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Found 2842 results

  1. gerbilschooler

    What exactly is Ghosting?!?

    Ghosting is the same as cheating, though it would technically be considered an exploit. Exploiters are worse than cheaters as there is no recourse for stopping them. So, knock it off if you're attempting to ghost. Suck it up, it's just a game. No need to potentially wreck other people's experience just because your's has been. Not all "hackers" you see, indeed are.
  2. xalienax

    What exactly is Ghosting?!?

    Ghosting is an exploit of the global hive system which saves your character and position across all servers. Basicly if soemone is in a superior psoition (say 2nd floor of a house covering the only way inot the building) you can log out, go to another server and move into that house on the 3rd floor. you then switch back to the first server and shoot your target from behind as he/she is assuming no on could have gotten past thier camping position.
  3. Etherious

    What exactly is Ghosting?!?

    Ghosting is when you leave one server and go to another to flank around or move around an enemy and then log back onto that original server to kill them.
  4. smoooveer

    Experimental Branch: 0.46 Discussion

    yeah this IS the big question, in my opinion the playstyle with servers should be changed due to "persistent" objects. As a possibility: Server has a fixed character, no respawn within hours/days, tents and loot in it as well as crates stay, but despawn with character respawn. Or tents and crates stay after death and respawn but are no more accesable to recent owner within hours/days/restart. personally i would appreciate a fixed character per server, no ghosting, serverhopping, the serverworld would be unique, better and more playerinteraction and more chances to built up persistent groups and buildings. an other option for tent/crate-behaviour after owners death could be a random replacement of loot and tents ( with helicopter-crashsite mechanics f.e., but maybe its not possible without a restart, but as a solution this server could just be not respawnable until restart and so tent-replacement ) so other players have a chance of discovering tents left by other players .......so the killed person has no place to rearm immediatly after respawn what is the main problem with persistent objects... looking at rust these respawn mechanics would also be a solution to lags due to (dis)connecting players, so players (dis)connect less at all, like altis life an other idea : tents and loot get damaged and rotten after owners death, so weapons need to be fixed with new parts for example and food ( at least fruits and meat) getting rotten maybe 10-20 minutes after death in addition a mental health indicator .... dependent on mental health the char is more likely to react against the players will, the played character would get out of control until suicide, but that would be a really hard point and would interrupt the player/character interaction/immersion, but in my opinion thats nothing bad, its a game and i have to take care of the character played by me. sorry for bad english
  5. thznutz

    Authentication Timeout?

    i've had a "timeout" error for a few weeks now, (ghosting on/off, battleye on/off) basically makes it a dead server. players get about 15 seconds to run and then kicked, rinse...repeat...i was told to wait for 1.8.2 pm me and see if you can get in mine
  6. Katana67

    Bases, persistence and mechanics

    The ghosting/server-hopping issue has already been identified as an area of development with regard to barricading. Rocket has said that they'd implement a zone in or around a barricaded structure in which a player (assumedly just the players who did not construct the barricades) cannot spawn/log in.
  7. Chroma

    Bases, persistence and mechanics

    I've been giving this a LOT of thought. Full disclosure: the following will refer to Bukkit server administration quite a lot (its where the bulk of my experience lies with regards to buildable structures and persistence) Its been stated that they're looking into bolting onto existing structures to begin with, simple barricades initially. I see a multitude of problems with that that need to be considered and thought through, if its to persist on a server after restart. The only way i can see that working is for the hive to update that servers database table (and therefore persist in the world upon restart on that server alone) this is fine against zombies (when the collision and pathfinding get rectified) but not so much against players who can presumably ghost across servers to bypass any locks. A way around it would be cuboids like Bukkits "Precious Stones" mod, whereby you can set up a perimeter where players can and cannot build (default is iron blocks, but its configurable) by allowing players to place something like "fenceposts" they could easily make perimeters around structures that would follow its geometry (thusly working around basic cuboid and radius based placements a la Minecraft) and those players would be able to define "SPAWN ACCESS" whereby if you spawn on a server, it performs a simple check to see if you can spawn in the region, if not you get kicked from the server with a ghosting warning. Something to let you know you're trying to access a field you don't have permissions to access. By enabling access tied to some kind of UID (presumably tied to steam account or battleeye ID to avoid nick changing glitches) you could allow groups to spawn inside your "base" or "fort" or whatever you wind up calling your locked down region. This could be as complicated as users throwing commands (in mc it was /ps allow [all/username] by clicking a field marker) or as simple as just having players you wish to allow access to stand inside the field and the builder throwing an allow command and granting everyoe inside the existing field permissions. The feature with the latter is that you really need to trust a person because once you've invited them, they're in, no take backs unless you had some way of denying access to specific UID's. Id be all for it as it adds another dimension of risk/reward. The trouble with a perimeter based setup is its very open to grief on a public hive (on a private hive you'll have access to all the tables, and be able to identify who placed what, where, and when. Much like LogBlock on Bukkit) initially i don't see much of a problem, because you don't spawn INSIDE buildings as you begin a new char. However as things progress to user buildable structures, its only a matter of time before assholes build upon all the spawn points and cause mayhem on a public hive, that presumably Admins will have no real moderation over, because giving out access to the public hive tables opens up a whole other kettle of fish in terms of abuse. A work around would be to set up areas like Bukkits "WorldGuard" does, in that you can set up spawn regions where things wont be buildable, this is good in that it allows a developer to specify regions on a master map and then deploy it across all public servers rapidly, changes to the master as things develop would be able to be deployed across all instantly, if and when the need arises, (so end users are largely unaffected by and unaware of changes because they don't need to download any update) But yeah, the real trouble will be how to handle policies regarding grief and abuse, as on a public hive there, it'll be unlikely that any given server admin will have much in the way of tools to deal with it, it also opens things up to injection hacks where an astute user will be able to circumvent protection, but the barrier to entry is higher there than simply downloading a script. I can see the room for potential here, but also see the pitfalls if things are not implemented precisely and with a degree of finesse. Its bound to be interesting anyway :) Again apologies for anyone not buffed up on bukkit plugins, or database design/management, i tried to keep it as user friendly as possible though.
  8. GunnyITA

    Server Hoppers deserve to die.

    How many shits do i have to read about people advocating ghosting? So much kids low skill no worth of a survival game....a survival game based on teleporting. I don't need anymore to buy Portal 2....i do buy DAYZ. If BE continue to listen all the shits coming out from the fingers of cerain idiots then this game will die the same as Star Wars Galaxies when NGE came out, half community quit and gg. Probably won't happen the same, as this game once it is payed it's payed, that was a subscribing game instead. But this, just to say that if Devs continuing to listen all the shits, of any kind, that on survival game should not to exists, then this game will drop down like the shit that is swinging down from my ass while i'm sitting on the WC.
  9. PhillyT

    Server Hoppers deserve to die.

    There is apparently a confusion of terms. Server hopping = loot farmers jumping server to server. Ghosting = using secondary servers to gain an advantageous tactical position on a primary server. The OP was a garbled mass of incorrect terms and broken English. It was a struggle to understand.
  10. eadaif

    Server Hoppers deserve to die.

    Not sure why you feel the need to besmirch the Arnold. What I've read is that Dean is envisioning a "barricade" to help prevent ghosting. What that means is that when you have a group defending a position nobody will be able to log in within a certain radius of you, instead they would be moved outside the set radius. Not sure how big that radius would be. But returning the login sound seems like an easier way to correct the issue for now. Not sure why they ever removed it.
  11. hombrecz

    Server Hoppers deserve to die.

    While camping might be considered as wimpy tactics for losers, ghosting is borderline cheating and 100% douchebaggery. Remember lads, as long as you are within boundaries of the game, you are free to do whatever you want. Once you start abusing glitches and game mechanics to your advantage, then you become one gigantic douchebag. So please don't advocate ghosting by saying that camping sucks. Those are two different problems. tl;dr Ghosters are plague.
  12. PhillyT

    Server Hoppers deserve to die.

    This was a nonsensical post about a bandit upset about ghosting with a title about server hopping. I need a drink.
  13. Syphax4Ever

    Stable Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Four things happened to me in a 1,5 hour gaming session all of which are game wrecking bugs. We were playing with three people. One of my mates got locked into the police building in Berezino where he shot one other player and was then trapped by his/her friend. 15 minutes of stalemate happen when he got ghosted from behind. Ghosting is still an issue. Some while later we came across another lone player and we ordered him to stop. He attacked us with an axe so we opened fire. What happened next is too rediculous for words. He was shot by an M4, an SKS and a P1, cross fire at 2 meters and he survived. He ran around a building, I circled around and got my mosin out. I saw him on the other side standing still and at some two meters I shot him twice with a mosin in the chest. He didn't move so I thought he was dead with the delayed death anim as is usual. After a few seconds he said something and ran off like nothing happened. No bleeding either. He survived point blank SKS fire, spraying from an M4 and two point blank mosin shots..., I've been playing this game for long enough to know when stuff has hit or not, these were hits. Then we decided to head inland for my friend to gear up again. After some ten minutes of walking DayZ crashed to desktop. I ask if I logged out and my friends said I just "dropped dead" in front of them. No shots, no zombies, no falls, nothing. I was running over an open area of grassland, they heard my character moaning and falling over...dead. My friends divided my stuff among them and noticed my pants and boots were ruined (previously worn and pristine cq) and everything in the pants was ruined too. I apperently died from damage to my legs? Lastly, we've all been experiencing numerous ctd's. Like, going into your inventory might cause a CTD. The count down for spawning might cause a CTD. Even just looking around, if the screen freezes for a moment, a CTD may follow. These happen a lot. Finally, I've been regathering some loot again until today I got a character reset again. :) Just reporting what I experience, hope these will be fixed. P.S. is weapon sway increased? Sniping from 400+ meters is next-to-impossible now with this violent shaking. And NO, I'm not running 4km and taking the shot in two seconds. I usually wait for 15 minutes plus before commencing fire, from a rested, prone position with setup bipod. The shaking is irrealistically violent even for a novice shooter.
  14. CyberBandit (DayZ)

    [AU/NZ] [DayZ SA] EVENTS !

    Date: 11/07/14 Time: 8:00 PM AEST (GMT + 10) Server: TBA Official Website: pipsi.net Prizes: 1 x Pipsi Premium Membership 8 x Pipsi Stickers 1 x Tt eSports KNUCKER Gaming Keyboard USB 1 x Tt eSports SHOCK Foldable Gaming Headset (BLUE) 1 x Razer Abyssus High Precision 3.5g Gaming Infrared Sensor Wired Mouse 1 x Razer Goliathus 2013 Speed Mouse Mat (Medium) Info: A military helicopter carrying vital information regarding the outbreak and possible cure for the zombie infection has crash landed in the vast wasteland forests of Chernarus. An emergency broadcast was made seconds before crashing, containing the grid reference of its location. The helicopter was headed to the Rocket Corporation HQ, the origin of the Zombie infection. It is suspected they had on board a possible cure for the outbreak, however their intent was to strengthen the virus. The elite task force that was on board the helicopter will be carrying the information from its downed location to Rocket Corporation HQ. It is your job to intercept and kill them, and deliver the possible cure the medical quarantine zone, fending off any other groups that may try to get in your way. Rules: General game and server rules apply: · No Hacking / Cheating / Exploiting / Ghosting / Combat logging · Do not attempt to kill the Admin who is to receive the package Participating squad member limit: There is a limit of 6 members in a squad. This is to prevent an unfair advantage due to numbers, giving everyone a fair go. Number of members in the 'Task force': TBA - between 5 and 10 Anyone caught attempting to ruin the fun of or gain an unfair advantage over other participants will be dealt with accordingly. (Public spanking) Remember that in order to participate in the event you must be on the Pipsi teamspeak server. Your Teamspeak name must be the same as your DayZ name, otherwise you will be kicked to make room for more players. Teamspeak IP: ts.pipsi.net:7891 How it works: · On the event start, the grid reference (coordinates) that correspond to the location of the downed heli, and its cargo, will be broadcast across the server. These 6 digits will be calibrated to match the map at DayZDB. · It is your job to intercept and kill the task force, collecting the possible cure (A piece of paper with secret code) that they are carrying. · The group that collects the cure, must then deliver it to the quarantine zone. You must fend off any groups of survivors who may attempt to take the cure from you. · Upon reaching the quarantine zone, there will be an easily identifiable player who you must give it to. At this point, you have won the event. The admin player will ask for your name or clan, and will contact you via teamspeak. All other groups will have to try and intercept and kill the survivors who have the package, and deliver it themselves, winning the event. DO NOT APPLY ON THIS FORUM. APPLY ON THE OFFICIAL SITE. In order to participate in this event you must register and reply to this topic (on official site) with the following information: (If a squad of more than 1 person is participating, only 1 person needs to post a reply, however all participating members need to register) DayZ and Teamspeak name: Expected number of people in your squad: Names of members: - - - - - - Squad / clan name: (This is a 'first in, best dressed' style sign up. Priority will be given to those who apply first. The server currently has 40 slots, however it is still encouraged to post even if more than 40 people have signed up, because you will be in a 'reserve' slot.) Inside intel has provided this map of the expected flight path of the Rocket Corp helicopter. Also labelled is the area in which the heli may have crashed, Rocket HQ and the quarantine zone to which the survivors who intercept the task force must deliver the cure.
  15. in your mmission open the init.sqf look for dayz_enableGhosting = true; //Enable disable the ghosting system. and change to dayz_enableGhosting = false; //Enable disable the ghosting system.
  16. ...quick question regarding the "ghosting" thing...i saw in the patch notes that this can be disabled by server admin--that would be me--how do i disabled it and will that allow me to log in to my server and play?
  17. My suggestion, in short, is to make it so that when you die, there is a VERY long cooldown timer. This timer would have to be over and hour for full effect (my personal suggestion is 12 hours, but this is up for debate). The pros go as follows: -makes ghosting completely impossible -makes death meaningful, so people will act more realistically when threatened -will make kill on sight less common and 'your gear or your life' more common (because people will believe that the people who they have robbed won't attack them out of fear of a long wait before respawning. Therefore this means that some bandits won't bother wasting a bullet on you.) -will eliminate deathmatching in all vanilla or 'traditional' servers (my suggestion is only implement this on ordinary servers, not ones with titles like: 'deathmatch!!! last man standing!!!' and finally: -makes every choice count That last one is just the whole point of survival games. Now you might be thinking: 'but that is so unfair!', and that is why I like it. This game is a lesson in suffering, and when you see that 1 hour (or twelve...) wait when you die, you will truly experience suffering. To be honest, a 12 hour wait wouldn't be as bad as you think, as believe it or not, I have other things I could be getting on with (play something else, read a book, sleep, go to the store, watch tv...) As a sidenote, this could be reduced to a minute in servers which are already bloodbaths. I don't mind if people ghost or respawn to fight the same people, as I avoid those servers.
  18. Ok, thanks for clearing that up for me. I don't want to get into a discussion without knowing the fundaments of one's suggestion/opinion. Ghosting is a problem, I concur that much. I want it gone as much as the next person, save for the ones who frequent it's use. An increased login timer could help, but I think there are better solutions out there for that particular problem. A login sound is an idea, but I can understand, to a degree, the beef people might have against it. One character per server would be more ideal in my eyes. I know I will stay on my server when we get basebuilding and other permanent items/objects get implemented. On the deathmatching and the large amount of kos'ers: The game, in it's current state, doesn't offer much else. Thus, we now find ourselves amidst players who won't hesitate to blow your brains out. The solution you propose, in my eyes, is but a short-term one as it doesn't account for the long-term. After all, the state of the game will change when more content in the form of activities are implemented. Some will be here soonTM, others (much) later. On banditry: why is this a problem? I find it thrilling that at any moment I can hear someone yell 'FREEZE'. What do I do? Do I run, fight or surrender myself? Robbing people of their possesions is a valid tactic. It's a high risk/high reward tactic and within that same tactic lies the possible punishment for the bandit. After all, his victim might just have a few friends right behind him who procceed to kill the bandit. Continuing on that line of thought: I don't think we should punish people in various degrees depending on their playstyles through game mechanics outside the actual game (and by that, I mean things like respawntimers changing in relation to the behavior of a player, not the things like diseases/hunger/hypothermia/etc.). All playstyles, excluding exploiters and hackers, are valid in my eyes. I rather have game mechanics and dynamics inside the game being the ultimate factors in one's punishment or reward. I think your suggestions are too much based on the short-term i.e. the current state of the game. I think you, no, we all need to ask ourselves the following questions: What are the short-term effects and the long-term effects of my suggestion? Does my suggestion only take the current state of the game into account or does it also account for future changes (meaning that the problem will persist even though (lots of) new content has been added)? To sum it all up: I don't think these suggestions will work in the long run. We might use some of them, in an altered fashion, as a stopgap solution until more content or better solutions get implemented. However, as I've explained, I'm not a fan of them.
  19. Not going to happen, devs already said they will not implement such thing as reward for heroes and punishment for killers. This is meant to be a sand box allowing people to choose their play style without game punishing them for it. Stop trying to force people to play nicely, grow some balls and if you can't handle people killing you for the sake of it, this is not a game for you. Go play Sims. Ghosting can be easily resolved with spawning player as far away as possible, so that he can't reach his body in 10 minutes after which it will disappear.
  20. the suggestion is based on the problems of ghosting, deathmatching, kill on sight and banditry. Basically a lot of the stuff that is wrong with the game would (in my opinion) be fixed by implementing one of the ideas discussed here. My favorite is the idea of bandits taking longer to respawn and heroes respawning quicker, rewarding niceness.
  21. gibonez

    Removing spawns is making this game bad

    Well that is one way to prevent spawn ghosting behind players. If they miss the giant parachute and player falling from the sky they probably deserve to die.
  22. You are completely wrong.. After thinking it was bad programming or something else stupid I did to lose a gun, I only confirmed I wasn't losing it by having some dirt bag that was taunting me and who was also ghosting in and out (was completely invisible when he wanted to be) that had taken my Mosen to determine hacks galore. Most of the time, the gun just disappeared.
  23. kichilron

    Waiting 99 seconds to log in

    It's a feature the community wanted and the devs answered. It's there for a reason. In what world do we live that people can not wait 99 seconds? It only happens if you rejoin within these 99 seconds. That's 1.5 minutes. How long did it take you to post a thread about this? More than likely more than 1.5 minutes - and you have wasted more time on that than you have waiting to log in. Or - you would waste more time regearing if someone shot you because there is no anti-ghosting measures. It's as simple as that. This feature will not leave.
  24. Timer is there to prevent people ghosting. With server bound character ghosting will be not possible and timer could be removed.
  25. daringd

    Why do you push?

    I agree on this one, I can plan as carefully as a person can to get some completely clear time to play DayZ, but if my girlfriend needs me for something I can't exactly ignore her, life has a way of being complicated. I like that you can log in with no noise now because it means I can log out from a safe place and go do what I need to do, come back and log back in without fear of someone hearing me and popping a cap in my ass. On the other hand, I think it makes ghosting a real problem again, even with logout timers and log in penalties, fire fights and stand off's tend to last quite a while. As for pushers, I think maybe they are just using DayZ to fill a hole that real life can't fill, I know I do. Maybe all some people want to do is run screaming towards a building to kill the person inside.