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About willey.erd@oundleschool.org.uk

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    I'm a psychologist

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    Interesting things. Obviously.

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  • Bio
    Like any human being, I was born from my mother and I have grown to this point. I have to eat and sleep every day, or otherwise I will suffer from a common ailment of the human being that I like to call 'being a fucking dick'. Feel free to use the term, but please make sure that it is known that it was I who originally coined it. Alternatively, you can fail to mention my name when referring to my discovery and I will strike you down with the force of one thousand Titanics with wheels steamrollering into you like you're an iceberg. I'm talking class-action lawsuits buddy, you won't even hear it coming.

    Otherwise I would say that I'm a pretty swell guy. I enjoy doing an odd bit of graphic design (I've been designing some food and drink for the mod in my free time), and also I like creating music in free time as well. Please enjoy my insightful and learned comments.

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  1. willey.erd@oundleschool.org.uk

    E3 and our attendance

    I was going to say something about the medicine for the cough but good ol' Chabowski beat me to it. Also, my avatar is certainly not at all related to the recent Woolwich murder, I'm really quite offended that you even said that. Oh, and by the way, uploading a clip really only takes a few seconds. It's hardly a waste of time uploading some great comedy anyway, and I uploaded it with no bad feelings attached; it simply seemed to me that you thought it was a Het original (and of course it may well could have been, you funny man/woman/who knows really ;) ). Little edit addition: Seeing as you imply that you're over 30 years old, I would do some work on my grammar if I were you. That is, if you are English. If not, keep practicing my boy. Sorry for pointlessly derailing this, just though I should respond to the baseless insults with my trademark condescension-y charm. Anyway, back on topic. Looking forward to seeing the new SA build in comparison to the leak.
  2. willey.erd@oundleschool.org.uk

    Looking for a Vanilla server?

    Or the whole public hive.
  3. willey.erd@oundleschool.org.uk

    E3 and our attendance

    I'd hate to burst your bubble, but it's not his own work: Great context though. Edit: At least enjoy the comedy of it, even if posting this somehow has managed to send you into an almighty jittery rage.
  4. willey.erd@oundleschool.org.uk

    Community Food and Drink Textures!

    Hello all. Sorry have really been terribly busy, I'm not sure I'm much up to the task anymore but I can still try to push things if you'd like. Sorry sorry sorry. :(
  5. willey.erd@oundleschool.org.uk

    DAYZ Lego Creations.

    I just think a few of the elements you have in the set aren't in the pick-a-brick range. I've found them on other sites but I would say that trying to make the set physically would be a bit of a pain.
  6. willey.erd@oundleschool.org.uk

    DAYZ Lego Creations.

    cant find quite a few of the pieces.
  7. willey.erd@oundleschool.org.uk

    DAYZ Lego Creations.

    OK, I'm doing the pricing thing now.
  8. willey.erd@oundleschool.org.uk

    [SA] Kerbal easter egg suggestion

    I quite like the idea of a satellite that's crashed to Earth, although people will see this KSP easter egg and start crying about how their immurshunz is ruined because of it, just like that event...
  9. willey.erd@oundleschool.org.uk

    DAYZ Lego Creations.

    orlok, if you'd like I could check out the cost of one of these sets on the pick a brick service from Lego for a bit of fun. I just need a list of the required bricks.
  10. willey.erd@oundleschool.org.uk

    No DevBlog this week but here is some screens

    Place your bets. I'm going with 19th June.
  11. willey.erd@oundleschool.org.uk

    No DevBlog this week but here is some screens

    I'd hardly say that this WIP UI is deplorable. 'embarrassingly deplorable' is just hyperbole. And sorry to be a pedantic Grammar Nazi, but really you shouldn't use a semicolon followed by an 'and', the semicolon already does the job of the 'and' by separating the two clauses. In effect there you are saying 'They will and and there's a difference...'
  12. willey.erd@oundleschool.org.uk

    DAYZ Lego Creations.

    You should do a Heli Crash Site, with a couple of soldier zombie minifigs around it. That would be truly epic. And if you did a supermarket, I would love you for ever. :D What happened to that Lego Factory thing? I thought you could order any model you designed in LDD. I remember making a cargo ship a few years ago, it was epic. I might see if I can get back into this now although I doubt I'll be able to do something to the same standard as Lok is. EDIT: I forgot to say that if this ever went on sale I'd buy all of it without hesitation. If I had the money that Lego costs nowadays, that is.. EDIT: And you should make a vid similar to this:
  13. willey.erd@oundleschool.org.uk

    No DevBlog this week but here is some screens

    To start with it will all be centrally hosted.
  14. willey.erd@oundleschool.org.uk

    No DevBlog this week but here is some screens

    I believe this is how it was in the first video blog, and might still be, with the added functionality of the inventory screen. I agree with you, by the way. Although I think it's still possible.
  15. willey.erd@oundleschool.org.uk

    No DevBlog this week but here is some screens

    That's a good idea. I forgot about the backpack thing!