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    Classic novels, computer games, piano music, music in general, cars, bikes so on so forth

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    Yo what it do my name is Travis and you already know I am here reppin the WJC OH yeeeaaahhh ALl day bae ALL DAY careful when you run up on me and my homies cus we just might BLAP BLAP BLAP your ass!

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  1. He brings up some good points, like there being too many tedious inventory tasks like constantly wringing out clothes on official servers, item degradation being way too severe, etc. The zeds have been a joke for a long time now, I remember patches where they SWARMED you by the dozen if you so much as sneezed in the middle of elektro (slight exaggeration, but still it was pretty wild), and now they're just so considerate that once you're knocked out they let you get back up? I never deal with the spawning problem because I always play the same. Start out, avoid full-gears on the coast and get inland ASAP. My DayZ experience is a lonely one these days. Always looking for interactions inland, but it seems most everyone is stuck in a super-meta play style that makes me feel disappointed in a large chunk of the player base. People talk to me like I'm crazy for not having 6 alternate accounts on console, it's mind-boggling how few people play the game legitimately on there. Ah well.
  2. Kohlbar

    Different NVGs and 380 ACP in 9mm pistol

    It'd be so cool to have different types of NVGs, some more advantageous than others. Great idea. I also agree night time having different brightness based on the moon would be sick. The normal servers look a bit like how it does on a clear night with a bright full moon, while the first person servers have that claustrophobic, oppressive darkness that you get walking in the woods on a dark night. So yeah it'd be great to have both in the game, just depending on the weather. Man this is a great thread. Keep it up guys, woohoO!
  3. Kohlbar

    Console Update 1.26

    Haven't seen anybody talking about this, so has anybody else had problems raiding bases? The gates aren't showing a health status. I attacked the crap out of one lately and no change whatsoever, couldn't see a status difference, nothing. What's going on?
  4. never mind... had the server filters messed up somehow... resetting the filters fixed it 😕
  5. still says "unable to get servers" on Xbox. are they down atm?
  6. Also, just wanted to mention I never see obvious signs of hacking on console, but I hear duplicating is still a big thing on here. I know there were some changes made to discourage alts but they are still a big problem. Idk if there's any getting around that on console though. One more thing I don't currently play on PC but I know that hacks are still a huge issue for official servers, one of my favorite YouTubers (superftlol) says he may be finished making videos for a while because he's so discouraged from getting ESP'd shot through walls, grenades from kilometers away, etc. are there any plans for updating the anti-hacks? FT's idea was to give server control to the community, but I'm personally always against this idea. one of those things that sounds like a great idea until it's implemented hahahaha. thanks for all the hard work devs.
  7. At around 1:40PM est the game stopped responding, couldn't open inventory or interact with anything, could only walk around. I waited about 10 minutes and then restarted the game, it says unable to get servers now. from what I've seen zombies are really aggro this patch? I like it, but I don't think there were any zombie changes so maybe this is just me haha. I would like to see more done on the zombie ai side of things, there used to be huge hordes to deal with, now they just trickle in one after the other usually. It used to be a huge mistake to shoot a loud weapon in the middle of town, now it's just a minor inconvenience. honestly though I'm so happy with the progress this game has made for the 9 or so years I've been playing, like zombies blocking and surrounding the character, that's so cool. This paired with greater zombie numbers and reaction to shots/loud noises would make them terrifying. Other than that I personally think food is still too available and suppressors are way too common, I'd like to hear more shots! Great job devs!
  8. That's what I'm interested in. I haven't tested it because I don't have an alt. I really wish they would just make alts spawn in different locations AND have a time penalty (like when you switch servers), because then it would be MUCH more fair to people who play legitimately. This is barely even a problem on PC because you have to purchase another copy of the game to run it on a different account, and I think that's fair enough. If you're going to play your dumb little Team Deathmatch Dayz respawn simulator, you should have to pay for your chance. If the alts spawned in different locations, the alt user would just have to hope that he got a close enough spawn with his other full gear character to do something. I didn't know they could do anything to account switchers, but I'm glad they can and I hope the delay is a matter of at least 5-10 minutes. It's only fair; this is a game-breaking exploit on console.
  9. I know this isn't exactly on-topic but do you have any suggestions? Just getting frustrated the rain and inner cities on this exp build were killing my xbox and I wanna get a pc again
  10. It's honestly pretty annoying all this crap about having better hardware for advantages in almost every game out there. Like FFS when will computer technology catch up with the graphics of modern games to the point where people aren't shelling out thousands just to get better frames on games. It's so damn annoying.
  11. Man, the forums for console updates are dead. Anyway, I'll say this exp update has been pretty rough. I'm on an Xbox One X (not the series) and the exp game has been laggy in big cities, lots of hand bugs, bugged loot, stuff that's been going on forever, really, just in abundance. Barely ANYBODY on this update I've met has been friendly, I guess they didn't read the loading screen hint about using your mic. 😒 My last death I saw a guy in Svet running, I decided to not have my gun out so I could make a friendly approach, but he hid around a corner with a pistol and attacked me. I had time to turn around and shoot back, but selecting my shotgun from the hotbar wouldn't work because the knife wouldn't get out of my hands! I held X several times to drop it but it wouldn't drop, then I tried to run into a house but like always 50 zombies were on me and 3 were on my attacker and the lag was too much for me to open the door in time to get in. Pretty frustrating. I think that'll do for playing exp update for now. ffs. Zombies seem to be barely interested in people shooting loud sniper rifles in the middle of cities, and instead all swarm on 1 person trying to run through the city quietly to get out. It seems like the game is rewarding campers and it's super frustrating. Also I wish the zombies were more of a threat on their own without other player involvement. There used to be big hordes, but now it's like 1 aggros at a time in most situation. The crossbow is a nice addition, I think, but unrealistic to keep as a weapon outside of role playing. I think if it had a quiver (maybe an attachable slot on the crossbow) so holding more ammo for it would be less of a hassle, that would help its usefulness very much.
  12. Kohlbar

    1.21 Experimental Release

    The chain symbol indicates a poor or bad connection to the server, doesn't have anything to do with the falling through the map. You may fall through the map while the chain symbol is appearing because that means you're lagging, but that's the only connection. Falling through the map has been an issue that I've noticed since gas zones were added, and in the last couple patches of playing official servers, I can't remember ever falling through the map, and I play a good bit. I think it might affect community servers more. ------------------------------------------------------------ I said earlier about sprinting power attacks seeming to be broken, I think I was wrong, they only seem to require more of a run-up than I thought, but they've been working consistently when giving sufficient sprinting time, like 3 or 4 seconds then press RT. I still haven't found a Xbow yet, so they seem pretty rare. It would be cool to have bows back in the game so freshies could craft a ranged, albeit primitive, weapon for themselves on the coast. I noticed there's an improvised bolt which is awesome, because you can craft ammo when you have a Xbow. Otherwise I've run into silent wolves still. They might've been previously aggroed. On with the search for a crossbow, I guess.
  13. Sprinting power attacks are still inconsistent, it sometimes takes 2, 3, or 4 RT presses to get the character to swing while sprinting EDIT: I think I was wrong, the power attacks are working consistently if I sprint a little longer before pressing RT.
  14. Kohlbar

    Stable Update 1.20

    This should be posted on the console updates thread. You can still combine items, the control just changed from pressing B to holding B. Hope that helps.
  15. I'm concerned that may be true. DayZ is the best game they've made and it seems like it's on a backburner.