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    โ˜…Longtime Hero/Bandit Bounty Hunterโ˜…

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  1. My best guess is that "days survived" is close enough to be your character's age. As soon as you spawn in, the timer immediately starts.
  2. TIC

    Flying Bambi

    One shotgun blast at that range should've been enough to put anyone down. Bath salts is strong in this one.
  3. The first time I was playing I was actually saved by a group of players. How I recall that was when I was running along the coastline near Kamyshovo I believe and one of the survivors with a Winchester shot the zombies that were chasing me while I was a fresh spawn. He was telling me to come up to the nearby hill and we all stayed up top talking about how long we've been playing. This was around Aug of 2012? Not too sure. After we all talked, I was fed and kept hydrated then we ventured out along the road assisting whoever was in need. I actually was able to aid one of the first people who required our help. Those were the good days when people wanted to venture out and team up together to survive from the zombies than expect it to be a big deathmatch scenario. As of recently, I've been sniping away at bandits who harm survivors in larger cities with my M40 Camo just for good sport to relieve my boredom these days. :)
  4. I'd like to add on that perhaps if you're within range by using a radio, you may hear the sounds of static indicating that a crash site is nearby. Now that would be cool.. But that's probably not possible.
  5. TIC

    Death Cam

    I think the fading to black would only apply if you're bleeding to your death prior from going into shock but if you happen to die an instant death then it should just go black.
  6. TIC

    Death Cam

    I like the vision fade idea but death cam? No. Once you die, you shouldn't act as a spirit to relay messages to your friends and have them avenge your death.
  7. TIC

    DayZ Mod

    I agree. Testing would be great.
  8. https://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/140352-dayz-mod-future-update-suggestions/Incase you want to take a glance at the suggestions I've made in the past. Don't worry about it :) I hope it is brought to their attention and will be worked on. It would be amazing to hide a body by using an entrenching tool and it would leave a dirt mound in the ground that would have a model similar to a stash but longer. (only works on dirt and must drag player over it to bury them) and you could even place a grave marker that looks like this (http://www.ofpec.com/COMREF/cfg_images/ArmA/GraveCross2.jpg)
  9. I've already suggested it many times and didn't really get a solid answer on this one. I also expanded the idea on if zombies can spot your dead body and consume it which would help with the way you don't already get fully geared again by going back to your old body.
  10. TIC

    DayZ Mod

    Will traps work against zombies as well?
  11. What happened with that guy I shot in the bushes is that he was sniping people in Cherno on the hillside then after I shot him, he combat logged. Reported to admin and was given a 3 day ban. Not much of a waste of ammo to save more people's lives in game. This is on Eternal Gaming Lounge server US 434 Vanilla
  12. Hey guys, TIC here and I've been browsing around Youtube and I happen to be in a video. It is from a former stranger who is now a good friend of mine. We will be playing the mod more and have our own adventures and maybe a bit of mishap.. ;)
  13. TIC

    Is it dead?

    US434 is pretty dependable, I doubt it'd change to a different mod. It's dedicated to vanilla. I have fun with it. I'm a survivor myself and have intentions of a hero. The mod is still pretty fun. I still play it just about whenever I can.
  14. TIC

    Saving Vehicles in DayZ Vanilla?

    Normally what people do in Vanilla DayZ is that they stash off the vehicles they find in their base and some of them never even touch them again. With them being able to save on their own, it sounds like in your situation that your vehicle was stolen.
  15. TIC

    DayZ Mod

    Yesterday's Update Want to give a quick update on the wiki. You may see the work that's done on here: http://dayz.wikia.com/wiki/DayZ_Wiki Progress is now steady and with changes/goals including.. Polls changing by approximately every 2 weeks. Last change to poll was around when Standalone was released.Community featured videos, first one being from Karlus Bojangles! Congratulations! (You may watch featured video in this post)Additional updated information.Reaching out to the DayZ Community more.