S Cargo role down a slight slop for 30 feet and it got totalled when it hit a wall, also the Humvee seems to get damaged whilst driving it around normally, how did these things get through experimental and they had better put some quick fixes in or people are going to walk away from the game. Fixing in 3 ,months time is not the answer this time around.
  7. R I Z E N |War Zone PVP Trader| Custom Coin and Gold Bar Currency| Custom Creatures| Challenging Gauntlets “The Labs”| Safe Haven Casino| Sleeping Bag Base Spawn| Air Drops| KOTH| Keycards| Mystery Box| Cannabis and Cocaine| Breach Charge Door Raid Only| Custom Map Locations both Military and Non-Military| Custom Armor and Weapons| Tactical Flava and SNAFU| Armored Vehicles and Sports Cars| 1PP w/ Vehicle 3PP| Wide Selection of Helicopters| BBP Building Mod T1/2/3| Starting Money| https://discord.gg/v2fpVyYEZy Checkout some of our ingame content! https://youtu.be/OAyI_pj9vkk https://youtu.be/yXZqf8X8qiU New ingame event for the rest of Halloween! Lizzy is coming for you: https://youtu.be/JvJQW6GZLb4 Our server breathes life into both PVP and PVE. Face off other players in bounties and open world PVP collecting dog tags and grinding coin. Trade your tags and coins in to the warzone exchange for gold bars. Transport your gold bars to the warzone vendor for our top tier guns and armor. Always wondered what was being constructed between Polana and Orlovets. Test your luck at our newly constructed Safe Haven Casino! And while exploring enjoy our many new customized areas on the map and get your hands on a unique to RIZEN only selection of weapons and armor. More of a PVE'r, great!, we have custom gauntlet styled LABS were you will face the servers fiercest AI. Fight your way through to unlock crate rooms packed with prizes. What are you waiting for! Join today and explore Chernarus like you've never seen it before!
  8. SasGuatch

    Vehicle Tires Stable 1.19

    Started a LAN Server, Can't take off any tires on any vehicles, except spare, The hood doesn't open on the new Offroad_02, Is anyone else experiencing this?
  9. Robin George

    DayZ Update 1.19

    The community server I'm a member of on Nitrado is running very poorly. Bad desyncing, lagging when running, vehicles bouncing all over the place...and Nitrado wants more money to move on a better server to support the update. The owners of the server are getting screwed and people are leaving the community. Rough time.
  10. SasGuatch

    Vehicle Tires Stable 1.19

    Sry Should be more specific, Spawned drivable vehicles !
  11. Riddick_2K


    Why not ?!? At least one vehicle that works decently. Have you ever tried the others? Are you old to drive? Have you ever driven a real vehicle? Did you realize the difference between real vehicles and these crap in the game (little power, little torque, no wheel grip, absurd gear ratios, etc.) I would be curious to see a Hummer going uphill on a lawn, if it really works like reality.
  12. rvonpod

    Stable Update 1.19

    Hi I am having an issue where vehicles around the map cannot be interacted with and if you do get one going it glitches out and you cannot get out. the only fix is to relog, and when you log back in, you roll back and the vehicle has despawned
  13. [PC DayZ] ***LOW PING*** ***HIGH FPS*** ==JUST WIPED== |THE WARRIORS| PVP · BB+ · KEYCARDS · C4 RAIDING · AIRDROPS · HELI-CRASHES · KOTH · ATM ·100K START · TOXIC-ZONE · ZOMBIES · TRADERS · BANDIT LOOT & DRUGS TRADERS · LOOT++ PVP | Base Builder Plus | Breach Charge Raiding | Heli's | Vehicles | Loot++ | Safezone Vending Traders | Groups-Territories | Heli-Crashes | KOTH | Black Market | Bandit Camp | ATM/Group ATM | PVP Arena | Keycard Rooms | Drugs | Modded Areas | Starting Cash | Toxic Zone with +Loot | Drugs | +MORE Server IP - Port 2302 Discord - https://discord.gg/A4U3TUHVVg Be part of a growing community! New dedicated server Low Ping High FPS Toxic Zone special Loot Well Balanced Loot 100 Players Active admins (admins are not allowed to play) 1P PVP Fully modded server Discord - https://discord.gg/A4U3TUHVVg Server IP - Port 2302
  14. THEGordonFreeman

    BI, this does NOT inspire confidence

    OK... so the new physics engine is in place. There are a crap ton of community servers that are possibly going to suffer worse now with this engine switch. Vehicles and security exploits have been my main problem with DayZ, and while supposedly making vehicles try to run better with an engine switch, it better not be a final step. We need some optimizations done on the server exe.
  15. is my DayZ Sever IP Please join! the server is DayZ OverWatch! And tell your friends to join! The server has self BB, Extra Loot, Extra Barracks, Custom Buildings, Donator Loadouts, 500 Vehicles, Auto Refuel, No Lag, And More!!!!!!!! is my DayZ Sever IP Please join! the server is DayZ OverWatch! And tell your friends to join! The server has self BB, Extra Loot, Extra Barracks, Custom Buildings, Donator Loadouts, 500 Vehicles, Auto Refuel, No Lag, And More!!!!!!!! is my DayZ Sever IP Please join! the server is DayZ OverWatch! And tell your friends to join! The server has self BB, Extra Loot, Extra Barracks, Custom Buildings, Donator Loadouts, 500 Vehicles, Auto Refuel, No Lag, And More!!!!!!!! is my DayZ Sever IP Please join! the server is DayZ OverWatch! And tell your friends to join! The server has self BB, Extra Loot, Extra Barracks, Custom Buildings, Donator Loadouts, 500 Vehicles, Auto Refuel, No Lag, And More!!!!!!!! is my DayZ Sever IP Please join! the server is DayZ OverWatch! And tell your friends to join! The server has self BB, Extra Loot, Extra Barracks, Custom Buildings, Donator Loadouts, 500 Vehicles, Auto Refuel, No Lag, And More!!!!!!!! is my DayZ Sever IP Please join! the server is DayZ OverWatch! And tell your friends to join! The server has self BB, Extra Loot, Extra Barracks, Custom Buildings, Donator Loadouts, 500 Vehicles, Auto Refuel, No Lag, And More!!!!!!!! is my DayZ Sever IP Please join! the server is DayZ OverWatch! And tell your friends to join! The server has self BB, Extra Loot, Extra Barracks, Custom Buildings, Donator Loadouts, 500 Vehicles, Auto Refuel, No Lag, And More!!!!!!!!
  16. Parazight

    Stable Update 1.19

    Clearly, a lot of work was put into this update, and not just for vehicles. Thanks. This looks new. Should be interesting.
  17. lynn.zaw

    Console Update 1.18

    Console Stable 1.18 Update 1 - Version 1.18.154955 (Released on 14.06.2022) NOTES In case of problems, please check the Bohemia Interactive support F.A.Q. or DayZ F.A.Q. You can help us to further improve the game by posting your feedback on the Feedback Tracker. GAME ADDED Abandoned trains dynamically spawning across Chernarus and Livonia M79 grenade launcher 40mm grenade launcher ammunition Derringer pistol Sawed-off Revolver Sawed-off Blaze Craftable improvised explosive device (IED) Plastic Explosive Claymore mine Remote Detonation Unit PO-X Vial Fireworks Launcher Craftable armbands from flags Gas Canisters explode upon destruction Advanced sensitivity options for controller Game credits FIXED Doors of several structures could not be opened by force Adjusted some exploitable building collisions (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T163092 - private) When driving the Gunter and Olga without a radiator, the spark plug got ruined too early The slot for cooking equipment was displayed when the tripod was not attached Widget of dead players/animals was not displayed after leaving a vehicle (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T163934) The stamina indicator was not displayed in the inventory with disabled HUD (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T162706) When entering the pause menu after disabling the HUD, the HUD could not be re-enabled (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T163869) Fixed an exploit related to fireplaces Stones were not properly displayed when left as the last attachment of a fireplace Melee damage was dealt in the direction the camera was facing The wrong text was shown when dragging a body out of vehicles The CR-550 magazine was not properly reflecting damage states The dry fire of the CR-550 did not have sounds in prone stance The Revolver was missing its dry fire sound The land mine disappeared upon disarming Land mines ruined by shooting did not explode (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T164288) After cooking, the sound of roasting meat would persist on the equipment used Trying to ignite a wet fireplace would activate burning sounds The fireplace was missing some particles when burning It was possible to boil food in gasoline (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T146331) Transitioning between erect and prone stance while charging a throw was skipping animations in certain cases Brooms did not change their materials properly when burning It was possible to craft the improvised spear while the stick had food attached Ticking sound of the alarm clock could be desynchronized when interrupted while setting the alarm The tutorial screen was falsely showing console controls in the tab selection Inventory icon of the Long Torch was cropped Fixed several instances of headgear clipping with character heads It was easily possible to get stuck in the stairs of the castle tower Adjusted rag cover clothes to reduce clipping with other clothing items The Bizon was spawning with the 1PN51 night-vision scope (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T163972) Improved textures of the spear variants The animation of drawing a pistol from the holster would twitch unnaturally Fixed an issue that prevented military infected from spawning with EGD-5 grenades Skater infected gave a metal sound when hit against the head Bus wreck model was levitating slightly (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T161767) Stick was held badly when roasting meat over fires (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T164438) It was possible to unpin grenades silently (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T158850 - private, https://feedback.bistudio.com/T161873 - private) Items would float when taking them into hands with a wounded character Reloading while freezing could result in animations glitching Fixed some issues that would result in skipping animations Jumping with two-handed rifles could result in stretched arms Cooking slots in the oven took different amounts of time to cook (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T164090) Multiple flash-bangs in a row would eventually stop impacting the character Ownership of the Livonia DLC was not correctly reflected in the main menu Change of the control scheme was not saved after restart (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T164582) Fixed an animation glitch related to going prone Plants missed their name widget during growing stages Brooms would recover health after stopping burning (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T164097) Food lost quantity when baked with lard Food did not lose quantity when being roasted on a stick PlayStation: Sea water would disappear on low tide PlayStation: Removed falsely displayed "Choose Account" button CHANGED Increased base building resistance against explosive damage Rotten meat now gets burned when smoked It's now possible to skin dead chickens, rabbits, carps and mackerels with the screwdriver Reduced the weight of the Handheld and Field Transceivers (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T157490) Decreased the inventory size of binoculars from 3x3 to 2x2 The sharpened wooden stick can now cause bleeding on targets Halved the damage to cooking gear while cooking (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T164266) Keybinding menu now has inputs split into several categories to make it easier to navigate (PC) Adjusted positions of rifles in the shoulder slots to reduce clipping with the character Animations of character symptoms do not conflict with other animations any more Adjusted the modern compass to be more readable in sunlight Adjusted colors of all raincoat-based armbands Controller sensitivity options are now visible even when mouse and keyboard is enabled (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T164297) Renamed the "Restart" button during unconsciousness to "Respawn" SERVER Added: cfgeventgroups.xml to define groups of objects to spawn with dynamic events Added: Hundreds of static environment objects now have a config-class to be spawned by the server Added: "deloot" attribute to events.xml <child> to define the amount of wanted dynamic events loot for a child instead of the default value Added: "spawnsecondary" attribute to events.xml <child> to define if the child should be spawning the secondary infected event Added: Warning message when a definition in types.xml will be ignored Added: Additional dynamic event setup validation and warning messages Added: Dynamic events now supports spawning of "dispatch" from proto xmls Added: "dispatch" and its children "proxy" from proto xmls now have an additional attribute "dechance", a float value ranging from 0-1 to decide chance of spawning at a dynamic event Fixed: Banlist, whitelist and prioritylist were cleared when the accompanied file was failed to be opened by the game Fixed: The enableDebug window was not fully displayed in certain resolutions Fixed: Random loot spawned by dynamic events would persist after a server restart Fixed: A prevalent connection error resulting in Connecting Failed 0x00020009 (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T163151 - private) Fixed: Renamed the SharpWoodenStick to SharpLongWoodenStick in the types.xml Changed: The game now has an error message and shuts down when it cannot find the world KNOWN ISSUES 40mm impact grenades disappear after 6 seconds of air-time Console Stable 1.18 Update 2 - Version 1.18.155001 (Released on 30.06.2022) GAME FIXED It was not possible to access certain clothing containers in the vicinity A non-functional "combine" option was displayed for plastic explosives with the remote detonator Fixed a server crash related to vehicles The Derringer was missing a reload sound after only one bullet was shot The Derringer did not display ejected shells The character got stuck in walking speed after dying while in inventory It was possible to arm an empty improvised explosive using an alarm clock or kitchen timer Consuming an item assigned to a quick slot could result in the slot becoming unresponsive Raising hands with an opened map in hands could result in desynchronisation (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T165934) Widgets were still displayed after disabling the HUD via keybinding Plastic explosives were dealing inconsistent damage (this also includes additional damage rebalance to reflect this fix) An improvised explosive with one plastic explosive was doing more damage than one with two explosives attached Disarmed plastic explosives and improvised explosives could not be picked up Timers from the improvised explosive could not be disarmed Ruined landmines and bear traps were still triggered on contact Cargo of vehicles and barrels was not displayed properly (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T165739) CHANGED The M79 Launcher can no longer jam Slightly increased resistance of the base building wooden walls against explosive damage (tied to plastic explosive fix) SERVER CHANGED: Newly implemented static objects were renamed to StaticObj_* instead of Static_ (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T166003) Fixed: Chernarus contaminated areas had seasonal event usage flag applied (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T166023) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Console Stable 1.18 Update 3 - Version 1.18.155048 (Released on 14.07.2022) GAME FIXED Fixed two game crashes Equipping the plate carrier or smersh vests could cause inventory management issues The character was shaking while covering other players' heads with a burlap sacks or gagging them (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T159648) Fixed a game error related to inventory containers Fixed a server crash when corrupted character logs in (character is removed instead) KNOWN ISSUES The inventory of the smersh vest and attached backpack is falsely displayed as one container, but still separated
  18. Gustavo Ermanhaut

    Stable Update 1.19

    This is an awesome update. I used to ignore vehicles, but I had so much fun driving around Livonia, it will change my playstyle for sure. I really liked the random damage status too, it will make the repair items essential to carry. I'd like to have more uses for the repair items though. I'm looking forward to an underground area for Chernarus too :D
  19. https://plays.tv/s/LDKfwdlOTX-T It's only what i need to say ... pleas fix this quickly ... the game is fucked more and more like it is now ...
  20. I'm pretty sure the vehicles spawn with a random amount of things on them so finding them with nothing is possible.
  21. S.T.A.L.K.E.R Exile | Hardcore Survival | StalkerExile.com | Dedicated Server Stalker RP Pripyat Map No NVGs Stalker Quests Stalker PDA Active Admins Anomaly Fields Electrical Storm Artifact Hunting Teleport Anomalies Hardcore Survival Drugs Workbench Weekly Stalker Events Weapon workbench Custom Emission Storm Custom Ambient/Clouds Radiation is your main enemy No ATMs Only lockers/Stashes Many Custom built S.T.A.L.K.E.R Locations. No code locks only Combination Locks Plus 24/7 Patrolling Military & Monolith Factions All Stalker and Soviet Gear, Weapons, & Vehicles Complex Skill system for Hunting, Medical, Cold Weather, Dieses, Reputation. Have to learn skills before being able to skin animals or revive another person. New projext just finished, come check it out! https://www.stalkerexile.com/ https://discord.gg/cd9D59ntnY
  22. PC Experimental 1.19 Update 3 - Version 1.19.155361 (Released on 06.10.2022) GAME FIXED The character could easily get stuck on objects while moving The character could get stuck in falling animation when moving over an edge very narrowly Specific collisions could catapult the player into the air Falling unconscious in tight spaces could push characters through walls Inertia remained active while jogging after sprinting (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T167630) When falling in prone position, in certain cases the wrong landing animation would be played A sound effect was missing for gas masks running out of filter capacity (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T166045, https://feedback.bistudio.com/T166195) It was possible to "walk down" ladders It was possible to bury stashes in several places where it shouldn't have been possible Vehicles did not deal damage to players while reversing (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T167751) Vehicles did not produce smoke consistently when driving with a radiator with insufficient water (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T161793) It was possible to drive vehicles with an active hand brake (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T167608) Attempting to roll while lying on your back would consume stamina The trunk struts on the M1025 would not animate properly The M1025 wouldn't properly reflect its ruined state The widget to drink water at wells did not always show up properly It was not possible to ignite a fireplace under a roof higher than 5 meters, if it was raining Inventory items could overlap in certain cases (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T167874, https://feedback.bistudio.com/T167855) The vicinity tab of the inventory could disappear in certain cases Inspecting an item assigned to the quick-bar would make the quick-bar disappear (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T167628) Some items would play wrong sounds when thrown Certain parts of police situations were de-spawning too early Launching the game with 6 monitors would result in a game crash (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T167813) Fixed several minor terrain issues Fixed several game crashes CHANGED Changed vehicle horn sounds for better audibility The common cold should appear less frequently when the character is cold All optics apart from night-vision scopes can be repaired using the electronics repair kit Increased the brake strength of the hand brake Reduced water required to extinguish a fire when using the canister Moved various hunting rifles into higher tiers and re-balanced their numbers Re-balanced number of ammunition available within the world (increased number of piles, decreased the count in each) Increased the number of available BK-12 in the world Added a warning red line to the cooling water temperature in the vehicle HUD LIVONIA DLC Added: A work-in-progress variant of "POX2" storage hangar Added: New variants of the static wooden ammo boxes within the ammo storage hangars (POX and two opened variants) Added: An additional hint towards the danger of the deeper underground levels Fixed: Walking in deforested areas did not produce footstep sounds (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T167653) Fixed: It was possible to catch animals with the snare trap in the underground area Fixed: It was possible to clip through a section of the underground Fixed: Various object placement fixes Fixed: Inner doors of the main underground entrance had wrong sounds (metal instead of wood) Fixed: It was not possible to bury stashes over the Dambog ammunition storage Fixed: The punched card would clip with specific building floors Changed: Various placement of the ammo boxes within the ammo storage hangars Changed: Moved various hunting rifles into higher tiers and re-balanced their numbers Changed: Re-balanced number of ammunition available within the world (increased number of piles, decreased the count in each) Changed: Spawning of loot within Dambog ammo storage (dynamic ammo boxes were replaced by static ammo boxes with selected items spawned inside through dispatch spawner) Changed: Updated the in-game Livonia tourist maps (portable and static) Changed: Improved the transition of sounds when entering the underground Tweaked: Increased the number of available BK-12 in the world Tweaked: AmmoBox moved to dynamic events once again Tweaked: Further adjustments of Livonia area flag map (military and hunting areas) Tweaked: Town of Sitnik is now Tier 1 Removed: Special types of AmmoBox entity Removed: Cleanup of mapgroupcluster05.xml as it is currently not used (Livonia contains much less cluster groups than in the last update) LAUNCHER Fixed: A crash caused by exiting the game while having active server details in the server browser SERVER Added: globals.xml entry "LootSpawnAvoidance" (int in meters) to control how far away a player should be from a loot group for loot to spawn inside of it (used to be hardcoded 50) Fixed: Static_ assets loaded from CfgGameplay.json (objectSpawnersArr) were despawning randomly (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T166191) Fixed: Setting 0.0 in the CE item damage made it ignore the value (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T167857) Fixed: Dispatch Player avoidance Fixed: Loot spawn player avoidance now takes group radius into account MODDING Added: Support for "-=" operator for arrays in the config Added: Player avoidance information is now displayed in on-screen debug of "Game > Central Economy > Setup Vis" Fixed: It was not possible to teleport using the DayZDiag_x64.exe in Multiplayer Changed: Updated CfgConvert in the tools
  23. Xbox Experimental 1.19 Update 3 - Version 1.19.155347 (Released on 06.10.2022) GAME FIXED The character could easily get stuck on objects while moving The character could get stuck in falling animation when moving over an edge very narrowly Specific collisions could catapult the player into the air Incorrect items showed the "ignite" widget using the blowtorch The M1025 would take damage when its wheels were removed The starting knob of the M1025 would disappear after starting The trunk struts on the M1025 would not animate properly Vehicles did not deal damage to players while reversing (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T167751) The player was unable to exit vehicles with a smoke grenade in hands In vehicles, the foot of the player would be constantly shaking on the pedals The player would receive unreasonably high damage from low-speed collisions in vehicles Vehicle engines would be destroyed too fast by high RPMs It was possible to drive vehicles with an active hand brake (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T167608) A sound effect was missing for gas masks running out of filter capacity (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T166045, https://feedback.bistudio.com/T166195) The "Show quickbar" setting selection was missing a description The widget to drink water at wells did not always show up properly It was possible to "walk down" ladders It was possible to bury stashes in several places where it shouldn't have been possible Attempting to roll while lying on your back would consume stamina It was problematic to scroll through the inventory with a controller (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T165894, https://feedback.bistudio.com/T166347) The cargo of an item in hands could not be accessed The vicinity tab of the inventory could disappear in certain cases Fixed several minor terrain issues Fixed several game crashes CHANGED All optics apart from night-vision scopes can be repaired using the electronics repair kit Increased the brake strength of the hand brake Reduced water required to extinguish a fire when using the canister Changed vehicle horn sounds for better audibility SERVER Static_ assets loaded from CfgGameplay.json (objectSpawnersArr) were despawning randomly (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T166191)
  24. Baty Alquawen

    Vehicles on Stable branch

    Hi guys! Vehicles are on the Stable branch right now and I would like to read your experiences and issues with them. This thread is dedicated for it. Thank you!