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About Inception.

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    Insubordinate Clause

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    Reads a few books. Loves music. Avid fan of movies. Plays guitar, and piano. Enjoys Steak with his potatoes.

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    Studying acting.

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  1. (In response to your reply to me months ago) This is clearly a rather late response, but well said. When I said KoS edged the game towards boring, I didn't mean that I would prefer the game without KoS (impossible); not at all. I never wanted it to be easy. Most certainly the opposite. Speaking of which: What I dearly miss is that era of DayZ. When 'gritty' was a gross understatement and it was harsh as all hell. The early days - and I mean early - are my fondest memories.
  2. Interesting. I've always felt it to be the opposite; KoS edged the game towards boring, as every encounter slowly became the same. However, this is coming from someone who hasn't played DayZ in a few years, so perhaps take my view lightly. I suppose it's rather subjective, anyhow. __ This debate has been prominent since early 2013.
  3. Inception.

    How To Win Playerbase Back

    He wasn't really bitching - just asking a valid question.
  4. Inception.

    Just saw Rocket again.

    You and me both, buddy.
  5. Inception.

    New forum format/style

    I missed you too. xoxoxo
  6. Inception.

    All Time Low Population

    Unfortunately, Mr Yutani, I feel they will never return to how they were. Not at least to how the game was in its prime, that is.
  7. Inception.

    Never go in the ATC at NWAF...

  8. Inception.

    Poll: What is Your Favorite DayZ Map?

    Poll seems to be closed anyway.
  9. I myself have run into some very nice French players.
  10. Inception.

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    Well, you won't need to buy a new console for the next ten years or so anyway.
  11. Inception.

    Stable Branch - 0.59 Discussion

    Keep the irrelevant shit out of the thread please. I am not banning anyone on Christmas.
  12. The mistake has been realised and so all is well. The thread needn't be deleted because of that. :)
  13. Whilst I personally prefer 1st-person over 3rd-person, I must disagree with you there. Was 3rd-person not a feature in the original Mod from the very beginning?
  14. Inception.

    SPACESHIPS! | DayZ Overpoch Ep.2 | Gameplay/Cinematic

    Moved to Mod gallery.