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About The_Man

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    Chernarus Arctic Survey Intern

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  1. Yeah, I've tried that. It is much more severe than I think you are imagining. My description isn't very good, sorry about that. Think about having 5% control of your character, and that control is extremely delayed. It is total madness!
  2. Do you think maybe that the desync information in game isn't correct? It could be that the desync indicator is just no correct. It sounds like I have the same problem as your friend so it must be desync...hmm
  3. I am having a very strange issue. It is specific to a few servers. One of them is whitelisted. This issue does not occur on many, if not most, public servers. When I join one of these specific servers, my character can walk normally. When I begin to run (with no primary, with primary weapon, or other items) I will teleport a short distance. After I teleport a short distance, my character will slide for a short distance without the running animation. Usually after this happens my character's view will be locked in one direction and then will spin uncontrollably. My keyboard is unresponsive but the mouse seems to respond in some cases. I have had a internet tech come out to check my hardware, all good. Internet speed and quality is optimal as well. (Direct connect, new ethernet cable, no WIFI) I have joined several other servers and this problem does not exist. The one whitelisted server that has this issue for my character did not have this issue when they removed the whitelist for an event. My ping on that server is always below 20 and my desync is usually 0. Sometimes 1. Not really expecting a fix but if you have one, I'll try it I guess. Just wanted to share in case anyone was having a similar issue. It might be problem unique to my setup/or the servers I frequent.
  4. The_Man


    If we don't speak Italian...but understand it... can we play there? That is the only rule I can't exactly follow. bella.
  5. The_Man

    Billboard Artwork Inside PBO's?

    Yeah you can pull them up. Try checking any pbo files called misc or signage. I know for sure they are there...I just can't remember where I found them.
  6. I believe you will need highly dedicated players for even light RP. I mentioned establishing a forum to you the other day on Steam and I think that could be a good start. People having their story seed onto the internet in one place can help keep it together and organized. It would also allow for propaganda and the like! A forum could also allow for global announcements rather than having them on the server. I am still looking into hosting one for free but I'm noob at it.
  7. The_Man

    What DayZ REALLY needs.

    Something you could modify such as the AR would be perfect in the game. Anything that "fits" in the game! The AR-15 is an amazing weapon but sadly I don't know of an equivalent to it when it comes to modifying it. It would really be cool to see this game having unique weapons. Modifying it in strange ways would suit the "apocalyptic theme"! Water bottle silencers, Binocular sights only used for zooming while having your gun out (but not for magnified shooting), laser lights, Flare gun attachments, etc. Police weaponry would be a great idea. Thanks for posting the video though. More people need to watch those guys. They have great info about the .22 rifle too and how effective it is. The developing team could really gain a lot of insight from those guys!
  8. The_Man

    Rocket is a huge troll.

    Or eat both of them!
  9. The_Man

    What DayZ REALLY needs.

    Except it isn't made in AMURICAH. /sarcasm
  10. The_Man

    What DayZ REALLY needs.

    Yes. I know those fellows. I enjoy their videos very much. Very informative! I just don't think an AR-15 has a place in the game. That is my opinion and shouldn't be taken too seriously. I still think the Ruger 10/22 is silly to have in the game too. There are plenty of Russian/European equivalents that the game could have. I'm glad to see they used a Russian shotgun in the game. Is the AR-15 used in the military? I don't know. That is probably the only reason the M4 is in the game...military use. Civilians in Chernarus owning an AR-15...unlikely. imho.
  11. The_Man

    What DayZ REALLY needs.

    AR-15 in Chernarus. Yeah, no!
  12. The_Man

    Rocket is a huge troll.

    By people like the original poster who eat the berries and report their findings. I'll let the "Into The Wild" people figure out what is poisonous or not...
  13. It is a Light RP server. It is only as serious as you want it to be. The admin has had people that joined up with him also gun him down. He is pretty laid back about it and so are most of the other players. The purpose of the server as far as I can tell is for players to meet other RP players and just enjoy the game. The admin isn't regulating anything other than people insulting each other or that sort of thing. It is still okay to be playful about it but I think high stress is the LAST thing you have to worry about on this server! I have a good time and I don't even know them all that well which indicates that the admin isn't being unfair to any of the players who aren't on teamspeak.
  14. Exactly my point! thank you for sharing!
  15. That isn't the point when you are being chased by either a player or zombie. Having more awareness trumps storage capacity in a PvP game like this...for certain players!