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About hemmo

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  1. hemmo

    Experimental Update 1.07

    Yes! Finallyy rubber bullits!!!!
  2. hemmo

    Chistmas and dayZ

    My appologies, my native languish is not english. So hence the spelling mistakes ofcourse. How ever, are you implying that these so called pre-mature underdeveloped featurs are sometimes witten in the wrong coding languish?
  3. hemmo

    Chistmas and dayZ

    So please enlighten me. When 1.0 came put, just before christmas 2018. It was really broken. And yet now in 2019, its again broken with Christmas. The inventory issues make it unplayable. So how did this happen? Chistmas time is THE most important time for games as lots of ppl are gaming when there off familiy duties. And whats this 40% discount all about when the inventory isnt even working proberly? Merry Christmas,
  4. hemmo

    1.05 vehicles and server performance

    Different teams like to work on different versions of the game. Often reintroducing the same old bugss again... it happens alooot. Just make a ticket in the feedback tracker.
  5. hemmo

    Experimental Update 1.05

    Certain bullet calibers might be inefficient over range Please fix the above first before implementing, it affects players much
  6. hemmo

    Experimental Update 1.05

    No you dont. It was like that untill 0.61. You really dooonnt want it.
  7. hemmo

    Experimental Update 1.05

    Would you like some crackers with your wine?
  8. hemmo

    Need more tents!

    Install the trader mod on the server with tents only
  9. hemmo

    Base buildin unbalance

    Play mod servers, that have good mods, rules and admins
  10. Gdmt was a sad collection of forum trolls are represented here. Just play the modss & enjoyy.
  11. I made a gate in a apartement on a modded server where fences are indistructable. By closing i can not see or acces the door anymore how can i open this? Magical door
  12. You are right, nothing really spawns there for exept the stuff you find in cherno tents. Last 3 times i went there nothing much. And light dangerous travel due vunerability.
  13. Its kinda frustrating but some little bird said it was because of the server queuve. And for me, i apprears to be like that. So join servers that arnt full
  14. No serious... wtf. This borwser isnt functional since 1.0.. who ever is the responsible dev should be sacked. Any fixing if even disabling antialiasing + validating doesnt work?
  15. hemmo

    Experimental Update 1.04.151974

    This is awesome, keep it in devs. Great job! 👍