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About Mayuyu

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    Spaghetti Princess

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  • Interests
    Cute things, music, cosplay and the video games.

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    Mayu Watanawannabe.

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  1. Mayuyu

    Cant log out in combat

    I'm surprised this isn't in the game considering it was such a huge thing being worked on in the mod..? Combat loggers are scum and scum always find ways to ruin the game, unfortunately.
  2. Mayuyu

    Help with codecs

    These are trusted codecs, MPEG4-modifier will let you re-package your .avi files to a working import-file. http://www.videohelp.com/tools/XviD-Codec http://www.videohelp.com/tools/MPEG4-Modifier Alternatively, you can use a free program like FormatFactory to easily re-encode your files to a number of formats (which will work in vegas). It also can compress file-size greatly. Not sure if Bandicam files are as huge as FRAPS.
  3. Mayuyu

    My Avatar almost full sized.(drawing)

    Badass! Nice.
  4. Mayuyu

    Sudden lag

    This is an epoch bug. If you have another language enabled on your computer (alt-shift to switch) it may cause this. I know there's another cause but at the moment I just can't remember. Good luck.
  5. Mayuyu

    Hospital in Pogorevka

    The cross means church, IIRC.
  6. Mayuyu


    Haha that's awesome. The female scream in the mod is one of the creepiest things ever. A friend and I once waited in a hiding spot with the sound ready to play through our microphones when they got close. Little to say they all shat their pants hahaha.
  7. Mayuyu

    What do I need to play?

    I'd wait until the DayZ standalone at this point. Though, ARMA II is a great game if you're into military sim.
  8. Mayuyu

    How to Join Private Hives

    You don't search the IP. Add the IP and port into FAVOURITES and it will appear in that list. You search keywords (like super private hive, a certain private hive) in the search function in server browser.
  9. We get these threads every day all day. Look around before you post. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/146536-can-i-run-dayz-post-here/ Look here.
  10. Japanese serafuku school girl outfit. Well, maybe. No, not really... Actually yes. I'd also like to see suit jackets, old-style army boots. Anything to make someone look like a rugged army vet.
  11. Mayuyu

    idea for make player hide in long grass

    Maybe less visible, but not invisible. Interesting idea! Maybe a cover with grass feature could be added, so you can hide yourself better. - Then again that's kinda where the Ghillie comes in handy.
  12. Mayuyu

    Banned, looking for help.

    No one can steal your CD Key from your GUID. Don't believe anyone who says you can. They just use it as an excuse to say they didn't deserve their ban, because someone "stole my cd key while I was on the server." Sorry, that's all I can help with.
  13. Mayuyu

    Trouble Changing Cd Key

    Good luck having that one work for long. Export your current CD key to the desktop, edit it with notepad, and just replace a few lines (such as the key numbers) of the registry text and just double click it to switch cd keys.
  14. Mayuyu

    cold blood murder of unarm guy

    What a touching story. Brings back memories of my attempts to save people, failed or not. RIP all the fallen survivors.
  15. Mayuyu

    Hello and help

    Hello! DayZ Commander will deal with all the DayZ server browsing for you nicely, it'll let you save your favourites for easy access too. Your character is saved onto the server. If the servers are private hive, you will have a different character each server. On servers hosting with the main hive your character is stored across all. Some private hives have starting gear, for your first time I recommend playing Vanilla DayZ where you spawn with only a bandage. A mid-range pop of around10-30 is a decent amount to start off with so you're not overwhelmed. If you play on Musty Gaming servers I can help you out over TeamSpeak or in-server side-chat if you need any help or guides. How did you hear about DayZ?