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  1. Hi, I was notified of this thread. Server admins are not permitted to ban for server hopping or ghosting. While ghosting is technically an exploit, it is hard to prove, and has become the "catch-all" excuse for banning anyone who kills the server owners. The abuse of this is rampant. Due to this, you're not permitted to ban for ghosting. While it's not been explicitly stated so, server owners are of course allowed to use their own initiative and ban for hacking if this is severely disrupting gameplay. What this means is that a server admin is permitted to ban someone who for example is CONFIRMED spawning in tanks and airplanes, or is CONFIRMED to be using nuke-cheats, mass-kills or similar game disrupting hacks. This does not mean that server admins are permitted to ban someone who they think may be using hacked in gear, as gear can be legitimately obtained, and it's hard to prove or be certain that a person has not obtained this gear legitimately. I hope this clears things up.
  2. I'm to go ahead and weigh on on you're (Izmark) comment about "Having ~6-8 guys total, 2 scouting and providing intel around the town, and 4-6 guys in our main squad is what resulted in the CQF squad being killed." I was watching people who where on the server. At no moment during this encounter where there more than 4 "none CQF" players on this server. I am not saying only CQF is allowed on that server I'm just saying that There could not be more than 4 of during this Firefight. As for what happen when i died i was in the lobby watching People Join/leave. There were a few of you that had been join and leaving the server. (this was before the kicking began). I do have screenshots however I know a screenshot is not enough edivance to prove you/squad were ghosting. I'm just stating what I saw.
  3. The kicks from the Admin were apparently for ghosting, as outlined by the server admin (Mad Vengeance) in this thread: http://dayzmod.com/f...f/page__st__340 Even if ghosting had been taking place (which it was not, we logged into the server several kilometers from where we struck), not only is 'Ghosting' not a kickable offence (confirmed by Ander in the thread that was posted above). If the Admin actually cared to have a look at the logs, he would have seen one disconnect (for roughly 90 seconds) midway through our encounter by our party. 90-120 seconds is roughly the time it takes to close the client, reload it and reconnect to a server. Not disconnect, join another server, sit through an authentication process - load in, relocate, log out and then switch back to your original server. The Admin didn't care to do that however, he blindly started chainkicking people over and over again. It also does not explain why, I, Darand, and multiple other completely unrelated innocent parties (who were nowhere near us) on the server were removed by the Admin. Such abuses of power are completely inexcusible. You cannot start kicking or banning people without evidence of a violation fo DayZs rules - to which there is none, because we raided their server and their group completely within the rules and boundaries that have been laid out by Rocket.
  4. Server hopping is exploit. Ghosting (lobby and back) either in firefight or to drop zombie aggro is exploit. Glitching to see through walls is exploit. Duping is exploit. Finally, abusing the scripting system of Arma is an exploit. All of these will get you banned. You cannot expect to exploit game mechanics and get away with it. In this case, the admin is calmly putting his points forward, as was the OP before it got a bit heated. OP, if he didnt ghost, server hop or exploit during a firefight, probably not right he got banned. If he did he should take it like a man and learn not to be a douche. I back the server admins 100% in banning for ghosting or exploiting aggro with zombies.
  5. psyth (DayZ)

    Walking Dead USMC

    ShadowWalker is a server admin as well so he should be fully aware of the issues regarding server restarts with vehicle and tent respawns. We forbid our members to use duped gear of any sort. I can assure you that if you go back there on this very day, those tents will be upright, filled with gear and the camp site abandoned. The cords are 075,002. He's just pissy because his "unit" resorted to ghosting to try and kill off our guys and still lost all of his men. Dwel into that for a minute. Regardless, video game, not real life. Follow the rules. There are children that play on DayZ and they are even able to abide by that.
  6. psyth (DayZ)

    Ambushing The WDU (Walking Dead USMC)

    Kudos to you Aleksandr if you accomplished all you stated that you did. I was not in the formation that was in the Balota squad's AO. In either case, I can assure you that none of our guys combat logged. Balota is a high traffic area so it is entirely possible you came across another player in the process. Our members before they are even accepted into WDUSMC are briefed on the consequences of ghosting and combat logging. We have banned one of our own guys before for combat logging. That is something that we will not tolerate. I encourage you that if you are 100% certain and can show me some sort of proof or a screen shot with a time stamp I will pull all corresponding logs and have that member removed from our ranks as well as our server. Until then, keep up the good work.
  7. I got notified about this thread. Ghosting is not a valid kick or ban reason for the reasons seen in this thread. People get accused of ghosting and it's hard to police it. We are however thinking of good ways to make it harder to actively ghost in behind someone (see my thread about game mecahnic prevention of ghosting in suggestions). Ghosting is also hard to define. Would it be considered ghosting if a group of player switch server where they have their car, travel to another place to see if they can find hostiles? If that is considered ghosting, then would it not be considered ghosting to switch server to fetch weapons from hidden tents among different clan/group owned servers?
  8. So you guys ghost us, Fake we are hacking if 2006 is with you, Apparently stalk us for about 1 hour when we travel about 50km from the stated points you see us, Then you kill us with a grenade thing and fire close to 20-25 rounds. Then we kick you for ghosting which is not illegal to kick, then you bitch here. Maybe fix your minds.
  9. There was indeed more than 2 Grenades, I simply highlighted the two that started the main encounter. I myself had 3 Grenades on me. We had more than a couple between the other members of our squad, and the guy with the Grenade launcher had 4 HE Grenades in total. With regards to ghosting, those accusations have absolutely no basis whatsoever. Having ~6-8 guys total, 2 scouting and providing intel around the town, and 4-6 guys in our main squad is what resulted in the CQF squad being killed. Whilst I understand that it may not be an 'official' CQF Server, it is a server whereby CQF are admins. At the time of me being chainkicked, the only players on the server were either in CQF, or in our Squad. You can see that in the video I posted previously.
  10. Hello, 366 is not a CQF official server, so I cannot weigh in on that for you. As for being night time, our time changer was bugged and I reset it yesterday. However, I would caution you to throw around accusations as I cautioned my guys to do the same, because I was told by 5-6 guys that there were far more than 2 grenades and ghosting was happening. But I cannot do anything as I cannot admin the server and I do not have proof. Johnny
  11. Oh I know alt-f4ing is getting attention alright, and I suppose so is ghosting to an extent. What I'm on about is different. You can tell from server logs when someone is server hopping to get in an advantageous position - You can't tell from the logs when a player who hasn't logged in for hours is told on Mumble that someone is on your spawn location and a threat to your team.
  12. Dancing.Russian.Man

    ALT-F4ing is frowned upon - but what about this?

    Trust me. Yours and the 400 other threads relating to ALT-F4'ing and Ghosting have given enough attention as it is. You could always do a quick check on the search.
  13. Alpo

    [Video] Alt-F4 and Ghosts

    Hey thanks for the good advice Zipper. No need to apologize I should have chosen a better description/title. I wish I could change the thread title. But I will rename the video title as you suggested. Going up stairs didn't even cross my mind at the time. But yes it would probably have been my best option. In regards to the location of where the gunshots came from; I just watched the scene again a few times, and it seems they both shot almost simultaneously. I could hear two shots - the second shot I hear just a split second after the loud bang is the guy I tried to aim at in the treeline. He is my killer according to you? The very loud gunshot that I initially thought killed me came from my direct left. I am certain it was the guy who DC'd on me (I believe he then switched server to crawl under that gap and try to get behind where he thought I was) Well, at least he didn't get the kill. Makes me feel a bit better. Nice observation. Again, I would not have noticed. I still think he did the ghosting and whether it was needed to kill me or not I don't know. Probably not but that doesn't make it any more acceptable. If we are perfectly strict one could define the act of disconnecting and then reconnecting a minute or two later as ghosting. He is essentially cheating to save his life and to get an unfair advantage over you. When he logs back in after a while he expects you to have moved on or be otherwise distracted so he can get an easy unexpected and unfair kill. I sometimes wonder, when did those people lose all their dignity? In regards to the location of my spawn, yes I started recording immediately after connecting. I was disconnected earlier during nighttime by yellow chain on a different server. (I usually don't craw around walls on top of hills too much during daytime ;)) Usually try to find a safe concealed spot in the woods before logging out.
  14. Delta Smoke 01

    My Epic Kill

    Server hop and ghosting. 2 exploits. +1 for perma ban you are the problem we hate then most.
  15. harken (DayZ)

    Admins abusing on US 5 Chicago

    Hey there Marvo, I play on US 5, the unrepentant server and I'm part of the community where you took that out of context quote from. I know all the players from the Unrepentant and none of them have admin (we might be getting it soon though). For the record, the camp you found isn't ours so we have nothing to do with your bad experiences.. You do know the server gets restarted 4 times a day right? It is entirely possibly you were unlucky, and if what you are talking about happened yesterday, or the day before there were problems with the server, and in fact the entire game for about 2 days. Sykotix, the admin and server owner (I think he is Dayz dev too) had to update the server. Quite a few of our clan members lost stuff too. I know I got teleported 1000m from my ATV. In short, whatever is happening to you and your friends has nothing to do with us. We don't hack, we don't cheat, we don't use exploits like ghosting and logging in and out. Exactly.
  16. fearz0r


    This^ Another badass playing a video game. :| (muting it, I can say it was good of you to avenge your mate.. but "ghosting them yo.." is just ..wow)
  17. Fraggle (DayZ)

    Was this a hacker?

    There was nothing mocking about my first post (that you just quoted), it was just a brief opinion. Your last couple of posts have explained the situation much better and without all of the attitude. I honestly think you could speculate all day about why he had those items on him. People move equipment about all day in Dayz. Just because his load out wasn't traditional for a raid or a sniper doesn't make him a hacker. Having nine Pepsi's isn't that odd. I had a similar amount of Coke's in my Alice pack the other day, it's just what I happened to keep finding. Also, as well as all of the other suggestions I've made as to why he had that gear, maybe he had recently looted someone else. Like I said you could speculate all day. You say he wasn't part of a group because there was no tents near by? That just doesn't make sense. Like I already suggested, maybe the rest of the group were looting in Electro or doing a million other things, maybe he'd recently spawned there and was waiting for them,again the list is endless. Maybe he was a hacker, we'll never know. I was just offering my opinion based on the information in the first post. I still stand by that opinion. Also you say you switched servers to test the NVG's and get distance from any snipers on yet another server. Server hopping to gain an advantage like that is as unsporting as ghosting in my opinion and a bigger problem than hacking. Don't be offended, it's just my opinion.
  18. zipper

    [Video] Alt-F4 and Ghosts

    I apologize, I didn't realize you were looking for advice. I just saw the thread title and watched the video and made an assumption. The problem with your line of thought here is you had already been detected. You were shot at while you were inside the building. Not sure if you know or not but there are multiple floors you can access in the building you were in. You should have tried to use that to your advantage, even though you probably would have died anyway since the building is so exposed on the upper levels. Rewatch the video. I'm sure you heard the gunshot after you died. If you had been right next to the person who killed you there would have been a gunshot as soon as you fell. This wasn't the case. The very first rifle you hear being fired (not the pistol) is the guy who killed you. He was in that tree line for what appears to be the entire time, providing overwatch. Not sure how you define ghosting but I don't think it would have been needed to kill you. You fired one of the loudest guns in the game at a person who was traveling in a group. It was done in a sealed area where your enemy was able to view all available exits. There were only two ways you would have lived, kill the remaining two or three people, or disconnect. You wouldn't have been able to run out of there alive. I wasn't talking about hacking either. The first person you shot would have had to have been the luckiest person in the world to not have died. The Enfield will kill a man in one shot. So there was no relogging and magically appearing behind you from that guy. Basically what I'm saying is you should rename your video Alt+F4. There was no ghosting and nobody repositioned on you from a different server. My suggestion would be aim a little higher next time and don't even give the guy an opportunity to disconnect. I think your video started with you logging in right next to the building as well. You may want to run up and into the forrest next time. Disconnecting next to a building, or in one, is generally never a good idea. If you didn't start there then nevermind, it just sounded like you logged in and immediately started recording.
  19. Madrocker


    You know before DayZ "Ghosting" someone just plainly ment killing someone......
  20. The whole "staying in game frozen" thing would NEVER work. Players would die and lose a weeks old character simply because of a thunder storm or a child tripping over a power cord. If you think the complaints on the forums now about other players using DC'ing to avoid zombies/pvp or ghosting in PvP, it's nothing compared to the rage that would occur when people start losing long-life and well-equiped characters from uncontrollable disconnects. There is a solution out there, but it's not this.
  21. D3hydratedWater

    Banned at us89 Incredible

    And how wrong you are. There is a grey area for banning for ghosting and disconnecting to avoid death. Some servers do it, some don't. However I'm giving him a second chance but I can't get his GUID since he posted it on our forums and our web server has been down. Dormio, if you can post your GUID here I can help solve this.
  22. Alpo

    [Video] Alt-F4 and Ghosts

    Zipper, Sometimes what is obvious to a person who has played the game for weeks is completely invisible to a player who has just picked up the game a few days ago. See, I did not notice the different gunshots. I assumed the pitch changed because of me closing in on distance. But it's good advice I will pay more attention to that in the future. This is exactly what I was hoping for. Pointers to what I need to look for and how to get better at this game. So thanks for the good advice my friend. I ran outside because I wanted to get a better angle on him and I did not want to stay inside a building with an Enfield as I have a better advantage over longer distances. I felt I had better way of avoiding detection or line of sight outside or behind the building. In hindsight it probably was a plan not well thought out and destined to fail. I think the shot sounded way too close to be the guy standing at the treeline. No, I think I got shot by the other guy from the exact spot I shot him from previously. This is where I disagree with you and say that the bullet that killed me was fired less then 10m away from the guy I heard moments earlier behind the wall. I did not understand exactly what was going on aside from the disconnect and subsequent ghosting. That is what I mean with fishy. Also the DC and then being up against multiple people seemingly working together threw me off quiet a bit to be honest. I kinda thought the guy would just move on to a different server for a while and not risk being shot again. So i moved on which obviously turned out to be the wrong decision. What I plan to do in the future is to just gtfo as fast as possible and leave the hostile area behind me. I did not intend to imply they were using 3rd party tools to do the aiming for them or to see through walls/pink textures etc. in case that was the reason for the slightly strict/angry note in your reply. If that was my suspicion I would have filed a cheat report.
  23. I think that its called "Ghosting"
  24. sausagefingers

    US 346. Suspicious behaviour.

    I've killed the admin's friend on this server before, and never found anything odd to happen, however he did admit to Ghosting and killing one of our friends because "we were being dicks, because we stole their car, and its just not fair if we have more than one car" I do get the feeling these guys purchased this server because they thought they could hoard all of the vehicles for themselves etc. PS, if you're reading this admin, I have your yellow hatchback, but PM me and you can have it back. Cheers
  25. Alpo

    How am I supposed to report a DCer?

    -A player that just fired a bullet in the last 10 seconds has to wait 30s before he can disconnect from the game. If he exits prematurely his character will remain in that spot for 30s and will be exposed to whatever threats are around him. -Player that just lost blood any amount of blood or was wounded in any manner cannot exit for 30s. Again, the character will remain in the world if the game is forcefully closed or if the connection is lost. -Should you decide to disconnect in a safe spot you will have to wait for a 10second timer to run down where you are not allowed to move (just like the bandages) before the game logs you out. Shooting, and any directional movement, also usage of equipment aborts the timer and lets you instantly resume combat. So if your game randomly crashes at any point where you have not been wounded or otherwise incapacitated your character will remain in the world for 10 seconds before exiting. -If you lose connection to the server the 10 second timer will initiate server-sided the moment you lose connection - unless of course if you are in a combat situation like mentioned above you will have a 30 second timer. -To stop ghosting the server must be able to recognize when a player changed position after logging back in. if that positional change was less then x seconds ago, and not on the same server then put player back to coordinates where he disconnected previously on the original server. This will prevent people abusing this mechanic to gain positional advantage and circumvent combat situations) Also revert health and gear and status to where player previously logged off if it has changed. Notice that all those settings would still let people who try to avoid combat (aka pussies) to log off unless they have just been hit/injured. Doesn't that make any sense, or is there a flaw in my logic? Obviously I do not have a programming background so I have absolutely no clue how big a project it would be to implement such a mechanic. But I hope that something along those lines makes it into the game at some point in the near future.