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About MrBlueandQueenie

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  • Location
    N. Ireland
  • Interests
    Online Gaming

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  1. MrBlueandQueenie

    Stable Update 0.62.140099

    Still memory crashing Baty :( once an hour. Back to queue 22 we go.
  2. MrBlueandQueenie

    Stable Update 0.62.140099

    Thanks Baty. "freedom of a fresh spawn" :D
  3. MrBlueandQueenie

    Exp Update 0.62.139808

    how large (mb) will the update be @Baty Alquawen?
  4. MrBlueandQueenie

    Exp Update 0.62.139701

    Awesome!! This bugger got us so many times yesterday. Thank you Baty <3
  5. MrBlueandQueenie

    Stable Update 0.61.138792

    Can confirm it didn't work Baty :(
  6. MrBlueandQueenie

    Stable Update 0.61.138458

    Sorry Baty. Can confirm this is still happening - very often :(
  7. MrBlueandQueenie

    Status Report - 10 January 2017

    Oh my lord! :D
  8. MrBlueandQueenie

    2016 In Review

    Amazing overview and amazing job done!
  9. MrBlueandQueenie

    Lag switch or Alpha?

    Most likely lag dude. His hit boxes were stuck on the fence and a ping spike made his character keep moving. Queenie and I get the same thing - we're in the middle of battle and all of a sudden Queenie is out in the middle of the airfield but on her monitor (and stream) shes behind good cover. Its sucks big time but thats the alpha life :D
  10. All screenshots were taken live on stream, https://www.twitch.tv/mrblueandqueenie Click on the image for 1080p resolution. "Chernogorsk Clowns" | DayZ RP "Rocky Ranch Hero Squad" | DayZ RP "Chicken Hunt" "Nurse Blue" "Martha meets Butch" with Coolidge | DayZ TehRedZone "Biker Blue" (Blue's fallen champion with 32 kill streak) "Quartermaster Queenie" | DayZ RP "Disarmed" with FailingFriendly "Injured but not out" "Taking the back roads" "Happy Hermit" "They're on the Roof" "Beware of the woods" "Goodbye old Cherno..." "Pursuit" "Live Fire" "Closing The Deal" "Queenie's Revenge" "Blood Bandits" "Blood Heroes" "Justice And Mercy" "Beautiful Balota" "Bodyguard" "Open Ground" "Living off the living" with Handsome Quacker "Shouldn't have drawn your gun" "Sooner or later" "An Evening With El Diablo" "Playing Doctor and Nurse" with Mof Holly "Children Of Chernarus" | DayZ RP "Thanks for the warm up sweety" "You got guts. You had guts." "Black Coat Bandits" | DayZ RP "Hold your ground" "Here We Divide" "Black Coat Bandits" | DayZ RP "The New Hell" "Another way to bleed" "A Pavement of Good Intentions" "Where We Start" "Debug Disputes" "This is the End"
  11. MrBlueandQueenie

    DayZ Community Live Streams

    We are Simon & Row otherwise known as MrBlue & Queenie. We are partnered Twitch content creation enthusiasts who enjoy DayZ and zombie survival games with a passion for live streaming and gameplay recording via our DOUBLE VISION setup. On our stream you'l find both our gameplay perspectives. 1 stream, 2 perspectives and 2 webcams. Twitch.tv/MrBlueandQueenie We're live on: Monday: 7pm-1am(uk) Tuesday: 7pm-1am(uk) Wednesday: 7pm-1am(uk) Thursday: 5pm-11pm(uk) Friday: 5pm-11pm(uk) Saturday: offline Sunday: offline