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Mookie (original)

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About Mookie (original)

  • Rank
    Helicopter Humper

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    In your tent

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  1. Mookie (original)

    Stable Update 1.07

    There seems to be no update download - the only option I can get is to reinstall the whole game. That can't be right, can it?
  2. Mookie (original)

    Stable Update 1.06

    You're lucky to even get in tbh.
  3. Mookie (original)

    Stable Update 1.06

    With your national background I'd take a little more care with that word.
  4. Mookie (original)

    Stable Update 1.06

    Couldn't agree more. Children should stay out.
  5. Mookie (original)

    Stable Update 1.06

    So why say that I "ain't gonna tell" you what to do with your English? And yes I know where Serbia is, and have some historical knowledge of it. Can't be bothered with you mate.
  6. Mookie (original)

    Predictable update chaos

    "Countering unnecessary bitching"? BI is a commercial enterprise, with a responsibility to its customers, who have paid for its product. No one, with the possible exception of those who work for PR firms it pays to reply to forum posts, can actually make its product work right now. Apart from your rune-reading, suggestion in one post that PC owners read another forum, and then admission in the next that they should have been reading this forum, why do you think it is so difficult for BI just to...tell its customers (be they players, server owners, or both) when it plans to release an update? Why is that so difficult?
  7. Mookie (original)

    Predictable update chaos

    This is the PC forum. "Vague aims" and "count on Wednesdays" don't really cut it I'm afraid. As it is, the ten people I regularly play with, and I, can't even get into vanilla. Stop defending it pls. This is a cock-up.
  8. Mookie (original)

    Stable Update 1.06

    I suppose you mean you don't punctuate anything. Not sure punctuation is the greatest of your problems tbh. Are you sure this is your native language?
  9. Mookie (original)

    Predictable update chaos

    Where is the notification on BI's forum about the update release? "Signs" may be good for rune-readers such as yourself, but sadly fail the rest of us.
  10. Mookie (original)

    Stable Update 1.06

    "Dude", learn to speak and punctuate English before you admonish others pls.
  11. Mookie (original)

    Predictable update chaos

    For God's sake BI, give people some notice of updates. Your customer care has gone to crap. Now all the server owners and mod players are thrashing around. I'd say it's "unbelievable", but no, it's perfectly believable. There has been at least one thread here in the past 48 hrs asking when the update was due and your mods didn't even bother replying. Does anyone from BI even read this forum any more?
  12. Mookie (original)

    Please update your servers.

    I can't get into any of my favorites. There was a DZSA update about three hours ago, and now all has gone to crap.
  13. Mookie (original)

    Helicopters and No Smoke

    In the good 'ol days when heli hunting and trading were a serious playstyle, there was more than one occasion where I'd see two or even three smokers together around GM or the Lopatino Loop. sighs with nostalgia
  14. Mookie (original)

    ok, bohemia, here's how you revive your dead game

    Well, yeah, this tbh. The greatest revolution in the game for me in the past 18 months or so was modded servers (and DZSA launcher). Either there is a server out there somewhere catering for most variations of the game, or you can create one yourself. It's true that vanilla is much less my cup of tea these days (although I still play it occasionally). But as others have said, and despite the enormous potential for variation, perhaps this just isn't for you.
  15. Mookie (original)

    Some observations on sickness

    I'm pretty sure Z hits can make you sick too - especially if they draw blood. In any case, while there may be only two or three means of acquisition, there may be more than one type of infection (eg cholera, as we used to have, 'flu, all kinds of different bacteria, etc) which may have differing symptoms and differing treatments. I think the point is that the in the later .5x patches there were a slightly wider variety of types of sickness and especially of symptoms.