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  1. Notes READ THESE NOTES: PARTICULARLY - RAY-CASTING DOES NOT WORK INSIDE SOME BUILDINGS SO IT IS DISABLED INSIDE FOR ALL. PLEASE DO NOT COMMENT ON HIT THROUGH WALLS IN BUILDINGS, BECAUSE RAYTRACING IS DISABLED INSIDE THE BUILDING. IT IS A KNOWN ISSUE, AND IT IS OUTLINED IN THE BUILD NOTES. - This update will REQUIRE the beta patch, so it is worth installing this now and getting used to it. It's pretty easy. - Server Admins: you need to update dayz_server.pbo. File has been updated. Current Changelog UPDATE : 17 JUNE 2012 Community Shout-out this update: www.armaholic.com One of the community websites hosting anything and everything ArmA2. You thought DayZ was good? Well, it is just the top of the iceberg. You can download missions, vehicles, addons, even other total conversions. And it's all FREE! Run by foxhound who also happens to be a cool guy Affected addons: * dayz_code 1.7.1 * dayz_sfx 1.2 * dayz 1.3 * dayz_equip 1.3 * dayz_weapons 1.2 * dayz_anim 0.2 Developer's Note: * Requires ArmA2 Beta. * Raytracing doesn't work so well inside some buildings at the moment so interiors will ignore raytracing * Infected sprinting animation not included yet * On respawn, your flashlight spawns in your BACKPACK. I did this because nothing would have said NOOB more than all the new players running around in the day with torches with no idea what the fuck to do. Changelog: * [FIXED] Wire Spools, Toolboxes, hedgehog (tank trap) kits not spawning * [FIXED] Bodies still being deleted too quickly sometimes * [FIXED] No backpacks or medical boxes spawning * [FIXED] "No Speaker..." debug report spam * [FIXED] Infected spawning too close to players (minimum 30m now) * [FIXED] Infected not spawning inside buildings any more * [FIXED] General Server Script Errors (big thanks to Dwarden for fixing these!) * [FIXED] Loot/Infected spawning time delay desync'ing with server * [NEW] Infected can't attack through walls * [NEW] Infected can't see through objects any more * [NEW] Infected visibility increased (but limited by LOS) * [NEW] Infected attack range increased (but limited by LOS) * [NEW] Infected can cause greater damage when they hit you * [NEW] You can hide from an infected chasing you * [NEW] Optimized server cleanup routine * [NEW] Player body exists for five seconds after disconnect (UNCONFIRMED IF WORKING) * [NEW] Infected see based on eye direction, not on body direction as before * [NEW] 30Rnd_545x39_AK added to loot table * [NEW] More infected attack animations * [NEW] More infected feeding animations * [NEW] Replaced monkey infected crawing run animation * [NEW] Heartbeat when cursor on a player with very low humanity (heart beats faster the lower it is) * [NEW] Humanity GUI indicator removed * [NEW] New Infected and Action sound effects (more AWESOME stuff by Michael Manning) * [NEW] Initial version of double-barreled shotgun added (by Artyom) * [FIXED] CZ550 spawning far too often in farms * [FIXED] Winchester decreased spawnrate (% given to double barrel shotty) * [NEW] Recombine shotgun rounds between 2 and 8 rounds * [NEW] Recombine 45ACP rounds between M1911 and Revolver rounds * [FIXED] Tent placement is completely screwed (now can place anywhere except in building) * [FIXED] Items for Eating and Drinking not removed instantly (allowed some duping) * [NEW] DayZ: Now with additional cruelty! Spawn with only a bandage, painkillers, and a torch.
  2. While I do like the new patch, zombies can still hit you through walls and even deer huts if they're underneath it. The one thing I want fixed the most are Vehicles, I mean come on! Me and a few friends have had numerous vehicles but if you hit a roadblack at like 5km/h and your tire pops the car WILL explode after a few seconds. We even had the V3S, a military truck and we didn't even make out the Quarry because vehicles are so shit, we barely touched the fence that's around it and the truck exploded from nowhere. Vehicles are so ridiculously fragile! Gunfire? No problem at all, they can take a lot of hits! Roadblocks at low speed? Fuck you, you explode. ArmA Logic.
  3. thrasher (DayZ)

    a few suggestions

    1.) zombie spawns - On the dayzmap.info page it shows the zombie spawn chance for each building, most small to medium size buildings have a chance of 0% - 40% to spawn zombies, but literally EVERY tiny building you find in the middle of nowhere spawns 3-5 zombies. With the 1.7.1 update buffing the zombies quite a bit it would be nice to have some changes made to the zombie spawn system. In a real life scenario you would obviously have larger numbers of zombies in large cities like cherno for example. If you are in a larger city then yeah the current spawns are fine, but what really pisses me off are zombies always spawning at every single barn, shack, and tree stand in the middle of nowhere. Again with a real life scenario most people wouldnt be hanging out in a barn at the end of the world, they would be going to "safe zones" or something. Im not saying these buildings should NEVER spawn zombies, but my suggestion is for the smaller towns and especially the really isolated random barns and stuff to have a chance to spawn fewer, or SOMETIMES even no zombies. 2.) zombies have sonar apparently... Fire one shot and every zombie knows exactly where you are. Come on now, zombies are dead, their senses have been impaired not enhanced. If im at the airfield with a DMR covering my friends while they raid Im usually OUTSIDE the fence and if I have to fire I usually get 2-3 zombies running at me from god knows where, even in the dark. Zombies shouldnt be able to tell exactly where you are whenever a single shot is fired. 3.) zombie speed - apparently they are olympic track stars. I understand they are kind of like 28 Days Later style zombies that sprint for you and all, but again... they are dead, their senses and motor skills should be AT LEAST slightly diminished, they shouldnt be able to run AS fast as players... at least not all of them. maybe have different speeds available to the zombies or something (like every time one spawns they must have some bit of code that randomly makes them a walker, crawler, or hopper, so maybe there could also be a way to randomize the speed they can run at as well). 4.) tent/vehicles - sometimes vehicles (across the entire server) seem to vanish and return to their default spawn locations. Also tents sometimes seem to have gear just vanish out of them as well (and no, its not someone finding the tent and stealing stuff. I have nightvision, GPS, silenced CCO in my tent, but like.... 10 M1911 mags, or a bunch of AKM mags just disappear from a tent on occasion, it seems random). 5.) disconnect timer - obviously this has been brought up many times but I had to mention it. Its stupid when u kill someone and they just abort real quick and you dont get the loot or credit for the kill. Also, apparently if this is done fast enough people can even respawn in still alive with all the gear. 6.) clothing fix - another one thats been brought up but please fix the camo and ghillie from spawning you in the ocean or debug. 7.) zombies constatly respawning - say some group wants to clear a town (or if they are really crazy, an entire city) for some reason, the zombies shouldnt keep respawning as soon as the players move a few houses away from where they just were. If someone WANTS to do something like this, the area should STAY clear of zombies as long as there are players anywhere in the town, and if they all leave, the town should STAY clear of zombies for a set amount of time (maybe 15 minutes?) so if another player stumbles into the area they wont have to deal with all the zombies respawning as soon as they get close.
  4. Kuznetzov

    VEHICLE UPDATE (database side): 2012-06-16

    Kinda embarresing, they were stolen, some nerd left their bike, to bad we got too many vehicles to steal :D
  5. JohnMcClaine

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    Well after having played a couple of hours to the new update I can only say that Rocket has again hit the mark. So far Chernarus move was easy if you knew the mechanics. You spent unnoticed if you walked crouched or walking slowly and completely invisible if you were going to crawl though you were in the middle of a road with no cover or any shade near being surrounded within 10 meters. Login to plunder a village was a snap. The biggest problem, what more to worry and be careful were the bandits. And there I think the main problem lay DayZ. Chernogost or Elektro was like the Wild West. Shooting everywhere, bandits with sniper towers ... The same happened in airports, military camps or in other cities with good loot. The greatest danger: other players. And we're playing a game of Zombies gentlemen. They should be the major threat. Now it has changed. Do not pound on foot lying or crouching go. Almost always have a line of sight unless you're inside a building (you can see through the windows) or covered by a wall, a tree or a fence. This forces you to go with much more care and use objects that were leaving to appear before useless. As the empty cans. Which have become an essential element to carry. The noise made by falling alert and attracts nearby zombies, this is almost all we know, but now takes on far greater importance. I've had to use 4 zombies to get stuck inside a building which wanted loot. Not to be born in, but if the last time you see or hear you are in X place, will go to there and start looking for you. If you lose you are hovering over the area. The same happens when you pursue, if you rush to run into a forest and you weaving through the trees just losing. See you leave and when they are left standing looking around looking for you you're already too far away to hear you. Luckily we have not yet reached us not get tired running and although things will change in the future xD insurance. Born without arms, food and drink Sounds like a great idea. Before you were born equipped with a Makarov, spare boots, bandages, morphine, painkillers, water, food ... In short: almost fully equipped to jump into the adventure, go inland to see that you found trying to avoid places with great villain. With a choice between doing that or go directly to a big city like Cherno or elektro, quickly equip with better weapons and dedicate to kill other players or... go to another town to better equip. Not anymore. Now the first thing to do is go into the first shack of shit you see in the hope of finding food, drink and hopefully a gun. What about zombies? Plan well your movements, monitor their own, using the cans ... etc. On the issue of subdivision have improved a lot. Now find easily in any hut the knife, matches, map, ax ... etc. Weapons and food too. All in more quantity and better. For example, in the same building near a factory I found 2 coils for wire beams and 2 anti-tank locks. Things that had never encountered before in the game. Now they say that work tents, hopefully with reason. On the subject of the vehicles I've also read that this fixed. It is assumed that all spawnean properly, boats, buses, helicopters, etc ... Perhaps this is the cause that at some times and in seconds they go pretty low server fps. Pd. Hint: Entering the oldest servers. As UK6, UK9, EU10 ... which yet I have seen sound longer. It seems that the newer servers have not yet managed to successfully upgrade to the new version. I UK9 playing UK6 and I have not noticed anything strange in the behavior of the zombies. Green or respawn back being glued to you, hurt you through the walls or the like. If you get a message saying that you should download this file and your version is 1.7.1 but the server is 1.7 even though it appears in the same name that is already updated this is due to the server.
  6. pogoman979

    You: In A Truck Me: Sniping you.

    yeah i generally assume any groups with vehicles or powerful weapons are bandits who kill everyone on sight, so i usually snipe them with the DMR. Unfortunately not everyone in the group is always a bandit (i.e. say one hasn't had the chance to get a murder yet) so i sometimes get murders, but the majority of my kills are bandit kills. Because of this though i'm not sure if i am technically a bandit or not. But yeah the only shame about removing side chat is not being able to see the reactions of the people you just killed XD
  7. Looking for someone to play with, as a group. Abit about me: My ingame name is Rain (steamid: R4!N). I am from Norway, 24 yr old guy. Been playing DayZ since April, as an activ player. Unfortunatly, the ppl I usally play with does'nt play DayZ that much anymore. So I would like to team up with some other group, for some fun play. I have good experience with navigation around Chernarus, as I am familiar with most of the places in the game now. Know where to find weapons, spawnpoints for vehicles, parts to repair vehicles and other useful miscellaneous items. You can often find me playing on the norwegian servers. My ROE(rules of engagement) is: Whenever i play solo I shoot first, ask later. But whenever in a group with voip, this changes to ask first to see if he/she is someone from the group. I prefer to play on european servers with veteran status. Which means no third person view and no crosshair(but not as important than 3rd person). :heart::D
  8. Okay I will try to be civil............... naw forget it. ( I'm venting my anger here because the gun range is closed today :P in sort of a funny way. lots of cussing, you have been warned. ) Matches - Not that un-fucking common, however AK's and M4s grow on trees - Matches need to drop as often as those silly empty cans. I hope you got the point at E3 Cans and junk - I understand the point but I'd rather see nothing at all. Having to move cans around to get something to spawn again. Back Packs on top of stuff - To get to the pack I have to move all the stuff. Lighters - WTF not a single g'dam lighter? Really? Flares - Don't light stuff ? really IRL you can almost weld metal with those dam things. Flash light or pistol? - You have to be f'n kidding me. Unlockable doors - What not one door has a lock on it? Kind of silly right? Zombies and players walk right in. Closed doors should make sound when opened. Players can lock a door to keep other players and zombies out. Doors can be unlocked by damage. Pack issues - I posted this today I'm kind of sick of items vanishing when placed in a pack or moved into a pack or the random fucked up shit that happens when trying to use a pack. Since the game is mostly about what you carry the pack issues NEED to be fixed. It's like I got fucking Ninga thief monkies following me around. Zombie ghosts - I hear a zombie but I don't see it. (Looks around in complete circle twice in the middle of an open field when standing ) , no zombie seen and then poof a zombie right in my face! If it happend once it would be okay but several times in a row is a little annoying. Vehicles with everything broken on them - Why the fuck even put it in the game? So I can spend 3 hours looking for parts in Stary Sobor, fuck no one ever goes there. Completley safe and legit. ( fIxed to Stovy to Stary, my bad ) Dumbasses and You tube - I never get tired of those guys posting stuff on you tube, I mean its starting to be a joke. Your clan owns a server, runs the server, and surprise surprise you have all the helos, all the vehicles and all the best gear.... But thats not good enough because only so many vehicles spawn on a sever so you have multiple servers and horde even more shit. Rare stuff - I must have missed the memo and the map to all this stuff. I know seven people that play several hours a night. In the combined amount of time we have NEVER found a DMR, NVGs, M107, M4 scilenced, range finder, box of ammo or any other really interesting gear. ( Except for the M24 and two Coyote full sized packs ) Been to all but one airfield and searched hundreds of deer stands. Me and a buddy worked Balota for two to three hours one nigh and nada dam thing unique popped up. Body armor - none to be found - except for on zombies where it does them no good nor can you take thier packs or armor or camo. Humvees (HMMWV)- a thousand wrecked humvees all over and not one working one. Same dam thing for the trucks. Camo - Really? you get cammo that exposes your lilly white arms, neck and face? Ghille - Too good, I'm happy you got that right but its the new bandit skin. Blood transfusion kit - Great idea, horrible application since you need two people to use it.
  9. RachetSmurf

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    Love the new changes, aside from the FPS issue.. but that's been identified already. :) The game feels way more intense now and a lot more about true survival. The zombies are insane, but i like that i can get away even without shooting now. Great changes. Also props for fixing vehicles.. I found a working tractor last night, was super fun.. until I love taped a tree and it exploded hahaha.
  10. dogsbd

    American-ized Map

    As an American I would like the ability to play on a map that looks more like home. I know an entirely new map would be a lot of work, therefore I would like to suggest an "American-ized" version of Chernarus. Things to do to make Chernarus look more like the USA: Of course change the names of the cities and put up new road signs to match. Chernogorsk could become Chicago, Electro could be Detroit and so forth. There would need to be more stores, lots more. No matter where you were on the map you should be no more than a one hour leisurely walk to a Wal-Mart. And each Wal-Mart would contain unimaginable amounts of every type of loot you could think of. There should be many more gas stations. At least one per city block. Gas stations should have lots of junk food and soft drinks. And more banks, Cherno/Chicago should have at least 5. Banks wouldn't have any useful loot however, just money and since the Zed-pocalypse money isn't very useful any longer. Also more restaurants, especially fast food restaurants. Ten should be about enough for Cherno/Chicago. Of course restaurants would have lots of food. And most importantly, gun shops. Every town must have at least one. Cherno/Chicago would need 2. Guns and ammo would be plentiful at the gun stores. Also pawn shops, which would of course have more guns, ammo and all sorts of useful items like hunting knives, maps, compasses, GPS etc. Everything Wal-Mart has just on a smaller scale. And there would absolutely need to be car dealerships. Ten seems to be a good number for the entire map of "Chernamerica". That would allow for a good mix of SUV's, muscle cars, pickup trucks etc. The houses and barns etc. would also need to be American-ized so most of the homes would have at least one gun and a few boxes of ammo. about 10% of the homes would have a dozen or more guns and hundreds of rounds of ammo. There should also be vehicles at some of the homes, a typical mixture of cars, trucks, motorcycles, ATV's and boats and motor homes. I think that should about do it. Playing on the above described map would be just like home for me and for many other Americans I am sure. :D :D :D
  11. Ninefingers


    We got banned from EU6 because we killed the server admins team, and we were just about to loot their corpses (and 3 of ours which fell aswell) and take their Humvie, a bunch of sore loosers abusing their admin status, not only we did not get their equipement but we lost our own, NVG's, Fnfal, M4A3 CCO SD, our 2 vehicles etc, if anyone should be banned it's them not us ...
  12. LdW-BinarySoul

    EU 40 admin (Dregek) is a cheater!

    He think, we are silly. He starts an other Server and hope, we dont notice that. Other "Server Message", the Camp (about 25 Tends) vanish, all the vehicles (about 8) vanish and so on. He just save his cheated gear with starting an other server-instance if he get killed.
  13. insumsnoy

    EU 40 admin (Dregek) is a cheater!

    The same thing happened to me last week. Stumbled across a HUGE camp, I couldnt beleive my luck there where loads of vehicles just like you said. Started looting some tents and vehicles. couldnt carry any more so I got in a 4x4 and drove off. Less than a minuite later the server goes down. Funny thing is it was the same server you are posting about, EU 40.
  14. OP, please stop making such stupid generalizations. I bought ARMA 2 just for this and I'm not one bit what you described, neither are the other people whom I play with who bought it just for this. I used to play COD (before it went downhill after MW1) and I spent lots of hours in BF3. I played L4D as well, but I DID NOT expect this to be a fast paced game. I even wish the server I go to most often was 1st person only (because 3rd person is cheap as hell). I don't even know how people would get bored with this quickly, there's so much to do! - Finding a secure location for a camp - Finding and patching up vehicles - Finding NVGs (still haven't found any in >70 hours :-/ ) - Stalking people and taunting them over direct chat - Running through cherno and crying out "friendly" whenever I see someone and actually surviving that way - etc etc etc The problem is not people buying ARMA 2 for DayZ, the problem is people being stupid as fuck AND youtube videos displaying the game for something it simply is not.
  15. beginner

    DE 21 - Questions & Comments

    3 restarts without any notice? We lost vehicles due of this.
  16. Kuznetzov

    VEHICLE UPDATE (database side): 2012-06-16

    Great update, thank you for ruining our weeks of collecting vehicles(it's a sandbox game, it's what we love the most) I made sure to move all vehicles and push save yesterday, just because of this update(I was certain it was going to bug for us and there we go). Maybe you can see a pattern, from the bugged cars what which did not disappear. Nothing was stolen of the cars that was still there they still had(NVG's, Rocketlaunchers, Dmrs etc.) As well as some of the "gone" cars out of gas, while if somebody stole our vehicles they would've left the 100% full and green repaired cars. Missing cars: 2 Pickup 2 UAZ 1 Offender 1 Ural 1 ATV Current cars: 2 Pickup 1 Bus 1 Offender 2 Cars 1 Helicopter 1 Dirtbike And yes, I am one huge nerd of this game, and I love it so much, played it for weeks constantly now, but man, this is disappointing.
  17. It seems the most logical progression would be to start with a mobile before ever attempting a base. This would allow for a large inventory build up, require less manpower, and be easier to guard and/or get away during bandit raids. I guess once the server is picked, it will then need a handful of vehicles (large truck for holding mobile inventory, and small vehicles for raids and/or meeting traders with tradees), and a few standard locations where a trader representative can be met. The first few days would probably be gathering ammo and blood packs to trade out with your average scavenger (requesting the priorty for vehicle parts). I have yet to ever find a vehicle or even a tent for that matter so I have no idea how long it would take to put together a small fleet. Keep everyone posted on the updates to the project, and good luck actually getting something solidified.
  18. Skint (DayZ)

    Downgrading to 1.7.0. ?!

    German mirror: http://mirror.tritnaha.com/old/ Sweden mirror: http://cdn.armafiles.info/old/ I like to switch between old and new releases in case of initial problems, as is happening now. I have directories in @dayz called Temp 1.7.1 and Temp 1.7.0. I extract the files in these directories and copy them to @dayz\addons as required. Only the "vehicles" files are the same for both releases, so you don't need to change those.
  19. watched the video. i'm having the same problem, exept i didnt respawn so i still hang out around a airfield and it seems that the sound is off. so no sound when walking or shooting off my guns. when i go to the airfield the landscape seems kinda strange... no zeds, no loot, even no dead military bodies nor damaged vehicles/rubble piles also the info window wich contains information on bleedlevel murders etc is gone and the hear/sight indicators are still there but not working (always showing zero bars) i installed the latest beta patch, though arma says in tiny letters on thebottom of the screen: version 1.60.43385 i deleted the @dayz folder, and manually installed the latest patch (torrent download DE server). -still same problem i deleted the @dayz folder, and updated through the six updater. -still same problem running arma 2 combined operations on steam
  20. Ander (DayZ)

    VEHICLE UPDATE (database side): 2012-06-16

    Vehicles was only reset this ONCE. That means it would only respawn to original place after 1 server restart. Not further restarts. If your offroad is missing but none other, then someone probably stole it.
  21. Absolutely second that and know where you are coming from. I love the little nuances in the game when you almost forget you're playing it. You fidget whilst sat watching the sun set over a towering mountain of pines whilst a campfire crackles in the background. Your team mates busy themselves with arming up and some are prepping vehicles. You suddenly snap out and realise you actually considered this a "lovely evening" and actually felt a swell of happiness. Immersion doesn't even come close as a description.
  22. Strategos (DayZ)

    1.7.1 Great So far.

    Yeah I think vehicles have reset thats a different server side update that happened prior to 1.71 I think. I agree crazy cat. I can see how it will be tough at the start. But you can def lose the zombies and not draw agro if you are actually careful. But stuff like blood transfusions etc are going to be alot more important now, its def harder and more exciting.
  23. Nex (DayZ)

    VEHICLE UPDATE (database side): 2012-06-16

    Yesterday I spent like 4+ hours on fixing an offroad, got it back to base, SAVED it shitloads of times. Today, I login back in game, into our base and it's GONE, the other two vehicles we found were there, but not the offroad. Guys what's going on!? P.S. We found all the vehicle in the same day.
  24. -NEW-Nemes1s

    EU21 pillory

    The reason why we banned nearly everyone who seemed suspicious was the fact that we had quite a lot of hacking issues on our server lately. We had people teleporting, duping, spawning illegal vehicles, we even found like 40 tents filled with cheated gear.
  25. potplanty

    Motorcycles! and more vehicles

    They already exist. L2DayZ Also, doing things like modifying vehicles like that would require extensive modification of the ArmA engine and would create a lot of problems with things such as collisions and whatnot.