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About Seska

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Location
    Central London, United Kingdom
  • Interests
    Survivalism, Marksmanship

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  1. Seska

    Status Report - 18 April 2017

    I think it's just a problem with the attitudes of gamers in general nowadays. Everyone wants convenience, and instant gratification. People don't stop and appreciate what they actually have. The atmosphere, the carefully crafted worlds and ambient sounds.. It's straight into "HOW DO I BEAT THIS GAME AS EFFICIENTLY AS POSSIBLE", and honestly I find that pretty sad. Games nowadays have so much more to offer. One of my favourite DayZ experiences of all time was relatively insignificant from a gameplay perspective but it's stuck with me for months. It was early morning, and I'd been caught out in the rain without a storm. The orange and purple hues of sunrise had been drowned by dark grey clouds and the approaching rumble of thunder. I had to find temporary shelter, which was thankfully provided by a small tin shed, just on the edge of a forest. I dried myself off, took a moment to drink, and waited, willing the storm to pass. In what was essentially a 'boring' moment to most, I noticed the beauty of it all... The sound of the rain and wind outside, separated from me by only a few inches of metal.. The looming silhouette of the Green Mountain transmission tower in the distance, standing fast as a veil of fog slowly enveloped the landscape to the North.. The herd of cows seemingly huddled together in the treeline opposite.. The sunlight broke through the clouds and passed over the grass divide. I could safely get up and move on, but as I re-packed my bag and checked I hadn't left anything behind, I felt almost reluctant to leave that small tin shed. For a moment I was in Chernarus, and it was beautiful.
  2. Seska

    Status Report - 18 April 2017

    Yeah, it's genuinely sad how warped the view of the general market is of DayZ.. The amount of PUBG comparisons and complaints centred around PvP.. I feel that people bought into this game with the completely wrong idea of what experience it's aiming to provide. It's not meant to be just another loot 'n' shoot. Meh.
  3. Seska

    Q&A with Map Designer Adam Franců

    Being a bit cheeky with a second question here: Do you have anything more to show on the "apocalypse makeover" for the buildings that was shown off on Trello a while back? I feel this will really add to the atmosphere of Chernarus.
  4. Seska

    Q&A with Map Designer Adam Franců

    Hey man, Here's a reply from Sumrak in a recent post regarding Namalsk that may shed some light on that question: Source
  5. Seska

    Q&A with Map Designer Adam Franců

    Hey Sumrak, Given your experience with creating a snowy, desolate environment (Namalsk), which fits DayZ perfectly, do you foresee a winter version of Chernarus in future (perhaps as its own map)?